Maharishikaa | Neo advaita nonsense versus surrender to Source | Preeti Upanishad

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A terrified Kriton asks Maharishikaa to help him overcome the crippling fear of losing his identity in the process of surrender on the path of self realization. Breaking down the neo advaita concepts that have brought these fears into many seekers like Kriton, Maharishikaa lucidly shows him how the neo advaitin teachings that are devoid of surrender, and full of contradictory statements like 'I Am the Soul', are what bring about this fear of dissolution of identity. She pulls him out of the conceptual constructs that plague him, and shows him why surrender can never make him lose himself, neither make him go mad. She maps out for him what starts to happen, if one fearlessly takes up this practice.
#Maharishikaa #NeoAdvaita #IAmThis
Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography: maharishikaa.o...
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@JennaSpence-b1r Жыл бұрын
I have been on a spiritual path for nearly 30 years. I saw Maharishikaa's videos and went to an Immersive this year. For the past 6 months, I have stopped trying to feel 'I am the Soul' . I am feeling so much joy in my little, simple identity. Life has sweetness and fullness in it again. I had been meditating way too much, and I lost my ability to cope with life and felt as though everything had lost its meaning. Maharishikaa put order into the mess and has profoundly changed my life. Namaskaar Maiyaa
@premabaul7570 7 ай бұрын
That's why she is saying it...for you. Otherwise self is atma... it is known.
@peterszabo5991 8 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if you are going to see this comment of mine but your open approach and tolerance to what truth is to an individual is truly admirable. I love how you told at the end that we shouldn't trust an other person but ourselves to find our meaning and purpose. Although I have a bit different views but I respect your ways and I thank you for offering us a new light on these teachings.
@Ahovein Жыл бұрын
What to do? if you're not brave enough to go with the truth. Or if you're lazy, lazy, lazy... She is something else. Always inconvenient, I love it
@donsoley746 5 ай бұрын
Suddenly this wonderful lady has given me hope. I so got confused with western surrender - wanted to believe - but didn’t. This lady says what IS believable to me..thanks so very much…
@spiritualanarchy5465 Жыл бұрын
I was in an ego destroying cult with an evil tantra. I'm sooo very glad I found someone who thinks profound but simple! Thank you
@rishikesh1087 Жыл бұрын
Which cult was that? Just curious after reading your bio on your KZbin page
@robinriches7798 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful like a surgeon. Precise.
@marial.8458 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing clarity into how to be living a spiritual life and being present 💕
@hansgouda8593 8 ай бұрын
I have learned from Ramana's words that I don't have to worry about 'my ego' at all. The question 'who am I' has no answer, but every answer in the the mind shows what you are not. The observer, the observation and that which is observed is everything and that is enough.
@freetibet1000 9 ай бұрын
Although I really hesitate to make a west vs. east distinction I must confess that I have started so notice a similar thing happening within the Buddhist community as well. Not so much that we see western teachers cherry-picking a non-duality approach among all the topics within the Buddhist teachings, but rather we see western senior teachers putting together their own mix of favourite topics and approaches that they then launch on a competitive spiritual market. All of a sudden we learn about a whole new Buddhist ‘lineage’ that is being marketed as ‘secular’ buddhism. Presumably for those who chose to ignore or couldn’t bear the sacred aspects and have no idea why someone could benefit from going on a pilgrimage, for instance. Or chanting prayers, for that matter. Another group of people have come to only accept the Buddhist teachings on a very scaled-down form of Vipassana and nothing else. Obviously missing the point that vipassana is embedded within everything a Buddhist practitioner do. Then we have the ones that so bravely take on the role of a Varja Master and start propagating Buddhist tantra and varjayana without providing with the proper preparations and precautions. Arrogantly, foundational practices are being shunned and disregarded as archaic and for lesser endowed students only. In all of this we see a profound arrogant attitude in the western mind towards many of the traditional aspects that is being experienced as uncomfortable or less sexy. In all of this we see one very obvious factor; -a profound lack of wisdom and a deep disrespect for the sanity and intelligence with which these traditions were designed to be of maximum benefit several millennia ago. We are witnessing a hi-jack and a distortion of these sacred traditions taking place in front of us, right now. In many cases these practices from our sacred traditions are being peddled as mere therapeutic remedies to a public that have no inclinations towards giving rise to wisdom or reach transcendence. It is as if everything that is being touched by the western mind turns into ash and dust. It looses all its power and potency in the hands of these people.
