MAIEV Season 2 HIGHEST RANKED leader, N.O 1 player in the world 7000+ honour

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Mr Brute - Warcraft Rumble

Mr Brute - Warcraft Rumble

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@dandimit8463 11 ай бұрын
I’ve learned a lot from your maiev gameplay videos. Thx for the help.
@PaulSyd 11 ай бұрын
Such a good job at commentating while playing. Seems so difficult to do. I can barely play and breath. Let alone play, breath and commentate.
@MrBrute-WarcraftRumble 11 ай бұрын
You are hilarious my friend 🤣
@GeMBoyYT 11 ай бұрын
9:04 I believe it’s a bug or something, I have reported it. This mini might easily attack core and then suddenly retarget into new spawned unit, even if spawned on a big distance away from gryffon
@MrBrute-WarcraftRumble 11 ай бұрын
I have to place my gryphon at the max distance to avoid it re targeting on it, almost every other unit flying or ground if you place it near it it will draw aggro, first noticed on Alterac valley when dragon tower came out. But yeah not surprised about another bug, add it to the list 😂
@skyborg9135 11 ай бұрын
Maiev shadow step is strong?
@MrBrute-WarcraftRumble 11 ай бұрын
This deck has prowler that can get on the tower so remorseless gives better value, but if Iuse whelp eggs instead of prowler I like the shadow step better, with rocket tower you can put a quilboar and then Maiev so tower hits her too and she ll teleport and lock onto the tower for some sneaky damage
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