Mao ASADA 4CC 2012 FS

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@しま-j8u 4 жыл бұрын
最後のコレオスパイラルは本当に美しい…これ以上のコレオはない。 言葉で言い表すのは難しいが、天女、はたまた美しい鳥が、澄みきった大空へ羽ばたいていくような淡い気持ちになる。 そして音楽との調和、彼女の美しい所作も相まって本当に素晴らしい。
@eexuning 13 жыл бұрын
even with the 2 mistakes, I still like this program. To me, this is the best program today. She is so graceful, so light on the ice.
@kinddude9555 12 жыл бұрын
She just keeps getting better and better. Artistry, technical, fluid, lyrical and nice lines. Well done, Mao Asada.
@doremi533 13 жыл бұрын
本当にスケーティングがキレイになった 見ててすごく心地よくなるよ♪
@shiko2962 9 жыл бұрын
3サルコウを失敗した後、ステップに入る直前の佐藤コーチの「スピード!」という声で、高地による体力温存をし過ぎていていた事に気付いた真央ちゃんの、スピードを取り戻したステップ・・・コーチと二人三脚でスケーティングを1から見直している2シーズン目と知っているだけに、このシーンを見るたびに目頭が熱くなります。 ヴィーナスの様な衣装も大好きでした。こんなに儚げで軽いスケートやフワっとした無重力の様なジャンプ・・・確かにスピードに勝る魅力は無いかもしれませんし、スピードを高さに変えるのも簡単ではありませんが、これはこれでなかなか難しく、誰にでも出来るものではないのです。
@EP7745 12 жыл бұрын
so beautiful, so brave, so fluid, so graceful. I don't care what the medals or numbers say. She is my hero, here in Korea.
@상천이-p7c 6 жыл бұрын
정신이 나갔나 봐 뭔 헛소리를 ‥ 정신 차려라
@brzydallo 13 жыл бұрын
Ah she always brings the best costumes of the season for 4cc!
@yutayuta27 4 жыл бұрын
最高。 こんな時代があったことが、信じられない感覚。 真央ちゃんが歩んだ時代に 青春できたことが 私たちの幸せだと思います。 真央ちゃんには幸せが似合います。
@kaceddarine2734 10 жыл бұрын
Ashley wagner wins!!! Oh my god the judges cant really appreciate the beauty and the artistry of mao asada.There is no comparison and everybody's here is aggre with me to say that the true winner is mao.
@大嶋洋子-t8w 6 жыл бұрын
@OlympicDream19 13 жыл бұрын
@37gold 13 жыл бұрын
I looove her new dress !!
@justicexxz 13 жыл бұрын
berry beautiful skating !!!
@aiesecoxford 13 жыл бұрын
@muscleboi4use Ashley's FS was clean but very very safe - no 3-3 combo or 2axel-3toe equivalent! Her huge FS mark is unbelievable and unjustifiable - it's the highest anyone has had all season, surely! And without a 3-3 or similar?? And who on earth would give her a higher PCS than Mao? Ridiculous.
@fredthompson4736 10 жыл бұрын
Beautiful, challenging and inspirational performance by Mao so soon after he mother passed away. May she rest in peace. The triple axel is beautifully and fully rotated without a doubt. But similar to Worlds 2010 and the Worlds 2014 LP and other competitions, suspect judges downgrade the jump to a double axel AND THEN give it a -1.29 GOE, which makes it worth only 4.71, instead of around 10 points, which is what it should have been: a difference of around 5 points. This results in the American Ashley Wagner winning in the United States by about 3.7 points. I am an American, but it think it's fixed. Looking at judges scores individually is useless if the decision is planned in advance from the top. The judges then must follow suit or lose their jobs. There are no questions to ask because this is what the ISU does when their own president Sleezy Speedy says it's more important to have an experienced judge who knows the scoring system (and the ways to manipulate it) than to worry about a conflict of interest. The judging is an unjustified joke. This doesn't even take into consideration what should be higher PCS for Mao.
