你真的很棒, 也很勇敢. 這不是一般隨口說說 "我很愛動物耶... 他們都好可愛喔..." 的人做得到的. 你是真正愛動物的人. 你讓她很安心, 也很開心地度過了這15 天. 謝謝你這樣照顧她/他. 以下我會用英文寫給你. 對不起, 中文不是我的母語, 所以, 下面的話用中文實在寫不出來; 但是又實在很想告訴你. 希望多多少少你可以猜出我想告訴你的話. Again, 你真的很棒! 那隻小小貓 saw the energy of your caring, as she/he leaving rapidly. We are at a great change of Cycles, and many souls are learning, 包括你我. It is very hard to see them go, but it means many loving, clever spirits actually are inspiring us more from the Heaven. God bless you, 兒小育. There's such a beautiful soul in you, as I could see. Hang in there! I'm so proud of you. Sending you and that kitten lights...