MAHIRU IS JUST A BIT DELULU - Theory/Analysis || MILGRAM 2nd Trial

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@gumiho4899 Жыл бұрын
Some of my thoughts on the MVs: 0:52 First of all, I would like to point something out regarding the corpse’s state: As we can see, the boyfriend’s body is drenched in some kind of liquid that, at first glance, may seem like water. However, instead of this liquid being water that Mahiru supposedly threw at her boyfriend to “wake him up”, it would make more sense for it to be some kind of fluid that the body naturally releases after decaying (organs, muscles, etc. become liquified after death). We can conclude that the boyfriend in this MV has been dead for at least one day now. But when exactly is “now”? -In other words- When does “I Love You” take place, chronologically speaking? This brings me to my next point: The way I see it, the beginning of “I Love You”, up to the point where Mahiru goes to sleep (around 1:55), takes place AFTER the ending of “This Is How To Be In Love With You” (thus everything shown after that is probably a metaphor for Mahiru reminiscing about her boyfriend and their time spent together). To try and answer your Q6 6:37 “What happened on Day16 that caused all this?”: Well, I think most of the events of that day can actually be pieced together now. According to the caption on Day16, Mahiru wanted to surprise her boyfriend by preparing his favourite foods for dinner (probably in an attempt to make him feel less stressed and stay in the relationship with her). After waiting awhile to surprise him, she got sleepy and decided to sleep on the couch until the boyfriend got home. Obviously, he never did, since he went to Aokigahara forest instead and hanged himself while Mahiru was asleep. In the last seconds of “This Is How To Be In Love With You”, we see Mahiru waking up and looking around confused since her boyfriend hadn’t returned home yet. After that, one last blue feather comes falling down. She suddenly turns her head and is shocked by what she has just witnessed. Now, considering that during the MV, blue feathers symbolise the boyfriend and more importantly, his increased stress as a result of Mahiru’s emotional abuse (just like birds lose feathers when frightened or stressed), I think it’s safe to assume that Mahiru witnessing that final feather is a metaphor for “witnessing” her boyfriend’s death. As to how she did that, despite having just woken up on her home couch, the answer is simple: After his body was discovered, the boyfriend’s suicide was announced on TV. Thus, what made Mahiru turn her gaze to the TV and go pale as a ghost, was probably a live announcement of her boyfriend’s death/suicide. This could also explain why the boyfriend’s body seems so deteriorated in the second MV (he’s been dead for some time now), plus why Mahiru doesn’t seem shocked by the corpse (she’d already been informed about his death)
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
i really like ur theory! this clears up the big mystery about what mahiru would be doing at the forest and it connects lots of dots!
@gumiho4899 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Personally, I don’t think Mahiru ever physically went to the forest, despite it being her “crime scene”. Guiding her boyfriend through the forest (where he later hanged himself) could mean that, after being voted guilty in the first trial, Mahiru actually realises now how she literally drove him to suicide. She’s currently aware that what they were feeding to each other wasn’t real cake (true, genuine love), but instead rats (toxic love and “matching pain”, as she describes it).
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Everything you said so far really makes perfectly sense!! Especially the connections! I love it so much I had to pin this!!^^ But something that still feels odd is if Mappi actually was at the crime scene(/the forest). For example, on Fuuta's prison card, his bedroom is shown and that's where his "murder occurred". But we know for a fact his victim didn't literally die in his bedroom. I actually think the prison card shows us where the prisoner were when their victim died, but not the literally exact spot. More like a 3rd Person POV. So, in Fuuta's case, he personally didn't see the death of his victim. Meaning he wasn't personally there. Yet on Mappi's prison card, it shows the cave of Aokigahara.. I'm not sure where I'm going with this info, but it's interesting to know. Personally, I prefer your theory that she was at home sleeping and received the news of her boyfriends death through TV way more!! Her being asleep in a cave in the forest makes no sense. Someone else in the comment section mentioned that in Aokigahara there is a place where you can spend your holidays. It's possible that Mappi and her boyfriend went there..
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
Cool profile picture
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
But when people commit suicide they usually don't appear on the news. Maybe he could have leave a suicide note or a voice mail saying goodbye, in this way Mahiru could also realise he has died without being with him
@bubble4491 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting how the cake she feeds him is a large chunk out of a bigger cake, covered in whipped frosting and a strawberry, while in an earlier scene her boyfriend feeds her a very small piece of cake with a thin layer of frosting early on. Assuming the cake is a metaphor to their love/affection I wonder if that implies hes putting a lot less into the relationship than she is giving to him. Like she sees him as the best thing in her world, where as to him shes just his partner I guess ? Maybe im overthinking it, but that could explain why he looks so malnourished towards the end in the forest (extremely bony fingers and visible cheekbones) her love isnt proper food(affection) to him so hes "starving" where as his little pieces of affection shes given are more than enough for her emotionally because shes so attatched.
@whatami2540 Жыл бұрын
es' line for her in undercover also states something about giving and taking maybe about her taking a lot lesser than what she was giving
@tylerclapp9422 Жыл бұрын
@@whatami2540 before the resub: "I don't just want to give. I believe both giving and receiving are good things."
@painslut Жыл бұрын
Maybe her giving more of her love/affection is her being overbearing while her partner tends to be a bit neglectful and doesn't return love as much ?
@marshall7439 Жыл бұрын
Something I'd like to add about the whole cake/rat situation is that in the first chorus, Mahiru's bf gives her a small piece of cake, while during the last chorus, it shows Mahiru feeding her boyfriend a large spoonful of cake. This implies that they had varying intensities of love/pain they gave and received to each other.
@redbeltwolf7469 Жыл бұрын
After a little bit of reading, I think the reason they were in Aokigahara was not for "suicide" but for something else. The forest itself has a lake called the "Saiko Lake' which, from what I've read, is a popular holiday place. It apparently has a bunch of hotels and camp sites that are popular. I think they were probably at one of these camp sites, considering the camping scene in TIHTBILWY. Anyway, that's just something I found, hopefully it helps someone lol.
