the speech of mayun, founder of alibaba is always dynamic, future-oriented and challenge evoking. he delivers a hopeful message to young people. i truly respect his courage, entrepreneurial spirit ,vision and accomplishment. 我钦佩马云🐎 从济州道 simon park
Excellent speech and very enlightening.But winner say winning words. If he is born 20 yrs later, he may not succeed even if he is optimistic.Rich and poor gap widens with respect to time. The later you are born, the tougher it is.Your earlier generation have already thought and exploited all business ideas.leaving very little gaps for you to succeed as Entreprenuer.He can succeed is because he is born early. and people born during that time generally lacks wisdom. So being a little witty, you will beat the rest.
@melissa954148 жыл бұрын
Every generation faces unique problem sets. The society is evolving, so as the problems people face. There is always room for innovation and new ideas in business aspects. For example, globalization brings opportunities and challenges to business. Yet this challenge remain unsolvable, problematic for many businesses. Like every subject which have contributed to the prosperity of the world, if human being has the desire to trade and resources are scare, there is room to business. Business is an ongoing, continuous process. Rich and poor gap always exist, but also the middle class would raise over generations, so well cultural richness. I think success requires a little more than just being witty. :)
woah, marvelous. It isn't often that we youngsters get encourage like that. Nor are we often seen valuable. But after hearing Jack Ma, I feel that I, or we as youths in the twenties do have some value. That our next 20 years can make a difference even if we have not lead a wonderful past. :/
Frank Law 你也沒有深度分析各方對比過歷史。 每個的地方和組織都存在一些渣滓,這是人類也是一種動物具有的自然本能天性(七宗罪)和認知社會人格缺失造成。 江青賤雞想利用顔色革命爲自己恢復帝制,造成的傷害這是事實(歷史上每次更新換代徹底洗禮都是如此)。 以民爲主是每個政黨根本價值,和毛澤東說的爲人民服務一樣。但是長期被資本利集體控制的媒體輿論的政黨,民主選舉制度成爲體制是不合理的。 用西方用民主制度和幾十年前的問題來抨擊起步低遲發展中國家是不合理的(霉國建國1783.中國建國1949.雙方相差166年)。 我覺得大陸政治觀一直不缺乏民主性,衹是在各方勢力壓力下和輿論沁入,一邊保衛不成爲奴役國一邊想讓從長期帝制和戰爭形成13億文盲人民社會進化出有效發展性社會全體意識是很努力的。 大陸從幾十年前文革結束開始清理和開放客觀事實言論,新一代的大陸人有人大代表大會和自媒體、先進網絡曝光已經決定和很多國策,加上發腐敗監控體制完善。看來衹能越來越好。竟然有人說中國政府專制。大陸衹有一個政黨,衹能爲民衆發展做好,要不然就是滅亡。還有大陸總統是階梯選拔出來的,每一個都有長期治理地區的經驗。 而臺灣卻沒從蔣介石的自淫獨裁腐敗中醒悟(也是大陸民衆不接受蔣介石的原因),反而被短淺資本利益集團政黨,利用西方虛僞民主表皮用政治輿論扭曲掩蓋事實來達到對民衆的思想控制,走向思想獨裁。實在可悲~