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Swan Lake - Cor Rastmanski

Пікірлер: 55
@annicarbone6643 Жыл бұрын
Grazie per aver caricato questa versione e' veramente bella...credo che dovrebbe essere rappresentata piu' spesso. Super
@noblesetsentimentales 8 жыл бұрын
Nice to see a Swan Lake where something actually happens. And once again a reconstruction is a lot closer to the current Royal Ballet production than any Russian version. I like the character interactions, and not only between Odette, Siegfried, and Rothbart but also the queen and her swan maiden friends. Give me a real mime text instead of tired old tricks and the corps as a backdrop against a semi-abstract divertissement anytime.
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
I saw the RB production on stage and whilst it has mime in the court scenes, the lake scenes are classical except for the swans who look like amazons. I saw Genia and McRae, twice. No way are these two close imo.
@noblesetsentimentales 8 жыл бұрын
+oldoperafan Actually, the choreography for the Pas d'action here is very close to the one in the current Royal Ballet production, with the Tchaikovsky/Drigo _Un poco di Chopin_ interpolation left intact. Odette also mimes to her friends what happened at the ball in the palace, her intention to kill herself, and she interacts with both Siegfried and Rothbart instead of just prancing around with them in the final scene before the apotheosis. The latter also looks similar here to the Royal Ballet's, with Odette and Siegfried sailing away to the heavens, supposedly, in a big, er... thingy after their double suicide. (I have to agree with a critic that reviewed the Petipa/Ivanov/Drigo revival back in 1895 that this apotheosis is kinda silly.)The current RB production by Dowell &c. was overseen by Roland John Wiley, who has written extensively about the ballet, focusing on the Sergeyev notations, contemporary press reviews, and other primary sources. Basically, what I find most striking about this excerpt is how much more human Odette looks, individual performances aside. I welcome this kind of approach. And I'd love to have seen _Lake_ with Genia and McRae myself!
@avesraggiana 6 жыл бұрын
For years, I pined for the Maryinsky to reincorporate the mime, and for them to reinstate the original double-suicide tragic ending. And for years, I wished that the Royal Ballet corps de ballet could move with the same elegiac unison and poetic power of the Maryinsky corps. Arlene Croce once described Swan Lake as "the greatest ballet story that could never be told."
@nikolay1963 8 жыл бұрын
Uno spettacolo semplicemente meraviglioso. Ha fatto rivivere una magia della danza dell'epoca. Coreografia di Ratmanski accurata , dall'originale di Petipa.Nicoletta Manni straordinaria nella tecnica e nell'interpretazione.UN ULTIMO REGALO DELLA CONCLUSA DIREZIONE VAZIEV. Credo si sia potuto fare questa edizione, perché il corpo di ballo della Scala e' ancora in uno stato di Grazia. Poveri noi chissa come verra ridotto dal nuovo arrivato , dopo che i ballerini potranno affrontare il classico solo fra un anno!!!!!
@jean-paulgravier5870 14 күн бұрын
La musique par le contact rétabli par Alexei Ratmanski retrouve dans la gestuelle la force qu’a pu procurer ce Lac des Cygnes ,premier du nom..Merci
@tims4966 6 жыл бұрын
Love all the costumes, especially Rothbart's!
@minissa2009 4 жыл бұрын
It took a little creativity to find this since the first video I found of the reconstruction was just searchable as "Ratmansky reconsruction" (Black Swan pdd.) If I can find the rest just searching Manni and partner, I'm eager to see the rest! I'm so glad that what I've read about the 1895 ending is true, that the music with that glorious apotheosis was intended for this ending. Also interested to see the ABT and RB versions I teethed on were so close to this ending because I've always felt this is the ending originally envisioned to go with this music. It was interesting to see the restored mime, as it seemed similar to the mime restored in the reconstruction of Sleeping Beauty and, assuming you understand it, gave the story a little more clarity. Thanks so much for posting!
@luisfedericosala1354 5 жыл бұрын
I love this production.🌺🌹♥️ Thank for uploading it. Greetings from Rosario City Argentina 🇦🇷
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading and sharing!
@noblesetsentimentales 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@user-qk2ig1gj1b 4 жыл бұрын
@chiaracondina7412 Жыл бұрын
vi adoro♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
@jean-paulgravier5870 5 жыл бұрын
Cette interprétation de Ratmansky d’après l’originel Lac est si proche de l’émotion musicale proposée par Tchaikowski
@eugenijakum2941 8 жыл бұрын
i costumi della Scala sono sempre i migliori, la qualità della moda italiana è evidente. Forse migliorabile Rothbart che soffre il paragone con Artemy Belyakov di Bolshoi.