@johnjackson3735 9 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful triple axel and heart felt performance with a horrible ur call that gave Ashley Wagner, an American, the victory in the United States. No offense to Ashley who is a good skater that has been kind and respectful to Mao, but Mao deserved to win and I am an American.The ISU had to give Mao a much lower PCS in the freeskate too to rig it right. But, In addition to the -1.3 GOE they also gave Mao a bogus ur call which dropped the base value of her beautiful triple axel and Ashley received full base value for her triple flip and triple toe. Mao's jump looked perfect even in slow motion replay and Ashley's was obviously a ur and her landing foot touched the ice in instant replay, yet Ashley received full base value and positive GOE. The calls were switched. They were skating in the United States and wanted an American to win, so they fixed the scores against Mao just as they did in her 2016 Worlds LP in the US. Not to mention the inflated PCS scores for Ashley and deflated scores for Mao. Ashely won mainly on PCS which was a shocking 4 points higher than Mao's in the FS, even though Mao has better skating skills with more speed, better edges. more shifting of weight between skates. more sophisticated choreography and artistic expression and better foot work. So just like the tech calls, the PCS scores were inverted. Mao should have won comfortably. The fact that ISU were cruel enough to arrange this fix only two months after Mao's mom passed away makes it even more disgusting and personal. This proves the ISU is against Mao. But like a true samurai she continues to wage an artistic and athletic fight. Mao will always be remembered for what she gave to the audience not what she was given by the judges. This performance and her Sochi LP, where I believe she was robbed of a World record score, are great examples of that legacy. That's why she puts so much spirit and commitment into her step sequences which are an absurd 4 points in the LP. She is a true legend and such a beautiful and brave woman inside and out! I will not watch figure skating any more ISU women's figure skating after Mao retires. The scores are rigged and the ISU is corrupt and even the JSF deflates Mao's scores.
@hmasaki5229 9 жыл бұрын
John Jackson You understand well. The score ISU takes out remains, and Mao has no interest. She worries about the one by which an audience is hot and reacts. "You can't overlook and I'd like also to make the acting which can't also take a breath moment adequacy." everything of her hope. ISU wants you not to bother her. Because no one can trust the value of ISU.
@sengimdann1508 7 жыл бұрын
ISU scoring right now is sucking.. Especially, btw technical score and component score... My question mark is why Russian skaters got so high components even their experience as a junior artistic and their jumps always wrong edge value and got GOE 14 plus ridiculous corrupted
@ericat3ew 13 жыл бұрын
@methusssela 13 жыл бұрын
@aiesecoxford Agreed. I love Ashley Wagner, and she has improved a lot. But that program was very very conservative jump-wise. Still, because of execution this is a very close call. Anyway, Mao is a delight, she has a unique lightness to her skating, to the way she moves her arms that nobody comes close to.
@kourobou 13 жыл бұрын
Judges killed figure-skating. They have to go hospital for checking their eyes and brain. What is too foot? It means Mao has too much footwork? That is right. Mao has goddess footwork. She is like flying above cloud.
@timdanv3v 13 жыл бұрын
Mao's skating is so gorgeous! That opening 3A is beautiful and it looks clean to me. Why was it given a -3GOE when it's just under-rotated? I really don't get it. Judges seem to be so harsh on Mao (ALL THE TIME). Really, she deserves a better score.
@sumimimi0 13 жыл бұрын
i think she should have won..
@papayamango007 13 жыл бұрын
Congrats, Mao!! Gorgeous and fabulous performance!! I haven't watched Wagner's video yet, so I don't know what happened, but I just hope she will concentrate for the world championships from now on!
