Marie Fredriksson En Andra Chans 2004( talking about her illness)

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9 жыл бұрын

In this documentarie she talking about her cancer 2 years after she had the hard news.Inc. images when she is record the album The change in her home.

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@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
TRANSLATION; 1 min she talks about how glad she is that shes sitting here. 1:23 in the text "her husband Mikael Bolyos have the last 2 years helpt her filming maries work and the new record. In 1:50 Marie talks about how she could be in the studio and forget that she is ill , and she wanted to be in the "music-bubble " so much she can to survive. The music was her way to survive the cancer. Because she could forget the cancer and just be in the music. 2:36 Marie said that she was on tour with roxette and felt so Good! And one day when she came home to her husband Mikael "Micke " and she could not see on her left eye and just fell on the floor. She could not remember much more Than her husband calling her name, and she fell so hard that she had an epileptical attack and went to the hospital and the rest is history....(she Said yes, you know what happed next). In 05.00 she talks about how it was a relief to write, and she wanted to write about her cancer even if its hard, and the song is calld "the change". In 05.18 she said "i was so angry/pissed off getting cancer, I dont want to be sick! Who wants to have cancer? No one!!" 05.32 the text: september 2004 the first entries since the new stuff 05.47 her husband Mikael Bolyos talks "we had a long break with marie's treatment and medication, so we started work with this first winter/spring 2003. We worked time to time/in periods that we could, because we did not have all clear" 6:27 Marie said that "i Think no, its not gonna work?" But then we did it. The more power I got, the more could we work, and I got better and better from the cancer. And it felt Good. 7:16 Marie said "that everyone knows who I am, that im used to, but being sick I could not even Imagine. Thats not something you could think of, feel how it feels and so on, so when it happed it feelt so strange, so unreal. 09.00 she says "the hardest thing was that people don't have respect. Its sad. We hide from the press, but they was always after us. I could not get out of the house with the kids because of photographers everyvere. They could wait all day just to get one word from us, how I felt or just something" 10.00 Marie says "damn it! Let's try again! Its so hard to sing this, because I must breathe so much" 10:21 Mikael Bolyos says "a recording do not work like this normaly, but we have lived with this chock "life or death?" All the time. I could be in the studio talking to a doctor at the same time. It was totally chaos inside of me!" 11.31 Marie said that it tok half of a year to finally get what was happening. Because I was blocked. But now I feel much better! I feel Good. Because I feel better, now I can talk about the cancer in a hole other way!" "Im glad now, it doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels pretty ok actually" 12.45 Marie said "everything feels so strong nowdays! And I can't say why . It feels in one way that the worst is over. And THAT feels pretty big. And im so glad that i can say that " 13.56 Mikael Bolyos says "when we started recording we did not know what the concept was. if we had some red thread, or if we just did this for fun. But since Marie was sick, we had a clear red thread.that we had a great need for both me and my wife Marie, to write about what had happened" 14:42 "when you start to write quietly inside, the wound begins to heal. And then when you start to be able to gently sing again, the wound heals a little more. It slowly came back. It was a support, the music " 15:30 " The song second chance is about how I got a second chance as I got sick" 16:06 "from the day I got sick, Mikael "micke" has been by my side all the time and supported me. I do not understand how he has managed. he has been absolutely amazing! so much power I have received from him! I'm very proud of him" 16:59 (A guy in the studio asks) Fredriksson? are you still called Fredriksson? or is it Boyles? Marie replies "No, I have kept my maiden name Fredriksson as an artist name, so Fredriksson is my artist name used in all such official contexts but Boyles is my name privately" 17:56 "The first time Micke and I met was one of the coolest things I've ever been to! I had traveled a lot and been alone a lot. But meeting him for the first time was absolutely incredible! love was total. It was just like snapping your finger, and it was we forever!" 19:09 "I knew who Mikael was, but I didn't know him, I'd never met him before" 19:20 "We were at the hotel. And then he gets there. And we were so happy to see each other." 19:32 (Marie's child and husband come in) "We are in the middle of recording. Hahaha so funny! You know what? I just sat and talked about you and so you come!" Mikael "did it go well?" Marie "yes it went very well" 20:35 "the day it was just like this (exhale) and I just shudder I think about it. It was like a movie. on the same day, later in the evening we became a went fast! Hahaha" At 21:30 mikael says "it felt like hitting his other half! like that glue that just sticks right away! it felt so right from the start! " 21:54 "Mikael went on his trip to New Zealand and we rang every morning and evening, because the clock is different in different parts of the world. But the phone bill I got then, hahaha we should not talk about! it got expensive! " 23:10 "We are so similar to Mikael and me! when it comes to music we speak the same language, we know each other without and in between. We have exactly the same taste when it comes to music. it comes so naturally" 23:34 mikael "a good composer I'm married to" 24.00 "Mikael can be very funny and very angry. I like that he is always very clear " 24.06 Mikael Bolyos says "fantastic great job!" 25:07 "when you shop, people stare. But you have to learn to live with it. You must be able to have a normal life" 25:52" when you get sick, people stare even more, because you looked sick. people barely recognized me from time to time. but I like short hair, so I thought it was cute hahaha. I didn't think it was that hard to lose all hair, because it will come back. I've always had short hair. so that was no big deal" 26:56 Marie mentions everyone she will meet and tells us that she will play 6 songs from her new album. 