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@kennedy6587 Жыл бұрын
“And now, I have no people…my soul, that! Is what you have taken from me!” This is probably my all time favorite superhero movie of all time
@powerbadpowerbad Жыл бұрын
MINE too.This movie was-GREAT. I felt hopeful after watching this film.
@gishgali8354 Жыл бұрын
I believe the whale story that Simone mentioned had to do with a whale that sang at a different frequency than the other whales because of a mutation. So the others couldn't hear him singing and he was wandering the ocean alone...forever.
@MaikeruNeko Жыл бұрын
Not so much that they don't hear, but it's like its speaking the wrong language, or with an indecipherable accent. It's sad either way.
@Nick-pu3of Жыл бұрын
Mutation is a bit harsh. It's most likely a hybrid of blue and fin whales. But it's not all sad, they started recording a second 52 hertz whale about a decade ago, so not alone anymore.
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
They actually discovered that that whale found a mate singing at the same frequency😄
@mediumvillain Жыл бұрын
​@@JonathanMandrake There really is someone for everyone
@JonathanMandrake Жыл бұрын
@@mediumvillain There are many fish in the sea😂
@thikakashi Жыл бұрын
When Simone said it felt pretty hopless when the beam was catching Perry and his team, that right there is the definition of Superman. When the movie felt the most hopeless, he overcame the machine and saved the world even having literally the weight of the planet on his back. That's Superman. He's the ultimate beacon of hope
@reesebn38 Жыл бұрын
I love that scene. When he focus his power, everything he has to save the world and flys up and through the world engine. I tear up. It is a true Superman moment.
@ATinyWaffle Жыл бұрын
*He flies into frame* "I AM HERE! HA! HA! HA!"
@Cherokee9898 Жыл бұрын
Henry Cavill actually went and stood in time square with the glasses on and no one recognized him until he took them off. Some times subtle changes go a long way
@Eidlones Жыл бұрын
While I agree that small changes can influence how you see someone, it was Times Square. No one pays any attention to anyone else, in New York.
@yermatedave4930 Жыл бұрын
Plus, how many print-only journalists could *you* pick out of a lineup? Clark Kent's byline might be famous, but his face isn't. To anyone on the street he'd be a guy who happens to "look a bit like Superman, in the right light, if you squint a bit and imagine him taller."
@thedje4407 Жыл бұрын
What’s funnier is he deliberately stood under a billboard with his face as superman on
@gundalfthelost1624 Жыл бұрын
@@Eidlones Yet, they DID notice him when he took off the glasses.
@AllThingsKen Жыл бұрын
@aaronk3164 Жыл бұрын
I think what Pa Kent was thinking was that he was trying to make sure Clark wasn’t in a position where he’d be forced or tempted to use his power in view of all those people. He doesn’t know Clark is basically invincible or, even if he did, he’s trying to protect Clark’s anonymity because he knows that Clark’s life will change for the worse if the world knows what he is. That was worth putting his life at risk or dying to Jonathan Kent.
@changsangma1915 Жыл бұрын
Yeah i cant believe some viewers still can't put two & two about that scene to this day!
@ChrisXIllustratesXGaming 11 ай бұрын
​@@changsangma1915yeah it's quite annoying how obvious it is and yet they keep getting annoyed at the dad/direction they went.
@Camothor10 10 ай бұрын
Yeah and his dad was teaching him that sacrifice is a necessity
@KS-xk2so Жыл бұрын
Before the final fight Zod literally says he's going to make the people of Earth suffer, to hurt Kal-El. That is why the fight is so destructive, and Clark can't just fly away and expect Zod to follow. Zod is actively trying to kill as many humans as he can. If Clark flies away Zod will just kill all the humans around him until Clark re-engages him. The fight is Zod slaughtering humanity while Superman tries desperately to stop him.
@Animalshikeforfun Жыл бұрын
Yes. It frustrates me how many people seem to miss this point when the movie clearly lays it out that way.
@noneya3635 Жыл бұрын
That dog don't hunt chief; Zod did not have Clark's ability to fly at the beginning of the fight. Clark could easily have grabbed him and moved the fight out to the Shara or the Artic.
@freebird6591 Жыл бұрын
@@noneya3635 yea i dont get why people dont realize that. He literally took him into space at one point. They just had to have it all take place in Metropolis is all.
@noneya3635 Жыл бұрын
@@freebird6591 Because they are having knee jerk reactions to the argument that this movie has a poorly thought out script. Some people just refuse to hear rational disagreement and fall back on "you're just mad because..." In short being mistaken is seen by many as a personal failure and cannot be tolerated.
@thechad4485 Жыл бұрын
That’s a fun idea and all, but it barely holds water. Not to mention that Clark never once’s goes out of his way to prevent damage or save lives until the very end of the fight when it’s relevant to the shallow plot. Like when he just hops over the gas truck sliding towards him, letting it destroy a building.
@vastos2587 Жыл бұрын
I'm exited to see your opinions on the Snyder DC movies. If you do decided to continue make sure to watch the Ultimate Edition of Batman vs Superman, it's only around 30-40 minutes longer then that theatrical cut and provide LS much needed exposition
@brianstephenson8201 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Its really just a bunch of 1 min here 30 seconds there but it makes that movie so much better
@reverendB Жыл бұрын
You guys absolutely need to do Batman V Superman. BUT, the extended cut. Also, the 4 hour Justice League is absolutely worth it!! Also, you may as well check out the first Wonder Woman film, also.
@jculver1674 Жыл бұрын
And Shazam, a really fun and underrated DC movie.
@davidjuby7392 Жыл бұрын
yes, listen to or actually read this person and react to the DC universe. It is a little fractured but start with Bryan's list and go from there. You will not regret it.
@ricardo.01 Жыл бұрын
@@jculver1674 yes, they need to do Shazam!
@micfail2 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget other great films, like Caligula, The Room, and Rise of Skywalker, such awesome movies lmfao
@dalicdan Жыл бұрын
@@micfail2 😂🤣😂
@Aranya1998 Жыл бұрын
Christopher Reeve depicted the distinction between Clark Kent and Superman the best. It was almost believable that they might be two different people.
@marcusmcgill4423 Жыл бұрын
It was always stated that his depiction of Clark was how he viewed humans being clumsy, weak, and insecure.
@dignerds Жыл бұрын
Reeve's Daily Planet Clark Kent was a lie, and Superman is about truth. This version was better. This Clark was still a farm boy who was the low key, mild mattered side to a bold Superman. The objective of this Clark was just to blend in, not to lie. Christopher Reeve said he was tired of playing Clark Kent that way..He said -"Clark was a farm boy from Kansas who baled hey and ate Cheerios...Not a moron"..