@tubenisuta 13 жыл бұрын
3A was so beautiful ! why 3A< ? why -1.29? I can't agree to the Judge
@scon4506 13 жыл бұрын
全体的にまとまった演技で良かった。ルッツが認定されたのは大きい。 減点は3アクセルと手をついた3ルッツのみ。 スケーティングが早くなったからジャンプ着氷後もうすこし流れるように伸びるといいな。 あとカナダの衣装屋さん素敵な衣装をありがとう。世界選手権ではノーミスを期待します。
@hebrews11jp 13 жыл бұрын
nice skate Mao grats 3A getting Elegance as the years roll on She will become a bigger Swan
@pochipochi41 13 жыл бұрын
五輪金メダリストが「Nice!」と評した3Aに未経験者だったり無名選手だったジャッジが 悪い評価をつける・・・困ったもんですよね。
@bandersnatch6546 12 жыл бұрын
Back in those days.. you land that perfect 3A once and you win the comp. Now, you hit a perfect 3A and lose to a mediocre program. What a sport figure skating has become.
@早川優花-e4w 9 жыл бұрын
@sk8ingcoach1 13 жыл бұрын
If judges are going to give minus GOE for Mao's 3A, then why didnt they give minus GOE on stupid ashley wagners 2 footed 3F+3T in SP
@sgeetha7350 12 жыл бұрын
mao shud hv won..
@Uriekul 13 жыл бұрын
mao asada the best
@roycemints 13 жыл бұрын
Let's just support her during Worlds!
@BowBowDaijin 13 жыл бұрын
she was robbed. It's so strange that her PCS is less than Ashley Wagner.
@kentosu88 12 жыл бұрын
@zakkan 13 жыл бұрын
@atsuko45 残念ながらLzはキャロとワグナーもe付いていないです・・・つじつま合わすため認定したように思います。認定か否かはジャッジの都合次第なんだと考えるほうが自然な気がします。
@lutz84 13 жыл бұрын
ISU judges are strange. They ratified miki ando's clearly under rotated quad back when she was a junior but they judged this 3A as under rotated. Actually these so called pros are blah. Mao's 3A in 2007 worlds received GOEs from -3 to +3. This 3A doesn't look any less rotated than her ratified ones
@MNxPRESENTS 13 жыл бұрын
um... mao's PCS J5 SS7.50 TR6.25 PE6.50 CH7.00 IN6.75 ..?_? who is J5? I want to know the judge is a nationality where.. and i want to ask the judge the reason why her PCS is low score in this FS..
@johnjackson3735 5 жыл бұрын
Simple the judge is corrupt just like the scores in this competition.
@tripleaxel35 13 жыл бұрын
YES !!!!! 3A was clear
@lordkevinownz 13 жыл бұрын
I don't get how Mao Asada gets -1.29 for her 2 footed triple axel and Ashley Wagner gets +0.20 for her two footed triple flip triple toe
@alightsincere 13 жыл бұрын
Most of the judges can't fly Triple Axel. So they don't have a right to deduct points from her beautiful Triple Axel of this time. If she had failed or touched her hand onto the ice, I would understand the reason. But only several degrees less means nothing. Judges, you should be ahamed of yourselves!!!
