Kudos to you. The attention to detail at 3:02 is amazing. Cutting to Kamina giving Simon his last pep talk as the song slows down. The spiral gage dwindling showing a moment of weakness. Cutting both young and old Simon in to shout "my drill is the drill that creates the heavens". Pretty good stuff there in just a few seconds!
それが何なのかはわかりませんが、私は実際に泣くことはありません。でも、0:22のサイモンがカミナと同じポーズをとっているだけです。彼がこのポーズで自信を持って立っているのを見るだけで、いつも感情が高ぶってしまいます。そもそもこんなに泣き虫なのに、努力さえすれば人生のことはすべて可能になるような気がして、どういうわけかとても感情的になりました。I dont know what it is, I actually never cry, but just Simon at 0:22 doing the same pose as kamina, it just always makes me feel so overwhelmed with emotions, just seeing him in this pose, this confident, as he was such a crybaby in the first place, it somehow really hits me emotionally as if you feel like everything in life is possible if you just put enough effort in it.