Man With Dyslexia Says The OrCam Read Has Been A ‘Game Changer’ In His Life

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Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil

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Sponsored by OrCam
#Ad Jared says he was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was 5 years old. “Reading and writing were big challenges, so I felt lost,” he says. Despite having difficulty learning and reading, Jared says he went on to graduate from college, then earned two master’s degrees. Still, Jared says everyday tasks can be frustrating, and things like work and dating have their challenges.
“It is very exhausting when you have to put that much energy into getting one task done,” he says.
Dr. Bryan Wolynski, a low vision optometrist and spokesperson for OrCam, says the company, which makes portable devices for vision assistance, has developed the OrCam Read specifically for people with reading challenges such as dyslexia, traumatic brain injury, low vision, and more.
“The OrCam Read allows anyone with a reading challenge to instantly read digital and printed text,” he says. “It’s the only assistive technology that allows full page capture which doesn’t require any WIFI, and also does it in real time.”
The OrCam Read converts text into audio, enabling individuals who use the device to read anything they want.
“It’s been a game changer in my life,” says Jared. “The OrCam Read has helped me at work, and I’ve become more confident with doing everyday tasks.”
Watch the video above to learn more about how OrCam Read has the power to change the lives of those with reading challenges. If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing an OrCam Read, you can receive a $250 discount. Redeem this special offer today by visiting explore.orcam....
Offer expires February 14, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. PST.

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@embro2.0 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be an avid reader, but a traumatic brain injury has changed my life and especially my reading life. It has taken away a huge piece of who I am. I struggle to read 30 minutes without falling asleep. Thank you for sharing this assistive technology!
@TheLevantine 2 жыл бұрын
As someone with dyslexia and adhd it's very hard to deal with, especially when you not aware of what happening with you until you're older, I finished college but I still struggle
@maryannanderson2213 2 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration about five years ago and my vision is slowly getting worse and worse. The thing is that what I love to do most in life is read and it will be a really sad day in my life if I get where I cannot read at all. I get books for my Kindle because I can make the font as large as I want to OR I can just have them read to me. I also have Alexa read to me. (In case anyone doesn't know, Alexa is the voice of Amazon's Echo.) But sometimes Alexa gets confused and when I ask her to read a certain book, she says she can't do that even though I know it is a book that I have purchased. My sister told me about the OrCam, and it sounded Heaven sent but when I did some research, I discovered that it cost $4,000. I am retired and on a fixed income and I do not have $4,000. Even with Dr. Phil's $250 discount I still could not afford this, but I am hoping that as the technology gets a bit older the price will be lowered to a point where I can afford to purchase it. Until then I use a magnifying glass to read directions on food packages and I get a lot of books for my Kindle.
@melissayager883 2 жыл бұрын
I am going to an optometrist in the next few weeks after I get my new apartment. I wonder if game changer don't you think I suffer from what you said, but macular degeneration. I love to read and little by little it's getting harder and harder for me to see anything on a page. I started having to hold my book a little further and further away to where even if I reach my arm all the way out I can no longer read. I have to put on my family Dollar reading glasses lol I also agree that $4,000 is a heck of a lot of money! Maybe they even have a payment plan? I'm on a fixed income I'm currently surviving on my SSI check which is not bad but it's not a whole lot of extra money around! That's for sure but if there was payments allowed I don't see why I couldn't do that. The new apartment is income based so that would leave extra money for a payment for sure! Not sure if you've inquired about that?? I'm definitely interested in this product! I too have ADHD and I also have been diagnosed with the TBI problem. I never really thought about that as why I'm not seeing as well as I used to and it's getting worse and worse. Well I'm praying for you honey and I hope you can get one of those!!! 🙋🙏😇
@maryannanderson2213 2 жыл бұрын
​@@melissayager883I sincerely hope that what is wrong with your eyes is NOT Macular Degeneration because unfortunately that is not correctable with glasses. I had surgery on my right eye, which was the one in which my vision was the worst, but the surgery did not correct the problem. After surgery you have to sit with your head parallel to the floor with your vision only on the floor for at least a week and apparently, I did not follow those guidelines strictly enough, so it didn't work. I had the surgery a second time and it still didn't work so I gave up. I just pray that my left eye does not get bad because if both of my eyes were as bad as my right eye, I not only wouldn't be able to read but I also wouldn't be able to drive. Good luck and I hope whatever is wrong with your eyes is correctable!