@nekochan7788 13 жыл бұрын
今回出場選手の中ではスケーティングがずば抜けて良いのにスコアに反映されてないですね。馬鹿馬鹿しくなってきました。 3Aは、Jスポ解説の現役ジャッジの目からすると、少し足りないのだそうです。バンクーバーのが認められて今回はダメって??ホントになんだか分からなくなってきました。
@n0a5k2a0yoshi 13 жыл бұрын
@kyhusei おお、ワグナー選手のSPの2フットを忘れてた。そうか、帳尻合わせに浅田選手の2フットを見逃したのかな。いずれにせよ、浅田選手の綺麗に着氷した3AがURの上、申し合わせたように全員がマイナスGOEにしていて、逆にツーフット3Lをほぼ全員のジャッジがマイナスにしなかったということは、試合の前から決めてかかっている疑いがあると私は思います。なにしろ大技をURにしてGOEマイナスにしたほうが、効果的に点数をコントロールできますから。だから、下記には、そういう趣旨のことを書いてあります。ISUに対する疑念があるから、皮肉ってるわけです。一方で真央さんが、理想のスケートを追求する気持ちで、難題を乗り越え、前進しようとする姿を見てると心から尊敬せずにはいられません。
@softKactuz 13 жыл бұрын
the American had to win, is so anoying really, but the thing is that Mao doesnñt need to win to make everybody see she is the best, so enjoy judges, you don´t deceive anyone, is so obvious who is the best. Go Mao , when she will skate a clean program very soon, and that´s scary for the judges hihihi
@asavichable 13 жыл бұрын
Seriously, what is wrong with the judges?? I thought the 3A looked great, but still, I was not really sure if its fully rotated or not, so I just checked it out in slo-mo. And God, that 3A was completely and utterly, the perfection. Who wouldn't have given a credit for that? Well, apparently ISU judges didn't. Now I started to believe that ISU must stand for Incredibly Sucky Union or smth. Yes I am being rude but they totally deserves any insults however harsh they may be. Shame on you judges!
@상천이-p7c 6 жыл бұрын
Open your eyes.
@amrmsm3332 13 жыл бұрын
@JoeyCi 13 жыл бұрын
@OKdesukedo I don't really think you know what you're talking about. Mao's 3A here gave her around -1.7 GOE - Ashley Wagners two-footed 3F-3T gave +0.8 GOE. So the judges are favoring Asada? What a bad joke. And for whomever said only japanese people like Asada - I'm german, and I love her (although I loved Ashley at 4CC too and am perfectly fine with her winning). And just to add, Plushenko always said Mao was his favorite... wow, didn't know he was japanese!
@sumimimi0 13 жыл бұрын
This does not have slow mo. So we cannot judge. I just checked out another video which as slow-mo. FULLY ROTATED. it was one of the best jumps. I mean, usually mao cheats a bit like quarter turn. but this time it was just perfect. AND SHE GOT DOWNGRADED. WOW THEY HAVE COCK EYES.
@johnjackson3735 5 жыл бұрын
No they are in America and the favored American skater is the apple of their biased eyes.
@Fo4ts 13 жыл бұрын
3A< 6.00 -1.29 -1 -3 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1 4.71 Base Value (3A 8.5) Ashley WAGNER 192.41 points Mao ASADA 188.62 points 192.41 - 188.62 = 3.79 3A 8.5 - 3.79 = 4.71 By chance does not seem very !! Scores have been adjusted.Do you see a lack of rotation is the perfect triple axel this Mao? This sport is bogus.Mao Asada are suffering much from around 2008.At this rate they finished this sport.Do not use the illegal grading, do not If you do not stop the match-fixing.
@skatefan9495 13 жыл бұрын
Very beautiful. I think Mao will win Worlds this year. I think she should just work on hitting all of her jumps and forget about the 3A. It's the little mistakes that did her in here.
@kimhaejin1 12 жыл бұрын
Well, isn't that good? What if Mao landed a perfect axel but fell on the rest of her jumps? Do you think she should win?
@bourque801 13 жыл бұрын
I'm not begrudging Wagner her win....I'm concerned about the Olympics In Sochi....If we have a similar controversy In 2 will be horrible. For any Kim Yuna & Miki Ando fans out there, I could definitely see this scenario happening again In the Olympics....I hope I'm Wrong. In Closing, I'm happy for Mao skating a clean Triple Axel....she's going to need It for sure at World's this wear...and at Sochi Russia in the Olympics. I think Mao's going to skate better at World's & win It!!!!
@sumimimi0 13 жыл бұрын
i used to enjoy watching figure skating btw because of skaters like yuna kim and mao asada. now that judges are giving rubbish marks, i will say i will not watch figure skating anymore.
@佐伯道枝 Жыл бұрын
@FelixDavidoff 13 жыл бұрын
American judges can't really understand artistry...they always pay attention to the flag near the athlete's name! (see also skate america of this year)...
