【MARETU】Replay/Encore (再演) 【English Subs】

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Sugar Heart

Sugar Heart

Күн бұрын

Original COVER: www.nicovideo.j...
Producer: MARETU // / maretu01
Original SONG: • 再演/ ft.音街ウナ・GUMI
Producer: RINGO // / ringooooooooooq
Vocals: Hatsune Miku
This has to be my favorite MARETU cover- I’m glad MARETU gave RINGO the recognition she deserves with this cover. Considering that they’re some of my favorite producers at the moment, this is like a dream come true lol
ima, futatabi butai ni agareru nara
kimi wa donna uta utau?
ima, nokosareta yaku dake o tayori ni
kimi no mirai o enjite iru
ima, futatabi kono yo ni umareru nara
kimi wa donna odori odoru?
ima, nokosareta yaku dake o shirube ni
kimi no mirai o enjite iru
nee, rettoukan bakari kakaetekita
kimi no moroi kokoro no soko o
boku ga sotto dakishimete ageru
ima nara sore ga dekirun da yo!
kimi no namae kataru ina
namae sakebu ima
namae kataru ina
namae sakebu senshuuraku
namae kataru ina
namae sakebu ima
namae kataru ina kimi o
zutto ima mo yonderu darou?
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
enjiru no tanoshii ankooru
ikirare nakatta sono saki o
konkai wa bokura ga shuyaku dakara
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
enjiru no enjite itai no
sono oshiroi, otoshite iin da yo
saa, mou ichido asonde miyou ka
ki o teratta teasobi o ima
sanzan majiriatta omoide
mijimena ketsumatsu ni maku o tojita ne
futatabi butai ni agatta nara
kimi wa donna ai utau
ima, hajimatta bakari no monogatari ni
kimi to boku no inochi utsusou ka
kimi no namae kataru ina
namae sakebu ima
namae kataru ina
namae sakebu senshuuraku
namae namae namae namae namae!
namae namae namae namae namae!
namae namae sakebu ima
kimi o zutto zutto yonderu darou
anata no kubi o shimeta
anata to fureatta
kimi o koroshita
kimi o aishita
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
enjiru no hanabi no banketto
minna ga tsunagaru sekaisen
konkai wa bokura mo shuyaku dakara
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
waraitai no waratte itai no
karada ga kawatte mo
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
enjiru no saikou no ankooru
kyakuhon yaburi suteta sono saki o
kondo wa kimi to ikitai kara
umarekawatte mata butai ni tatte
ima nara sunao ni waraerun da
zutto kimi no soba ni itain da yo
hontou ni kimi o, aishiterun da yo.

@keeeeiji0310 2 жыл бұрын
ずっと好きだった人をリスペクトして黙々と曲を作ってたら、ある日いきなりその憧れの人から自分の曲のカバー出してもらえたんだよな、これ RINGOさん、死ぬほどうれしかっただろうなあ
@次期ロボカス 3 ай бұрын
@keeeeiji0310 3 ай бұрын
@@次期ロボカス 文章力なくてごめん。 憧れの人はMARETUさんで合ってるし、作曲者(RINGOさん)とこのアカウントは別の方ってことも理解してるよ。 ただその一連の流れが奇跡みたいだなって感嘆しただけなんだ。このアカウントをRINGOさんだと思って馴れ馴れしくおめでとうと伝えようとした訳ではないんだ。
@次期ロボカス 3 ай бұрын
@@keeeeiji0310 三人称からの感嘆の言葉だったんですね。最後に一つ聞いてもいいでしょうか。「憧れの人から自分の曲のカバー」という所がいまいち分からなかったんです。
@keeeeiji0310 3 ай бұрын
@@次期ロボカス ? 憧れの人(MARETUさん)から、自分の曲(RINGOさんがMARETUさんにインスパイアされて作ったオリジナル楽曲)のカバー出してもらえた、ということです。
@次期ロボカス 3 ай бұрын
@@keeeeiji0310 もしかしてこの動画の作者MARETUさんだと思ってますか?