@tracyrodman5557 2 жыл бұрын
@tracyrodman5557 2 жыл бұрын
@tracyrodman5557 2 жыл бұрын
Y ugh
@gladysmccoy1725 2 жыл бұрын
My son has a TBI and I think this would be beneficial for him.
@ac7ionmannews 2 жыл бұрын
Get him AR glasses instead, it’s cheaper and will work better and with digital and physical media and has a variety of useful uses beyond just helping him to read.
@bobbg9041 2 жыл бұрын
A TBI and dyslexia are very differnt problems TBI Trumatic Brain Injuary Effects many parts of the brain it can slow your mechanical movements or mess with your memory, it also can effect reasoning or what my son has motivation and focus in the USA its not considered a disability but in Europe it is wile dyslexia is considered a disability and focus to help people with is is far greater today then it was when I grew up with it. You might look at this tool and think wow somone smart came up with it, yep somone with dyslexia probly did. Becuse normal people were too stupid to think of it. Sorry I. My last 61 years I've been called dumb becuse my spelling sucks so many times its not funny. People can be cruel and I can lash out in jest but really whos the dumb person here the person with a problem or the people who ignored it the past ??? 1000s of years. For all we know the wheel was invented by a dyslexic person. Somone who.looked at things outside the squar of box. Had a rounder approach to the subject.
@gladysmccoy1725 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbg9041 You are absolutely correct. Sorry you have had such a tough journey.
@bobbg9041 2 жыл бұрын
I have dyslexia, it took me years to learn how to read and write, I took one collage course reading comprehension and got good grades in the class. In fact I understand large words better then my wife at times who also went to collage and that class with me. She's very intelligent, but Just becuse you have dyslexia dosnt mean your not, in fact our very way of life today is owed to people and persons who had dyslexia and or learing disabilitys. There is a long list of famous people who had dyslexia who invented a lot of modern devices we use daily. You see in someway it helps us see outside the box and attack problems from angles no one else sees. So your spelling might be poor I know mine is, you read slower so do I But you understand 99% of what's written When most people read so fast they miss the point. You see the point and the flaw it is. Use this to your advantage Not a crutch. I belive a lot of people labeled dumb are actually more intelligent then we could ever know. Everyone has a place we all make the total sum we all relay on each other to make a whole. Every squar peg has a round hole it fits into. You just need to find the path set out for you by God and fallow it. A blind man hears better, a def man sees more. Wile one sense is lowered a different sense takes its place this make a part of a whole a whole part. We all have something unique to offer society and each other.
@raven_in_disguise1649 2 жыл бұрын
Wow I agree with everything you said! Especially with the phrase "Everyone has a place we all make the total sum, we all rely on each other to make a whole. Every square peg has a round whole it fits into" This is exactly what God is trying to point out to all people that we all need each other to be whole! And that everyone should follow the plan God has planned out for them!
@StephenGman 2 жыл бұрын
I'm homeless and have no family I feel like giving up hope I have so many mental breakdown every day life just gets harder fir me and I just want to be happy
@CC-bt8lf 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, try watching videos on how to cope with your worries and things that bother you. I had to do self care/work to get past my trauma, and it helped me so much. I pray that you can find a balance in life full of happiness 💛🌻
@Bob-64 2 жыл бұрын
If you have access to a phone youtube has binuaral beat meditation and regular meditation its a godsend for me
@peace.404 2 жыл бұрын
EFT tapping helps a lot. Look it up. It can help you cope.