@minissa2009 4 жыл бұрын
Can you (or anyone here) possibly help me find the rest of the reconstruction? I'm looking mainly for Act 1, the White Swan pdd (through the end of the act, if possible, and the rest of Act 3 (other than the Black Swan). Turns out I wasn't as clever as I thought at finding the bits and pieces of the reconstruction posted on YT!
@pierettacervellini5470 2 жыл бұрын
Onestamente questa coreografia mi piace poco come il fatto - almeno da questo video - che il corpo di ballo stia al buio sul palco. I primi ballerini meravigliosi come sempre!
@emansalem5817 3 жыл бұрын
How can i watch it full ?🙏
@michelinearthebise2783 7 жыл бұрын
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
But we are so used to "swans" that I keep asking myself "what's wrong here?".
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
And the more I watch it the more I feel that rather than being a "reconstruction" of "the original", this is a dumbed-down, modern version of SL for those that can't take "ballet". The gestures are often contemporary. This is the Swan Lake for the internet age.
@nikolay1963 8 жыл бұрын
i think the performance was fantastic.
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
+nikolay1963 Glad you enjoyed it and provided the excerpt. You have saved me money if I was ever tempted.
@amygrowcott 8 жыл бұрын
What's happening here is that there's actually a story being told and we are not allowed to forget that Odette and her friends are not swans; they're young women turned into swans, but here, they're in their human forms. So why have them acting like swans when they're in their human forms? It's basically the same message that they're given in children's animated movies like "The Swan Princess" and "Barbie of Swan Lake" - we don't forget that our leading lady is a victim of an evil spell.
@oldoperafan_in_London 8 жыл бұрын
I had no problem forgetting about "swans" except for a dream sequence and a lake death sequence in the performance by Australian Ballet in London last Thursday, choreography bu Graeme Murphy. Perhaps because it is a highly original and completely artistically re-imaged and re-conceptualised performance with changes in the normal sequence of acts and music passages. Danced in modern clothing except for the above-mentioned sequences which show a stylised, simple costume only barely reminiscent of a swan even though they have scenes of "birds" waking on a lake and a slightly and beautifully changed variation of the four little swans.
@pediatrapaola 8 жыл бұрын
thank you nikolay for sharing ,probabily you know that this guy won yunior gold in moscow 2013 ballet contest on YT available videos of the event ,imo he is very good ,what was your impression?
@nikolay1963 8 жыл бұрын
l'impressione e' stata sorprendente. mentre tornavo in auto, continuamente mi chiedevo se era stato un sogno o davvero avevo visto qualcosa di simile ed inusuale. E' stato come tornare indietro nel tempo. qualcosa di mai visto l'adagio del primo atto che poi e' un pas de troi, e semplicemente emozionante il cigno nero. Le consiglio di andare. Ho vissuto per due ore ...un sogno.
@pediatrapaola 8 жыл бұрын
nikolay1963 ha visto i video del ragazzo del concorso 2013? ho visto che e' in forza come aggiunto ma malgrado questo ha gia' debuttato in ruoli principali .
@nikolay1963 8 жыл бұрын
e' gia' un paio di volte che lo vedo, ed e' interessante. Stanno molto bene insieme con Nicoletta e sono pure fidanzati.questo Lago e' bellissimo.
@pediatrapaola 8 жыл бұрын
nikolay1963 sono fidanzati? bella coppia davvero
@ballerinaballet6190 8 жыл бұрын
+nikolay1963 please upload Yulia Makhalina in Raymond's.
@ballerinaballet6190 8 жыл бұрын
nikolay1963 please upload Yulia Makhalina in Raymond a.
@ballerinaballet6190 8 жыл бұрын
+nikolay1963 please upload Yulia Makhalina in Raymonda please I need the video!!! that video is being deteled!!
@ballerinaballet6190 8 жыл бұрын
+nikolay1963 please upload Yulia Makhalina in Raymonda.
@ploplisphilin 8 жыл бұрын
It's very busy. The mime arms are so abrupt and overdone--almost silent movie style. How many times did Odette mime that she would die? Why are the girls wearing those skull caps? Why does von Rothbart die? A lot of the corps movement seems so unmotivated, especially at the end, e. g. the walks backwards. Why is there a swan boat at the end taking them to "somewhere"? I would think both S. and O. would be sick and tired of "swan" stuff after all that. I don't see how this is an improvement on the standard versions we are used to. Yes, some fresh steps and arrangement of the corps. I didn't care for much of the pas de deux.
@amygrowcott 8 жыл бұрын
The second half of the finale - the point where Siegfried and Odette jump into the lake - isn't notated, so Alexei had to fill in those blank spaces himself and he clearly turned to the old Royal Ballet productions for help on that one. The Swan Maidens are wearing the same sort of caps that were worn in the 1895 production; they didn't wear feathered hairbands and I like these caps; they're a welcome change. The benefit of them is that they help the audience to not forget that these girls are not real swans, but young girls turned into swans. As for the swan that takes Siegfried and Odette to Heaven, again, it's based on the 1895 production - eye witness accounts state that for the apotheosis, Siegfried and Odette were seen sitting on a giant swan in the sky as they ascended into Heaven.