@Sasuraiotaku_0603 5 жыл бұрын
RINGOさんの「再演」も MARETUさんのカバーした「再演」も どっちも好き。 RINGOさんのは脳内に衝撃が走って MARETUさんのカバーしたのは心臓に強くのしかかるの。 その感覚が、大好きでたまらない。 こういうことができるのは 才能がある人だけなんだなぁと おもっていて、 お二人は違うようで違わない 「天才」 で…… この曲が、消えないことを祈っています。
@64マン 5 жыл бұрын
@おんぷ大好き 5 жыл бұрын
@まる-r4l7x 5 жыл бұрын
@jiaenso 4 жыл бұрын
MARETUさんはパッと見“演”なんだけど、この一字だけで“再演”って表していて RINGOさんは一字だけでは“再演”とはならなくてMARETUさんの“演”と合わせて“再演”になる それがMARETUさんは1人でも大丈夫だけど、RINGOさんは1人じゃ成り立たないMARETUさんありきの存在なんだって感じがして辛い この曲もMARETUさんリスペクトでRINGOさんが生み出した曲だからね それをMARETUさんがアレンジしたってのは感慨深い
@八雲錬 4 жыл бұрын
うわぁ、語彙の神々の遊びみたいになってる(←ワケわからん) 何か自分の感じてたものが何か分からなかったんで、言葉にして頂き、ありがとうございます。
@なぶなぶ-r7x 4 жыл бұрын
3週間前のコメントに失礼します。 RINGOさんは一文字では再演の"演"が足りないから、一人じゃ成り立たないみたいな所までは同じなんですけど、僕はその先でまた違うように考えてて。 MARETUさんの字は、本来の"演"の字にはない"再"という字を演に組み込むことによって、RINGOさんの"再"の字がなければ成り立たない、みたいな… お互いがお互いを作っている、みたいな風に考えました。(語彙力ください) サムネの漢字一つで考察が色々出てくるって、MARETUさんの工夫とかが感じられますよね…
@rAlin__super_GENIUS 4 жыл бұрын
@@なぶなぶ-r7x 結論:優しい世界
@むぎちゃ-z8e 4 жыл бұрын
@@rAlin__super_GENIUS やさいせいかつ
@富永ソニックスーパーコナン-g7l 4 жыл бұрын
八雲錬 「語彙の神々の遊び」っていう表現がよく分からんけど的確で好き
@結月-n4s 5 жыл бұрын
@ドッペルモブP 5 жыл бұрын
@NoKo_P 5 жыл бұрын
@Hu-zd5kv 5 жыл бұрын
@酒池肉林-i8n 4 жыл бұрын
草井漫湖 RINGOさんが活動やめちゃったんですよ
@Hu-zd5kv 4 жыл бұрын
ぬん子 kzbin.info/door/iU5_4nY36rIxkfqQNhLEZQ りんごさんやってるよ?
@user-sunnychocola 2 жыл бұрын
【歌詞】自分用ですがご自由にお使いください 今、再び舞台に上がれるなら きみはどんな歌歌う? 今、遺された役だけを頼りに きみの未来を演じている 今、再びこの世に産まれるなら きみはどんな踊り踊る? 今、遺された役だけを導に きみの次代を演じている ねえ、劣等感ばかり抱えてきた きみの脆い心の底を ぼくがそっと抱きしめてあげる 今ならそれができるんだよ! きみの名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ千秋楽 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 きみを ずっと今も呼んでるだろう? 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 楽しいアンコール 生きられなかったその先を 今回はぼくらが主役だから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 演じていたいの そのオシロイ、落としていいんだよ さあ、もう一度遊んでみようか 奇を衒(テラ)った手遊びを今 散々混じり合った思い出 惨めな結末に幕を閉じたね 再び舞台に上がったなら きみはどんな愛謳う 今、始まったばかりの物語に きみとぼくの命映そうか きみの名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ千秋楽 名前名前名前名前名前 名前名前名前名前名前 名前名前叫ぶ今 きみをずっとずっと呼んでるだろう? あなたの首を絞めた あなたと触れ合った きみを殺した きみ(あなた)を愛した 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 花火のバンケット みんなが繋がる世界線 今回はぼくらも主役だから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 笑いたいの 笑っていたいの 体が代わっても 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 最高のアンコール 脚本破り捨てたその先を 今度はきみと生きたいから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 今なら素直に 笑えるんだ ずっと君の 傍に居たいんだよ 本当に君を、愛してるんだよ。 間違っていたら教えて下さい
@ko.to3_0322 Жыл бұрын
@hamsterlove_1110 Жыл бұрын
久しぶりに聴きに来た。 RINGOさんの方(原曲)では心の底から訴えかけてる感じがする反面、MARETUさんverだとサッパリしてそうで半ば諦めながらもこれが最後の訴えだって感じで好き。
@konnyanoyuuhann 3 жыл бұрын
【名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今】にぞわっとするよね…。パクリじゃないよ!リスペクトだよ!の表現の仕方が凄い。
@danbooru30 5 жыл бұрын
@ジョンフォンノイマン-n7k 5 жыл бұрын
@りんごばなな-s6w 5 жыл бұрын
@醍醐の美味しい部分 4 жыл бұрын
@Nonartifact 4 жыл бұрын
リスペクトだから! MARETUリスペクトだから!
