English That's right, You’ve been messing with me …using my memories. It’s excruciating, feeling like anything can excite me now We had this relationship, one where we pretended everything was peaceful But our weeping bore no tears! Where did that dancing heartbeat go? Living so long in obscurity, I reached out my shy hand in hopes of finding some support Two tongues dancing as if they are sewn together, bring nothing but painful desires And soon enough I’ll forget the meaning of that word… Adolescence. Adolescence. Adolescence. No resistance, so reckless, So inexperienced. I want to keep worrying about my appearance just a bit longer! Adolescence, adolescence. My “adolescence”! Now, about that well fabricated story …you have in your memories, What’s wrong? You’re pathetic, and pitiful all the way through. How long will you continue to speak in remorse about what’s happened? I’ve realized how many times you’ve fed me bullshit… Rejecting each day as it comes, can you see what lies beyond going against the norm? We timidly open our eyes, to see the spectacle right before us. Two tongues dancing as if they are sewn together, Experiencing and tasting these painful desires Before I know it, my rusted reason is broken deep inside my heart… Adolescence. Adolescence. Adolescence. Right now, …there’s no greater fatal blow than inexperience It’s over for your neatly trimmed highlights. It’s too painful to watch! Adolescence. Adolescence. Your “adolescence”! Praying is only used to spew your insecurity Making promises doesn’t mean anything I’ve triumphed over that pretentious attitude of yours. “Goodbye…” Adolescence. Adolescence. Adolescence. No resistance, so reckless, So inexperienced. I want to keep worrying about my appearance just a bit longer. Adolescence, adolescence, my "adolescence"… Adolescence. Adolescence. Adolescence. So free and easy going, So inexperienced. I want to hear …the sensation of you coming and going all alone! Adolescence. Adolescence. (Where’s your “adolescence”?)
今までずっとこれBPM変わってる!って思ったけど、これワンチャン変わってない可能性有るぞ BPMを変えずに拍子や音譜間隔を変化させてBPMが変わったように見せる手法(メトリックモジュレーションって言われるやつ) この曲だとAメロとBメロはBPM156の3拍子になって音譜間隔を少し早くしている(例えば早い地帯の4分音譜を遅い地帯での16分音譜3つ分の間隔にして表している) これによってBPMが早くなっていると錯覚させてるってことだよ多分 これを考察要素として使うなら、最初の Do some one (なにかしようよ)で言われてる「何か」をして、自分の何かが変わったような気がしても、結局そう見えるだけで実際は何も変わっていないっていうことを表しているかもしれない