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Ohhhh, this actually helps a lot!! I knew it was a place that people liked to visit/have a trip to, but it having a whole place to spend your holidays could explain why Mappi and her boyfriend were there!! Thanks for mentioning it!
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
That is really interesting and could explain things
@aninterestinusername Жыл бұрын
It could be a combination of both honestly. Maybe the boyfriend suggested it as a vacation destination just as an excuse to go there and… well you know what happened next
@ShuraEssays Жыл бұрын
Hm, on the note of a potential double suicide, it's probably worth mentioning that they were both barefoot in Aokigahara, which implies at least some kind of intent. People take off their shoes to make it clear that they intended to take their own life, so that no effort is spent on investigating it as a murder. Speaking of that scene, about the boyfriend's blood - I think it probably represents how much the abuse in their relationship was hurting him. They were both damaged by it, as their clothes were ripped, but it didn't really injure Mahiru - "I was happy to be hurt/Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad." The boyfriend hurt Mahiru, but she saw even that as an act of love, so she reciprocated his love. However, he took the abuse as any normal person would, and was hurt by it. The malnourishment shows that the love she gave him wasn't something that could nourish or support him - probably notable that cake is junk food and if all you eat is cake, you'd also become malnourished, but Mahiru is fine, indicating that she really was content with what her boyfriend put her through - and the blood shows that her love had starting to threaten his life, which ended up being the case. Also I've thought about this fleetingly, but the feather motif is interesting since TIHTBILWY seems to take place in a birdcage, so perhaps there's a kind of Psychogram dynamic going on? Where the boyfriend doesn't want Mahiru to talk to other guys or even have a life of her own, and she sees that as how committed he is to her, so she acts the same way to show her love - again, "Let's have matching pain," that line always stood out to me. Speaking of, she says she had a normal love like anyone else, which reads a lot like "My parents treated me like all parents treat their kids," from an abused child. If you've never known any better, that's all you'll be able to tell. I still think Mappi is forgivable, 100%, but I hope she finds herself in a truly healthy relationship after Milgram. . . . Is what I'd like to say, but interestingly, there's one more thing. The double suicide interpretation, that sounds familiar. Remember the theory that every prisoner is already dead, and Milgram is judging their souls or crimes or whatever? I mean, clearly, Milgram is an obscenely sci-fi facility, that almost couldn't exist - moreover, Yuno has alluded to wondering if she's alive, and has imagery of standing on the edge of a high structure in Umbilical, Futa could easily have fallen victim to the same abuse he put that girl through, Mu literally was going to die if she didn't commit her crime, and now Mahiru has been depicted in the suicide forest. It's not overt, but it's definitely there. Many of the prisoners could have taken their own lives and ended up in a place like that. It's on the table, now more than ever, as a late game plot twist. Please keep it in mind, even if the evidence is circumstantial. In fact, the emphasis placed on "sins," specifically, does point further into that kind of direction, but it could also just be word choice. Anyways, that's all from me.
@tylerclapp9422 Жыл бұрын
then could it be that to be forgiven by Milgram is to be reanimated/resuscitated? That not only the criteria for Milgram is to have enough of a morally grey case, but also to be in a state where your body could actually be alive or dead? If this is to be the case, I wonder then how the others had met their untimely demise... We could suspect for Haruka, he was hit by a car on his way out of the woods where he killed the child he mentioned in his VD as shown by the head lights flashing on him in AKAIA for Kazui he could've died from the shock (heart attack) or also suicided. Amane (This uses a bit of my idea of what happened with her) after killing her victim via electrocuting them after them being doused with water, slipped on the same body of water/ wet area their victim layed in and landed on her head against the tile (it looks like the location of her crime was an indoor pool or gymnasium) Mikoto maybe tried taking his own life upon realizing what his other half had been doing Kotoko may have been stricken by an accomplice of the guy she killed, unless her T2 involves what she did after
@evisl.w6552 Жыл бұрын
​@@tylerclapp9422the alter of mikoto is not considered a prisoner per se even tho he's aggressive he only appears when mikoto is put under a lot of stress like with es interrogation or when being attacked like what happened with kotoko
@aninterestinusername Жыл бұрын
I definitely think it’s possible at least some of the prisoners are already dead Novel Spoilers!!!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the light novel, which admittedly has a completely different scenario, prisoners, and even Es, it’s revealed that some prisoners were dead or comatose, but not all of them. While this doesn’t necessarily mean any of the prisoners in THIS milgram are dead, since the novel operates on different rules, it does at least show it’s possible.
@BasedApricot Жыл бұрын
2:49 I test you with these breakup ritual because of love 君のこと試しちゃう時も たまにある別れの儀式も愛なんですよ Speaking from irl experience. She might be asking her boyfriend stuff like “Do you still love me” “How do you prove you still love me” over the phone calls they do before sleep or ask for break up every time she feels either insecure or wants solace or attention from her boyfriend. Surely this had happened MULTIPLE times. It could put huge mental strain on her boyfriend. Understandable why her boyfriend ended the relationship in that way. He still loves Mappi to his heart and didn’t want to let go but couldn’t handle the stress in maintaining the relationship.
@janpierturtle7180 11 ай бұрын
They better not vote her guilty for no reason AGAIN???