@vickyc99 13 жыл бұрын
obviously, ashley wagner skated better technically than mao... but mao's presentation score should have been much higher, and that triple axel should not have been downgraded.
@Sheea_real1 13 жыл бұрын
@zngm2htkag the triple axel was NOT two footed watch again..i think her triple loop was tho
@cbd123456789 13 жыл бұрын
I really wish she would turn her foot out more on her landings. Otherwise, outstanding!
@Riannee 12 жыл бұрын
she needs a movie
@spikydurian 12 жыл бұрын
Mao is a beautiful girl and skater. Please don't mar her skating but all these "LOL" comments. (shudder).
@troy0515 13 жыл бұрын
Maybe this is just me, but I find Tara's comments sooo annoying. Perhaps she is not very experience in this, but her comments are so redundant, and unnecessary.
@zngm2htkag 13 жыл бұрын
3A looks two footed but fully rotated imo
@muscleboi4use 13 жыл бұрын
@aiesecoxford I have to say I have re-watched Ashley Wagner's program and I think you may be right and I may be wrong! Always prepared to admit when I might be wrong!
@ayamasamtu 13 жыл бұрын
Interesting fact is that 2 American skaters are always on the podium only when 4cc is held in USA. In another country,Mao could edge over Ashley because Mao's skating skill is superb while Ashley's is no good for a top skater. So this PCS is ridiculous. Maybe Mr Nick,who's her coach, work on it with her though. Anyway we can see how they have developed their programs since then in a week or so.
@teenzola 12 жыл бұрын
Pardon me, who is Murakami? Mao is better known in the world of ice skating than this Murakami girl.
@muscleboi4use 13 жыл бұрын
The 3A was down-graded, a hand down on the 3 ltz and a 2 sal and not 3 sal vs a totally clean program of Ashley Wagner. I don't think Mao was cheated out of the Gold here... although I prefer her as a skater to Ashley Wagner.
@yuzukomachi330 13 жыл бұрын
ここで予言してみる! 世界選手権では天野が女子ジャッジするんだろうな。 そして、クリーンに飛んだを3Aダウンングレード扱いするでしょ? しかし、カナダの衣装ハズレ無いな。 真央さん肌綺麗なんだから余計な襦袢いらないΣd(´∀`)イイ!
@lovegoodxo 13 жыл бұрын
@kanshaeienni4353 It was 2 footed, but still beautiful
@LaSheefra 13 жыл бұрын
@EricLensher please tell me the drone that is Kim Yu-Na won?
@Youtubeviewer8year 11 жыл бұрын
그나마 이 의상이제일 괜찮다 제일 조잡하지도 않고 웃기지는않네
@kentosu88 13 жыл бұрын
@hiropon225 13 жыл бұрын
@spfs99 hey you are persistent. poor spfs99 must move to the video of your favorite Korea's Queen! get out. bye〜
@dongackjhc 13 жыл бұрын
@pommexx Watch out her BIG HOOK ICE ROTATION before AIR ROTATION.Once upon a time ,She used this method to knockdown Irina Slutzkaya.Her nickname,MIRAKURU (miracle)MAO was coined because of that achievement. Contrast, Midori Ito uses clear and high AIR ROTATION in 3A jump.Mao Asada cooks up1) Ice Rotation first,2)Air Rotation next,3)Ice Rotation landing if needed in her 3A. Please Watch out many variety of 3A.
@dongackjhc 13 жыл бұрын
@pommexx Beautiful 2A in place of 3A.
@GioMariatex97 13 жыл бұрын
Mao's blade touched the ice after 3 revolutions so it was completely correct to < it: they could
@JoeyCi 13 жыл бұрын
@OKdesukedo I'm sorry to say this, but I guess I don't get your english....? Who ruins Maos life? I don't think I am. And as far as I know, she said her goal was Sochi in 2014 so I'll support her - what's your problem? And Kanako is stunning on the ice - and doesn't get enough PCS-credit in my eyes, agreed. But what's so hard about supporting both of them? I really don't get what you're doing here...
