Manifestoon (1986) by Jessie Drew - The Communist Manifesto illustrated by Cartoons

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Mike Damn Nobody

Mike Damn Nobody

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Manifestoon (1986) by Jessie Drew - The Communist Manifesto illustrated by Cartoons. This is an homage to the latent subversiveness of cartoons. Though U.S. cartoons are usually thought of as conveyors of capitalist ideologies of consumerism and individualism, Drew observes: "Somehow as an avid childhood fan of cartoons, these ideas were secondary to a more important lesson-that of the 'trickster' nature of many characters as they mocked, outwitted and defeated their more powerful adversaries. In the classic cartoon, brute strength and heavy artillery are no match for wit and humor, and justice always prevails. For me, it was natural to link my own childhood concept of subversion with an established, more articulate version [Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto]. Mickey running over the globe has new meaning in today's mediascape, in which Disney controls one of the largest concentrations of media."

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@Thvndar 10 жыл бұрын
Whether you agree with Communism or not, you have to give Marx credit for being right about the wealth gap, there's something wrong when the richest 85 people in the world have more money than the bottom 3.5 Billion
@TheWildgoth 10 жыл бұрын
Marx also stated that "capitalism" would end itself because of such a gross difference in the peoples wealth. who knows maybe its reaching the end o.O?
@kamibango 12 жыл бұрын
Dude thanks for posting this! I'm studying the Communist Manifesto in school, felt really lost, and I re-read it after watching this and I actually could talk somewhat intelligently on it (which is quite a feet for me I usually interpret things completely wrong).The mental imagery was really useful to me, so um, now I've actually got to think about the ideas. Thanks.
@thatkindofguy234 10 жыл бұрын
Centralization was communism's downfall, that doesn't mean it therefore renders the ideology as defeated. I have yet to hear a legitimate argument made against a decentralized communism/socialism, like that which existed during the Spanish civil war and in the early Soviet Union and China.
@stephenboucher1 10 жыл бұрын
Read "Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises. Available for free on the Mises Institute website.
@frvb6541 9 жыл бұрын
Stephen Boucher Do you know the difference between communism as it is intended and stalinism and maoism into which it has degenerated?
@stephenboucher1 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, and in Mises's "Socialism", the author takes socialism on its own terms and instead explains the economic impossibility of socialism. It doesn't matter if there is no brutal stalinist regime in place - the absence of a pricing mechanism (among other problems) makes socialism impossible in large-scale economies. Please read it, and all of the other articles available on the Mises Institute website.
@frvb6541 9 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I dont think I will spend my time on that, but Im still willing to hear you explain it here :)
@stephenboucher1 9 жыл бұрын
Fair enough, but I still encourage you to take a look at it. I would also recommend "Economic Facts and Fallacies" by Thomas Sowell. I won't spend all my time writing out every problem with socialism here, but I will briefly explain the main one so you can do your own research, and hopefully get back to me with questions/criticisms/comments. One of the main arguments in "Socialism" is the economic calculation argument. It holds that socialism is inefficient and ineffective in distributing resources among millions of people because it relies on central planning, not a pricing mechanism (supply/demand). Therefore, subjective values (every person's individual needs and wants) cannot be translated into objective values using information provided by market prices, so an irrational allocation of economic resources emerges. This will create shortages of supply in areas where demand is high, and an abundance of supply in areas where demand is quite low. Now keep in mind this is assuming that the economic planners are well-meaning and benevolent, but it is still impossible for them to allocate resources efficiently through bureaucratic planning.
@nine2yodome187 9 жыл бұрын
great video, whoever put this together did a good job.
@KateReadsBooks 11 жыл бұрын
Did you make this? If so, can I put it in a film festival?
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"it drives me insane with boredom some days" - I think thats why. People who look at the work they do have a fire in them. Work is not something to get through life, it is life. Accomplishment is rewarding, hard work is rewarding. Capitalism allows you to make as much wealth as your ambition will take you. And grow other businesses too, investing in them. Historically, theoretically, philosophically Free Market Capitalistic Constitutional Republic is the greatest system ever devised.