@elenadhg1609 Жыл бұрын
I believe that their clothes are ripped in the end of the mv because they were both harmed in their relationship, also good theory it made me notice things that I didn't before, I loved it
@kikikaichan Жыл бұрын
I do think the cake symbolises how love is sweet, but too much sweetness can be toxic, so the rat = cake can symbolise that. I also think the cake can symbolise "sugar coating." Maybe the BF sugar coat whatever negativity Mahiru faced to cheer her up, which is not helping her and really a shallow form of comforting solution, but Mahiru didn't see it that way. So when the BF was down and begging her for something, Mahiru copied him by feeding him the "sugar coated comfort" cake, just bigger, meaning she does it more excessive than her BF. It also makes it seem like she doesn't care by excessively sugar coating the problem the BF had (really she does care in her eyes) and that drove the BF to suicide. Also, I don't know, but I feel the BF was a lost cause from the start. The Blue Bird of Happiness turns out to be from him, but it was falling before Mahiru met him it seems? Her first MV showed the feathers already falling before Mahiru locked eyes on him and fall in love. Maybe he thought going out with her would be nice, but she's too naive on how to properly love someone to really help his issues. That's my two cents! EDIT: I think Day 16 is her trying to cheer him up by making her BF his favourite food. Maybe he was really down, and Mahiru thought making him his favorites would fix everything. Which no, it didn't. Sometimes people say "Oh eat something, you'll feel better afterwards" as a form of comfort, but it doesn't get rid of the issue. I think thays what happened on Day 16. Also maybe they were at a place near the suicide forest? The did go on the trip, but it was innocent and a way to spend time together/try to make this relationship continue to work. Mahiru cooked him the food, then they went out to tbe forest (maybe to spend some time outside) and Mahiru fell asleep as theg enjoyed the scenary, and that's when the BF offed himself. He might have planned all this to say "You caused this. I can't be with you anymore. See it with your own eyes the reality."
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
I forgot to ask about the whole "Clothes Food Shelter+ Love and Miss You" lyrics- I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Actually I didn't mention the lyrics at all Anyway anyone up to Mahiru Theory Video V.2-
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
MEEEE there’s like no milgram content creators i’ll take any vids from you 😭
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
​@@Eskun8998 TYSM ILY!🥺🥺
@Lucaskart8 Жыл бұрын
People mentioned that Mahiru may have BPD (borderline personality disorder) that means she may have an intense fear of abandonment or instability, which also explains why she fantasized about her relationship and saw everything as happy. So after her boyfriend's death, she may have been so unstable and having difficulties tolerating being alone that she hasn't been able to take care of herself anymore, hence the whole "Clothes Food Shelter+ Love and Miss You". This is also supported by this part of the song: "Sigh... No appetite, I can’t sleep, my hair’s a mess" "What am I supposed to do now? If you won’t tell me, I can’t be me"
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
maybe the lyrics mean smtn more simple like how mahiru needs love as much as clothes food and shelter? like it a necessarily for her to live (mahiru gurl don’t do that to me i don’t wanna force another guilty verdict 😭)
@adamgonzales6183 Жыл бұрын
I believe the merry go round represents how mahiru maybe thought their relationship would go on forever. So when the merry go round stopped it was a sign of her realizing on what happened to her boyfriend. Just a small thing for me lol
@gawk... Жыл бұрын
I think it's impossible for the music video to actually show both their perspectives, since it is extracted from Mahiru's mind and she wouldn't know the thoughts of her deceased boyfriend. I think that the pink side represents her overexaggerated positive outlook on her relationship, and the dark side represents what she BELIEVES to be her boyfriend's overexaggerated negative outlook. also, 1:21 are those confirmed strength rankings or estimates?
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Well, the strength ranking is based of the arm wrestling in Minigram (Official Milgram Spin-off Manga) I don't think everything that happens in that comic is canon but I believe the strength ranking is realistic. I recommend to check out Minigram or at least the episode where the arm wrestling happened! It's fun to read and shows the prisoners in a entertaining way! ^^
@hallowlaizer4547 Жыл бұрын
I’m so happy someone has finally clarified about the merry-go-round all I see people talk about is the cake/rat! I still have no idea why they both went to the forest but I think the reason they’re so disheveled is that they’ve both been hurt by the relationship and are in need of care. I think the reason the bf had blood stains and asked her for something was that he saw the situation for what it was and confronted her on how badly they were currently off. That’s just my thoughts though
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Tysm for explaining the ripped clothes!! I should have realised that it was also just a metaphor how badly their relationship hurt each other ^^;; And I like your idea!
@riverthecrybaby9448 Жыл бұрын
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
SHE IS A WEAPON, SHE IS A BEAST I'm happy this made you laugh LMAO She would definitely win a fist fight against him
@ShioriMizuyamiKyu Жыл бұрын
I feel like the boyfriend tried to off himself before with other methods like starvation, stabbing etc, but Mahiru miraculously stops it before he eventually hung himself and that’s why he look’s injured.
@ghostthelizard Жыл бұрын
I see the torn clothing as like representing their mental state. Like the relationship has worn them both out. However from mahirus point of view the clothes are fine, she and her bf are fine. She doesnt see her bf is starving for actual affection/love or that hes negatively affected by her "love" nor does she see that she herself is actually mentally unwell
@Kairi98503 8 ай бұрын
My guess for the torn clothes is that's how he saw the relationship. Since we only see those clothes when we shift to his perspective. So he knew that this dynamic thay had is toxic AF and was slowly killing them. He was likely begging her to stop trying to make the relationship work. Since its very likely that she's the one that keeps initiating the relationship whenever it breaks down or she manages to guilt/manipulate him enough to stay around. He tries to treat her as badly as he can to get her to leave, but she thinks its just how he expresses his love and wants to be with him more. So he's at the end of his rope because he doesn't know how to end things one and for all. They might have been in the forest as like a day trip or even a camping trip, you know, go walk around nature to clear their heads and get away from the city, plus it would be a great posting opportunity. When he breaks down and just flat out begs he to end the relationship. But she thinking their relationship is great and is honestly confused by this. So she does the only thing she knows, which is to feed him the same terrible treatment he's been feeding her. Making him realize that there is no sane way out of this relationship, she will follow him wherever he goes and he can't do anything worse then what he's already done because he doesn't want to actually hurt her but he can't live like this anymore. this relationship really is killing him. So while they take a break or even camp for the night (which would explain why she's sleeping), he goes off and end games himself. Hence why she is so surprised at the end, because she didn’t think he would do something to hurt himself like that. The wet could be because it was raining and she stayed dry because she was resting in a cave. Thats just my guess anyway.