@Akorun_Missile_0700 4 жыл бұрын
MARETUさんがアレンジするとあーMARETUさんの楽曲らしさが強いなーってなるから無理もない かいりきベアさんの楽曲がアレンジされたときもMARETUさんの味がかなり強かったから
@ame_a 5 жыл бұрын
@potatooooooooooo 4 жыл бұрын
@ame_a 4 жыл бұрын
@@potatooooooooooo 知っとる知っとる、勘違いさせてごめんよ〜_(:3」∠)_ あと関係ない事言うと兄貴じゃなくて姉貴です( ˙👄˙ ) 私の下半身には残念ながら╰⋃╯は付いてないのですよ、、、
@shu13 4 жыл бұрын
@@ame_a この会話好き
@猫むぐり 4 жыл бұрын
8段ongeki prayer 分かる( ˘ω˘ )
@ryu-unknow 3 жыл бұрын
@@ame_a チンチンがモチモチ...?
@niahpossog5997 7 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who feels like Ringo wrote the lyrics with Maretu in mind? Like, the entire song is about waiting for the "rebirth" of someone the narrator admired, and that someone apparently did something wrong, because "it all ended in tragedy" and "I once loved you". The narrator, however, is still supporting him, because "Really, I love you."
@sugarheart2551 7 жыл бұрын
That would make sense to be honest. The rebirth being new music, the tragedy being the controversy, the whole “I love you” thing could be his everlasting support for MARETU through that time.. or something totally unrelated. I’m not sure though, maybe you’re right.
@violetm.7194 7 жыл бұрын
Kay S Im sorry to be nosy and respond to this comment but Im just curious, what kind of controversy has been happening...? I haven't heard about it yet...
@sugarheart2551 7 жыл бұрын
Lilia Miles, It’s kind of done and dealt with but near the end of September, MARETU confessed about some things from his personal life after being brought up by a fan. Westerners began placing western standards on him and made the situation a lot worse that it actually was. It spiked up quite a bit of controversy.
@wingednotepad 6 жыл бұрын
Actually, I believe Ringo said that it was in fact a fan song. I might be wrong, though.
@ChocolatlFilms 6 жыл бұрын
It is most likely a fan song with Maretu in mind, since Ringo wrote this on the original youtube version. "I respect MARETU. I love his songs. I will do my best to make original songs."
@まぐ-h5z 4 жыл бұрын
@まぐ-h5z 4 жыл бұрын
@@Popcorn_0401 あっ、さーせん
@user-yukkykky 2 жыл бұрын
@user-tu9hr2cm4k 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-yukkykky RINGOさんが本家です。
@死にたあ 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-yukkykky akariさんのカバーがMARETUさんの方なので…
@user-yukkykky 2 жыл бұрын
@@死にたあ スイマセンデシタ
@にんじんロケット-f9o 5 жыл бұрын
歌詞失礼します。(コピペですが) 再演 今、再び舞台に上がれるなら きみはどんな歌歌う? 今、遺された役だけを頼りに きみの未来を演じている 今、再びこの世に産まれるなら きみはどんな踊り踊る? 今、遺された役だけを導に きみの次代を演じている ねえ、劣等感ばかり抱えてきた きみの脆い心の底を ぼくがそっと抱きしめてあげる 今ならそれができるんだよ! きみの名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ千秋楽 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 きみを ずっと今も呼んでるだろう? 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 楽しいアンコール 生きられなかったその先を 今回はぼくらが主役だから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 演じていたいの そのオシロイ、落としていいんだよ さあ、もう一度遊んでみようか 奇を衒った手遊びを今 散々混じり合った思い出 惨めな結末に幕を閉じたね 再び舞台に上がったなら きみはどんな愛謳う 今、始まったばかりの物語に きみとぼくの命映そうか きみの名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ今 名前騙る否 名前叫ぶ千秋楽 莉雁キ昴¥繧�! 莉雁キ昴¥繧�! 莉雁キ昴¥繧�! 繝・き繧オ縺上s! あなたの首を絞めた あなたと触れ合った きみを殺した きみを愛した (あなたを愛した) 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 花火のバンケット みんなが繋がる世界線 今回はぼくらも主役だから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 笑いたいの 笑っていたいの 体が代わっても 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 演じるの 最高のアンコール 脚本破り捨てたその先を 今度はきみと生きたいから 生まれ変わって また 舞台に立って 今なら素直に 笑えるんだ ずっと君の 傍に居たいんだよ 本当に君を、愛してるんだよ。
@ここはマダガスカル 9 ай бұрын
@にんじんロケット-f9o 9 ай бұрын
@@ここはマダガスカル 返信遅れてすみません!💦 どう入力するかは、わかりませんが私はGoogleで化け文字一覧としらべると、化け文字が出てくるのでコピペしてます!
@nattu_sky 4 жыл бұрын
@ぽむち-n8i 4 жыл бұрын
愛しか感じない… MARETUさんバージョンもすこ
@mixto200 5 жыл бұрын
@SUISEIMUSHI-P 5 жыл бұрын
MIX TO MARETUさんとRINGOさんが同一人物だと思ってしまっていました。🙄🙄✋
@danbooru30 5 жыл бұрын
うんち吹き出そう MARETUリスペクトなんやで。 RINGOさん動画消していってるからこんな人も居たんだって事を覚えておいてあげてください。
@りぴっと 5 жыл бұрын
@@danbooru30 RINGOさん動画再アップしてます! 再演の新しいのもでてます
@織花-g9e 5 жыл бұрын
@@りぴっと ですね…!!