@Aranya1998 Жыл бұрын
@@dignerds Fair enough. Then I think I'd pick Tyler Hoechlin's Clark from the Superman and Lois TV show as my favourite. That one felt more natural.
@tmnuzi1623 Жыл бұрын
​@@marcusmcgill4423but he was raised as clark kent not as superman, some versions have the suit as just a way to use his powers without exposing his identity
@marcusmcgill4423 Жыл бұрын
@@tmnuzi1623 Yes, the Kent's raised him with morals and taught him how to be a good man, but when he gets to the Daily Bugle, it was stated by the writers that his disguise with the glasses and how clumsy wasn't just to hide his identity, but how he also viewed a lot of humanity.
@chroniccomplainer3792 Жыл бұрын
The pain superman felt when he killed zod was real. He let out a cry knowing he killed the only other living member of his race. Literally spent his whole life thinking he was a weirdo and alone, then had to kill his dads friend. Really sad tbh. He didn't wanna kill zod Edit: superman's main villain is Lex Luther. Some other notable ones are doomsday, darkseid, and black Adam.
@LightMovies Жыл бұрын
In the Richard Donner's 70's version, Christopher Reeve did a great job making Superman and Clark Kent two different persons by working a lot on chamging the body lamguage. Fact 1: Henry Cavill stayed among the people outside the theater during the Premiere, like anyone else, and no one recognized him. Fact 2: I made a Remus Lupin cosplay from the 5th movie with the goatee and no one recognize it. Then I took off the goatee taking only the mustache, like in the 3rd movie, Prizoner of Azkaban, and magically people started to recognize the cosplay. So yes, taking on and off glasses may work.
@reesebn38 Жыл бұрын
Well said. People don't realize as well that it isn't about the glasses its about how Clark is not scene. About how so many of us go through this world unnoticed.
@gemelwalters2942 Жыл бұрын
Body language doesn't change the fact that your appearance is still the same. Let's not pretend it's not a silly concept, just gotta suspend disbelief a bit.
@mobiusbelts3607 Жыл бұрын
@@gemelwalters2942 ..but the glasses change your appearance!
@LightMovies Жыл бұрын
@@gemelwalters2942 "appereance". The word says it by itself. There are many look alike people. Out of the proper context you could unrecognize the same person, or even changing one for another. As said, no one recognized Henry Cavill among people outside the theater, just because you think he couldn't be him and think it's just a look alikle person. And if he's good in changing his body language, which is the 80% of our personality, it's a reinforcement. Anyway, since in the comics they've explained that Superman has the pawer to confuse other minds on that, and the same concept could be extended on every masked people, easily recognizable by their relatives and close friends, there's nothing silly about that, but just the will to accept it as a fictional fact or not.
@tycol322 Жыл бұрын
It's all about intent. If you don't expect to see Superman, your not looking for him. Makes it a lot easier to blend in. I mean real world example, Dolly Parton lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest to a cross dresser. Who would expect the real Dolly to enter a lookalike contest
@FantomEx22 Жыл бұрын
Pretty excited for Sir Cavil’s Warhammer 40000 adaptation. Thanks guys, this is one of my favourite Superman films. For the Emperor!
@phillippiris1022 Жыл бұрын
I think the actual reason Clark's dad had him head to the overpass was to protect the other people and his mom. In the end he just didn't want to have Clark expose himself. It could have been done better but I think it makes more sense when you put yourself in Johnathan's shoes.
@anorthosite Жыл бұрын
And this movie was made before the full (still in progress) Debunking of the popularized notion that it's "safe" to shelter under an overpass (wind tunnel) during a tornado.
@nt78stonewobble Жыл бұрын
I see it as still wanting to give everything to make sure his son has a normal childhood, even at the cost of his own life.
@Powerhaus88 Жыл бұрын
The audience knows way more about Clark's powers than him or his parents do at that point in the story when the tornado happens. Pa Kent cannot reasonably expect to be saved without putting his kid's life in danger. They don't know he can't be hurt by a flying car, it's not something that comes up in a typical childhood. We know, because we've watched Superman movies and shows all our lives, we grew up with Smallville, but in this universe, in the DCEU, there is no instance in which Clark did something so "super" that it would establish his speed and invulnerability. And even if he did, and his family knew what he can do, tons of people were staring at Jonathan from below the overpass, and Clark and Jonathan suddenly vanishing and reappearing together would have destroyed their family. He hasn't even been shown to have super speed at this point in his life. Not on screen at least. Part of his journey in the comics is finding his limits, and being afraid of situations he's never had to voluntarily put himself in before. There is a whole lot going on in the Tornado scene, it's great, and sad, and as the last conversation he has with his dad, it affects him for the rest of his life.
@papalaz4444244 Жыл бұрын
@@Powerhaus88 this
@TheAgr08 Жыл бұрын
@@Powerhaus88 weird to come back and find my comment copied. I can only imagine the parts in the middle are copied from some one else here.
@TylerTheWayman Жыл бұрын
With his dad dying: Clark was still a teenager. Young adult at best. He was scared and yes if he was adult Superman he would have just taken over the situation, but instead he listened to his dad. And once his dad got into the point where he couldn't make it back... Clark was about to go speed run and get him... but all those people would see that. It would expose him. And then the world would want to control him and test him and make him a test rat... and his dad sacrificed himself so that his son wouldn't have to reveal himself yet... not until he was ready and could handle it.
@DracoSolon Жыл бұрын
When the colonel turns to Feora and says "A good death is it's own reward" repeating her words back to her and pushes the stick down and dives into the ship, its the most badass moment in film I've seen in a decade. Gives me chills everytime.
@roderickmacsween2820 Жыл бұрын
You should definately watch the Christopher Reeves Superman movies.
@madpaduk Жыл бұрын
Christopher Meloni is a superb actor
@liamisaac1152 Жыл бұрын
Gotta respect him honestly. Dude was full on about to fight a super alien being knowing damm well he was going to die.
@dumpstergoblin5318 Жыл бұрын
Clark was like 17 when his dad died, despite Cavill being the actor in the scene. And he was just doing was his dad told him to in a stressful situation: taking care of his mom instead of the dog to start and then not risking saving his dad at the end.
