很高興地宣布😬,我們的頻道現已開通會員功能啦!一共有三個等級。 【如何加入會員❓有以下幾種方式和可能】 🌟直接跳轉入會頁面,請點擊下面🔗:kzbin.info/door/CKyBTtvLYcPutlJCyKUS7Ajoin 🌟💻電腦端的大家也可以按下頻道名稱隔壁的【加入】。 🌟📱手機端的朋友請找到頻道名下面的橫欄,最右邊有一個【簡介】,進入後最下面有一個【加入會員】的連結,可以點擊進去查閱。(聽說蘋果手機使用者的頁面顯示的頻道名字旁邊是看不到【加入】按鈕的,如果手機端操作起來不方便或者出現各種問題導致無法支付會員費的提示,麻煩請嘗試電腦端更保險! 🌟支持的付費方式:目前youtube介面彈出的加入會員頁面顯示是接受信用卡或者Paypal,有少部分人是能跳轉apple store支付會費的。具體情況因地區而異,需要大家嘗試一下看看,如果還是無法加入的問題請留言闡述具體問題。 我們希望找尋那些與我們志同道合的少數有“共同靈魂意識”的朋友們,一起建立一個喜愛神奇、隨心所欲不踰矩的社群。我們給這個社群的寶寶們取名為“紗布”。紗布家族的入場券大概是每月一杯咖啡的錢,這個具體金額會因全球各地區匯率和物價差異有所浮動。 先聲明,我們十分尊重每個人的選擇自由。我們的會員和非會員的福利互不干涉,不加入會員也完全沒什麼問題。對於非會員區,我們還是會保證質量和更新頻次。對於準備或者已經加入會員的朋友,如果你覺得這杯咖啡的性價比不高,可以隨時按下取消訂閱按鈕。 【成為會員有什麼好處❓】 ★你將會成為我們“紗布家族“的一員。紗布來自英文前綴“SUB”,是潛意識“Subconsciousness”的中文網絡流行讀法。期待我們都是可以隨時觀照自己生活中的知行的潛意識,並且能及時做出修正,為自己人生負責的“紗布”們。所有會員將享有會員專屬的療癒石勳章,這些水晶礦石勳章會隨著大家加入會員的時長“突變和升級”。 ★你還可以使用獨家的會員表情符號(還在籌備中)。 ★當視頻下方評論區留言人數過多時,我們將優先回覆會員的評論。 ★更高等級的會員們除了上述基本福利外,你們還將享受以下「核心福利」。↓↓↓ ※ 會員專享社區動態文章:我會分享只有會員可以看到的關於吸引力法則、顯化法則、個人感悟、心靈成長、身心靈資料、會員共同參與的Q&A等內容。 ※ 會員專享投票:我們會發起各種主題投票互動,同時會根據會員寶貴的意見和建議進行內容的同步化修正,以保證呈現更貼近大家期待和需求的創作方向。你們都是頻道的掌舵人。 ※ 會員專享視頻:會員專享視頻不僅包含全程無廣告叨擾的多主題冥想音樂、睡眠音樂,還將在未來籌備「漸進式、系列化、步驟化」的顯化冥想。我希望為會員們提供一個有力的顯化實踐工具,以便養成更容易吸引豐盛、心想事成的體質。這是我做這個頻道的初衷,希望分享更多實用、利他的思維方式,也應該是我自己和宇宙玩顯化的一部分。我們的頻道還非常稚嫩,很多功能還在邊探索嘗試中,會時刻需要大家的建議去逐步完善、迭代。 ※ ♾等級的會員是“頻道友情贊助商”的性質。贊助商們不僅享有目前所有的會員福利,每個月將收到本頻道和宇宙從身到心、從財富到情感、從美貌到人氣的無限隨機祝福加持!^^ 感謝大家一路以來的支持和信任,希望大家在這裡玩得開心!Have a brilliant day~ 送上我們最誠摯的問候, Budrose Meditation 布玫瑰冥想 We are pleased to announce that 😬 our channel is now open for membership! 🌟Jump directly to the membership page, please click below 🔗: kzbin.info/door/CKyBTtvLYcPutlJCyKUS7Ajoin We have set up three membership levels, you can click on the 🔗 above for details. If you are on a computer, you can also click [Join] next to the channel name. For those on a cell phone, please find the bar below the channel name and there is an [Introduction] on the far right. We hope to find those few friends who share the same spirit as us and have a "common soul consciousness" to build a community that loves magic and does not transgress the rules. We have named the members in this community "紗布SUB". Admission to the “紗布 SUB Family“ is about the cost of a cup of coffee per month, and the exact amount fluctuates depending on exchange rates and price differences around the world. To be clear, we respect everyone's freedom of choice. Our members and non-members of the welfare of each other do not interfere, do not join the membership is no problem at all. For the non-member area, we still guarantee the quality and frequency of updates. For those who are ready to join or have already joined, if you feel that the value of this cup of coffee is not high, you can click the unsubscribe button at any time. What are the benefits of becoming a member? ★You will become a member of our "紗布 SUB Family". ★You can also use the exclusive member emoji (still in the works). ★When there are too many comments in the comment section below the video, we will reply to members' comments first. In addition to the above basic benefits, you will also enjoy the following "core benefits" for higher level members. ↓↓↓↓ *Members-only community dynamic articles: I will share content about the Law of Attraction, the Law of Manifestation, personal insights, spiritual growth, mind-body-spirit data, and Q&A that members can only see. *Members-only polls: We will initiate polls on various topics, and at the same time, we will synchronize the content based on members' valuable comments and suggestions to ensure that we present a creative direction that is closer to your expectations and needs. You are all at the helm of the channel. *Members-only video: The members-only video not only contains meditation music and sleep music with multiple themes without commercial interruptions, but will also be prepared for "progressive, serialized, step-by-step" manifestation meditation in the future. I want to provide members with a powerful tool for manifestation practice, so that they can develop a body that is more likely to attract abundance and achieve what they want. This was my original intention for this channel, to share more practical, altruistic ways of thinking that should also be part of my own and the universe's play with manifestation. Our channel is still very young, and many features are still being explored and tried on the side, so we will always need your suggestions to gradually improve and iterate. *The ♾ level of membership is the nature of a "channel friendly sponsor". Sponsors not only enjoy all the current membership benefits, but also receive unlimited random blessings from the channel and the universe every month, from body to heart, from wealth to emotion, from beauty to popularity! ^^ All The Best! Budrose Meditation