@danbooru30 5 жыл бұрын
りぴっと やったぜ!
@sharboshabool9694 4 жыл бұрын
@toto-pw3gs 4 жыл бұрын
@huwahuwatannpopo 6 ай бұрын
RINGOさんが作った「再演」を MARETUさんがカバーした事で 本当に「再演」になったんだなぁ…
@Neon__o 5 жыл бұрын
@Neon__o 5 жыл бұрын
琥珀。 本家は中毒性がやばい
@manomanocha 2 жыл бұрын
@Ikisugi_1919-j3o Жыл бұрын
同じく‼️ 暑かったのに鳥肌たった
@ニコニコ-s1z 5 ай бұрын
@酒池肉林-i8n 4 жыл бұрын
@ももん-z6q 4 жыл бұрын
@梨の子-d4l 3 жыл бұрын
最近ボカロを歌詞じゃなくてリズムとかで捉えるようになっちゃってて、 「…なんか、変わっちゃったな」 と思った時にMARETUさんとかRINGOさんとかの曲聞くと、何かグッてなる。 リズムも大事だけど、再演なんかは特に歌詞もリズムも突き刺さるから「これなんだよな」って改めて思っちゃうんだよね。
@zipperzzz 6 жыл бұрын
Ringo and Maretu have such similar video and tuning styles, it's almost hard to tell them apart.
@sugarheart2551 6 жыл бұрын
I think they’re similar, but at the same time they’re very different. RINGO’s songs feel like they lack a little less ‘horror’ and emotion, but they fit more along the genre of digital pop. I feel like MARETU is more digital rock and his songs have extreme emotion. I agree, but I like them both c:
@userGoldenStephano 6 жыл бұрын
This isn't Ringo's. This is a cover. By Maretu. And, also, the vocals by Ringo... They're just horrid, if you ask me. It's robotic, high pitch distortions everywhere, and it just sounds so bad.
@woobie_online 6 жыл бұрын
you might want to look up what a vocaloid is
@JoaoPedro-ps8lk 5 жыл бұрын
@@woobie_online This is also a vocaloid you fucking mong, but this is one used skillfully. I love RINGO, but her usage of miku makes her songs difficult to listen to at times.
@fodless717 5 жыл бұрын
@@JoaoPedro-ps8lk you mean una right
@こやまとうふ 5 жыл бұрын
@yeboi3049 6 жыл бұрын
A song sent from heaven MaretuxRingo woooooo
@_shion6593 4 жыл бұрын
2:38 ここからまじ好き
@crimtan 5 жыл бұрын
Maretu just makes Miku sound like a godess, how does he even manage it
@arielruh7773 2 жыл бұрын
Just because He can
@fay4296 7 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU SO MUCH :') this beautiful cover is what got me into ringo!!! so glad to see one of his songs translated!!
@senoritarat966 Жыл бұрын
this is how i found ringo
@cutesy-1080p Ай бұрын
2:05 these insturmentals give me the chills...
@six-winged-juni 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it'd be really cool to have your favorite producer remix your song.
@senoritarat966 Жыл бұрын
im gonna try to be a producer and i realy hope maretu will remix one of my songs
@ゆめコロ-m1r 3 жыл бұрын
RINGOさんの方もMARETUさんの方もどちらも好きです… どちらも同じ曲なのに、雰囲気が全然違うくて、びっくり
@Kaderu_ 3 жыл бұрын
ok, so- i think this song is about an abuser that feels "guilt" for doing what they did to their partner (i think this because of the line "i killed you, i loved you). Their partner its probably depressed (or dead because of the abuser) and since their partner feels guilt, they want their partner to be normal and happy again (or things like that), cause they're telling their partner to "reborn and return in the stage" and they're even saying "you can do it since now im with you, i want to stay by your side forever now, really, i love you so much", thats the classic line: "it wont happen again, im sorry" so its not really a motivating song like i was thinking at the beginning
@egg5823 Жыл бұрын
explains the scrumize motif at some parts, nice interpretation
@confusedaf1112 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like this song is super important, I think it confirms a connection between the Scrumize Storyline and the circle background series.
@meowman69420 4 жыл бұрын
i mean, this song isn't by maretu. it's by akali(formally known as ringo)
@ahhh1336 6 жыл бұрын
2:04 is so good
@ooguii8888 7 жыл бұрын
aaa thank you for this!!!
@Ikisugi_1919-j3o Жыл бұрын
@ミナワイニャーぐうてる 4 жыл бұрын
@shu13 4 жыл бұрын
@ミナワイニャーぐうてる 4 жыл бұрын
@ましゅまろ-z5v 4 жыл бұрын
ブシュワァってやつだよね なんか炭酸開けた時みたいな音
@昨夜逸乃 4 жыл бұрын
スゥワァァァンーーーーーって感じの奴ですね なんか津波みたいな音や
@Venoxium 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the subs~!