@relativ6192 12 жыл бұрын
How the hell did this guy condensed into 8 minutes what we discussed for 2 hours?! OMG. I understood it actually more.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
One last question: If someone offered you a spot in their company. They came up to you and said we think you're a special person we'll be willing to give you 1 million up front, a nice car, house, and a 250K a year salary for a year for the rest of your life, would you take it if you believed you had the skills necessary to keep that position? I'd like an answer please.
@baralt1830 14 жыл бұрын
Actually after Hurricane Katrina the following countries helped in some way the US: Mexico sent troops to New Orleans with field Kitchen trucks to feed the masses, The European Union (including France) sent cargo planes to the US full of tents, medicine and so on. Kuwait sent a huge shipment of oil (free of charge to the US), and Cuba tried to send Doctors to the USA but the state department turned the offer down (my guess it was turned down for national security and Immigration reasons)
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@SteffanClentDavies Translation: "means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned" - Private property, "development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market" -Rule of law, because the free market can only EXIST with it. So again, Capitalism's two biggest tenents is private property and rule of law. And Ethiopia and Egypt were both colonized by the British, whose Imperial system WASNT Capitalistic.
@iownage4youi 13 жыл бұрын
Che replies that while it is true that if a child receives a toy, he then wants two toys, and if he receives two, he then wants four, that IS human nature.
@paolamcintyre 12 жыл бұрын
This is the 1st part of the Communist Manifesto: Bourgeois and Proliterians. This was not for the point of Communism dissecting, but the dissection of the Manifesto into relatable cartoonish characters to further explain the part. There is no shame.
@DrBandrew 12 жыл бұрын
the people asking rhetoricaly "how about the USSR?" show their misunderstanding of the concept of socialism/marxism. USSR tried to pursued socialism in one country,got rid of the democracy of the proletariat, abolished civil liberties, and failed to establish a wealthy ind. sector before their revolution. All things marx and current socialists would be against. we call for international worker cooperation,democratization and a guranteing of our civil liberties (speech, privacy etc.).
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"is that the worker has far more risk" -The worker works and gets a check, he has no management to worry about, no investments to watch, as long as you work hard you're guaranteed money which you can use to invest yourself and become a capitalist. The worker doesn't have the risk of creating something new that might not work. The Capitalist does, and all people who live in a Capitalist society have the ability to become Capitalists.
@trifulquita15 12 жыл бұрын
children watched this cartoon at soviet schools, meanwhile their parents were working at gulags in Siberia. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat killed more workers than rich capitalists.
@samsonlovesyou 13 жыл бұрын
You've made the Communist Manifesto really accessible with these visualisations. I'll be sharing with friends. Thanks.
@scolic03 15 жыл бұрын
can someone give me a list of all the cartoons that were used in the making of this clip? I remember some of the cartoons, I saw them when I was small boy .__.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"Now I'm a Software Engineer" -I've been a laborer all my life. Worked with horse feed and horses at race tracks. And you're a software engineer who argues Socialism? Ironic dont you think? "for you, if you had the option of poisoning a river with 15,000 tribal people downstream to get $1 mil in gold?" -What? Well no, that'd be wrong. But if you're suggesting that corporations pollute on purpose they dont. Private property rights protect people from pollution much better than regulation through
@NickTheCharm 12 жыл бұрын
Sorry, at the time i didnt feel like explaining myself further. However, i will right now. Back in the US, companies raised labor wages in order to attract more workers to bring a greater profit. Once immigration rate was lowered, wages were again increased. This is discussed in "Wealth Of Nations" Adam Smith, Once industrial age ended, (1800s-1900) services became more prominent within America (provider determined wages), Laws in democracy also put in place raised wages *Organized* unions.
@Proletariat12 15 жыл бұрын
A class can't overthrow oppression if they don't act together. And classes don't act together anymore. For that, you need interest groups. As there are countless interest groups within the same classes and even between classes.
@possenti 14 жыл бұрын
The paradigm is presented to us as follows: Private capitalists vs. Public government programs. Both sound like good ideas to different people, but capitalists aren't really private if they seek favors, bailouts and perks from the government, are they? The higher you get up the ladder in both worlds, the more they become the same animal. Don't rely on government OR corporations to take care of you. Rely on YOURSELF.
