The airiness of Joe's sonorous voice, complemented by beautiful yangqin music played by the renowned recitalist Bryan Lai, created an ethereal yet poetically beautiful ambience of a lonesome blue night, with the moon casting its gentle glow on a solitary figure. This persona, in pain of unrequited love, questioning why his beloved withheld the affection that had once flickered in her gaze. As Joe navigated the melody, he expressively conveyed the depths of the persona's suffering, capturing the aching anticipation and yearning for the return of his fervent love. Joe’s singing was superb and emotive, culminating in an exquisite final note that left a lingering sadness in the air ….
@HelenTse-w8wАй бұрын
@connie262 ай бұрын
Joe哥, 广东歌也掌握得好好的旋律🎤🎶🎵👍😋😋
@deannieyuen3112 ай бұрын
It's a very sincere love song.👍🏻
@EnrichMakingMoneyOnlineEnrichM2 ай бұрын
Doesn't it go against the grain to have a good-natured singer singing "As Cold As Ice'? Fortunately, that murmur of 'Thank You' at the end of the song puts the singer back in his nature. However, the singer has fared well in delivering what appears to be a 'chilly' song. This song 'As Cold as Ice' poses a question 'Why are you as cold and arrogant as ice? It's her eyes that have grown ice-cold to give that ice-cold stare she fixes on him. She's got to fix this icey problem - the cause of the singer's consternation. Instead, she seems fixed on putting out the fire in his heart with her eyes! It's gonna be a clash of the titans when passion meets dispassion!