27:12" this is my first solo record in english and of course we think it is a masterpiece! it's a masterpiece!" 27:44 " I usually sit like this at the grand piano and play a little lunge. But I don't do that much anymore. but now I want to sing with full buzz!" 27:55 "I have more energy nowadays. so my musicality has changed over the years." 28:06 (sings on a song) we are working on this now! it will be great! 29:13 " the thing with this disease is that i have had to start over. so I've been taught to read again and I've been taught to count again. so I practice that every day. it's tough. But it will be better. It will only take time" 29:51 maries son oscar says "here you have my friend carl, spells with a C" 30:00 "the children have helped me very much, Mikael has helped me very much. thank god that the family has been so strong. (wipes a tear) that has been my greatest strength, of course" 31:00 "The best thing about this has been that I have kept my laughter. Even though it has felt like it has not been there all the time, I still managed to keep my laughter. How damn hard it has been, I have always been able to get back to laughter." 32:4 the song "a table in the sun" I am so incredibly happy with. it was the last song we wrote for the record and it describes these last two years so damn well. it feels so good to end with it. 33:4 I am in contact with God every day. But it took a long time before I could believe that God existed. because my big sister anna-lisa died in a car accident when I was 7 years was hard for me to like God as it happened.But then slowly I became more and more friends with God. and now it feels like a huge wonderful warm support with God. 34:4 " I have always been a strong person who knows what I want and so on. But as I got sick, that strength raged. But now as I feel better again, a new strength has emerged, a strength I have never known before.incredible! I do not know where that strength came from, but thankfully it came!" 35:5 when i got sick it came very natural to start painting again..but this time i started painting with charcoal. it's awesome !I like to use my fingers a lot. it's a cool art form I think. 36:1 all of them here are happy yunger days! damn what we had fun! I really like them. 36:3 this is early early Roxette indeed. 37:0 I was very uncertain. After all, all my Poles were at home, so I was completely myself while Pär already knew everyone. so I was very, very alone. It was a hard time. 37: 4 So here's when I got sick. it is tough, because there are 2 sides of me, where i am healthy, and there i am sick (showing with her hand).I've always felt like 2, as a twin. And this clearly shows how I feel. 39:0 the cool thing about the Change was that when it came to me it was a very spiritual strength. very spiritual. 39:2 it was magical!I had never experienced anything like this before. it was like a whole other world.when it happened I just wrote down the text! very clear and very fast! 39:3 so afterwards it felt like "was it somone else wrote this?" 39:5 mikael "there is a song that has taken me a long time, yes still until now before I can listen to it. And that song is" the change ". especially that version with the symphony orchestra, because that text and melody is in the middle of how I felt when Marie got sick. 40: 2 "It's so divided into 2 pages. One side has been incredibly tough and hard, and the other side is so incredibly grateful to live" 40:4 it's hard when people feel sorry for me. But at the same time, it's wonderful that people care. people who really wonder how I feel, who are not afraid. that you can talk about the cancer with without being scared.
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
41: 0 Everyone knows. it says in all newspapers. so I just have to live with it. 41: 3 that it was possible to sing again! I thought for a while it would not work at all to sing again. that joy ... it was so great ... that's when the tears come ... 43:0 the joy comes back again. I can't explain it. to experience the joy again. I'm so grateful (laughter)
@Danielle-fu5hw 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to translate,very thoughtful. Roxette always brings me back when I used to go to Sweden as a child with my parents. and I was a big fan of theirs and was so excited to go to their
@gabyroxette 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Rebeca a million thax for the traslation!!!! have e great 2020
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
@@Danielle-fu5hw I'm glad to help. I did traslation on this in comment if you want go see more Marie Fredriksson
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
@@gabyroxette I'm glad to help. I did traslation on this in comment if you want go see more Marie Fredriksson
@IoanaHaitchi 4 жыл бұрын
I don't speak Swedish, but I understood somehow. She was so expressive. I'm so sad. She was a great artist.
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
I have added a translation in the comment above
@anamariavinaccia6027 4 жыл бұрын
Her talent ,Her smile is next to God. Here we'll miss her. Thanks Marie you make us so happy with your incredible voice.😍😍
@skudlugs 3 жыл бұрын
Was hard to watch this but then I thought about hard it was for her to experience it. Thanks for the music Marie, you made me smile, often.
