02:34 some long ass link 04:03 uniform, resource, locator, tresor map 04:06 history 05:08 67000 words 05:32 it was very ambitious 06:02 design intent 06:32 the knowable URL 07:21 scheme, case-insensitive, registered to IANA 07:50 determines all the following semantics 08:19 userinfo 08:26 netloc slashes, point of contention 09:42 userinfo, HTTP basic auth, base64 encoding 10:03 our first percent-encoded field, percent encoding is there to support non-ASCII characters in URL, and also special character in URL's 11:03 it could all used different encoding underneath those percent values 11:52 the host, IPv4, IPv6, unicode 14:17 the port, also registered with IANA 15:01 the path, also percent-encoded 16:52 the query string 17:45 the fragment 18:25 python example 18:56 but it seems URLs can't keep up 19:32 urlparse module, url design gaps 20:30 pip install hyperlink 22:55 hyperlink history and future 23:34 URL in short