@@yanbai2750说到为什么穆斯林跑到欧洲国家去,我记得很多年前看过的一个片段。大学课堂上白女与伊拉克男孩辩论不过,她最后甩了句why don’t u go back to ur home? 伊拉克男孩的表情几乎是沉痛的,说we will, as long as you get out from it. 快十年过去了,一直还记得很清楚
It’s such a great documentary, bravo for a Chinese point of view to look into the issues of jihadist and terrorisme. It’s never easy to maintain a mindset of compromising and questioning every single moments. But hopefully, a collection of micro steps would transmute into a bridge towards a better harmony across identities.
I watched all episodes with my wife. It was a very well-made documentary with a nuanced view. I enjoyed watching it a lot and was especially touched by the last episode. Thank you for your great effort in producing this!
I'm pretty much touched. 非常有力量,也很感动的最后一集!这个世界没有那么好,但也没那么坏。人与人是不同的,但是每个人都身而为人。我们应包容彼此的不同,又不忘彼此的相同。爱是活着的终极意义,人文情怀是世界的光。几位恐怖袭击遇难者的亲属是多么地坚强啊!宗教和信仰的(正向)力量其实也很强大。非常震撼的纪录片!这部片子的社会影响力是巨大的,最后一集强调了教育需要与时俱进,另外我想也证明了民主制度的价值。多希望能够在大陆被广泛传播。谢谢您和所有工作人员!期待看到今后更多的作品,感谢您的坚持让我看到了什么叫生生不息。最后,柴爸爸RIP。
Thank you so much Chai Jing and your team, for making this masterpiece. I am a native Chinese and I live in a world far away from the terrorism. But I've always been wondering what makes a human to become a terrorist, and this series certainly answered my questions and inspired me in so many ways at the same time. I hope this can spread to regions that is suffering from extremism, and if this can be viewed by extremists, I believe they could get some enlightment. You're truly making efforts to make it a better world, respect to you and your team.
今晚一口气看完了六集,讲得真好,真深刻,讲了很多我思考到和没思考到的问题,最后被感动的哭了。明天就去重温《穹顶之下》和《看见》。Super well made documentary!! Absolutely loved the wording and everything! Thank you so much for the efforts! Keep the good work coming❤❤❤