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
I have one question for any communist: The idea of Communism rests solely on the idea that the wealthier the Bourgeoisie becomes, the poorer the proletariat will become, until eventually, the proletariat wil recogize their slavery to the bourgeoisie and rise up to overthrow them. In this modern era, the prolets have become richer than ever, many even owning capital and becoming bourgeoisie. So why hasnt the bourgeoisie's gain of wealth negatively impacted the proletariat?
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
The tractor for example made it less efficient to farm land with hundreds of workers, or more likely serfs. "Im forced to work" -You're not forced to do anything. Every creature on earth must execute a function to survive, animals do it humans do too. Animals have a better work ethic than you. "under bosses who control my livelihood" - Many people in the US are self-employed, much more than in other countries. Small businesses as essentially compressed communities of people. MAKE ONE YOURSELF!
@hiltners 13 жыл бұрын
Hey Mike which parts of Marx and Engels did you use... if you are interested in having a german translation read to your video. I would be more than happy to do so. let me know
@SpicyMcFeely 11 жыл бұрын
So a whole mob of people can vote and say "Hey, that person produced a lot, lets VOTE on taking his things. If the majority wants to take from the most productive people, they can. This makes the person who worked really hard labor less because he knows he won't get anything from it. Which causes everyone to cease to work.
@midnght789 15 жыл бұрын
Damn, here I thought I was in the middle class. Of course he leaves out the fact that in socialism and communism, there are still the 2 classes. The fact that the we equally share poverty doesn't make me happy. Its pure simplistic thinking.
@segazora 12 жыл бұрын
what's disgusting? the fact that each day millions of people are not appreciated for their back breaking labor or the fact that some people don't like the idea of the 1% owning 99% of the world's wealth?
@chictyler 12 жыл бұрын
Production went up in spain colonies, 1936-1939 when under true communism. Turning the means of production over to the people can make processes more efficient
@skynsidhawaii 14 жыл бұрын
"In America, you are innocent until proven guilty. In Soviet Russia, you are guilty until proven dead."
@Jackanjoeful2 12 жыл бұрын
I don't think that 9/10ths of the world's population does not have any property.
@ShangoJamal 13 жыл бұрын
I am studying this work in class. I am almost ashamed to admit that this cartoon clip helped me to gain a much clearer undstanding of it. Yet I am delighted by your creativity. it is quite effective.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"So massive unemployment and people starving while only the people privileged enough to be wealthy are able to survive" - People who were wealthy in the 1920s were broke in the 30s. The wealthy were hit too but not as hard since most of them didnt invest in the stock market but instead in real estate and they didnt buy on credit. And the poor survived just fine, they didnt die in their millions like in the soviet union. Its a horrible event but its not as bad as you make it out to be
@jacksoncapper 12 жыл бұрын
The GFC was a result of government initiatives to encourage risky lending to increase housing ownership, of which would not have occurred under free capitalism.
@unclebanana 14 жыл бұрын
@cmbbroker Which 'enemy' exactly are you referring to? The organized working class?
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
In India the British government in 1770 it was due to the fall of the Mughal influence in Bengal. In 1876 the British government set WAGE CONTROLS on relief workers. The British Government essentially took control of all activities relating to agriculture relief. The government created the famine, if they had let the Indias do their business freely, it wouldnt have happeend. Dutch Famine, same situation in Ireland but with the Germans stealing food from the Dutch.
@Gooseplan 14 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I wish apples were our currency so all the hoarded millions could rot in their faults.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"Is that not a direct result of Capitalist hierarchy?" - No, homelessness isnt. There was poverty and homelessness in the USSR and Red China. Vietnam, Cuba. Poverty exists in all countries but in the United States and other capitalist countries. There is a homeless "class" in all nations. However, in the US there are outreach programs, food pantries in every major US city. There is charity of all kinds. In Capitalist countries its the citizens who are the charity, not the government.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"Venezuela banned trade" - I never said trade was banned I said PROFIT was banned. Trade will happen regardless of anything but free trade is different than trade agreements made by governments, its the private citizens ability to set prices and make trades with other individuals. Governments trade because Venezuela needs resources. England and Japan need food, America needs finished goods. But the farmer's ability to set prices, to make private trade with people, that is illegal in Venezuela.