@心月森山 Жыл бұрын
@すずカステラ平野 6 жыл бұрын
@Neverbackdown0714 4 жыл бұрын
I hate how people put western standards on MARETU, he was with a 18-20 year old girl, not a 16-17 year old. A minor in Japan is someone under 20. Get your facts right.
@smeekyevie4348 4 жыл бұрын
that's still much younger than he was at the time. also, the girl was mentally disabled (i am also mentally disabled so I know what i'm talking about) and may have not been able to function at the level of what people might consider an adult. I still like his music sometimes, but it does put a bad taste in my mouth knowing some of the things he writes (like "suji" talking about a person wanting to see another persons' "childlike body". it just creeps me out man and i'm speaking as a disabled person myself here, about the same age as that girl.
@smeekyevie4348 3 жыл бұрын
@Warm bottle of mango pepsi and how do you know, 100% for sure, that the girl was just being insulted, and wasn't actually disabled?
@d4tenshi 3 жыл бұрын
@@smeekyevie4348 id just like to add that suji is actually a critic to those people (as evidenced by the constant "what the hell" through the song)
@Tivea_616 3 жыл бұрын
@@d4tenshi yeah I agree, I don't think that was paralleling the situation with maretu cheating, but I can't prove this since I can't find the date or year when maretu sent his apology. also, I think people don't get or forgot the fact that suji was a part of a musical series along with "scrumize" and "konkatsu" where its literally evident that it was a critique of the abusers in toxic relationships within the three songs that were clearly connected with each other. I also highly doubt that someone who actively writes songs about the reality of morbid situations would write a song about justifying abuse like that's just dumb and wrong and I wouldn't be a fan of maretu's music if that were the case. edit: I checked "suji" was released in dec 11 2015 (probably on nico nico) and the tweet where maretu made his apology was in nov 2 2017. Since I cant read Japanese I don't know how long the cheating with the fan lasted and I cant seem to find a date of any sort in the written apology edit 2#: the only date that I can find on the apology is 2017/11/2
@trynabustanutnotamove 3 жыл бұрын
@@Tivea_616 konkatsu? do you mean koukatsu by chance? also quick question,, how is koukatsu connected to scrumize and suji? as far as I know, koukatsu is about murder, while the other two are consistent of a victim and predator
@priscillavonvanaheim4230 3 жыл бұрын
remember kids this isnt related to any of maretus other songs because this is a remix, this not maretu's original song. check out ringo/akali, the original producer of this song. :D
@IloveMitskisongs 2 жыл бұрын
Yea, To be honest i'm not surprised most people thought this is made by Maretu because Akali's musics are inspired by Maretu. But the sad part is, Some people called Akali "Maretu copycat" :(
@綺麗なジャイアン-f4h Жыл бұрын
アカリさんが作った曲で間違いありませんが このミクちゃんバージョンはMARETUさんがcoverしてニコニコに 投稿したものです この動画はMARETUさんの無断転載です
@kogezakana Жыл бұрын
自分なりの考察 この曲は多分演者が心中するお話なのかなと 1番は「ぼく」と「きみ」の出会い 「きみ」は恐らく有名な演者で「ぼく」は出来損ないの演者 「ぼく」は「演者としてのきみ」に憧れて「きみ」は「普通の君」に憧れた 2番は多分付き合ってから心中までの流れ 《再び舞台に上がったなら きみならどんな愛唄う》の歌詞から 付き合って(愛)を見つけたのかなと そして 《あなたの首を絞めた》 他人称が変わってるので「きみ」視点だと考察 「ぼく」は「きみ」に首を絞められて「きみ」も何かしらの方法で死亡 そして 《みんなが繋がる世界線》 多分冥界のこと そしてラスサビ 生まれ変わった2人 《今なら素直に笑えるんだ》 演者としての生涯を終えて 普通の人間として笑えるようになった みたいな流れなのかなと個人的に考察してみた そしてこの曲の作者(RINGOさん)はMARETUさんをリスペクトしているのでMARETUさんがこの曲をカバーすることで 「ぼく」と「きみ」 は「ぼく(RINGOさん)」「きみ(MARETUさん)」になってエモくなる、 あくまで個人的な考察なので変なとこあったらコメントで教えて欲しいです!! 長文失礼しました
@こんにちは-h8d 3 жыл бұрын
@geri_bennpi_hazama 5 жыл бұрын
@るあ-p2s 5 жыл бұрын
最近RINGOさん復活しましたよ! 是非聴いて来てください٩(*´︶`*)۶
@geri_bennpi_hazama 4 жыл бұрын
@@るあ-p2s ( ˇωˇ )え!?!?!?聴きにいきます!!!!ありがとうございます
@るあ-p2s 4 жыл бұрын
やさぐれニート いえいえRINGO復活かなり嬉しいですよね!(*>`ω´
@mjnhbgdfcsxetrftygihnjklhg4748 3 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel like this song is about abusive love because of the lyrics "I strangled you" and "I killed and loved you" But the abuser is still supporting him/her by the words "Really I love you" and the abuser is forcing them to act in a show by saying "You want to perform. you will do it" So the abuser is basically forcing the person to act in a show, but actually tells the truth about loving them. Also the reason why its called Encore is because the person gets KILLED every show they play and gets reborn, so its basically a cycle of death and rebirth like Uminaoshi, so basically the song is a mix of Uminaoshi and White Happy.