@darkpyroftwreal9610 Жыл бұрын
As someone watching this at 3 in the morning I wish it was a black screen 🤩
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
A little sunburn for the eyes 🫶
I think that double suicide is not actually literal. It could be a metaphor that they were both slowly killing each other in this relationship, that's why they both walk barefoot, going towards "the death" that they themselves caused, but the boyfriend stops before, because he did commit suicide
@promiseofreunion5760 Жыл бұрын
Ill be quite honest, this mv feels less like a sort of telling us more of whats going on and more mahiru coming to terms with what happened, as someone else mentioned, the perspective switch is impossible because its from mahirus mind so we could never see her boyfriends perspective. IF the milgram characters are alive and aren't basically zombies/souls, i think mahiru does have the potential and mindset to grow and change from her original ideas of love. Im gonna just say innocent/forgiven this round because i literally can not have her die or get any more hurt than she is after the voice drama. Also in said voice drama, Es sounded absolutely flabbergasted and well... more sympathetic than usual?? Not sure what this is trying to say but if he genuinely cares i think its safe to say he might want a not guilty vote too (also GREAT VIDEOS, I LOVE SEEJNG OTHER PEOPLES DISSECTIONS OF THIS STUFF)
@aelius69420 Жыл бұрын
Possible answer to Q2 and 3: It's possible that the ripped clothes represent the amount of physical and emotional abuse they endured from each other, possibly the boyfriend has blood since Mahiru went overkill thinking that it's the proper way to love or the blood represents the bad feelings of the boyfriend in the relationship, when I say bad feelings/emotions I mean that he feels angry/sad and any bitter emotion when thinking about Mahiru/relationship and the reason for Mahiru not having any blood stains is due to her thinking that it's the proper way to love. But their clothes aren't actually ripped and both of them aren't actually hurt, it's possibly just a metaphor. Extra thing: I have a feeling that the merry go round and the stuff beside it (like the sofa) is becoming worn out due to the relationship slowly becoming more and more bad to both Mahiru's and the boyfriend. As in their relationship is decaying just like the merry go round or it symbolizes how their relationship is like (as in they love then they fight then they makeup), it also might symbolize that Mahiru is realizing what's happening and how its slowly becoming bad for her health, which is kind of backed up by her sad expression during those parts. When it suddenly goes from dark to happy, the boyfriend feeding Mahiru a piece of cake, is him trying to show 'affection' to Mahiru but it's only a little piece. While Mahiru shows a lot of 'affection' since the piece of cake is huge. I think Mahiru abused the boyfriend even more since she thought it was proper loving affection due to the boyfriend doing it to her all of the time. Which caused him to commit suicide. Just a theory though.
@shuchugou1668 Жыл бұрын
AHH I liked your analysis sm!! I didn't notice the cards had pictures of the places the victims died/the prisoners were when the crime happened! I may add that in the images shown in Undercover, which are linked to the crimes of each prisoner, mappi's pic shows her and her bf holding hands in a trail where you can see shadows of trees, so they were presumably walking through the suicide forest just like they do in this mv I saw a comment that said that mappi probably woke up to the news of the death of her bf on tv and thought, ahh that's so clever!! It makes sense!! But considering this picture, I'm thinking that maybe they actually went together to the forest afterall?? It could be that they went on a trip together, or it could be that they had the intent of comitting double suicide, i'm not sure Also, in the depictions of the prisoners murdering Es, you can see Mappi holding their body like anyone would if they found their loved one dead. I know this doesn't mean she was physically in the place of the murder (fuuta's pic is similar), but it adds to the theory! Lastly, I'm actually really, really interested in the similarities between Mappi and Kazui's crimes. They both had their partner commit suicide related to emotional abuse/neglect in the relationship - So, are they both really this alike, or is there something else we don't know about them yet? I mean, even if fuuta and kotoko had very similar motives, fuuta's "murder" was indirect whike kotoko directly beat her victim to death hwsvwh;;, so they differ on that AHH That's it! Sorry for my broken english!! Loved this vid and will look forward to your next analysis
@karticurry8947 Жыл бұрын
hiii can u pls tell me where to find the milgram prisoner cards
@Milkly_ Жыл бұрын
ohhh nice theory!!! I agree with your interpretation of the merry go round and I never thought about the possibility of her boyfriend dying in the suicide forest. personally, I saw the suicide forest as a metaphor actually. Okay hear me out, there's the theory that mahiru's depressed and my current theory is that both she AND her boyfriend were previously depressed even before the relationship. I think them walking through the suicide forest together is a metaphor to how they're trying to navigate their life with their mental health problems and how they're both on the verge of suicide but are surviving together. This is why I interpret this line: 4:54 as the "sickness" and their "matching pain" as them both being mentally ill. And I use this to explain the question at 6:25 because it's a metaphor for how they're both barely scraping by. The "Clothes Food Shelter" thing I think refers to how she views this relationship as what's keeping her alive. Love is her everything and she can't live without it, which is what made the relationship so toxic. She was extremely dependent on her boyfriend. But I don't think her boyfriend felt the same way and I believe it's because Mahiru was too attached or overbearing, or maybe her way of showing love wasn't the kind that he needed. This is why her giving cake was equivalent to rats in his eyes and why he looked so much more malnourished than mappi. I think his breaking down to mappi was him trying to tell her what was going on and that their relationship wasn't working for him. anyway that's just my personal theory XD This video was a really interesting watch!! Thanks for making it :D
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THEM HAVING DEPRESSION I love your theory and interpretation!! 🥺 And thanks for explaining the "Clothes Food Shelter" thing! This makes so much more sense now lmaooo
@Milkly_ Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin Thank you so much!!!🥲 I heard of the theories about Mahiru being depressed based on some of the lines in TIHTBILWY and I thought of this on a whim nddbkrnb
@evisl.w6552 Жыл бұрын
5:08 if you see her you would see that her eyes have spirals which means she's being delusional
@Oushi.ri03 Жыл бұрын
These videos make my mind blow up, I cannot fathom the IQ you must have to deduct these so… idk.. amazingly?
