Рет қаралды 696,142
We design this iron container booth with several combinations From wood to grc and finishing with KERTASIVE. MATERIALS for this booth frame using: Hollow iron 40x40, 20x40,20x20 and 1.5cm x1.5cm The combination uses a multiplex 18mm and 9mm Laminate using KERTASIVE Window accessories using gasspring for the trunk of a car or the rear door of a grand max car. Follow ig welder tasik: https: // pCDlbv4oHjrm/? Igshid = 8lcqsqdir8rk Also watch the video of making creative combination sliding doors below 👇👇 • MEMBUAT PINTU Besi hol... Video of making container booth flyer 👇👇 • Membuat rak ambalan de... Reservations or info about kertasive ... Also follow IG Apotek Lawang Sehat Awipari (Nyegerin) ... ... #boothcontainer #kertasive #apoteklawangsehat