@AtomkeySinclair 8 ай бұрын
I like your comment especially the closing. There is certainly a lack of reliable teachers. You are probably right about brand-stamping a spiritual concept and selling it. However, for the many people that experience the non-dual state without any teaching, and without even trying to obtain enlightenment... How is that explained? No books, no teachings or teachers - just the event and then going out to discover what happened... only to find someone is making a book about it or selling seminars. From the aware position, there is no position. There's nothing remarkable going on - just everything is happening as it is without actual effort on anything being formed, except the blind belief - that it is real. Where is the explanation on how this can occur for so many that have no actual mythos to reference? We can't blame a hi-jacked spiritual teaching of any kind from any culture for it happening where people have no clue about the teaching in the first place... For them, it was a spontaneous realization that they were in the middle of a non everything. They could be a waitress at a coffee shop that never had a day in church, and then it happens. Or it could be a Baptist Pastor in the southern states... and the next thing you know they denounce their faith - realizing it was never real either. That's an issue for all faith leaders of all kinds.
@johnmiller0000 4 ай бұрын
"It's a quiet path of growing joy. It's not this explosion into enlightenment." 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Juan2142 Жыл бұрын
realization and surrendering are but the same, they are both not forgetting. When truth is experienced all this is just semantics, both the same
@thedolphin5428 9 ай бұрын
What a stupid semantic concept, just what she was trying to debunk. You obviously have NO CLUE about either. They are vastly different, and are both PROCESSES *not goals or endpoints* as means to something even more.
@Marco-wq7nn 5 ай бұрын
She confuses the I AM as a direct knowing from I AM as a thought. But I AM is a direct experience as you do not think about experience, but experience experience. Thoughts need the I AM to be able to show up at all. Even if there is no thought there is still the I AM. By suggesting to surrender she follows a more bhakti approach, but she gives nothing to surrender to. That is why it will not work as surrender is always dual.
@MrResearcher122 5 ай бұрын
When his mum was dying, Ramana maharshi said a prayer to Shiva asking to save his mum. That's clearly a dualistic expression. This lady sounds like she speaks and knows Sanskrit. Does Rupert Spira and Mooji etc know Sanskrit?
@Luiza_Haas Жыл бұрын
This is a great clarification, thank you.
@this-abledtheextravertedhe5299 Жыл бұрын
Lovely ❤️🥰❤️ 🙏🏻
@jagathmithya719 Жыл бұрын
Who gave her the title Maharishika?
@thedolphin5428 9 ай бұрын
Usually it's the disciples. What starts off as respect (in the Hindu/Brahmin tradition) gets amplified by groupthink (especially in the west, in other words, the Marketing Dept.) until the religious titles get stacked up into, for example, His Holiness, Bhagwan, Sri Sri, Paramahansa, etc. I suspect "Maharishikaa" was a bit of a feminist finger to all the male Rishis!
@amiraarora5002 Жыл бұрын
Listen to Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji Vedanta society NY .. Faslse ego gets replaced by a Healthy ego .
@mrchristian87 Жыл бұрын
Yes, ego is a function of the body for propelling the body into favorable situations. When left unchecked it can lead to much suffering. Along with the constructs of the mind, emotions which include sexual desire are emergent functions of the body.
@ChelseaDrouin 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Maharishikaa ❤
@thedolphin5428 9 ай бұрын
Hooray. Someone dissing all the neo-Adwaitan rubbish.
@terrypaul7706 7 ай бұрын
I AM is the name of God in the bible! It is the name of the creator! Which is the imagination within all bodies! It is the awareness of being ! With out awareness of something there is no thing! No experience! No 5 senses, no body! No perception! It brings forth this existence! The body is the emination of this awareness! When you say I AM you are declaring bringing forth your experience! I AM poor you will be poor! I AM love you will experience love! I AM seperate, you will be separate! It is all I AM imagining! So you are to know and surrender to your imagination in love! That is the present moment! Everything you experience in this moment was first imagined! First a desire to become! Before this body was born it was first imagined
@danieljones_ Жыл бұрын
Can anybody tell me the name and meaning of that circular symbol that Maharishikaa wears?