@elzoog 12 жыл бұрын
A simple disproof of communism (other than the fact that communism has failed everywhere it's tried) is to consider the fate of Edward, the engine expert. Edward is so good at making engines that he can take scrap metal that's lying around and a few simple tools, and make a highly efficient engine. Now, you would think for example, that he can make car engines. But there are various problems with giving Edward a car company. It makes more sense for Edward to work for a car company.
@thejacobandjason 12 жыл бұрын
the funny thing is that even under anarchy, the standard of living in somalia has improved significantly since the abolition of the central government. I am not advocating anarchy but its working out better for them than government rule did.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
I have some questions for you just to say: 1. What successful models of Socialism and Communism do you see historically? 2. Why has there been more deaths, around 100 million deaths in the USSR and China from countries using Socialist rhetoric and not that number in Capitalist nations? 3. Why has there been more refugees from Cuba and East Germany than ever from Capitalist nations? 4. What Capitalist countries have ever fallen? 5. Why has no capitalist country ever experienced a famine?
@RoosterCogburn1008 11 жыл бұрын
I still don't understand why everyone isn't a minarchist.
@timetraveler3797 15 жыл бұрын
As a left-libertarian, I am critical of the abolishment of private property for things that are made. If I make a cup in a kiln, it's MINE, not the State's. Control of land and resources however, are what causes conflict and war, and could be shared by society, as land used to be by natives in america before the conqering europeans. No one makes land, and no one can own land without a show of force, even the State. Commusim promotes workers control, but contridicts itself with State control.
@Beefbonger 14 жыл бұрын
The beauty of that case is you can never actually prove it...
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"we can survive is through service to them." - Most people work for businesses, some of which have grown very large. But yes, service is something people do for each other its usually called a job. And you're not REQUIRE to service anyone. But if you want to survive you have to execute some sort of function which often means offering your labor which is a lot better than foraging or working communally. "usually through taking other's" -Revenue-expenses=profit. Profit isnt taken from ANYTHING.
@MondoBeno 12 жыл бұрын
When the USSR was starving, the "officials" never missed a meal.
@iownage4youi 14 жыл бұрын
after the fall of the Berlin wall and Leninism-Stalinism,Das Kapital still haves a inspiring theory
@typenamehere19 12 жыл бұрын
@VeryHugeAss Just because their parties had the name "communist" doesn't mean they actually were, when you look at the actions of each of those individuals, they acted as state capitalists. The official name of North Korea is "The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea" but it's far from what it claims to be. They used populist terms like "democracy" and "socialism" to win over the proletariat, yet didn't actually implement into society either of those.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"I have to fight the ruling class here" -Why didnt the workers of East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Cuba stay in their countries. Why is it that nearly 100% of all people have become refugees from Communist nations TO Capitalist ones. Why is it never the other way around? "Americans need more rights" - I could agree. What rights are we speaking of? "War over land that was NOT privately land" -As if it made a difference, people still died.
@pennyloafers 14 жыл бұрын
So what are you saying? That even though Marx's ideology was flawed and that those countries, that spoke in that ideology, realized that they could seize power through the communistic revolution, or thought that they needed leaders to see the idea through(or to whatever reason), betrayed Marxism by having a leader and are not considered communists by any degree, because they did not hold Marx's ideals to the letter?
@acoronab 12 жыл бұрын
@bajskorvaren You seem to forget the revolt against injustice part, of which our grandparents took part too. Would that also be a stage, according to your view? Or is mowing down Spartacus for his best?
@MikeNobody 11 жыл бұрын
I did not. The original poster, I believe, had his account suspended. But, considering it's all content from Karl Marx and various animation sources, I don't see how he could complain.
@dharshana81 12 жыл бұрын
capitalists and communists are both collectivists. it's no accident that under Fascist (capitalist extreme) or Communist (socialist extreme) rule people are treated pretty much the same way. both try to abolish nation state and ultimately bring the world under a one world government with a single dominant culture.
@boleroinferno 12 жыл бұрын
The video is about The Communist Manifesto. I would think Marx chose to focus on the contemporary situation because so few people have a real understanding of their history or the history of social organization. And since once this understanding is developed, the conclusion of a socialism (then communism) state seems a natural conclusion (one of a small few).
