Kanchana great voice n singing Eth mata pudume yuda pitiye sinhayek daradadu hitak ati hituwa kamal sir me wage soft feeling adare lyrics liyapu eka great lyrics n singing thnx both of u
Superb combination. Kanchana' s beautiful voice is perfectly matched with General Kamal 's emotional wordings. Good luck to both of you to give us more and more. Thanks Kanchana.
@miyurusankalpa-di2cc9 ай бұрын
Woow nice music arrangements 😍😍😍 perfect voice 😍❤❤
@dewV-d4n9 ай бұрын
ඔබේ ලෝකයේ රැදෙන්නම් ඔබ භවෙන් භවයේ පතන්නම් ඔබේ හුස්මට එකතු වී මම ඔබව ජීවත් කරන්නම්❤ Beautiful words So hearttouching🥺💞