We never forget that early morning of December 8, 1941 when the imperial command rocked the world. Oh, our memorable morning! We swore firmly in that day to enter Washington. Unmasked the countenances of "freedom", you revealed your beastly natures, Americans! Anyone never forgives your outrageous deeds: The time to punish has come! Now our imperial armies with flying colors are marching to Washington. However great your producing power may be, the material advantage cannot decide the war. Our Yamato spirits are invincible: your ships are just our easy targets! We will destroy and sink the enemies, until the bottom of the Pacific Ocean becomes shallow. The Pearl Harbor was destroyed, the Solomon Sea fell into our hands. You know our righteous power! The day will come without delay when you will lower your head to Japanese ships passing through the Panama canal. Oh Roosevelt, don't forget! You should reap what you has sown. Up with the Rising Sun and down with the Stars. We will raise our national flag in the sky of Washington high! Our target is the U.S. capital, Washington! Our target is the U.S. capital, Washington!