We just came back from Mongolia and had good experiences. Our hostel arranged a 4wheel drive and a non English speaking driver for us for 6d5n, no guide. We paid a package fee that included accommodation, fuel and entry tickets. We were told beforehand that our accommodation will be very basic and may not have shower except for one location. Not once were we asked to top up during our journey. I think it’s about accepting what you paid for. Had I wanted to upgrade to better stays or take part in activities certainly I will expect to top up.
Share your frustuation. But there isn't much you can do at that moment. Far away from city without transportation. The decision to be made is to stop and return to capital? Will continue watch the whole series.
明白到有幾唔甘心,去到當下,騎虎難下咁.. 欣賞你地兩個大無畏精神,仲可以互相扶持,無發火無不停埋怨,係好難得。 不過真係好危險,尤其個咁既導遊經常坐地起價,繼續既話真係預左要當水魚咁任劏.. 仲要唔負責安全,咁唔負責任既人.. 由佢帶領真係好危險,發生咩事都唔知。不過都係嗰句,好彩人無事,雖然未來既野無人預計到,但若有下次,記得再慎重啲,當然最好就無下次😆 btw,之前無乜留言,想講埋,其實你地拍既片,手法,攞景嗰啲真係好正,拍得好靚,多謝你地用心拍片分享❤ take good care and all the best!
其實最主要問題係無諗過個導遊賴皮,所以最多話諾穎信錯人揀左個伏團,但唔洗講到佢地錯晒仲人身攻擊,最有問題依然係個導遊。同埋佢地咁後生,好想多啲新體驗係正常,缺乏經驗都係正常,咁人係不停撞板先會學習同變得更成熟架啦,佢地係片都有講過經過今次中伏,下次會再做好啲功課,咁已經證明佢地係有反思。至於留言鬧既,明白有啲人係出於擔心同dum諾穎唔抵,但有某部分好似blame the victim 咁鬧諾穎既人,我覺得真係心地好差。係既知你事前會做好多plan,有common sense,咁大佬呀我地都係人黎架姐,有啲位無知左好正常喎,你自己都實有啲方面既知識係匱乏啲架啦,人非聖賢。至於plan唔plan依啲真係睇人,有啲人就係比較無plan,咁當然結果出到黎就好似諾穎咁中左伏,但依啲後果都係佢地自己去承受返,唔覺得有必要係依個位去攻擊佢地,依啲野真係純粹個人選擇,點解個個做野一定要學到你咁做先係好😅?你可以建議但唔可以因為人地唔跟你個套就話人地有問題囉。