@peterbrazukas7771 Жыл бұрын
In the comics Johnathon Kent dies of a heart attack. It's a fundamental lesson for Clark that despite all his power, sometimes he won't be able to do anything to save a person. The tornado is a poor substitute because it's something Clark could have rescued his Dad from.
@daxk9160 Жыл бұрын
@@peterbrazukas7771 but the point of the tornado in this adaptation was to show that even though you have power, you must use it judiciously and for the right reasons. Neither Clark, nor the world were ready to be introduced to “Superman”. The entire point of the Snyder “trilogy” as it stands, is Clark’s arc from humble beginnings to being hated by the world, to proving himself as a good and trustworthy symbol of hope (dying in the process), to being a beacon for the Justice League to assemble and to return to save the world from Darkseid (JL2 and 3). The heart attack works to show he isn’t all powerful. The tornado works to show the reality of our world as one that judges first and vindicates later, but is still worth saving.
@rasenganmaster101 Жыл бұрын
@@daxk9160 it was done very terribly ngl, the tornado was dumb all around im sorry, some things don't need to be changed becuz the original idea was probably better and in this case the original idea was MILES better
@daxk9160 Жыл бұрын
@@rasenganmaster101 I respect your opinion, but I disagree. The difference in approach was intentional to take the story in a slightly new direction. I understand some people want every adaptation to follow the source material 100% and that’s okay, but I also appreciated this version trying to tell an alternate tale of Superman’s mythology. At the end of the day, there are and will be countless attempts to tell this story for years and years to come, so I have no problem seeing things change here and there with each new iteration. Keeps the character fresh. Just a shame they weren’t able to finish telling Henry’s Superman story before starting all over again 🤷🏽‍♂️
@rasenganmaster101 Жыл бұрын
@@daxk9160 theres no fresh argument here, u could take the direction of the story differently WITH a well written scene. That scene was dumb from the build up alone, the ONLY way the scene of his parents dying from natural causes worked is becuz he couldn't help them even if he wanted to. Proving he's not god, and humbling any chance of him thinking otherwise. This version it was about choice i get that... but the choice is a shittily glued together one that any DECENT superman writer would know clark would save him, not only save him but it be realistic as to why no one would figure he's superhuman becuz people have survived these things before, he grabs his dad, shields him, gets in the car with him, boom saved. it should NEVER be choice of oooh should i save them or not, its fuckin superman its always yes and that "choice" bullshit didn't even come around at any point in the movie, its terrible.
@andrewrawlings5220 Жыл бұрын
I've always liked the theory that people don't recognise Clark Kent as Superman because they don't expect Superman to have a secret ID. Everyone *knows* that Superman spends his day saving people and hanging out with Wonder Woman, not pretending to be ordinary, because that's what most good people would do with Superman's powers. When you are looking for Superman you look *up* not at the person beside you.
@greasey8695 Жыл бұрын
Theory? That’s the reason Lex Luthor himself doesn’t believe Kent is Superman.
@Bossk54 Жыл бұрын
The Christopher Reeve quick face swap makes me smile every time I see it
@ginichilders9619 Жыл бұрын
According to Zack Snyder, that was a complete coincidence from camera angles and trick of the light. Henry and Christopher have similar bone structure.
@VonRichtburg Жыл бұрын
4:37 George- "can you imagine if he grew up to be an asshole" Yeah, the movie is called Brightburn. :D
@nkfd4688 Жыл бұрын
You'll enjoy this film. Even though I grew up with Christopher Reeve, I really love this movie 👍❤
@noahartis1377 9 ай бұрын
Just wanted to answer a few of your questions/points 1. Superman's heat vision is one way his body releases the solar energy he's absorbed. He's basically a walking solar battery; the more yellow sunlight he absorbs, the stronger he becomes. He can release a massive blast that depletes him entirely of solar energy and leaves him essentially powerless until he recharges. 2. Back in 1938, when the first Superman comic was published, Krypton was a planet of humanoid beings that had evolved to the peak of human perfection, basically a planet of Captain America's. That's why when he first came out, Superman could "leap tall buildings in a single bound". Now he's basically a god. 3. General Zod and Faora-Ul do have the same powers as Superman, being Kryptonians, and being trained soldiers does give them an advantage. But Superman is technically stronger than them both because he's been on Earth longer than them and absorbed more solar energy than they have. 4. Some of Superman's villains include his arch-nemesis Lex Luthor as well as Darkseid, Brainiac, Doomsday, Bizarro, and Mister Mxyzptlk. For the most part, they are god-level threats. So it makes sense that they're his villains. 5. It's probably been said before, but when Kal is Clark, he acts like an entirely different person. He speaks in a higher pitched voice, slouches over so people don't see how tall he really is, he wears baggy clothes to hide his muscles. Basically, Clark is to Superman what Bruce Wayne is to Batman. Also Superman has the ability to hypnotize people (I'm not kidding). Hope this helps. Great reaction as always!
@Eidlones Жыл бұрын
Things WB could mean according to Freakazoid: Water Bucket, Wimpy Boy, Wet Banana, Weird Butt
@Lightningrod75 Жыл бұрын
When you ask about Jonathan and the original history, originally Supes parents had died right after graduation. Then there were the movies where only Pa died. Then the post-Crisis comics where they were both alive... then 100 different continuity reboots.
@malcolmrowe9003 Жыл бұрын
Lois and Clark ("The New Adventures of Superman" in the UK) with Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher has both Ma and Pa Kent alive, at least in the early seasons. I lost track of it later on, so I'd possible that one of both of them could have died during or between later seasons (although given the general tone, I imagine that would only have happened if the actor in question died).
@godmagnus Жыл бұрын
​@@malcolmrowe9003 at that time, his parents were alive in the comics, and many years after
@edinalewis4704 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Clark could have saved his Dad without giving away his identity, but it’s a big maybe. We know that Superman has super speed, but it’s not shown anywhere in the movie at that point. Why would we assume he has that power or knows about that power yet. Jonathan Kent’s priority is to protect his son and Clark chooses to trust his dad in an emergency situation. There is absolutely nothing implausible about the situation.
@morrislary4576 Жыл бұрын
He hadn't really developed mastery over his powers at this point - strength and invulnerability were innate, but his senses and other powers like flight and speed he had to learn. At the time his dad died, he wouldn't have been skilled enough to save him on the sly. He would have had to exposed himself.