@markbrashear5280 4 ай бұрын
@ruchiyadav2014 3 ай бұрын
That or this in your vocabulary is reflection of your state of surrender
@darlindal6119 8 ай бұрын
@TheFifthWorld22 6 ай бұрын
sending Love
@AtomkeySinclair 8 ай бұрын
4:10 ~ It is much better to be afraid of the ego than to be afraid of the truth? !! My goodness, I would rather be afraid of nothing !! Gurus, pastors, priests, and mystics of a kinds are out of business if people become aware. Aware means you see the truth of the materials in this place while keeping complete objectivity in that awake state of mind that is being only. You don't need a teacher for it to happen. It just does. She is right about one thing however. For people that have this (I Am Aware) occur, there is often no mythos for them to reference (a cushion or guide). But once aware, all mythos is revealed to be contrived (all religious practices for all time). So then even if the spiritual leader helped to get there, their value is obliterated shortly after. This even goes for all language. In the Aware state, There is no way to make any sort of distinguishing evaluation of any measure where measurement is in itself a contrived concept that has no place to fit into something that cannot be measured (go measure the infinite mind if you like). You are wasting non existent time measuring and evaluating non existent everything. That some guru cannot comprehend what you are talking about isn't anyone's fault - for there is no fault. Be you, aware of all that you aren't = which is nearly everything you sense with the body... If I were a spiritual leader and could not relate this experience, I might be concerned that I'm missing something. You're not. Continue with your teaching as normal. But certainly don't tell someone they haven't reached another state simply because your model of states doesn't accommodate someone else's. Be patient. To help support the Aware position I pose a question: How many archetypes can you think of? List them all, you can google if you want. But once done, create a new archetype without using the existing ones you have listed. You cannot. The sandbox of what you believe is real has constraints on what can be made with it (inside of it if you like). Archetypes are set. We contrived our lives with them and collectively agreed on them to such magnitude we created false everything. If the archetypes were all gone, what are you left with? But look, you cannot add to them or remove one. So, if your reality is so real and flexible... why are you unable to create a new archetype. Because they don't exists in reality, only in the sandbox. In truth is all - where all is possible, not just some things. The drawback is not knowing where to proceed after the Awareness event. No mythos. No human guide. No lies. Just pure truth. The knowing transcends the faith, belief, and hope of human contrived teaching. The only guide is the state of being and an expectation that this was an initial step. She even said it 4:50 = we think we are advanced. That's right - to the magnitude that we manufacture it. Forget you ever had everything and what are you left with? 6:01 ~ You take an identity - she says that much so far. And then she says these are constructs 6:19. So far she is saying what the Aware people are saying. But then she gets into the selection process of choice. She mentions duality (binary impulse at the center)... She is suggesting you can't get to pure ego-less. There is no I from the real world (it relies on the constructs/language) that translates to the unique knowledge of I from the Aware. There just is, which is the infinite I from the other. Nothing (here) has any quality by which it can be evaluated from any position of discernment (there). Pretty dang simple. Not confusing. But some people that have this happen, also have no preexisting frame of reference (derived from the identity you TAKE) to take advantage of the state. After all, if all is for not, then nothing can be done - forever. That's what the spiritual leaders of today get stuck on. But if they would go back into their own mythos a few thousand years they would find the teaching that addresses this Aware state. And that's for all the religions, all over the world. Pick one them - Catholicism - or Mormon - Sufi - Aboriginal - and so on. The same is the case everywhere.
@AtomkeySinclair 8 ай бұрын
At the very start of the video we hear that we are not the soul. "No you are not the soul." Because it is a (conceptual) functional part of the body (the soul depends on the body?). Then at 7:23 she says the surrender is to the soul, the source, the Truth. People listening will believe they aren't their own soul. They have to surrender to some other soul? They won't know that they can known themselves as the soul itself without the noise of the construct she was just talking about. She talks about the binary process. But in doing so is using the archetype binary to describe something that by its own persistence cannot receive description. I expect, saying that I Am, e.g. the soul, is blasphemy. Is this the case?