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@Jiemusu89 " People come to the UK, can't speak a word of English, and yet they can start up their own business. People born here, just make excuses." -I agree. Personal responsibility is being shrugged off and is replace by dependence on the government. which is why they throw what is essentially a temper tantrum at the notion of having to fend for themselves.
@galolito 11 жыл бұрын
It would be good if someone could produce a manga of the Communist Manifesto as it would reach more readers.
@dorinioanaalexandra 14 жыл бұрын
thanks for the lesson, i think it was kind of hard to make this video
@unclebanana 14 жыл бұрын
The only way to say that socialism (often erroneously referred to as 'communism') failed, is to ignore the fact that it didn't. Capitalism had well over a hundred years to develop in the US by the time of the Russian revolution, and mostly without invasion by foreign powers (the revolutionary war, and the war of 1812 being the exceptions). The Soviet Union began with a backwards, feudal, agrarian economy and went on to launch the space age in 1957.
@xtommy2377x 12 жыл бұрын
I love how monotone his fucking voice is
@id1337x 12 жыл бұрын
The Paris commune model of socialism was incompatible with oligarchy because all elected officials were democratically recallable by the community. Furthermore, the absense of a standing army, the self policing of quarters, and other features meant that the Paris commune was no longer a repressive government that controlled its people. I support the Paris commune model and not an oligarchy that controls the people. As such, the ideas that you are claiming sucks aren't mine.
@scivolanto 11 жыл бұрын
But many local communist societies have successfully been established, despite the difficulty of insertion in a capitalist society, some have stayed for many decades before finally vanishing, while some are still there. Look at Marinaleda for example (Andalusia, south of Spain).
@bigandyman7 12 жыл бұрын
@TheRedLuigi We did no such thing. Albert Einstein did inform us that Germany was trying to build an Atom bomb and did help us along with Szilard. both were German physicist and to my knowledge the only Germans on the project.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"Money has to be allocated under Capitalism too" -And the allocation is not done by governments or equally its done by private people who keep what they work for. "and it doesn't infinitely pour out until everyone has enough does it?" -Why not? Yes it can, it most certainly can. We've reached a point in history where more people even the poorest Americans have a higher standard of living than the uber rich were 80 years before them, ONE generation.
@rainbowprincesslol 14 жыл бұрын
It doesn't suck, you just don't pay attention.
@Proletariat12 15 жыл бұрын
That's the point Julien. The economically oppressed. Who is economically oppressed now? Where is the line of who is going to rebel, and who isn't? Class lines are blurring and merging. That's what defeated communism before (along with nationalism) and it always will. There isn't anymore just the factory workers, and the factory owners.
@shinyalbert 14 жыл бұрын
which chapters to miss you out?
@caboose176545 12 жыл бұрын
no because communist means no form of government, which all of those countries, apparently did have governments.
@Fan666Maiden 13 жыл бұрын
@OGthegame - If you'd have actually read the Manifesto, you'd know that "Communism" as you describe it has little or nothing to do with actual Marxism according to the Manifesto. I also know that it's the way many leaaders have interpreted it, but that doesn't mean Communism in itself is evil.
@unclebanana 14 жыл бұрын
@Tetrall The point I'm trying to make is that the Soviet Union managed to industrialize within a single generation, and lift its people out of the third world into the second. Was it perfect? No. Were there shortcomings? Certainly. But the Soviet Union as well as most other socialist nations managed to do better for their people as compared to other third world nations who embarked upon the capitalist road (like Indonesia, Mexico, and El Salvador for instance.)
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
Besides I already told you how I believe the drug war can be carried out more efficiently or it should be destroyed all together and a path of gradual decriminalization. Either one would stop the violence. And the REASON the violence over drugs EXISTS is because the rule of law doesnt apply to the drug trade, so people must defend it themselves. Its a perfect example of what statelessness is, people must ban together and protect it themselves. A drug gang is no better than a commune.
@infinitesimotel 12 жыл бұрын
Our department that deals with our payments had been changed from 'Finance' to 'Rewards'. Fucking rewards! You can see how the psychology is filtering down. Human Resources: Im a unit of resource, not a person.