@dino_nuggiess9827 Жыл бұрын
At 34:14 if you were to watch the clip of Clark saving that soldier falling from the helicopter in slow mo, you can see Clark rolling as he catches him so he DOESN’T kill him when grabbing him so aggressively 😊
@aaronlewis4166 Ай бұрын
The scene at the bar was filmed on Vancouver Island at an old highway bar called (The Cassidy ) drank there once or twice before it closed about 20 years ago and before you start it was abandoned when they filmed there.
@metatoto Жыл бұрын
There's a movie called Brightburn which is basically Superman, but he's evil. The cartoon show Invincible also gives a good idea as to what would happen if Superman was actually against the rest of the Justice League.
@DragonbIaze052 Жыл бұрын
Invincible is more like, "What if Superman's father was Zod?"
@RonJomero Жыл бұрын
I believe Superman started flying with the really old Max Fleischer animated cartoons. They had him jumping all the time, but it got annoying for the animators to have him constantly falling and needing something to land on to jump off of again to become airborne.
@Serenity113 Жыл бұрын
And I think the laser eyes thing. I think he gets his energy or powers from the earth’s sun so that is why he can shoot lasers out of his eyes. Did he always have that in the comics?
@jmsmys13ify Жыл бұрын
​​@@Serenity113 No. He's gained new powers over the decades depending on the writers. Originally, it was basically just super strength and invulnerability. Such as he couldn't fly, but could only jump long distances. A lot of cues were taken from the original "John Carter" novel. Laser eyes came later.
@bemasaberwyn55 Жыл бұрын
In actual fact Ron the earliest Comics had him leaping over tall buildings but it wasn't until the original radio program which also introduced characters such as Perry white, things like the Daily Planet(which had been the Daily Star) and of course Kryptonite we're all introduced their as well as his ability to fly.
@mindlessmeat4055 Жыл бұрын
@@bemasaberwyn55 Kryptonite was just an excuse to let the radio actor go on vacation or something like that. It was a way to weaken him so they could get another person to make grunting noises. I think that was the story.
@markadams3976 Жыл бұрын
Yes he is shown touching down between jumps (like the Hulk) in the first couple of episodes but then simply flies for the rest of the series.
@freefall945 Жыл бұрын
As far as his early abilities, you were right. Leap tall buildings in a single bound, more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet. The original creators, Seigel and Shuster, were very interested in making an immigrant from the stars type hero, and drew somewhat on biblical heroic archetypes - Samson's strength and power being primary, Elijah outpacing a chariot on foot, and so on. Through the rest of the gold and silver age of comics his powerset would grow immensely to feature all kinds of wacky nonsense. His alien origins were a license for writers to have him solve problems by manifesting a previously undisclosed talent for hypnosis, or to pull a shrink ray out of his pocket. Early comics revelled in this kind of silliness; only as time went by, and particularly as Superheroes started cohering into universes with counterparts for them to fight and team up with, did writers start even attempting to codify what Superman can, and more importantly can't do. Interestingly, the original Superman property is going into Public Domain soon - but ONLY the original leaping, running, strong Superman that exists in Action Comics #1 and its immediate run. It will be interesting seeing what people do with a public property of Superman who is the 'original' superman but very much unlike the totality of the heat-vision having, kryptonite fearing, batman best friending one we know today.
@lizzbethgaming8103 Жыл бұрын
8:10 The whale Simone mentions isn't the last of its kind, it has a problem where its whales calls, its voice, is in a different frequency than all the other whales of its kind. It can not communicate with the rest of its species so it constantly calls out for companionship with no hope of response. They call the whale 52 Blue, its a blue whale whose voice is at 52hz vs the 10-32hz of normal blue whales.
@tombalderrama8549 Жыл бұрын
George:"could you imagine if he grew up to be an asshole?" Someone has imagined that. In fact, they made a movie about it a few years ago. It's called "Brightburn"
@rickmoreno7166 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction video, you both asked good questions about the mythos of Superman and the comics. A couple of small things to hopefully help answer your questions: The original version of Superman was still an alien from Krypton. Sent to earth as a baby, his parents adopted him out of an orphanage they took him to when he started tearing up the place with his super baby strength. After his parents (natural) deaths, he became Superman. His powers were super strength, invulnerability (nothing less than a bursting shell could break his skin), and the ability to leap 1/8 of a mile. Super vision soon came along as well. In the 60's and 70's Superman became much more super powered with the ability to break lightspeed and travel through time, to easily travel unprotected through space, and his various vision powers, extreme strength, etc. His adoptive father and mother were both alive and running a store in Smallville, Kansas. This version of Superman began his adventures as a boy and was well known as Superboy before becoming an adult. In the 80s, the character was de-powered to a degree to once again be super strong, have heat vision and a degree of invulnerability. His powers developed around puberty, so he wasn't Superboy anymore, and his parents were both still alive and working their farm in Kansas. He could only survive in space as long as he could hold his breath, though the vacuum of space itself wouldn't hurt him. This is the version of Superman from the "Death of Superman" storyline in the early 90s. Through all the versions of Superman, Lois Lane is his love interest and somehow does not realize Clark Kent is Superman until she's told this by Superman himself. He has a decent sized supporting cast. It'd be great to see you guys watch the original Christopher Reeve Superman and Superman II, which feature Zod, and Superman's origin. Reeve played both Kent and Superman well, making the transition between the two believable. When you do watch Batman V Superman, make sure to watch the Extended version. Certain plot points are nearly nonsensical in the theatrical release, and the restored footage makes a couple of things make more sense. Keep doing a great job like you have been, it's so much fun to watch you two react!
@silverfoxjxt1532 Жыл бұрын
31:31 it’s actually a mixture of the two, Superman can survive without food, air, etc and live off of pure sunlight but he also has crazy lung capacity which is why he has freeze breath so he could hold his breath for a long time if he wanted
@LokRevenant Жыл бұрын
I love Zod's line "Where did you grow up, on a *FARM*?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
@blaizeburley8673 Жыл бұрын
His dad symbolized the good nature humans have to save and protect. That’s why his dad ordered him to ensure the people got to safety (Superman protects) while his father risked his life helping anyone he could find. Then he sacrificed him self because he didn’t want Clark to expose him self because he meant that much to him. Permanently teaching Clark the value of humans and why he should protect them at all cost.
@huangjun_art Жыл бұрын
My favorite comicbook movie of all time. Great cast, great story, no stupid gimmicks or slapstick humor, and corny one-liners. An actual movie that takes the character and its source material seriously. Just a good effing Superman movie, with some of the best fight scenes I've seen since the Matrix.