@상천이-p7c 6 жыл бұрын
.Mao destroyed 2014
@ochitwa1 12 жыл бұрын
NCfigureskaterluv, get a clue she won't medal because THE 2012 OLYMPICS IS THE SUMMER OLYMPICS! Figure skating is in the winter olympics.
@dongackjhc 13 жыл бұрын
Mao was successful in 2A in place of 3A.
@bandersnatch6546 12 жыл бұрын
I'm sick and tired of your "what ifs" you kimchi. Mao was flawless at the 4CC here and she lost to a mediocre Ashley. Period.
@Beargeek616 13 жыл бұрын
Ouch! Two-footed the triple axel! Poor Mao!!!! :(
@bourque801 13 жыл бұрын
I just realized that NBC paid a lot of money for the Olympics....I don't want to see the Figure Skating Judged in this way, I want Mao to win the OGM of course, but a Yuna or an Ando, along with Mao, may lose the OGM because of stupid judging Like this. I hope the Judging gets better by the Olympics. Thank You.
@lucyluluzeng 12 жыл бұрын
then you should perform a "different" spiral, spin, and a "fast" steps
@asdfhuliashduflasihf 12 жыл бұрын
What was the jump at 1:15? Is it a flutz cos it switched from a back outside edge to a back inside edge?
@anne91276 12 жыл бұрын
I love Mao Asada, but because of the Mao bashing by ignorant bigots, I haven't been here for awhile, but now,it seems that the judges are siding with Mao's bullies. What are they thinking? And why would Caroline Zhang be placed third when her skating has been kind of bleeding all over the rink?
@eyesproket 13 жыл бұрын
HOw can I possibly enjoy this program if all I can hear is Tara's annoying, self-absorbingly teenage voice!!!? Ugh!
@kylemartin9422 13 жыл бұрын
Mao's component scores were a joke. The fact that Ashley's were higher is humiliating for the sport ... Mao's artistry is far advanced, and her choreography is miles better. Ashley's a strong skater with powerful elements, but her transitions are bad and her artistry is boring. I feel bad for Mao ... how is it that her Olympic program scored 7 points higher in the component scores than this mark? (though Joannie, Mao and Yuna were all way overscored at the Olympics, but that's a different topic)
@Griffon868 13 жыл бұрын
After her performance, she said that her performance is 50/100 points. I think that's exactly right. I feel Ashley Wagner and Caroline Zhang are better than Mao today. I would like to see her perfect performance at the World Championships.
@sengimdann1508 7 жыл бұрын
Griffon868 USA cheater money talking rather than real talent.. 2016 world those judges were corrupted ... based on Russian skater and American skater with high components but fuck off performance and Mao Asada and Japanese skaters were super great of artistic and their jumps too .. I hate and America bullshit media
@stanley052380 4 ай бұрын
This is why the sport is dying. Incompetent judging. The only majoy flaw in Mao's program is that she doubled that jump. Even with one or teo under rotated the entire program warrants much higher PCS. Are all the judges from America lol
@bourque801 13 жыл бұрын
My concern here Is about the Judging....I was reading across the Internet that Mao's Triple Axel was downgraded....If true I think It's an embarrassment to the sport of figure skating. If figure skating Is going to be a respected sport....It shouldn't have these Judging controversies. In my opinion Wagner was given 1st place because she had a clean FS Mao had the 2 mistakes In her program(Hand touching ground & double Instead of triple salchow). I'm not begrudging Wagner her win....