@AtomkeySinclair 8 ай бұрын
Consider - she absolves herself at the end, saying "And don't trust me..." 16:35 - It's her followers fault if they trust her because they are employing the guru archetype to her (religion) - so you should just pursue your seeker journey in seeker mode. The moment you look up to someone and trust them, and take their word for it, that's religion - she says. The Aware say the same thing, but about everything in existence. Don't look up to anyone ever. Don't follow any teaching - ever. Don't be fooled by the illusion in front of you. It is your fault only when you say to yourself that fault exists (as a universal archetype that is immutable). There is no fault. There is no win. There is no language. No alphabet to make words to form sentences, that also participate in the illusion ~~~ So the act of using language in itself is an exercise in futility for the Aware, but a necessity for those who sleep. The conundrum is this: The Aware can try until they are blue in the face to explain it. It cannot be explained with language. Language is an attempt to translate what the state reveals to those outside of the view. Sounds familiar doesn't it? The Zen master had an answer that gave no fruit. This is the same circular mess we discover in religion in the first place. We are programmed to believe something that moves people away from the truth (you must surrender) and roots them in the illusion of now. You don't surrender. You wake up. There is no surrender. How can you surrender to something you know isn't real? You ego isn't real. It never was. You decided it was and have kept up that thinking for however old you are. Attempts at explaining ourselves relative to the cosmos is a massive stumbling block because Truth is diluted by every word spoken. Truth requires no logos or mythos since it is eternal. That is just more of the same non-existent language and human made concepts that fit in this place as commonly agreed upon reality. Wake up. You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are not your thought. You are walking around in a skin-suit suitable to the sandbox of finite possibility in this position and time (that also don't exist). Yes I said finite. It may seem like all things are possible here - and they are, within the finite combinations of possibility that persist out of finite types. This state of being is like dying. Your old self is obliterated as the sense of complete self insinuates the front position of observation, setting aside all other thinkable things until there is no thought in the mind, and only a state of singular being. There is no I, there is no self-sense, and you are walking around like that... all the time. You can move from being in the world to being I Am with only a little concentration from then on. It is permanent. Attempting to go back is impossible because you have seen it. Listening to someone else tell others they are wrong if you are in this state of being wants the old self to burst out laughing. Take her advice and don't trust her.
@peace-kc2nl 8 ай бұрын
With my limited understanding , Identity here is referred to merely " the body" , with absolute absence of ego (intellectual and conceptual thought form of the physical identity and its superior complex ). Surrendering towards the soul, " the anthaguru ", is mentioned again and again. As per the teachings , Its presence can be felt in this material form equally. And the questionnaire is asked to feel the impulse of the presence , and not to blindly trust her nor believe her blindly. We may not experience in one go, but with constant effort and practise ,one can noticeably feel the presence within and equally without. At the end , all paths , all teachings , every guru and their teachings lead to the same source. Methods vary so as the experience .We must follow what is appealing and give a silent hearing to inner essense.
@nostalgiaurges 7 ай бұрын
​@@AtomkeySinclair that was a nice triggered ego there in your comments for a supposedly non-existant "I"! There is not a single word coming from this woman's mouth that makes any self, old or new, want to burst out laughing. In fact, I must say that it has truly been a relief to walk through this unexpected opening door that automatically enables you to question even the act of awakening - as it is explained by modern spiritual teachers, that is. And I might even decline any conclusions gathered after questioning it and stick to the traditional way of approaching spirituality! But that will be my decision alone. The woman's energy, intent, and discourse, are truly to be taken into account and - at least to my eyes - remarkably impeccable.
@narendranarotam3816 2 ай бұрын
Dont dabble in this...just have devotion to God...bhakti yoga...safest path
@Roland-k6g Ай бұрын
@axut-3928 Ай бұрын
Actually the conceptual is not arising from the body it is coming from the mind, unless you mean the mental body when you say body
@filpaonessa9219 23 күн бұрын
Are Puja Swami Dayananda and Swami Chinmayananda neo Advains or Classical Shankaracharya Advaita Vedanta?
@jackonda598 8 ай бұрын
My ex husband doesn't like old sick people he is only like be around young people. He is waching your Chanel what are you recommend to him? Thanks
@edward6768 10 ай бұрын
Who are the Neo-Advaitan teachers?
@thedolphin5428 9 ай бұрын
Look 'em up, you lazy dick. There's thousands -- usually US or UK or German men over 50 with beards.
@judypaulsel9646 4 ай бұрын
listen to Swami Sarvapriananda to learn about Vedanta 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@allendavis1040 Жыл бұрын
Can anybody recommend any books on these topics?
@waldwassermann Жыл бұрын
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad account mentions that Brahman desired to become many so not to be alone, and he became the multitude of individual souls and the world. Hence perhaps also the focus on "Love" in Christianity. Everybody must come to the same realization eventually through contemplation.
@LeandroAlmeida108 Жыл бұрын
Your soul
@ArkaSarkar-y4r 10 ай бұрын
She looks so dangerous 😅
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