@theyoshishow Жыл бұрын
For a potential answer to Q2 + Q3, I thought it was alluding to how the relationship broke them down? Like, Mahiru isn’t exactly noticing it, but much like the Merry-go-round both of them got really really worn down. So I thought the clothes being worn out in the boyfriend’s POV was a reference to them having gone through a lot. And also the blood, there’s one big patch over the heart which could mean he was in need of some connection or something? The term “bleeding heart” comes to mind somehow. But yeah, that’s my take on it.
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Thanks for answering both questions!! I'm starting to understand everything more and more! Also the "bleeding heart" interpretation fits perfectly..
@iramari793 Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin not sure about the bleeding heart one. The blood stains are on the right side of the chest. Our heart is positioned on the left.
@theyoshishow Жыл бұрын
@@iramari793 Oh goshdarnit, how could I forget that. The vibe overtook the sense.
@mintybluewithatouchofyello4432 Жыл бұрын
That Sora jumpscare at the end omg anyway amazing video 💖
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
ANOTHER PERSON WHO NOTICED SORA🥺🥺🫶 and thanks for enjoying my video!!
@sofafairy1385 Жыл бұрын
My answer to most of the questions you had is a double suicide of sorts. The blood and tattered clothing is probably the back and forth abuse, and they possibly threatened eachother in the forest on one of the vacations/ travels. This would also make it a more direct link to a murder, because of the possible threat/intent.
@Fawn_response Жыл бұрын
The reason why their clothes are ripped, though I thinks this is a bit of a wild guess, I took the fact that in the first mv we see mahiru using different outfits (even showcased at the start of the vid), eating big meals(that I think are a bit too much for only two people), going camping, going to the hairdresser, buying accesories, dressing up for new years (though Im unsure if this is expensive really or not) this could easily be read as her just preparing for/going on dates, but since it was so reinforced through the mv I thought maybe one of them was actually spending a lot of money on this show of affection or maybe as a way of "acting like a real couple and going on fancy dates", which would make the abuse worse since they are not only emotionally abusing one another but also no longer financially stable which just leads to an even worse mental health decline? idk I might just be rambling though
@peachbunns6357 11 ай бұрын
I think the forest was important because if you notice, she's walking in front of him, like she's leading him there. He doesn't want to keep going, and I think he was asking for things to slow down or stop. Of course, her solution was to push more love onto him (the cake) and she maybe thought she was giving him love. Because I also noticed by the end he's thin and gaunt like he hasn't been given ANYTHING, but Mahiru's cheeks are still full and she has color to her face because she is taking what he "feeds" her. I think the rats given are meant to show that the feelings are dead but she's continuing to give them, or he views their love as something that has spoiled/rotted or has become grotesque. He has noticed things are no longer right. I think the tattered clothes are indication that either they've been walking through their forest (having struggles) for a long time, and he looks worse off bc like I said, he's begun refusal of her love and he probably was the first one to start feeling like things weren't working out/was more impacted by everything. He's tired. She's acknowledged some struggle but for the most part remains optimistic and sees it as a normal part of them. Basically he may feel that she is hurting him far more than he's hurting her, hence the blood on him and not on Mahiru. That's what I'm picking up, and I feel like it may answer one of your questions. :>
@mivyo Жыл бұрын
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
@owenzaleski7418 Жыл бұрын
One thing about the unanswered question of whether there was a double suicide could acutally be that Mahiru's BF's death could be making her suicidal. She has already talked about not living if she can't love, and when her BF died then that would obviously make not want to live. Compounded with her forgiving nature and twisted ideal of love, Mahiru is quite likely to feel that her BF's death is her fault and that she ought to die or feels suicidal. One thing to note, at least from what I can see, in the MV we see that cake and rats are two different perspectives on what people are eating. While there is something to be said on the perspective, its worth noting that Miharu's BF is very thin and looks malnourished. Cake, while it more appealing than rats, is not something you want to eat everyday or get your nutrition from. This makes me think that the main point is that their relationship was ultimately unhealthy, whether it was mutual abuse or just an idealistic dramatized version of love.
@meteor504 7 ай бұрын
hihi! came back to this video and i wanted to share my thoughts i think it's also possible the boyfriend might have killed himself not only because mahiru didn't love him properly, but he mightve hated himself too? if in his eyes the cakes were rats, he probably thought he was treating mahiru poorly, that might of lead to some kind of self hatred. i do think he cared for mahiru, he just didn't know how to show it. his mindset was probably similar to hers, he was just a little more self-aware of how toxic it was but overall it's hard to tell what he was thinking when he took his own life, because mahiru probably doesn't know either, and all the information we're getting is from her perspective.
@hashbites Жыл бұрын
About the horses: Maybe it could also symbolize future victims that Mahiru might ""kill""? Like her boyfriend is suspended by a rope in the merry-go-round just like the horses. And she told Es in the 1st VD something along the lines of "My love kills people" iirc. Idk I didn't think this through lol XPP
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
i thought it was interesting at 5:21 that even in the love world, boyfriend is still messed up visually like in the forest scenes while Mahiru goes back to looking normal 🤨 idk what that means maybe its trying to show how boyfriend was more hurt/suffered in the relationship than Mahiru was? there’s also an unsolved mystery about one of her diary entries where she blacked out/didn’t remember what happened on her first night over to her boyfriends house, still don’t know what happened there. Alsoooo i think the forest scenes more represent how worn out and hurt each of them were in the never ending relationship, with boyfriend finally stopping to try and vent all his problems about their toxic relationship. i’ll be NOT FORGIVEing Mahiru this round i really really didn’t want to but her trial 2 VD was so concerning i’m worried that FORGIVING her will just affirm her ideas that giving up her toxic style of love shouldn’t happen, that she can still love the ways she does ;-; well those are just my thoughts love ur vids! (also would love a black screen next time!) looking forward to any more Milgram content you do!