@johnjackson3735 8 жыл бұрын
If you think that Mao's ur call was bogus as most posters do including me then out of mathematical necessity you have to give Mao the victory because if Mao had been given credit for the beautiful triple axel she would have had more points than Ashley. Mao also had a higher base tech score with more difficult jumps, spins, steps and even spirals and her artistic expression and skating skills are superior so her PCS scores were also deflated (and inverted) just as they were compared to Ashley at Worlds 2016. Therefore, Mao should have won this competition by even more points than simply adding back the difference for the bogus triple axel ur call. Mao was deflated as a two time world champion skating a beautiful. intricate performance with harder elements than Ashley, who skated an easy tech performance well, but Mao wasn't allowed to win because she was skating in the USA, Mao is unfavored often even in the JSF, and Ashley was American, favored and given preferential scoring. Come on it is obvious they rigged the triple axel ur because they gave such a beautiful jump -1.29 GOE AND A UR CALL when it is obviously rotated in slow motion replay. Do you also know about Worlds 2009 LP in Los Angeles when a cruel jerk sabotaged Mao's LP performance by yelling at the top of their lungs for Mao to fall as she entered her triple axel / double toe combo? It can clearly be heard but no announcer even mentions it and there is no recourse to justice. Have you heard about the tooth brush or razor that was on the ice when Mao did her freeskate at Worlds 2010? Or how about the rut or gash in the ice that Mao hit during her Vancouver LP? Or someone yelling during her triple / triple combo jump near the end of her Grand Prix Final freeskate in 2008? The list goes on beginning as early as 2007 Worlds which she should have won. I made my analysis of scores beneath Mao's freeskate video I also think Mao should have won the Grand Prix Final 2007. I am sure people disagree with me on some or all of what I say, but overall I think the evidence clearly shows that Mao was never favored by the ISU or even the JSF and she battled harsh scoring her entire career. announcers who often served as mouthpieces for manipulated scoring against her. and even hecklers who sabotaged her performances, and finally recently she has suffered from illness and injuries especially the one to her left knee. Even this seems partially due to the ISU's negligence to maintain good ice conditions because it started hurting Mao after a performance in which she landed a huge triple axel and fell on soft, slushy ice during a triple flip and loop in a very hot arena during her freeskate at the Cup of China 2015 The ice conditions were also poor when Mao skated her freeskate at the Trophy Eric Bompard 2016. Since she was injured, this may have been one reason she didn't try more triples with some puddles on the ice. This is the reason I will no longer watch new ISU figure skating after Mao retires and continue to comment on the obvious corruption. I think of it this way: the ISU has been called a highly political organization with a history of corruption as the 2002 Olympics showed and as bogus and double standard rulings for tech calls and inverted PCS scoring show all the time. Would I trust a newspaper or a politician that has a history of lying and corruption and discrimination against certain people or countries while trying to hide by stonewalling, blocking or "setting up" rigged investigations? No, I wouldn't This is similar to hiding behind anonymous scoring with a press and announcers that never question it. Here is a great quote talking about how hiding behind anonymity is fertile ground for corruption: When scrutiny is lacking, tyranny, corruption and man's baser qualities have a better chance of entering into the public business of any government. Jacob K. Javits Even though the ISU has allegedly returned to showing marks, it is still very difficult to find out the identity of the judges compared to 6.0 because I couldn't even tell when I went to the Finlandia Trophy in 2016. It still looked anonymous to me. Besides, after spending a long time fixing the scores the way they wanted culminating in a huge relative deflation of Mao in the 2016 Worlds LP which was again in the USA, the true scores were already highly manipulated so they had already paved the manipulated way to it.
@Taan123 13 жыл бұрын
i love mao, very pretty skating, but her skating seems a little anemic, she is losing power and speed? nice 3axel however
@juccy79 13 жыл бұрын
So slowly..--;;
@alisag8882 7 жыл бұрын
김슬기 salty yuna fan LOL Fuck yuna!!!
@상천이-p7c 6 жыл бұрын
역시 호랑이 없는 굴에 여우도 안되는 마오 ㅉㅉㅉ
@macstjo 12 жыл бұрын
flawless with a flutz flaw you stinky sashimi
@deejuhrah 13 жыл бұрын
that 3A was CLEARLY two footed. what are these people talking about lol blinds?
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