Mailbag 43 ish Electronic Stuff

  Рет қаралды 2,374

Retiree Electronics

Retiree Electronics

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@richysradioroom Ай бұрын
Your meter may not be very far off. Your test leads make a big difference. A good pair of very short leads will give you a better reading. Also, take a magnet and see if those cheap leads are even copper.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
The leads are not attracted by a magnet, so either copper or aluminium. When I shorted the leads it dropped to 0 to 1 ohm. The spec sheet indicated it should be good to plus/minus 1%, off by 12 ohms on 560 ohm resistor, so about 2%. Not bad for a dirt cheap DVM
@tigrafrog Ай бұрын
@14:54 I use those (or close relative/clone) to restore some of power supplies for equipment that survived flood. One exactly like this to restore Epson scanner with really weird voltages, works very well. Tried to use those for ~1-2A load 8+ hours use (samsung monitor, 19v-->14v 2.2A), fried, but not immediately, after a week or so. Moved to DC-DC with large coil and added heatsinks, works for 4 years+. So yeah, now I use DC-DC with 50% rated load only, lesson learned.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Yes, the lower load, less heat and stuff lasts a long time.
@pileofstuff Ай бұрын
It's always handy to have a sacrificial multimeter... just in case.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
It isn't great for accuracy but sometimes, it just don't matter (-:
@uther10 Ай бұрын
Nice haul!
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Thanks, clearing up old packages now (-:
@SymbolTech21 Ай бұрын
I have lots of these step down voltage regulators and really are doing well
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
These definitely are beefier than the step up convertors.
@SymbolTech21 Ай бұрын
@retireeelectronics2649 there is also step up converters same with a big ic on
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
@@SymbolTech21 Was looking at some of the other modules on the web and most have much nicer looking inductors. I got $0.38 worth of product (-:
@SymbolTech21 Ай бұрын
@@retireeelectronics2649 I'm trying to write a comment with a link of nice boost converters but I think you set your KZbin to delete comments with links
@110v4 13 күн бұрын
That DMM brings back memories. I used to sell a lot of them. definitely worth the money. Just be careful when using it. especially in the newer board design (the newer design didn't have fuse. they just put a jumper in the fuse track). And regarding the step down converter. I prefer XL4015 CC CV. They offer more features at slightly higher price. You can also make small bench power supply with it (you can pick XL4016 if you want more current)
@retireeelectronics2649 13 күн бұрын
The lack of fuse is poor but at the same time it is meant as a cheap meter and does work. The transistor tester part is a bit loose. It is amazing how few components are on the board. Will have to take a look at the XL4015, I try to use these type modules at 30 to 50% of what they are rated at. Cool electronics lasts longer. Have a good day
@AJB2K3 Ай бұрын
That multimeter looks familiar, oh wait, I have a 10 year old black case and yellow case version of it.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Use to have one that looked the same, but yellow. It died when I forgot to to switch from probe from mA to A, puff it went.
@AJB2K3 Ай бұрын
@@retireeelectronics2649 I think that happened to mine!
@jyvben1520 Ай бұрын
next upgrade the multimeter to beep, create space inside by changing the batteries to ... or not beep but vibrate
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Took a look at the board and will do some testing. Looks like there might be a spot for a buzzer. And it looks like there is no fuse, unless they are using a resistor as a fuse.
@mattivirta Ай бұрын
this cheap multimeter cost Thailand many many shop 2$ or cheapen. i buy this my one project test 10 pcs multimeters can see all current and volts at project testing and setting.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
That is one nice way of monitoring the voltages and current simultaneously for a project (-:
@Wil_Bloodworth Ай бұрын
I think you paid way too much for that can of CRC. It's $8 to $10 everywhere else other than Amazon.
@pileofstuff Ай бұрын
remember out host is paying in Canadian dollars.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Locally the only source is Canadian tire for a different brand. Their can is $9.99 for 150g = 1/2 the price for 1/2 the volume. Princess Auto has a good deal 500g for $9.99, different brand, and a 1 1/2 hour drive to get it. Cheaper to just get it from Amazon in this case.
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
I think we should start calling the Canadian dollar the Canadian Peso (-:
@DaisyWang-ss7pl Ай бұрын
Great Work! We'd love to offer you some boards if you need them for the upcoming content. (PCBWayDaisy)😀
@retireeelectronics2649 Ай бұрын
Thanks. As for boards, I am retired and the last contract I had was fantastic, so this is just my hobby. I am sure there are other people out there that could use an offer of boards more than me. Have a good day
@DaisyWang-ss7pl Ай бұрын
@@retireeelectronics2649 Good to know. PCBWay will always reserve a spot for you! Hope you have a wonderful day as well. :)
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