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Thanks for reminding about the diary entry of Day 12!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT :'))) I think I didn't mention it in the video because after that diary entry every other entry afterwards continued like usual, so I didn't think much.. but something very crucial to their relationship probably happened on that day The fact that she can't remember what happened on that day could mean that she was drugged? Idk there is too little proof for that..
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
OH AND TYSM FOR YOUR KIND WORDS 🥺🥺 Will definitely think about the black screen next time!!
@toast6349 Жыл бұрын
OK I HAVE A FEW IDEAS !! i feel like the bloodstains on her bf's jacket could be. like. a metaphor? for how she's hurting him? i dont know how to explain lmao also, looking back on the lyrics of her songs, i interpret some of them as mahiru being unable to be herself and wearing a facade. maybe her bf wanted to get closer to her, but she hates herself so much and ends up pushing him away, which hurts him. the "cake" that she's feeding him, she thinks its genuine affection (i do believe that she truly wants to love) BUT from her bfs pov its not genuine at all, because of how distant she is i guess i can point out some lyrics that make me think this, here are some ones from her first trial "I can't stop feeling like there's something missing" probably a genuine connection? she might not realize it "I pretended to be a good girl, but really, I don't want to say "I'm ok"" this one is a bit of a reach but i do think its notable "Wanting to know everything about you, but wanting to die because it can't come true" i interpret this line as mahiru distancing herself because she doesnt want her bf to hate her (and doesnt realize how her facading is hurting him) "I suck at pretending to smile" i think this one speaks for itself and now some from her second trial! "It’s ok for everyone else but not for me" i dont know how to explain this one but i think about it a lot "What am I supposed to do now? If you won’t tell me, I can’t be me" her boyfriend mightve not told her that she can be open with her, but even after hearing that she could keep hating herself and refuse to open up "Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?" ok this one has a few interpretations but it could be how mahirus bf wont affect her facade. again, i believe she hates herself so much that she cant even be open with her partner "I could do anything as long as you smiled, I actually believed that" this can also be interpreted as mahiru romanticising everything, and wanting their relationship to be perfect "My love, it scored an own goal, destroyed my love and me with its weight" mahiru realizing that faking everything to look perfect isnt the best thing, because if people cant see the real you they wont stay i guess WOW i didnt expect this to be so long lmao but i guess thats how these comments end up... also i did draw most of this from another theory on tumblr, i can try to look for it later! edit: i was thinking about the frosting thing, and we can see mahirus cake is mostly frosting and a strawberry... while less of it is actual cake. to me this means that she's faking everything and giving her "ideal self" to her bf... idk if this makes any sense but hopefully it does lol
@afailurueditoruwu2492 Жыл бұрын
the ripped clothes represent how worn out they wre from the relationship I think? The blood either represents her bf's past relationships or the amount of pain he was feeling, if the rats present abuse and rats=cake then it would make sense for it to be a pattern of behavior(?) Idk about the aokigawa forest part
@bloomingrequiem4137 Жыл бұрын
Q2:Why does he have blood stains on his clothes? (Mappi doesn't have any) I think their bodies in ending of MV represents their mental state. Boyfriend is exhausted, drained, has blood stains shows his body being damaged like his mental health what leaded him to suicide. Mahiru is alright because she romantized all negative affection she got from her BF. Q3:Why are their clothes clothes ripped? Probably represents how they both got worn out through this relationship by time. Harm what they went through during their fights and break up rituals.
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
I think the MV is her previous and pink coloured version and her later, more dark and accurate vision after the guilty veredict
@riverthecrybaby9448 Жыл бұрын
im so curious why theyre in the sewer slide forest... perhaps its an analogy or metaphor for the cause of death?
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
@AdiPassover Жыл бұрын
Amazing theories and amzing video! I personally believe that their ripped clothes are how her bf sees the situation and not necessarily how it is, just like the rats. However, the blood on him might be because Mahiru physically abused him? I know she's weak but Idk. Anyway, I have a question about the forest. You said that Mahiru's bf committed suicide while she was asleep, and when she wakes up she thinks he's asleep and pours water on him. So how does this work if he commits suicide in the forest? Were they sleeping in the forest? Anyway, I enjoyed the video a lot, I really like your theories and I'm thankful for you taking the time to make them.
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Originally, I thought both of them were in the forest and took a break in the cave. Mappi fell asleep in the cave, and that's when everything went down.. After some consideration and reading the comment written by Gumiho here in the comment section, I think only her boyfriend was in the suicide forest, and Mappi didn’t see his corpse personally, but rather on TV after she woke up in his house.. You should definitely read their comment!! They explained it so throughly and it makes so much more sense than my idea of Mappi sleeping in a cave lmao And tysm for liking my videos!! I will continue to do so ^^
@AdiPassover Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin Thanks for the answer! I'll read their comment.
@hehewhat1149 5 ай бұрын
For the Q3 well I think it symbolizes that they are both tired of this situation and both of them did get hurt, I hope I could help!