@キャラメルちゃんねるううう 5 жыл бұрын
誰かこの曲をMARETUさんの 曲だと思ってた私を殴ってくれ
@尾白もち 5 жыл бұрын
( ' ^'c彡☆))Д´) パーン
@チン毛食いたい 5 жыл бұрын
(  '-' )ノ)`-' )ぺし
@rain-pt5wu 5 жыл бұрын
( >A
@ペン銀-n2b 5 жыл бұрын
@にこ助-c7r 5 жыл бұрын
雨音ネル 既知の事実かもしれませんが、Twitterの記載だとなんだか生活が困窮してるらしくて、ちょっとでも再生数伸びれば私達もRINGOさんに貢献できるんでしょうけど...
@じたばたマッギョ 3 жыл бұрын
@missfriday7835 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the English lyrics, and the Romaji too!
@Treewatcher 2 жыл бұрын
The percussion is so good I feel like crying 1:11
@mimi782 4 жыл бұрын
@MEGID0LA0N 6 жыл бұрын
oh wow i totally missed this
@dreamygore3611 6 жыл бұрын
Hi! Thank you so much for making this translation! How do you feel about people using your translations in works and things like that? I plan on making an animation for this song using your translation, if that's okay!! If I do actually end up going through with it, I would definitely credit you, maretu, and ringo for their work on the song. If you arent okay with it, I won't use it. :)
@sugarheart2551 6 жыл бұрын
Please do!!
@はなはな亀吉 2 жыл бұрын
@おいしい米-b7r 2 жыл бұрын
@かっこいいひと-l7p 5 жыл бұрын
@6racedoll 8 күн бұрын
rest in peace akali
@sugarheart2551 8 күн бұрын
@@6racedoll OMG what do you mean??
@EmmalynBakerVint_Svent 8 күн бұрын
@@sugarheart2551 It was unfortunately confirmed by a friend of Akali's that she had passed away recently :( I've been coming back to all of her songs lately, so thank you for uploading what you have. It's a treasure
@movedchannelsjustplsno3908 5 жыл бұрын
Ahhhhh the mix of scrumize disillusioned and more other songs.
@confusedaf1112 4 жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only that realized it.
@NyanSukaato 6 ай бұрын
My theory for this song is that it's about a Japanese idol and their fan. The song is sung by the fan's perspective and how they want to "live with" and "love" the idol. Not only that, but they have huge expectations and want them to perform all the time flawlessly. "You can not survive what awaits you" I always thought that line was about how unbelievably toxic and even violent the J-pop industry and its fans are.
@LesbiansMarie 3 жыл бұрын
Adding this to the list of songs I call, "This was made using Miku???"
@fingersinyourass9527 3 жыл бұрын
Maretu is just godly using miku
@Heythere191 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! MARETU's tuning of Miku is so amazing that I always almost forget that his songs are made using Miku!
@Polina_Lozenko Жыл бұрын
@LesbiansMarie Жыл бұрын
@@Polina_Lozenko I know!! I’ve been listening to her music a lot more recently, but this is a cover MARETU made of Akali’s song, Akali uses Una and Gumi in the original, this one uses Miku, meaning MARETU tuned her himself. That’s why it’s impressive, cause it only vaguely sounds like her.
