往生極樂誓願文。 阿彌陀佛才是我們的究竟歸依處, 極樂世界才是我們真正的故鄉。 輪回路險,生死無常。 往生西方,就在今生。 往生西方,就在今生。 往生西方,就在今生。 阿彌陀佛! 阿彌陀佛! 阿彌陀佛! 南無阿彌陀佛。 讚佛偈。 阿彌陀佛身金色,相好光明無等倫。 白毫宛轉五須彌,紺目澄清四大海。 光中化佛無數億,化菩薩眾亦無邊。 四十八願度眾生,九品咸令登彼岸。 南無西方極樂世界大慈大悲阿彌陀佛! Verse in Praise of Amitabha Buddha Amitabha Buddha’s body is of gold color, His signs and marks are bright, with unequalled virtue, His white curled tuft is like five mount Sumerus, And his blue eyes deep and clear, like the four great oceans. Within the light appear countless billions of manifested Buddhas, And the manifested bodhisattva assembly is also boundless. With forty-eight vows to liberate living beings, The nine grades let them ascend to the other shore. Homage to the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss, Most kind, most compassionate, Amitabha Buddha.