@Grass_77 Жыл бұрын
Really need to watch the 1978 superman after this to see how much differently they characterized superman and clark, because the one thing this superman gets wrong is that superman always does the right thing at any cost. But in this version, superman has doubt if saving people is the right thing to do.
@GiRR007 Жыл бұрын
It is one of hte most talked about points of the movie even all these years later of how clark could have and should have just saved his dad 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@pillar81 Жыл бұрын
38:11 Actually, this movie set up Clark learning to control his powers through his mother. He let it slip how he was able to adapt to his powers, so he quite literally taught Zod how to adapt to the Kryptonian powers that were manifesting in him.
@ianrosenbalm6555 Жыл бұрын
"How precise are those laser eyes?" One time, Superman temporarily depowered a psychic enemy by focusing the lasers through the enemy's eyes into the specific part of the brain the guy got his powers from, effectively giving the guy a super lobotomy.
@Alexanderthegreat159 Жыл бұрын
28:45 Well in one storyline I don't know how cannon it is to other ones but Krypton is just a future version of Earth. Like far far future. And the house of El If I remember right is the far descendants of lex luthor. And the whole reason why Superman got to Earth is because his ship was sent through black hole or something and it sent him back in time. I can't remember which exact story it is but I swear it was at the very end of the Red Son Superman comic book
@Freefall984 Жыл бұрын
I always saw it as his Dad wanting Clark to protect his Mom so he knew he was safe. And that he was willing to risk his life to keep his son safe
@s1ugtrail978 Жыл бұрын
Superman's cape Superman's cape was simply the blanket he was wrapped in before being sent to Earth. He just happened to like it enough to where he added it to his costume....
@andrewlopez1906 Жыл бұрын
You're a trooper for getting through this while still recovering George. I would love if you guys reacted to the full 4 hour cut of Justice League. 🙏 Us fans of Zack's original vison waited years for it, almost thinking it would never be released, and it's a completely different movie than from the theater release. Since it's done in chapters it will be much easier to react to.
@daveparnell3330 Жыл бұрын
I agree,the Snyder cut is brilliant & would definitely watch a reaction video of you guys,& tbh the film absolutely doesn’t feel like a 4 hour film,it flies by!
@hatakeanime1254 Жыл бұрын
@@daveparnell3330 Snyder isn’t brilliant it’s just a better version of a shit film lol
@ieyke Жыл бұрын
Superman's disguise being just glasses is a LOT more plausible when you see Christopher Reeve do it. He like TRANSFORMS when he switches modes from Clark Kent to Superman. He goes from like weak and shy and nerdy to living god champion of Earth.
@heavyrain4485 Жыл бұрын
When Zod crash on satellite, it shows logo of Wayne as Bruce Wayne.
@NathanJasper Жыл бұрын
If you do Batman vs Superman, I recommend the Ultimate Edition because it flows better and has much better continuity. And definitely Zack Snyder's Justice League, not the theatrical cut.
@panelbypanelshow Жыл бұрын
Okay, about his abilities: When he was originally created in the 1930s, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster took inspiration from the heroes of the Old Testament and Greek Mythology and made his abilities entirely physical: super-speed, super-strenth, great leaps, and tough skin - but he wasn't 100% invulnerable "nothing less than a bursting shell could penetrate his skin" so man-made weapons, if powerful enough, could hurt him. Flight was added to his abilities in the 40s at the request of Fleischer Studios, who were producing the cartoons, because it made it easier to write and animate than leaping great distances. His enhanced senses, along with the heat vision and freeze breath came later as other writers wanted to add to his mythology. At one point, he was too powerful and could relocate entire solar systems and blow out stars like they were candles, so DC had to scale his abilities back. Simone hit it on the head: he's holding his breath in space. Superman is carbon-based and needs oxygen to breathe. There are actually several stories throughout DC Continuity where he either nearly suffocates or works to improve his lung capacity.
@shainewhite2781 Жыл бұрын
A darker and more serious take on the Man Of Steel. Im going to miss Henry Cavill as SUPERMAN. He was the GOAT of the DCEU.
@IsaiahWP Жыл бұрын
Hope you do Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition and Zack Snyders Justice League. Those character arcs are great to watch.
@Twiska Жыл бұрын
I had no problem with Superman killing Zod or the Kryptonian lore. My main issue was Jonathan's death. I felt they should have gone with a heart attack as other adaptions did. The whole point is with all of Clark's powers, there was no way he could have saved his dad. The tornado scene makes no sense, and I feel it was just done to have another set piece.
@jayjitsuu Жыл бұрын
While his death may not have been handled well it fits more with the lesson these movies are portraying. He didn’t save his father because his father was afraid the public would find out about him, knowing how people are. Clark had to eventually make the decision to save people (become superman) at the risk of his own peace. Which we saw in bvs how not everyone took to his presence with open arms. I personally don’t like the lesson “with all my powers I can’t save everyone”. But that’s just my opinion
@James-iu2km Жыл бұрын
before any of that would make a difference, there's system changes that are needed.... 1) Corporations are *NOT* "People", they _currently_ are treated as such, and therefore have *FAR* too much political power. 2) Spending money is *_NOT_* equivalent to "Free Speech"... Currently it is considered as such, this is how "Lobbying" is allowed. Lobbying is just *BRIBERY* with extra steps, and saying it is the same as "free speech" gives the wealthy *AND* corporations *MORE* "Free speech" than the average common citizen and that's not how it's supposed to work. Until we change those facts, deciding how often to change the people doesn't really change anything, it's like deciding after how many games of chess we should switch which color we start as... *we're STILL just playing the SAME game.*
@CarlMansell 4 ай бұрын
When you see the shots of him saving people like the soldier, "just killed that guy by flying into him so fast," slow the scene down frame by frame and you realise how much attention to detail there is in the physics.
@cyatic Жыл бұрын
Believe it or not, Henry stood in front of a poster of the movie only wearing a pair of glasses and nobody recognized him. The glasses work!
@jackg.1683 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. In Times Square, NYC. Noone looks at people around them.