@松-e3b Жыл бұрын
@純白の天使ねるねるエサエサ Жыл бұрын
待って思ってたの自分だけじゃないんだ同士いてめっちゃ嬉しい!!!! 誰か推しの子と合わせた動画作ってくれないかな〜
@松-e3b 11 ай бұрын
やっぱりそうですよね!!同士いて嬉しいです!! 私もアニメの映像と再演合わせた動画とかめちゃめちゃ見たいです🫶🏻
@user-mb6eo4kw1l 9 ай бұрын
@user-nl4zq4xj9l 2 жыл бұрын
@doransoran 5 жыл бұрын
My favorite part is the "namae"
@azulizachan7595 5 жыл бұрын
Right? It's so... I can't describe it, it feels like someone shouting "YOU CAN DO THIS, I BELIEVE IN YOU"
@イネP 10 ай бұрын
MARETUさん &RINGOさん「今再びこの世に生まれるなら君はどんな躍りを踊る?」 ワイ「命のおどりをさああああおどらせてえええさああああ」
@saturnql 3 жыл бұрын
I was trying to find this song after seeing the thumbnail on niconico during school, now I finally found it
@folder6641 Жыл бұрын
@kiyopawn 3 жыл бұрын
I've always been venturing every now and then into Maretu's catalogue, there's always bangers like this hidden. I've found a new one. As for the list of bangers I find most notable. #1 Darling (Amazing Melody) #2 Brain Revoloution Girl (Super sassy, super melancholic) #3 White Happy (Very fun sounding song, very vulgar vibe) #4 Before I was Born (Really dark, sounds absoloutely amazing, I need to be in a mood to listen this however, I get scared sometimes listening to this. I feel the same for White Happy, but this makes me feel like there's a ghost watching me in the corner of my eye.) #5 Replay Encore (This One) Bangers but not as good as the top 4. #6 Coin Locker Baby (I feel like this is the definitive Maretu song, it is a banger #7 SIU (the egyptian sounding part is such a vibe, the hole song rocks as well) #8 Magical Doctor (This one is wild, it's very Maretu. Sends a message and sounds amazing.) #9 Pink (It's almost as good as the top 4. I can't pick out what makes it not up there.) January 28,2022 Edit: New mentions! Should've mentioned "Mind Brand" (of course in the ranks of the top 4.) Mugo Ba (is something new I've found, not in my top songs as of the moment but I might get an acquired taste.) Kawaki, or Thirst (is something that sounds like something I'd like but.... I'm still dipping my toes in it.)
@Heythere191 3 жыл бұрын
I love all of those songs! However, in my top favourite MARETU songs I would also put mugoba, thirst and mind brand!
@kiyopawn 3 жыл бұрын
@@Heythere191 Ah yeah, of vourse Mind Brand should've been here. I'm not sure I've seen thist or mugoba tho Edit; Mugoba may be something I got to get an acquired taste for as it's not love at first sight, but thirst is Up there as one of the ones I would like easily.
@st4rdyy 4 ай бұрын
I LOVE Pink!! It's so scary and fun to me
@foreverwinter926 3 жыл бұрын
Haaaauuuh i love aaaa
@keredivajl 6 ай бұрын
I love…
@crubble9764 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised maretu wrote a soft song like this omg
@rosen_venus 2 жыл бұрын
he didnt
@IloveMitskisongs 2 жыл бұрын
It was made by Akali not Maretu!
@KelpsWorld 2 жыл бұрын
@@IloveMitskisongs Wait it wasn't Ringo?
@IloveMitskisongs 2 жыл бұрын
@@KelpsWorld Ringo is Akali's old username, Sorry if i confused you haha!
@綺麗なジャイアン-f4h Жыл бұрын
アカリさんが作った曲で間違いありませんが このミクちゃんバージョンはMARETUさんがcoverしてニコニコに 投稿したものです この動画はMARETUさんの無断転載です
@darkimatcha 4 ай бұрын
The creator of this song is so lucky fr
@nerus_leep 4 жыл бұрын
@freshraviolie 2 жыл бұрын
@senoritarat966 Жыл бұрын
this song is so fucking good
@BrainRevolutionGirl 3 жыл бұрын
2:03 personal time stamp after 2:05 the song is just sad
@チョコチップ-b3i 6 ай бұрын
@千円-y6r 4 ай бұрын
@lilikore Жыл бұрын
ahh i wish this was on spotify 🥲
@Hatsune-Miku_Fan 10 ай бұрын
@mira-qm6ri 3 жыл бұрын
For anyone wondering, this song isn't on spotify😕
@lilikore Жыл бұрын
@Jhuanmartinns Жыл бұрын
Eita, chegou a um milhão de vizusli orações!! 🤘💓💓💓
@さかなとさかな 4 жыл бұрын
@mimi782 4 жыл бұрын
@超絶最よわ炊飯器 4 жыл бұрын
@unome__amenome Жыл бұрын
@egg5823 17 күн бұрын
@xhusu 4 жыл бұрын
A lot of TBHK vibes from this song-
@ForTheLoveOfCha0s 5 жыл бұрын
I hate that use of comic sans, but nice video.
@confusedaf1112 4 жыл бұрын
The beginning has the same tune from scrumize, and the middle is Disillusioned?
