56 years in Australia...I hear this Marc and I shed tears of joy and happiness, could not get it out of my mind for months on end...If anyone can help me with the sheet music, I would certainly appreciate it, First time I heard it was when I watched a video of the Banda in Xghara Gozo at The fiesta of The Bambina playing it ...absolutely melts my heart.
@charlieforte76564 жыл бұрын
Oh my God what a marc. Nice
@charlieforte76564 жыл бұрын
i just blew me ear drums with the headphones.
@stephenmicallef6776 Жыл бұрын
Mhux għax għamilt 23 sena Direttur Spiritwali tal-Maltese Queen of Victories of Band, Lockleys, Adelaide, S.A. imma mill-bidu net dejjem għidt li din Il-Banda hija waħda mill-aqwa li għandna fl-Awstralja. F.G.M. o.f.m.