@amberlytheharpyqueen 2 жыл бұрын
I'm severely dyslexic and growing up in the 90s where it wasn't really understood as well as it is today. The school just tossed me in remedial classes and just left me there, it was mostly a class where "trouble makers" where sent. ( I had some AMAZING teachers don't get me wrong) but the school system just...gave up on me. My mom found a book that really really helped me learn to read and understand my learning issues and how to use them to my advantage. The gift of dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis ( I can read, and write backwards and upsidedown..I still spell things phonetically and rely heavily on auto correct but that's ok) The point is people who are dyslexic ARE NOT stupid, we just see things a little differently and learning some things are more difficult. I believe that my struggle with learning to read I now appreciate and LOVE books and written words so much more then I would have had I not been dyslexic.
@SummerGustaf 2 жыл бұрын
You just described my life... nice to hear we're not alone in this.
@amberlytheharpyqueen 2 жыл бұрын
@@SummerGustaf your not alone ❤️
@TheNickPenney 2 жыл бұрын
Mine too. I never finished high school because of it, and poverty, I worked to help support my siblings and single parent.
@Mamabear_of2 2 жыл бұрын
I think this thing is super neat and could be extremely beneficial. My only reservations on it, is, when a child has dyslexia, don’t we want to teach them how to still read independently??? I feel this too just does the work for them, and then all they have to do is listen so why bother actually LEARNING HOW without this thing. I mean it seems great, but at the same time, don’t we want them to be good readers on their own without just listening and then answering questions? I feel this just does all the work for them, so what would be the point to learn anything?
@ichimarutetsu 2 жыл бұрын
That really isn't how dyslexia works I compare it to hitting a literal wall when I read. I have to go back over the same paragraph over and over and still find new words or even whole sentences that I missed previously. It is one of the most exhausting things to do Commas, semicolons, and most other punctuation marks mean absolutely nothing to me, and I read pretty avidly. If it weren't for autocorrect and grammar checks you wouldn't be able to read most of what I write. My family tried to drill spelling into my head like it was the most important thing in the world. Can't spell much still 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, research shows that listening to a book has the same benefits as reading manually.
@ichimarutetsu 2 жыл бұрын
People with dyslexia have a misfire in their brain that cannot make the same connections between visual symbols and understanding what they represent. For me, I spell phonetalicy (did not use spell check on purpose there) and absolutely can not do any kind of math without a calculator. If a person's brain can not make those connections naturally, there is only so much that reading drills and tutoring can do
@purebeast1000 2 жыл бұрын
I’m wanting to go back to college but I have dyslexia and I’d like something like that to help
@Mass614 2 жыл бұрын
Is this an ad for orcan read
@chris6969 2 жыл бұрын
You weren't supposed to notice Dr. Shill shilling.
@blazingstar9638 2 жыл бұрын
I need that 😭😭
@jcaylalove8713 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this is awesome! I have a 19 year old son with Dyslexia.
@bobbg9041 2 жыл бұрын
Thats 91 year old. He/or she has to read it also. Im dyslexia also its a joke.
@helengoodman3140 Жыл бұрын
Would love this for my little guy I have custody of for 6 yrs. Just too expensive with a fixed income
@ashleypage9244 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously though don't nobody else goes bullying nor laughing or judging or teasing people you'd so stunned 😯😳 by who else is going through the same exact situation circumstances as you better be very mindful
@nataliegist2014 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to have one but it’s way to expensive for me.
@tgibbus 2 жыл бұрын
I was so frustrated when I tried to read when I was a kid I hated it and then I grew up and realized I’m dyslexic
@musicaflowerchild5540 Жыл бұрын
@jenniferm9341 2 жыл бұрын
My daughter needs this so bad but it’s $1,700 with the discount 😢
@chingli528 24 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear that. If your daughter lives in the U.S., she may be eligible for Bookshare, an e-book library for people with print disabilities. It’s free for students, otherwise there’s a small cost. Computers may also have accessibility text-to-speech functions.