@pediatrapaola 8 жыл бұрын
l liked it and also like both the main dancers btw the guy won yunior gold in moscow 2013 do you remember it?
@amygrowcott 8 жыл бұрын
pediatrapaola Oh you like Timofei as well? I like him too; he's really talented.
@MB-yc9ei 7 жыл бұрын
Knee- length white tutu with feather decoration is quite beautiful, modern, yet bringing up well those fragile swan characters. Also love the small & sublte swan Queen's crown: all exquisite! But long swan hair don't look good; especially long hair strings interfere dancers' beautiful neck/shoulder lines that we prefer to see. Black swan, Albrecht, Rothbart (subtle) costume are gorgeous, too!
@avesraggiana 6 жыл бұрын
When you think about it, silent movie mime might have taken something from balletic or theatrical mime. With Russian ballet’s licentious excision of all mime from all classical ballets, we modern audience members can be forgiven for being unaccustomed to seeing so much mime. The Russians did away with it after their Russian Revolution but the western European companies like the Royal Ballet, the Paris Opera Ballet and the Royal Danish Ballet kept it alive and well. American ballet companies and American ballet dancers are pretty useless at mime so it’s no surprise that American audiences don’t really appreciate it or accept it. The swan boat taking the protagonists “somewhere” is in line with Swan Lake’s original libretto - a tragic ending for both Odette and Siegfried by their double suicide. Their deaths however, result in Von Rothbart’s death and his spell over Odette’s swan maidens to be broken, allowing them to return to human form always. I think the Swan Lakes you’ve been seeing have been the Russky-ized, Vaganova-ized, Soviet Realist, there-is-no-afterlife, there-is-no-mime versions.
@estrellamarrone 7 жыл бұрын
L'unico problema di questi bei due ragazzi é che ormai fanno già i cagnolini di Bolle. Che peccato. Lobotomizzati.
@TheRevengeOfPanchoVilla 6 жыл бұрын
Estrella Che intendi dire?
@philcoppa 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheRevengeOfPanchoVilla anch' io mi domando
@nataliacastellana1473 6 жыл бұрын
Боже! Какой ужас! Бедный Чайковский, я уже не говорю о Петипа с Ивановым! Не трогайте классику, неужели не можете что- то свое поставить!
@annicarbone6643 Жыл бұрын
Perche' no? Io trovo che finalmente si vede qualcosa di diverso non si puo' mettere in scena solo Petipa. Anzi credo che un vero artista ci mette sempre qualcosa di suo
@nataliacastellana1473 Жыл бұрын
@@annicarbone6643 Perche' No e poi No! I ballerini sono bravissimi, su questo non c'e' dubbio, ma la coreografia e' un disastro, ragazzi. Allora se non c'e' uno standard classico, perche' allora non rifare le altre opere classiche? Non riscrivere, non ridipingere?
@annicarbone6643 Жыл бұрын
Penso che l'arte sia anche sperimentazione....meglio una brutta coreografia che nessun tentativo di cambiamento. Sia chiaro adoro I classici, ma perche' la danza continui a vivere e' necessario provare sperimentare inserire anche delle innovazioni, cambiamenti mondo sta cambiando molto rapidamente e se vogliamo che la danza classica continui a parlare anche ai piu' giovani e' necessario sperimentare percorsi nuovi, stili e coreografie diverse...senza distruggere I classici, ma andando avanti...secondo me e' importante innovare...infondo grandissimi ballerini russi sono stati innovatori. Un nome per tutti? anche Nureiev a modo suo...e' questo che li rende unici.
@nataliacastellana1473 Жыл бұрын
@@annicarbone6643 esperimentare, andare avanti e' necessario, su questo non c'e' dubbio, pero' c'e' un pero'...Creare qualcosa di proprio, a partire dalla musica e andando avanti con la coreografia, scenografia ecc, magari appoggiandosi sulle opere classici gia' esistenti. Dovrebbe essere emanata una legge , non so come chiamarla, forse di plagiato che dovrebbe proibire di toccare le opere classiche e tanto meno modificarle. Ne' Barisnikov, ne' Nuriev non hanno mai osato di cambiare la coreografia originale, potevano essere degli spettacoli revisionati a secondo della compagnia, ma la coreografia, il testo creato da grandi maestri e' rimasto uguale. Ci sono dei bravissimi coreografi anche oggi che stando esperimentando con la lingua e gli stili ed esistono spettacoli piu' moderni che a sua volta magari diventeranno classici. Comunque e' un discorso assai complicato e ci sono diversi punti di vista a riguardo.
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