Am glad🙂 Do LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. All the best👍
@ShubhamGhorband-d1vАй бұрын
Thanks 😊 i am so happy after watching your video bro... Cryatal clear 🎉❤
@MathsBetterАй бұрын
Thanks bro! 😊 I'm really glad you found the video clear and helpful. Your support means a lot! 🎉❤️ Keep learning, and feel free to reach out with any questions. Will surely add more... Happy studying!
@ShubhamGhorband-d1vАй бұрын
Pls add few basics 😊
@MathsBetterАй бұрын
Definitely 👍
@MathsBetterАй бұрын
In the meantime, do watch this one... Integration of sinx/sin4x - 4 in 1
@lbgaming1020Ай бұрын
😢sir smja nhi
@MathsBetterАй бұрын
Suggest you to watch it again, may be at a slow speed, listen carefully and, practice some questions alongside! Do let me know further!😊