So rare you get to see someone who's gonna be famous when they're still small But fr bro great video keep it up
@somirir10 күн бұрын
I appreciate the kind words, vid on Kendricks GNX comin soon
@shtogie5972Күн бұрын
Great work man. 😊
@jonathanbarnes76412 күн бұрын
Please do one of these videos on BLU and Exile!
@Troy223444 күн бұрын
when did kendrick talk about DOOM? 5:51
@somirir3 күн бұрын
To be completely honest, Kendrick talking about DOOM was never confirmed, but I always heard that he might have bren influenced by DOOM, but, I could be wrong.
@_homeboi1_11 күн бұрын
I don't consider Madvilliany the best Doom's album, because it gets a lil bit boring in the middle. It's still good, but for me: King Geedorah > Madvilliany (Btw great video man, keep it up🤟)