मधुवंती तुझा आवाज किती गोड आणि मधुर आहे ऐकताना डोळ्यातुन आपोआप अश्रू वाहू लागले इतक तल्लिन व्हायला झाल
@umeshselukar47511 күн бұрын
खूप छान
@DKMKartha10815 күн бұрын
Thank you for this soulful Nand. Thank you especially for using two Tanpura-s! They are the divine source of sookshma SRuti-s that add a magical element to the singer's and the listeners' consciousness. I believe they add something to the satyam, Shivam, and sundaram of music. Artificial tanpura-s cannot CREATE svayambhoo svara-s. Those harmonics are self-created! Thank you Vidushi Madhuvanti-ji Deo for this gift.