@gorou5846 5 жыл бұрын
@みづき-k4l 5 жыл бұрын
@user-li9sp6yn1x 5 жыл бұрын
悠凪 MARETUさんがカバーしてるんですよー
@みづき-k4l 5 жыл бұрын
あ,ほんとだwww maretuさんの方の奴じゃんwww 聞き間違いだ。 指摘ありがとうございます(^^)
@nerumikuteto 20 күн бұрын
I dont know clearly the meaning of the song but as an Undertale fan it has some REALLY familiar lyrics. Sorry if it's disrespectful, but it's what sounds most true to me. Correct me if i'm wrong but hear me out ''Right now, if you were to get up on the stage again, what kind of song would you sing? Right now, relying only on the role left behind for you. You're performing your future'' = The routes you can pick, and how every little thing you do affects the future of your game ''Come on, you've done nothing but carry around that inferiority complex. I'll gently embrace the fragile depths of your heart. Now's my chance, I can do it!'' = The hug Frisk gives to Asriel in the end of the paicifst route, and the hope it fills you up with ''Do not reject your name. Shout your name now. Do not reject your name, I'll call you until the end'' ''Do not reject your name. Shout your name now. Do not reject your name now, I've been calling you this for a long time, correct?'' = How the human is confused for the genocidal Chara that left the undergound, but their real name is Frisk. It could also be a reference to how Frisk calls for the lost soul's and Asriel's name in the final fight ''Reborn again and take the stage, and perform an entertaining encore. You can not survive what awaits you because this time, the role is ours’’ = Reset the timeline and do the right thing 'Reborn again and take the stage. You want to perform, you will do it. Now you can let go of that white dust’’ = The white dust is what monsters become once they die ‘’Well, I wonder if you’ll perform one more time, now we will play something strange. Scrambled memories intermingled, you closed the curtains for that miserable ending, right?’’ = These lines could be said by Flowey, since he knows about timeline resets, and how the game is so detailed it becomes strange, how the memories of everyone are things for you to play with. The miserable ending could be the genocide one or what Flowey thinks before he realizes the pacifist is the best option ‘’If you could climb the stage again, what love would you sing? Now, in the story that has just begun, do you want to reflect in our lives?’’ = i think it could be the monsters asking what future you will bring for them after a reset (...) ‘’I strangled you. I interacted with you. I killed you. I loved you’’ = Again these lyrics could be said by Flowey, talking to Chara or the player (i know he didn’t kill Chara but it somehow makes sense). (...) ‘’Reborn again and take the stage, performing the best encore’’ = the best encore can mean the best ending (true pacifist) ‘’The script destroys what is to come, because this time i want to live with you’’ = Maybe how you go out of your way to make the pacifist route and not the neutral one which is more predictable, and the last part is how Frisk befriended everyone and they want to leave the underground and live with them ‘’Now I can smile sincerely. I want to be forever by your side. Really, i love you so much’’ = Flowey remembering how it feels to have a soul on his body thanks to Frisk and experiencing true compassion after many years of being empty
@そこらの石窯 3 жыл бұрын
@Aya-chan2909 3 жыл бұрын
Hatsune miku everywhere
@Sar2929 5 жыл бұрын
People ask me what my favorite song is Me: encore Person: by who Me: *maretu and RINGO* Person: who? Me: ...
@Sar2929 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-lf5xq4gu1g tbh thats a better replyXD
@user-motimoti_siratama 3 жыл бұрын
@Umi_F 3 жыл бұрын
@julietkathleen7088 4 жыл бұрын
@userieon 3 жыл бұрын
hits different after listening to wowaka songs
@userGoldenStephano 6 жыл бұрын
But... How does enjiru no enjite itai no... "You want to perform, you will do it."? It should mean something along the lines of "Repeating is... Repeating is painful/repeating hurts", shouldn't it?
@sugarheart2551 6 жыл бұрын
Enjiru is the verb “to preform” and enjiteitai would be “you want to preform.” Enjite and itai are not separate words, tai is added onto enjite to indicate “want to...”
@JoaoPedro-ps8lk 5 жыл бұрын
maretu has a history of doing really witty second meanings that are impossible to really translate into his songs, so I think that's a layer to the lyrics that was lost in translation
@snafuet 5 жыл бұрын
@@JoaoPedro-ps8lk buuuut lyrics weren't made by Maretu.
@JoaoPedro-ps8lk 5 жыл бұрын
@@snafuet idk what i was thinking 4 months ago
@confusedaf1112 4 жыл бұрын
@@snafuet Perhaps Ringo tried to imitate Maretu's style for this?
@tama_keri 5 жыл бұрын
@tama_keri 5 жыл бұрын
@@たたきまぐろ-v4u 前、「もう絶対Twitterには戻ってきません、同じ名前のアカウントがあってもそれは私じゃありません」みたいなこと言ってなかった?
@200hukurou 5 жыл бұрын
その名前のtwitter垢はなりすましです。 中の人は別名義で活動再開し、前のつべ垢には過去曲をアップしていく方針らしいです。
@tama_keri 5 жыл бұрын
@@200hukurou あーね。ありがと。理解したわ
@ねこかわいい-i8i 4 жыл бұрын
@BrainRevolutionGirl 3 жыл бұрын
2:05 is that part where u think “I wish I never won that sperm race.” Wait now that i actually look at it that sounds stupid-
@eeenn_ 10 ай бұрын
@純白の天使ねるねるエサエサ 9 ай бұрын
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