@lemonherb1 Жыл бұрын
Superman was first published in 1938, and was the character that launched the whole 'super hero' genre. Comics were a cheap medium that had large print runs so they were pretty prolific. A lot of the tropes that we associate with Superman were created in this simpler time, so it's easier to accept glasses, slouching and a meek personality could hide his identity. Even his costume was based on circus strong men of the time. The catch phrase, "Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman' came from the radio plays that were inspired by comics. Fun fact, the existence of Kryptonite has it's origins from the radio show. The actor who portrayed Superman, was on vacation for awhile, so they got some other actor to moan and groan because he was exposed to a poisonous radio active mineral that came from Superman's world. In the beginning, his opponents were just regular guys, but that had to evolve has the scale of his power set grew. His most notable villain from the early days was Lex Luthor, who was your stereotypical "Mad Scientist", who built ridiculous giant robots, contraptions etc to fight Superman. When DC revamped their universe and Superman back in 1986, they made Lex Luthor into a rich egotistical industrialist, which I admit was a better way to make him an interesting opponent. The reboot also scaled Superman's powers down a lot. Admittedly pre-reboot it had gotten completely ridiculous, as he was able to move planets out of their orbit, and travel through time unassisted. What kind of opponent can counter that, or for that matter what writer would want to take on that task?
@TheUnstableThinker Жыл бұрын
Pretty much any criticisms of this movie are 100% fair and justified. I have no idea how this won a poll, it is genuinely one of the most dull and drab "superhero" movies ever. The follow up is somehow both less dull and more boring, and the Zach Snyder alt-cut is a mission statement on how much he hates editors and desperately needs them. The man makes 1.5 good movies and he somehow gets control of the entire DC universe for a decade. It's freaking weird.
@derrickhale-ey2gn Жыл бұрын
The point behind the dog, he wanted Clark by his mom, that’s a characteristic of Superman character, that little scene. That’s why his dad went. It was a lesson.
@juliang6174 Жыл бұрын
Before I watch this, I hope you guys liked it. I'm a huge DC fan, and comics in general, love alot of Marvel. But this was so dope when it came out for me. And I hope you enjoy it too!
@ScarriorIII Жыл бұрын
The original radio version in the 1930s had no Zod, he was called Kal-El, no mention of controlled breeding. Kryptonians were default advanced, "i step practically as far as I want to." He landed on Earth as an adult, and got his name suggested from 2 random people he saved after he landed. He could fly, his chest shield was bulletproof, he had strength but its inconsistent, he can breathe underwater, he has advanced sight of some kind of x-ray but no lasers. His voice would change when he swapped between clark and super.
@VendettaProduction01 Жыл бұрын
@22:23 welcome to one of the biggest conflicts about this being a Superman movie. There are several dozen throughout the movie but letting Kent die and Kent telling Clark to let kids drown on the school bus are two of the largest conflicts that are massively debated on the internet even today
@thomasplanquette424 4 ай бұрын
Why did he didn't sent Clark to save the dog ? Because in the end he is a dad , and as a father he didn't want his son to be in danger (even if Clark couldn't be harmed)
@FunkhousersNephew Жыл бұрын
I love how people always criticize the heat of the moment "I've never dealt with anything like this in my life" decisions that are made by characters in this movie lol
@thepizzaguyishere273 Жыл бұрын
For the glasses as a disguise thing, I've seen a meme that actually explains it pretty well. It's two photos of Zooey Deschanel & it says "Seeing Zooey Deschanel without bangs or glasses made me accept that maybe people couldn't figure out that Clark Kent was Superman" Also, the whole thing about his disguise isn't about making people think "Hey this meek guy Clark Kent can't be Superman" It's more about not being noticed in the first place. As a social ninja myself, I can confirm this
@VilleHalonen Жыл бұрын
I agree about the many writers thing, Simone. It's not always a bad thing, but it makes me suspicious. The 1978 Superman suffers from it as well. It was originally written by Mario Puzo -- the dude who wrote The Godfather, of all people. But it didn't go the way he wanted. It's a lot less dark. It's even cheesy, but it also has a lot of charm. The world of Watchmen doesn't have superhero comics. The comic book version has inserts of a horror pirate comic book. Not Pirates of the Caribbean funny horror, but pretty gruesome stuff. I haven't read a lot of Superman comics (or any superhero comics). There are some stand alone stories worth checking out, if you're interested. J. Michael's Straczynski's "Superman: Earth One" is only three albums long and I quite liked it. It's got Straczynski's trademark tone of a sort of realistic optimism, where struggles are real, but there's hope and heroes fight for admirable causes. Straczynski's own childhood was absolute hell, as told in his excellent autobiography "Becoming Superman", and Superman means the world to him. He conveys that meaning well in the Earth One story. I'm interested in what the good bad Diane Lane movie is, btw!
@noneya3635 Жыл бұрын
In the original lore of Superman he worked for the government for quite a while. So yes the govt liked superman just fine. Even in he current lore like the death of superman series he has a relationship with the presidents of the usa.
@Moosh50 Жыл бұрын
😯: "Look, up in the sky! It's a bird!" 😲: "It's a plane!" 🤨: "Why are you guys freaking out over either of those?"
@effluviah7544 Жыл бұрын
If you've never watched the classic Superman films, you might want to give them a go! :) They're still really fun.
@logical-fuzz Жыл бұрын
To answer your question: Superman does fight a variety of enemies, but his archnemesis for a long time is a human name Lex Luthor. Doomsday is a primitive kryptonian. He also fights transdimensional beings, as well.
@ChickenOfTheCaveMan Жыл бұрын
I watched the Snyder cut like three times vs the theatrical cut only that one time in theater. It definitely flies by and is more inspired and self contained than whatever the Joss one aimed for.
@ssbn401 Жыл бұрын
For the glasses costume, it's more realistic than you'd think. Henry Cavill literally stood in Times Square, NYC wearing glasses next to a giant billboard of himself as Superman and no one recognized him.
@betsyduane3461 Жыл бұрын
In the 1978 movie his dad dies of a heart attack outside their farm house. In the comics (1963) both parents passed away due to exposure to the "Plague Disease" after Jonathan found a buried pirate chest on a Caribbean island while he and Martha were on vacation there. Then they come back, and die, and come back, it's a mess depending on what decade and writer.
@S0ldeed Жыл бұрын
22:40 I take it that in the heat of the moment, his dad asked him to stay and look after his mum. No, not a well thought through plan, but he wanted his wife safe.
@penguinlover1986 Жыл бұрын
There is one thing that everyone seems to miss about the dad death scene is that the dad wanted Clark to keep the mom safe, and not expose himself, but above all keep the mom safe too. I think the criticism of that scene is a bit unfair.
@incogneato790 Жыл бұрын
I'm highly critical of that scene. Superman would risk everything, including exposure, to save the lives of those he loved. For him to stand by and allow his adopted father to be killed to keep his powers a secret is so against Superman's character. It's against the values that Jonathan Kent taught him as well. The writers of this don't understand who Superman is. That passive-aggressive trashing the guy's truck is another thing Superman wouldn't do.
