Ryan真係成肚墨水,好鍾意睇你d片送飯💕可以搵機會講下雲拿嗎🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻雖然佢喺車仔嘅表現未如大家期望,但真係好鍾意好鍾意佢💕😭 可能喺車仔之前冇乜人留意佢啦,其實佢年輕喺萊比錫因為一次插水之後,一直受到左全國嚴重線上同線下嘅人身攻擊、辱罵。從此之後每次出場都要接受全場震耳欲聾嘅噓聲、連自己嘅國家隊debut戰入替都被自己嘅國人噓同唱「添姆雲拿你個son of a b itch」(youtube好多片有興趣可以搵下),而其他一齊新上陣嘅同輩接受歡呼同鼓掌,呢個強烈嘅對比對一個二十二歲嘅年輕人黎講真係好hurt。 甚至依家由車仔返萊比錫d人都未放過佢,(當然都同德國人本身就好憎萊比錫呢點有關,罪加一等😵),但係一直都係默默忍受,選擇用表現證明自己😢
His poor decision is that let Timo Werner and others to leave the Club and use huge money to let Sterling to join the Club in this season. All the motion and movement of players are so poor and slow and to be failed in this season. Actually why you concerned the past history of Chelsea ?
@0yeah8182 жыл бұрын
All defender in leaving how to keep the power?
@SwagHK8522 жыл бұрын
First of all ,I believe Sterling is one of the most underrated player in the premier league and 47.5 million is not a huge investment in transfer market nowadays . Second,it’s just a poor form at the start of the season . Look at the table , Liverpool is not as good as last season, they are in struggle, so do you think they need to sack Klopp? Don’t you think he deserves more time to fix the problem but not leaving like this? Last, the title is to summarise the last 19 months of TT era and pay tribute to him. That’s the reason I am concerned about the past history of Chelsea.
@MayMay-fe2ki2 жыл бұрын
If Sterling is not a huge investment, Timo Werner was sold at nearly half price of Sterling, that is too low and unreasonable prices for selling him back to Germany. If 2 choose 1, I want Timo Werner to stay in the Club even they are the same price. Finally, you need to have a look, how much contributions for Timo Werner for many important matches during last season !