@OllieXWilliams 12 жыл бұрын
im certainly not conveying anything "differently" at least without an explanation as to how.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
Also you ignore one major thing, the counterbalance to profit; Loses. If you believe that profits should be shared than you must obviously believe that loses should be shared equally, right? And again, if profit destroys resources than why isnt the US the poorest place on earth since we have the most billionares? Why isnt the US the poorest place on earth but is in fact the richest? "Because Im forced off the land" - Because of more efficient means of production not because of profit.
@qhack 13 жыл бұрын
@kalinkasixtyfour Let me give you some anecdotal evidence. My next door neighbor is a single mother of three. She currently works at a Denny's restaurant as a waitress. She is going to school to become a RN. She is the perfect example of what I am talking about. She didn't like her situation, so she is changing it for the better. It doesn't bother her that others are making more than she is. She is only concerned with providing enough for her family. Arguing class warfare is pointless.
@id1337x 12 жыл бұрын
Finance capitalism simplifies the M-C-M transactions of merchant capitalism by focusing on M-M transactions. These are both quantative rather then qualitative exchanges so they are capitalist rather then socialist in nature. Banks, rather they are central or not, are financial capital so they are incompatible with socialism. Socialism isn't based upon government control or central banking, it is based upon production for use.
@ceeg0 15 жыл бұрын
Remember that this was written in 1848. Globalization means that relationships are more complicated now, but the essence is true. This would be as revolutionary in the USSR in the 20th Century and China today as in the most openly capitalist country. Communism has never yet existed. Neither has capitalism in its pure form.
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@SteffanClentDavies "mass starvation BEFORE Mao" - Yes, the warlord period killed many people because China was in a civil war. But never in human history has a famine such as in Communist China existed. "but it was necessary to stop starvation' - The starvation CONTINUED and intensifed because of the great leap forward, that famine was the largest in such history. And both China and the USSR ONLY got better after adopting more Capitalist policies such as now in China.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"A very small number controls the affairs of everyone else" -Really? So we're controlled by rich people? When was the last time you obeyed the commands of a rich person? No, you use corporate stuff because you need it. You use electricity, phone lines, you buy food, you go to work THESE are NOT the signs of slavery. We are CHOOSING to use these products and we MUST compensate these people when we use their products or services. Or we could force them to give them to us, THAT is slavery.
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@Jiemusu89 "The government started making cuts to public sectors, but the cuts went to poorer areas, while cooperations/bankers dodged the tax" - Thats because more government money goes to lower class areas. Corporations and bankers in the UK are all either too tied to the government (which isnt capitalism, thats state capitalism which is a form of fascism) or actually have enough to pay their taxes and give enough back to warrent not having their taxes increased.
@conman2317 11 жыл бұрын
I know, I just read the novel, and the only thing that I can remember is the damn word Bourgeoisie! I don't even know what this damn book is about anymore. Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, oh, and don't forget Bourgeoisie.
@darkmachete 13 жыл бұрын
@FireTacoProductions I know. Funny how some don't realize in the end, nobody wins arguments when it comes to arguments unless one is going to think hard about the other persons ideas.
@peverill 13 жыл бұрын
Is Napoleon Dynamite narrating this?
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"he can be fired for any reason" - And if an employer fires hard workers, skilled labor etc. he'll be out of business. The employer needs the workers and vice-versa. They both work together using their capital, labor, and skill sets to create wealth with EVERYONE profiting, everyone earning capital and sharing in created wealth. The fact that some get more than others though urks you doesnt it? Maybe its because you'd like to be a Capitalist but you're not.
@Mystrymeat 14 жыл бұрын
The only problem I can see in terms of the people having a world to win and nothing to lose is, what should they do once the world is won? In this day and age it is necessary to have a certain degree of oppression to maintain organization but too much oppression limits freedom but less oppression permits too much freedom. There are laws to take away freedoms but there are also laws to protect. I feel that the world needs a balance of both.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"Unions" - Unions began as socialist ideals and were opposed by Capitalists. Capitalists were wrong in this regard, at leas the state capitalists like the "robber barons" were. Private unions were able to collectively weigh the good of the workers versus the business. "paying the Capitalists is" - Capitalists are the ones that take the risk in providing capital. Also you ignore something huge: Loses. If you think that profits should be equal among the labor do you think loses should be too?