@veryokusername Жыл бұрын
好きって気持ち 分かったつもり? ならこのまま二人オーバーヒートで 君だけに伝えたいことも 君だけにもらいたいことも 愛なんですよ ああまあこの感じを幸せって言えちゃうんだろうけどさあ どうにも足りない何か存在している気がしてならないなあ ねえどう?聞かれて困ることなんて重々承知の上なんだけど その顔見たくてつい言っちゃうんだ ごめんね? 抱き締めてくれなくちゃ 心まで離れてしまうよ いい子のフリをした 「大丈夫」なんて嫌いだ 好きって気持ち 分かったつもり? ならこのまま二人オーバーヒートで 君だけに伝えたいことも 君だけにもらいたいことも 愛なんですよ 厭ってほどに 縛ってみたり まだ不安になるの どうか赦してね 君のこと試しちゃう時も たまにある別れの儀式も 愛なんですよ プルルル 夜中に君にCalling 無理やり起こしてGood Morning のくせにいつも先に落ちちゃって ホントに悪いと思ってるんだよ? 寂しい時はお互い様 でもそろそろ怒られちゃうのかなあ 優しくされたら甘えちゃうので そこんとこよろしくどーぞです すれ違うこともあって 傷付くことが嬉しかった 痛みはお揃いでしょ この病気かなりやばいな? 好きって気持ち 揃った二人から 世界に向けた犯行声明 君の全部知りたいだとか 叶わないなら死にたいだとか  愛なんですよ 作った笑顔 下手っぴだけど ほら君のおかげで超いい感じ バイバイをしたくない夜も 君だから恥ずかしいことも 愛なんですよ 抱き締めてくれなくちゃ 心まで離れてしまうよ いい子のフリをした 「大丈夫」なんて嫌いだ 好きって気持ち 分かったつもり? ならこのまま二人オーバーヒートで 君だけに伝えたいことも 君だけにもらいたいことも 愛なんですよ 厭ってほどに 縛ってみたり まだ不安になるの どうか赦してね 君のこと試しちゃう時も たまにある別れの儀式も 愛なんですよ 君だけに伝えたいことも 君だけにもらいたいことも 愛なんですよ Suki tte kimochi wakatta tsumori? Nara kono mama futari oobaahiito de Kimi dake ni tsutaetai koto mo kimi dake ni moraitai koto mo Ai nan desu yo Aa maa kono kanji wo shiawase tte iechaun darou kedo saa Dou ni mo tarinai nanika sonzai shiteiru ki ga shite naranai naa Nee dou? kikarete komaru koto nante juujuu shouchi no ue nan dakedo Sono kao mitakute tsui icchaun da gomen ne? Dakishimete kurenakucha kokoro made hanarete shimau yo Ii ko no furi wo shita “daijoubu” nante kirai da Suki tte kimochi wakatta tsumori? Nara kono mama futari oobaahiito de Kimi dake ni tsutaetai koto mo kimi dake ni moraitai koto mo Ai nan desu yo Iyatte hodo ni shibatte mitari Mada fuan ni naru no douka yurushite ne Kimi no koto tameshichau toki mo tama ni aru wakare no gishiki mo Ai nan desu yo Purururu yonaka ni kimi ni Calling Muriyari okoshite Good Morning No kuse ni itsumo saki ni ochichatte honto ni warui to omotterun da yo? Sabishii toki wa otagaisama demo sorosoro okorarechau no ka naa Yasashiku saretara amaechau no de sokon toko yoroshiku douzo desu Surechigau koto mo atte kizutsuku koto ga ureshikatta Itami wa osoroi desho kono byouki kanari yabai na? Suki tte kimochi sorotta futari kara Sekai ni muketa hankou seimei Kimi no zenbu shiritaida to ka kanawanai nara shinitaida to ka Ai nan desu yo Tsukutta egao hetappi dakedo Hora kimi no okage de chou ii kanji Bai bai wo shitakunai yoru mo kimi dakara hazukashii koto mo Ai nan desu yo Dakishimete kurenakucha kokoro made hanarete shimau yo Ii ko no furi wo shita “daijoubu” nante kirai da Suki tte kimochi wakatta tsumori? Nara kono mama futari oobaahiito de Kimi dake ni tsutaetai koto mo kimi dake ni moraitai koto mo Ai nan desu yo Iyatte hodo ni shibatte mitari Mada fuan ni naru no douka yurushite ne Kimi no koto tameshichau toki mo tama ni aru wakare no gishiki mo Ai nan desu yo Kimi dake ni tsutaetai koto mo kimi dake ni moraitai koto mo Ai nan desu yo
@Starlight_ASMR_Audios 9 ай бұрын
To the veridict: I also would have forgiven Mahiru with her not having wanted to kill but is hust affected by the wrong mentality, but the problem we face is... we forgive her now, we affirm her choices and actions were okay.... she will love like this and think the death is justified. I can forgive her for this trial, but her third I believe will most definitely be guilty. Milgram/Deco27 has this way planned out and has us in the palm of his hand...
@CloveViv-ld4nk 5 ай бұрын
This is such a good analyses i hadnt even realized hat the merry go round meant until now How did you find the exact picture of the forest that appears in the MV? And where are the pictures of the other prisoners from/ how can i find the places?
@istardrop7730 Жыл бұрын
My theory is that maybe mappis abuse was more physical while her bf was more psychological and that’s why she never questioned her relationship and saw everything in pink tho I doubt this bc I don’t think she would be strong enough to cause damage/ make him bleed. I think I’m day 16 she made like a small party for them both and got drunk that caused mappi to fall asleep and her bf used that opportunity to go to the forest and commit sewerslide. And lastly I think their clothes were ragged because in her boyfriends eyes their relationship was destroying each other like what they were feeling emotionally was physically
@aimeewazdnah Жыл бұрын
Q2 theory : I think the reason her bf have blood stains could be because either Mahiru is hurting him to show her love or maybe it's because her bf is hurting himself???? Or maybe it's just another way of how they view the meaning of the blood stain and the blood stains isn't actual blood idk
@dnr3895 Жыл бұрын
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
aaaa came back to watch again love ur vids jsjfjdjhdd
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
@SKagamine Жыл бұрын
Yeah, thought about that, its probably a "toxic"relationship at this point 3:00 Her crime was love too much 😅
@starlightparades Жыл бұрын
Sora jumpscared me at the end 😭
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
The usual 💯💯 HaHiHuHeHo
@baguette87 4 ай бұрын
well, every prisoner is responsible for their victim’s deaths. i theorize that mahiru actually was the cause of her bf’s death. i’m thinking that the “cake” that mahiru was feeding her bf was actually rats, in other words, she’s actually abusing her bf and saw it as a way she shows affection. perhaps she got too comfortable and attached to her bf that she showed her true colors?
@baguette87 4 ай бұрын
not to mention in the scene where she feeds her bf some cake turns into rats, whilst the scene when he feeds mahiru some cake didn’t turn into rats.