@realwappy Жыл бұрын
@@incogneato790 "For him to stand by and allow his adopted father to be killed to keep his powers a secret is so against Superman's character." I think you don't get that scene then. For me it was more like Clark letting his dad be a dad as in keeping Clark and his wife out of danger and letting Jonathan be the hero for once. That to me seems like the right thing to do and that is what Superman is all about.
@incogneato790 Жыл бұрын
@@realwappy No, Superman would never just stand back and let someone die, no matter what the cost to him personally is. His mom was safe enough, he didn't need to do anything to protect her. His dad needed to be saved and his taking no action is out of character. If he was too busy saving his mom to save his dad, that would be understandable, but he was just standing there, doing nothing but watching his dad get killed. Out of character for him to do that, out of character for his dad to tell him to do that.
@Powerhaus88 Жыл бұрын
@@incogneato790 You don't get it I'm sorry to say. The audience knows way more about Clark's powers than him or his parents do at that point in the story when the tornado happens. Pa Kent cannot reasonably expect to be saved without putting his kid's life in danger. They don't know he can't be hurt by a flying car, it's not something that comes up in a typical childhood. We know, because we've watched Superman movies and shows all our lives, we grew up with Smallville, but in this universe, in the DCEU, there is no instance in which Clark did something so "super" that it would establish his speed and invulnerability. And even if he did, and his family knew what he can do, tons of people were staring at Jonathan from below the overpass, and Clark and Jonathan suddenly vanishing and reappearing together would have destroyed their family. He hasn't even been shown to have super speed at this point in his life. Not on screen at least. Part of his journey in the comics is finding his limits, and being afraid of situations he's never had to voluntarily put himself in before. There is a whole lot going on in the Tornado scene, it's great, and sad, and as the last conversation he has with his dad, it affects him for the rest of his life.
@schpiner8653 Жыл бұрын
@@Powerhaus88 You keep repeating this same comment to everyone in the comments section. Here's the uphill battle you are facing: Superman is an established character with a long, rich history. When 18 year old Clark acts like a selfish, ungrateful brat, the audience reacts negatively. Johnathan Kent is the "salt of the earth" farmer who taught Clark hard work, self sacrifice and compassion for others. When he suggests in THIS version that Clark should "maybe" allow a bus load of children to drown, the audience reacts negatively. When Johnathan stands there and waves Clark off from what, we the audience know would be an easy save for Clark, the audience reacts negatively. Here's the problem: these are the 'Snyderverse" version of events which contradict the established lore and the established characters. You have been running all over the comments trying to tell Superman fans that they are ignorant or downright "stupid" because the Snyderverse Man of Steel ISN'T Superman. Man of Steel Johnathan Kent is completely contrary to the established character of Johnathan Kent. This isn't deep and compelling writing. This isn't stupidity or ignorance on the part of the audience. When George and Simone (who have no prior knowledge of Superman) watched that scene, they noticed that it was clumsy or incongruous with the characters. There are two camps here: Superman fans and Zach Snyder fanboys. IF Zach Snyder wanted to create an angry, brooding alien character who drowns a bus load of school children , stands inert while his father is killed in a tornado, destroys 20% of the city, kills 5,000 people, and rounds it off by snapping the opponent's neck.... THEN he should have created his own original story and left the Superman mythology alone. Zack Snyder isn't writing deep literature that the rest of us "just don't understand" He's a director who can't make a movie unless he later spends an extra $50 million and then releases a 5 hour extended cut to explain his poor first attempt.... The entire DC movie universe is being rebooted by James Gunn. Apparently, the studio "doesn't understand" it either.....
@philbell5564 Жыл бұрын
I honestly can't wait until you get through all of the DCU movies and then go back to basics with the OG Superman (1978) It will be a very unique reaction.
@eingoluq Жыл бұрын
Superman was as you initially said. a humanoid Alien, where normal human abilities were amplified. He was strong, invulnerable and originally could only jump. Soon they focused on his super senses. He could see a broader range of light than visible light. basically, the entire EM spectrum. Then he could emit parts of the EM spectrum from his eyes, particularly X-rays. which allows him to see through wall (which makes no sense but run with it.) X-rays is a thermal wave, as such enough X-rays from his eyes lead to the creation of Superman's heat vision. (It is NOT a laser)
@Aro7241 Жыл бұрын
The dead body Clark saw in the pod, was Super Girl's. Initially Kal El's teen cousin Kara El was sent with Kal baby to look after him.. But her pod wouldn't open until Kal is all grown up. So by the time Supergirl wakes from her Cryogenic sleep, her baby cousin is much older than her, and shows her the way in the path to Heroism. In Tthis version, her pod was never opened and must've gotten damaged, cauuse she died as a teenager in it. In the new Flash movie trailers, you can see a parallel Earth, where she didn't die and becomes Supergirl
@ckk981 Жыл бұрын
His Dad believed, rightfully so, that he would have to exhibit his powers again in the twister situation. He was willing to die to protect Clark and his family. The world was not ready. This act of pure selflessness informs who Clark becomes. Very important. Also, at that time he is very inexperienced and does not know the extent of his powers.
@suproliver Жыл бұрын
In the Christopher Reeve version of Superman, his Earth father died of a heart attack. It's less dramatic than this version, but it was to demonstrate that despite all his powers, he couldn't save his father from a fateful heart attack. -OG
@Vohaul86 Жыл бұрын
Zod probably ordered Lois to come to the ship so that Jor-El vould give her the info dump needed later in the movie's script. (I remember wondering that when I saw this.)
@andrewgardner769 Жыл бұрын
His dad did it bc he had to see his dad be a hero..inspires him to be heroic. Sacrifice everything thus the argument right b4 that tornado bc Clark was getting spoiled. He had to see that humanity could be more than bad.
@dnish6673 Жыл бұрын
Supes powers kind of evolved over time. Originally, he wasn’t 100% invulnerable (a bomb exploding against him could hurt him) and he couldn’t fly (hence “leap tall buildings in a single bound). Always fast, strong, etc.
@marcochavezjr9180 Жыл бұрын
I think the reason why his dad didn't want him to go out into the twister is because he didn't want anyone to see him use his power.
@davidking498 Жыл бұрын
Which is so ham-fisted stupid it defies defense
@zablak689 2 ай бұрын
Superman's power is strictly psionic, invisible manipulating force. That's how he can lift building by a corner. He can also manipulate people perceptions. He actually looks like a tapeworm.