@RoyalRoses 2 жыл бұрын
I wish it had something like bluetooth so I can hook it up to my headphones and read in peace. I think it would be way more comfortable then it saying everything out loud. (But it still having that option when at home alone, ect)
@OrCam 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Rose, the sound can be streamed either through Bluetooth or wired headphones
@dubelada 2 жыл бұрын
Hi mom
@rogerjohnson2905 2 жыл бұрын
I'll be the judge of that cause I'm dyslexic myself Special education all of my life i have 2nd grade 3rd grade reading level my life was hard Scared to walk in the Special add classroom cause other students were calling me spad and make fun of me school hard for me.
@intherockies 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if it has a different voice besides the robotic version. I have a young teenager who has dyslexia and ADHD. I don't see her listening to the slow robot sound without being bored.
@Durka-Durka 2 жыл бұрын
That's so cool
@shaun4443 2 жыл бұрын
Life's like a box of chocolates.
@ThinkBlueAZ 2 жыл бұрын
Nice commercial.
@faith_God 2 жыл бұрын
@jessicaantonucci3720 2 жыл бұрын
I think people given up teaching the little ones with disorders and I have one and the facebook groups I'm in the ones in elementary the schools isn't taking the time to sit with them and making sure there okay like they did to me is sad and they pushing acc and stuff like this instead of teaching strategies like I was taught to use to speak right ish on own
@jessicaantonucci3720 2 жыл бұрын
I put right ish cause Grammer and accent
@kellymarietarotfamilypets9598 2 жыл бұрын
@darkashes9953 Жыл бұрын
Orcam is way over priced
@owdeezstrauz1268 2 жыл бұрын
This is great! Now no one has to learn to read!
@AnnaFreezeTM 2 жыл бұрын
@nchury1510 2 жыл бұрын
@jakeherter 2 жыл бұрын
I just don't understand how this is helping people. Guy seems to be just fine and obviously people with dyslexia have heard about this kind of technology. How many single mothers are getting beat by somebody how many kids are made homeless by garbage parents how many kids are on drugs because their parents modeled it to them. All of whom you can help but you do stupid stories like this which just drive me insane.
@RoyalRoses 2 жыл бұрын
You need so much help I can't even put into words how far gone you are. Blind people and people who can't read do, in fact, exist. The world and the people within it are aloud to tackle multiple issues, YES! EVEN ISSUES THAT DONT AFFECT YOU! The world doesn't revolve around you or your wants, its absolutely psychotic that you think otherwise. Help IS out there for you, but honestly, you might be to far gone! I pity anyone who has the displeasure of having someone like you in their life, its clearly exhausting and I hope they get far away from you as soon as possible. They have my condolences.
@amyloftus6111 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is dyslexic I think it's great,no one really talks about dyslexia,we just get told we are stupid/slow and can't read /thrown in and out of special needs classes ,a tool like this would have been awesome when I was still in school.
@thelewisfamily7044 2 жыл бұрын
A device like this could make a world of a difference in the right hand. He uses his platform for teaching and this is a teaching opportunity too even though it's not what you want to see. I understand not being able to read might seem small in comparison to other issues but I promise you it's just as devastating to those who can't read. My soon to be 10 year old daughter is diagnosed with dyslexia. She can't read and has made no progress at all in reading. She comes home from school quite a bit crying asking me why she can't read but others in her class can. She tells me how hard she tries yet she still can't seem to do it. She's started to create her own language recently using emojis because she finds that easier than reading. Every day this poor kid calls herself stupid because she can't read. We have long talks about it but I promise you her pain is very real too. Take care
@StephenGman 2 жыл бұрын
I'm homeless and have no family I feel like giving up hope I have so many mental breakdown every day life just gets harder fir me and I just want to be happy
@blazingstar9638 2 жыл бұрын
Where are u at? Like what city?
@StephenGman 2 жыл бұрын
@@blazingstar9638 Saint charels Illinois
@drmeow3562 2 жыл бұрын
@@StephenGman find a job a lot of places are hiring get off the street man should be your goal !!! A room somewhere to call home
@drmeow3562 2 жыл бұрын
@@StephenGman YOU CAN DO THIS
@drmeow3562 2 жыл бұрын
@@StephenGman you’re doing it on your own it will feel good to say I bought this I did this all on my own
@blazingstar9638 2 жыл бұрын
That’s so cool
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