昨天才聽劉牧師這篇信息,今早主也藉Good tv 禱告大軍,牧師的信息《健康的教會生活(一)》:「信主之後,為何沒有經歷到神的恩典祝福?主要的原因在於教會生活。教會生活的第一步,就是信而受洗,並且遵行神的話,脫離彎曲的世代,使生命改變、成熟與蒙福。在教會裡委身於團契,透過陪伴與彼此相交,醫治孤單流浪者的心靈。」 使我明白,教會只是小學,我們必須進入小學謙卑虛己,恆心遵守使徒的教訓(使二:42),學習真道。然後,我們要長大成熟滿有基督長成的樣式,不再只是吃靈奶的嬰孩,而是像耶穌一樣起來服事人,服事弟兄姐妹、慕道友,在教會、在家庭、社會、鄰里。有耳可聽的我們就向他們傳福音,聽不進的,我們交給神就好了。最重要的是弟兄姐妹要彼此切實相愛,這是主耶穌對門徒耳提面命的話。求主幫助我們能委身教會,學習真道、真愛《林前十三章-愛是無可比的》。奉主耶穌的聖名衷心的祈禱,阿們。
Shalom Pastor Liu, I’m from Malaysia, I understand Mandarin and Hokkien but I don’t write so well 🤭I’ve enjoyed all your sermons and learned from you different understanding of the gospel, another perception and views! The Lord Jesus bless you with many more wonderful years of pastoring ❤️
1 John 3:18-19 Dear children,let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence. Thank you pastor for speaking up so that we may repent and change our attitude of worship.greeting from Singapore.