@baguette87 3 ай бұрын
NEW THEORY!!!! yk on how mahiru and her bf argues from time to time? i think that this argument made him go insane or smth or realize that him and mahiru aren’t compatible enough and he knew he couldn’t escape her or he was overthinking it, so maybe that’s why he ended up taking his life
@graycecastellanos1493 Жыл бұрын
I think the torn up clothing is represents their abuse towards each other but idk about the rest of the questions
@iriwom Жыл бұрын
Black Screen > White Screen
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
White screen is starting to grow on me (im going insane idk) 😭😭
@jocelynjae22 9 ай бұрын
I personally feel like what makes more sense to me, is that he was narcissistic, and she kept going back to him after leaving cuz he would give her some cake (affection). The rat would then symbolize how it’s just a ploy to get her back. Then, the cake she gives him at the end, is a dose of his own medicine and ends up being a fake out, where she then hurts him like he had been hurting her, and the rose colored glasses finally break and she actually leaves for good. But, he does the old toxic ex tactic of “if you leave me imma kill myself” thing and when she sticks to her guns he actually does. Ik there’s a lot of holes in this but It makes the most sense to me when it comes to the whole cake/rat thing. Feel free to comment and fill in the holes on this theory
@ConfettiiCereal Жыл бұрын
@buginalabcoat Жыл бұрын
How???? The video explains how she isn't
@ChimeraLotietheBunny Жыл бұрын
Its stilla. Tragedy for both Mahiru and hee love one...becuz she is ain a deluson or convjce herself everything is alright depsite the ussues in her DREAM romancenwith him and felt guilty that its her fault unintentionally or nitm .andntis hard to vote cuz. u want her emapthy and loce but at the right place its jsut always gone wrong the eay she does it
@vil-the-dinosaur Жыл бұрын
o ma ga i had the same idea that she must have been abused unknowingly
@MizuRonpa 7 ай бұрын
can u tell me where did u fibd that they arm wrestled? like in manga, comic??
@kindnapkin 6 ай бұрын
Hii!! The official writer of milgram posted this random info on his Twitter account!! It's canon and I'm not sure anymore, but I think it also got covered in Minigram, the mini comic about the prisoners and their daily life in the prison, but I'm not sure anymore. ^^;;;; Correct me if I'm wrong. I will send the link to the Twitter post + its translation here. I hope youtube doesn't delete it
@kindnapkin 6 ай бұрын
@MizuRonpa 6 ай бұрын
@starlightparades Жыл бұрын
Hi, would you mind providing the link to the second BGM you used?I can't find it.
@tatsunamishion Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if KZbin allows links in comments but the full title of where the bgm comes from is [Royalty Free Music] an Autumn Wind (Bright/Love/Joyful), the thumbnail is a bunch of orange leaves if I remember
@starlightparades Жыл бұрын
@@tatsunamishion I found it, thank you so much for your clarification!! I truly appreciate it.
@tatsunamishion Жыл бұрын
@@starlightparades No problem !
@futalovebot Жыл бұрын
where can i find the murder cards of the prisoners?
@muffinspiffy Жыл бұрын
it’s shown in undercover
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's shown in Undercover but I recommend the Unofficial Milgram Discord for high quality defintion (like seen in the video)! ^^
@futalovebot Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin OHH OKAY THANK U!! and also, what i need to type on discord/what channel is it for finding it
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
@ok NP! So, you go on the "Milgram Stanclub" Discord (I can send you a link to enter if you aren't inside it) and then on the "Characters" Channel, there you can pick a character. You have to scroll up a tiny bit to find the prisoner cards, they were posted around July 2022! ^^👍
@mysticxjuice Жыл бұрын
Ah i think the bf might have been probs abusing her or mutual toxic relationship going on and something led to him trying to convince her to do a double suicide with him maybe? That could be what he was asking for?
@thatguywill1657 Жыл бұрын
Where do you find the prison cards?
@kindnapkin Жыл бұрын
It's shown in Undercover but I recommend the Unofficial Milgram Discord for high quality defintion (like seen in the video)!!
@thatguywill1657 Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin oh, thank you!!
@thatguywill1657 Жыл бұрын
@@kindnapkin I'll have to check that out bc I never noticed them lol
@samuelroberge9195 Жыл бұрын
Honestly? HEAVILY doubt they even had a relationship at all. Mahiru reads like a stalker, delusioned to hell and back, thinking this man who probably only smiled and (considering the culture in Japan) probably never could shoo her off aggressively. She reads like someone who was absolutely out of it and kidnapped the poor man who probably didn't even know her! Her diary only has a set few days, no "week 3" or even "month 4" or anything, which means it couldn't have possibly been a year of documentation between her and her victim, unless you take for account that those days are only the days they interacted. And, suddenly, if you do a role reversal and she's the victim, it suddenly paints a much more relatable picture to a LOT of women, doesn't it? I think the Merry-Go-Round has more to do with her stalking patterns than any romantic relationship, again. It probably goes something like stalking, confession/gift/action, rejection, depression and goes over and over again. Especially if this was over the course of a year, which then lead to her kidnapping her """boyfriend""". She stalked him, probably kidnapped him or coerced him into leaving with her, and he killed himself when he knew there was no escaping her and the woods. That's it, that's all it is. I cannot in good faith accept they were ever remotely romantically involved considering everything that we've been presented with. Mahiru is dellusional and needs to be locked up, that's all there is to it. I would never forgive her.
@painslut Жыл бұрын
About the merry-go-round, is it possible that when the bf's horse is high, Mahiru's is low and when Mahiru's horse is high, her bf's low ? Idk, haven't checked but that might add something Also as a BPD Mahiru truther, maybe it's not her bf's perspective nor the real events but a representation of her black and white thinking ? It's either all or nothing, either her love is perfect and their relationship is the best or her love is flawed, everyone can love except her and she's ready to die because her love is wrong
part in milgram songs i think about a lot
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