@jamaul1391 Жыл бұрын
45:31, they do actually, in the marvel universe they read DC comics, it was confirmed in the marvel's eternals where one of the heroes mentioned Superman, and vise versa for DC😂, it's actually funny how they basically tag each other
@dennismctye9048 Жыл бұрын
To make sense of why Johnathan Kent didn't let Clark go instead of him and why he also didn't want clark to try saving him, he did it because of a few reasons, 1. Clark was the only one that could protect his mom and anyone else if needed, 2. There was no way for clark to reach his father in time to save him unless he used his super speed cause even for a younger more energetic teenager they wouldn't be able to make it in time because of the distance between the tornado, car, and school, 3. Obviously it would reveal his secret and cause country-wide/world-wide panic letting people know that there are creatures/otherworldly beings among us and they have abilities we are outclassed by, it would put a target on clarks back for the rest of his life never letting the world know that he is someone here to help, not destroy
@NobleTribe Жыл бұрын
It's amazing as viewers because of our knowledge on certain characters like superman we oftentimes forget they, the characters have to grow into knowing their full abilities. Clark didn't not know his limit, pa kent did what every father would do protect his family. There's no way he is sending his child in without knowing his abilities. Jo el, Clark's Kryptonian dad told him before the flight to keep testing his limits. It's obvious that his powers were in revelation mode...we get to superman speed later on after his father's death. So it's not about if superman could save his dad, the real question is what does Clark know enough about his powers to save his father besides respecting the father's wish too.
@robertrouse4503 Жыл бұрын
The Director's cut of Batman v Superman is worth it. Yes, Zach Snyder's Justice League should be watched in two sittings.
@KeoTower Жыл бұрын
The council of elders on Krypton didn't believe jorel when he told him that the planet was going to explode. That's why they sent zod to the phantom zone instead of leaving them on the planet because I didn't think it was going to blow up.
@justinbaileyASU Жыл бұрын
I think that you won't understand his dad going after the dog until you're a parent yourself. His dad was trying to protect him. There was a whole group of people that would have seen him use his super speed. Also, although it was Henry in that scene, he is supposed to be 17-19ish in that scene. His powers are not fully developed yet so we don't know how fast he could move then. Regarding the fighting, Zod and his soldiers have literally trained to be soldiers their entire lives. Clark has never been in a fight. He can barely hold his own, let alone take them wherever he wants to fight. With the terraforming, Zod is specifically doing it to Earth because he wants Clark to suffer in retribution for how his dad treated them.
@thurskwiss 4 ай бұрын
I hate it when people watch this movie for the first time and they complain about destruction and people dying. Yeah there’s destruction. Duhh....look who he's fighting with! It’s probably because he’s reacting, his first time fighting, and doesn’t know how to deal with what’s happening. He’s just learning to use his powers. And yes, a few thousand people may die, but he is saving billions (the world). And imagine how boring a fight would be if it were in the dessert, the arctic or in space!
@harrythefish4593 Жыл бұрын
His disguise I belive is more than just glasses. It's how he acts walks stands voice. Superman stands tall proud has a deeper voice, no glasses, moves with intention. Clark Kent hunches (so he seesm shorter), has a higher and more mild sounding voice, he is clumsy, He always seems unsure on how to act, (do I shake your hand with my right hand or left hand, let me put my papers and briefcase in both my hands then try to shake yours.) Also I believe his hair is in different styles. Supermans' outfit is tight to his body showing off his physic, Clark tends to wear baggy cloths that seem to be just one size to large for him. I suggest watching the original superman movie with Christopher Reeves. The way he plays both sides of superman/CK really do feel like two different people to me.
@willot4237 Жыл бұрын
22:12 Well, yeah; I mean lifting buses and making tents of trunks in front of people is cool but saving your dad isnt? HOWEVER, his father wanted to make sure his wife was safe and sending his son with her back to the overpass would make sure she made it to safety.
@DonMachado Жыл бұрын
Originally, Superman's powers consisted of super strength, super speed and invulnerability. Later powers added were super hearing, super vision, heat vision, x-ray vision and super breath. He doesn't need to breathe, and can live in space. The most common explanation for his powers are due to the yellow sun of our solar system. Krypton has a red sun and Kryptonians developed a denser body to withstand the suns radiation and Krypton's increased gravity. The Earth's yellow sun energizes his body and his body density makes him invulnerable to most everything with the main exception being rocky debris from Krypton called Kryptonite.
@marcusmcgill4423 Жыл бұрын
@CineBinge React It's heat vision, not lasers. He can also freeze things with his breath. Fun Fact: The open pod in the scout ship was his cousin, Kara aka Supergirl. There was a prequel comic that came with the home release of the film. She landed on Earth first.
@DementedDistraction Жыл бұрын
Authentic Canadian moment at 5:53. But yeah, the circumstances surrounding the death of Pa Kent is one of probably 2 glaring logical fallacies in this movie, and it's the one that people always instantly call out when watching it for the first time. Also, regarding Superman's powers - they've fluctuated over time depending on the needs of the writers, lol.
@maceomaceo11 Жыл бұрын
Christopher Reeve is the only actor that was able to pull off the Clark Kent/Superman duality. The "No way that big goof is the biggest stud in the universe" narrative is very easy to digest in his performance.
@MrMagicianJr Жыл бұрын
When superman saved the soldier that fell out of the helicopter he actually barrel rolled when he grabbed him so that he wouldnt suffer from whiplash
@mrbaldy1665 Жыл бұрын
While yes he can survive on sunlight alone, early superman usually doesn't realize that. He can hold his breath a real long time though too.
@BogeyTheBear 2 ай бұрын
6:15 'Clark' is Martha's maiden surname. 17:25 Kids-- the scotch is for the _situation,_ not the lady.
@projectionreflection5475 Жыл бұрын
Superman's villian rogues gallery consists of Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Parasite, Bizarro, Toyman, Livewire, Metallo, General Zod, Doomsday, Darkseid, Mongul, Silver Banshee, Cyborg Superman, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and many others but these are the most notable
@Alexanderthegreat159 Жыл бұрын
19:30 yeah because we know people are not good for the most part. Not even talking about the superhuman aspect just how good Superman is no actual person could ever reach that level of goodness. At least in most versions of Superman and that's The problem. He may be an icon of peace and goodness but the fact of the matter is we as the human race will never achieve that for as long as there's a chance to be jealous, there's a chance to hate and want to fight people for the simplest shit. So I agree with what you say Even if it's for a different reason
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