@TheDeni993 12 жыл бұрын
You are the one that clicked on this no one forced you. What rights don't you have now that you had 4 years ago
@Babyboomer92 14 жыл бұрын
@ekpil2000 I completely agree. People forget that Nazi Germany was completely managed by the state, but its structure was much like our own in terms of social policies. America today is more socialist then it was a hundred years ago. Many of the services we have from public school to welfare are very much socialist in principle. The only significant difference between the systems is the state owned commerce in Nazi Germany, where today, commerce owns the state in America. This does not mean that
@joeyvanderkaay 13 жыл бұрын
It made me think back of 1984 by Orwell. Where the main character states that the proles have no intellectual desire to revolt, they need the middle class to guide them into revolution, don't know if it's realistic. I think the video is maybe a bit to pesimistic for me. But that's what communism is partially based on in my opinion. If you look back from Schoppenhauer to Marx you see the connections.
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@Jiemusu89 "nature is about survival of the fittest. How are humans any different?" -Because humans have moral systems which evolution as of yet has no accountibility for. "It's built into our evolution to survive" -Yes it is, however, this is one of the key differences between capitalism and communism. Capitalism is more advanced because it doesnt need to force ideology onto the backs of citizens. Thats why you can be a communism under a capitalist government, but vice-versa.
@TheWebBard 14 жыл бұрын
There's this new thing called google and you can feel free to type in "International Relief for Katrina" and it will take you to a wikipedia page listing all the relief sent to the US for Katrina, but in short... An article in the April 29, 2007 Washington Post claimed that of the $854 million offered by foreign countries, whom the article dubs "allies," to the US Government, only $40 million of the funds had been spent "for disaster victims or reconstruction" Do your own research.
@oldoldoldoldold 12 жыл бұрын
@VeryHugeAss The Allies ran a command economy during WWII, the Brits rationed everything and private production of consumer goods halted as factories were converted to producing what the government wanted. Just because the Allies ran a command economy didn't mean they were fascist.
@GermanConquistador08 13 жыл бұрын
@Jiemusu89 "If people won't meet you halfway, how can you truely help them? People don't take responsibility." - I realize. I dont really see how that can be an arguement for Marxism but I agree with you here.
@MikeNobody 14 жыл бұрын
@altstrasse "Learning requires dialogue, not diatribe. Some jackass reading from the Manifesto..." That jackass wasn't me. Now you learned something.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
"but the ideas" -The Commune system especially in Italy was NOT a stateless system and it sure wasnt a classless system. Communes were often under the overall authority of individual rulers, the city-states of Italy began this way and they were either oligarchies or monarchies more often than stateless societies of individualists. "Marxism is only one form of it" - This is a video on the Communist Manifesto by MARX! If you would declare your communist allegiance it would be much easier to debate
@SpicyMcFeely 11 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing Marinaleda is small enough were they're not a threat to anyone else, that is why the government lasted that long. The only reason Capitalism is "Failing" in America is because of government interaction. The Federal Gov. is there for foreign affairs and military which is the only time it should be raising taxes. Laws are meant to be handled at a state level, as long as they are not prohibited by the constitution. If this were the case today, the U.S. economy would be the best.
@jmcclellan54321 13 жыл бұрын
Are you influenced by Tony Brown at all? Just curious.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
I'm reminded of people who accuse former USSR citizens of being rich exiles rather than facing the fact that there CAN be workers who are for capitalism. Former Socialist citizens who found Cuba, Vietnam and Soviet Russia hellholes and Capitalist America wonderful free lands. Former KGB agents spoke of why Russia failed. I am far from rich, if you believe otherwise fine do what you need to do to keep your ideology. But you'd be living a lie. I'm comfortable with my position. Are you?
@Albatross190 11 жыл бұрын
I want substitute about this video help me please.
@GermanConquistador08 12 жыл бұрын
Also lets talk definitions here since apparently I dont know anything about MArxist. What are YOUR definitions on wealth, capital, Marxism, Communism, Capitalism and poverty based on your MArxist revisionist ideology compared to actual English definitions?
@EyeLean5280 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, I remember when this couldn't be found. I SO appreciate your reposting! Thank you!
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