@mariakun1783 3 жыл бұрын
Annyira fájdalmas ezt látni.Sajnos az én orvos lányom is megküzdött a tumorral.Ugy ahogy Marie O sem adta fel.jelenlegtunetmentes.Ezert is érzem Áta helyzetet a családnak Marie meg egy valóságos csoda édes gyerekeivel és szerető férje erőt adott neki.lanyomnak is a kisfia. O ajándékozot meg aarie önéletrajzi könyvével mert tudta mennyire imadomMariet .O is kedveli Mariet és a Roxettet.we love you Marie!
@pascalecooper7283 4 жыл бұрын
For always all my love from France my so sweet & beautiful Marie❤😘🙏
@user-ui3ew7iz2b 2 жыл бұрын
Люблю Мари! Спасибо Микаэлю(Микки, как она его называла) за то , что он помогал ей и был м ней до конца её жизни! Настоящий мужик! Сейчас таких почти не осталось!
@karenwalker4113 4 жыл бұрын
Rest in peace . beautiful girl with an amazing voice .what a waste .so sad
@lindabergman3127 4 жыл бұрын
Such a brave strong beautiful lady 😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏
@lottatroublemaker6130 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful documentary about a wonderful woman❣️ Rest in peace, dear Marie❣️ May God soothe the pain of your loved ones...❤️💞👏☝️🙌🤘😊
@karlx6605 4 жыл бұрын
Donde puedo encontrarlo ??
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
I have added a translation in the comment above
@user-ui3ew7iz2b 2 жыл бұрын
Я так люблю Мари!!! Она просто умница! Спасибо Микаэлю(Микки, как звала его Мари), что был вместе с ней до конца, помогал во всём! Настоящий мужик! Сейчас таких практически нет!.
@mariakun1783 3 жыл бұрын
Milyen édes az Olajat és Josefin !Marie nak nagyon gyönyörűek a gyerekei is.Acsaladja a zene és a rajongók is segítettek a gyógyulásban.O egy igazi harcos aki így tudott a betegség ellen küzdeni.Ezt látván megszakad a szív!Csak még jobban lehet őt imádni.
@anamariavinaccia6027 4 жыл бұрын
Here from Argentina we are so sad. Marie died. 😭😭😭
@user-bb5up7qk4e 4 жыл бұрын
It Just Happen - so sad!
@simoneortloff71 4 жыл бұрын
@@user-bb5up7qk4e I love Marie for ever
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
I have added a translation in the comment above
@hernanjavierluna7096 4 жыл бұрын
@anamariavinaccia6027 4 жыл бұрын
Hernán Javier Luna Aquí desde Argentina estamos muy tristes.Marie murió 😭😭😭
@malin1929 4 жыл бұрын
Så ledsen i dag 🕯😭🌹 Du fattas oss. 💔
@joseadaorezende2801 2 ай бұрын
Uma cantora extra-serie, linda voz. Um exemplo de mulher determinada, forte e resiliente . Deixou saudades eternas em milhões de fãs pelo mundo todo.
@user-yc3wc1si1w 3 жыл бұрын
@lexeykuzmintsev2410 3 жыл бұрын
Сверху в комментах есть общий перевод на английский. Попробуйте перевести для себя на русский.
@jamesroe6856 4 жыл бұрын
Loved her in roxette, prayers for her and her family
@bankerssignalmillionaires4202 4 жыл бұрын
Eu entendi qui ela busca nas várias formas de música e arte uma forma diminuir os efeitos do tratamento e sequelas de sua doença através da arte isso manteve viva por 17 anos ! Deus a receba Marie excelente artista grandiosa! Está tudo aí pra gente tela um pouco mais entre nós eternamente através do seu legado...
@emelymartin8759 4 жыл бұрын
Bankers é incrível como gesto, olhar dizem mais que palavras! Também entendi o mesmo, sem saber sueco. Marie foi uma mulher fortíssima (como tantas!) perante a doença, as dores e sequelas que a quimio infelizmente lhe trouxeram ... Desde criança a ouço/canto e vou continuar, com certeza Roxette é minha dupla preferida e Marie, um talento singular ❤
@sergiocanonvi 4 жыл бұрын
Una mujer fuerte y valiente, una inspiración de lucha, gracias por tu legado musical, descansa en paz Marie Fredriksson
@toriaridgway3501 5 жыл бұрын
God Bless you Marie...❤️
@mariasilva-uv2ey 3 жыл бұрын
@concorde8652 4 жыл бұрын
Roxette FOREVER. Marie had a amazing voice.
@mrcelobox 4 жыл бұрын
an angel for Marie
@shaneharrison6073 4 жыл бұрын
Here from austria, Marie is "The voice" forever and always.
@msluvan4634 4 жыл бұрын
Fina Vackra Marie
@nyse14 2 жыл бұрын
Светлая память... хорошему человеку, прекрасной певице, красивой женщине....
@electronichome1153 6 ай бұрын
Slawa Ukraine
@Mrsbehavin59 4 жыл бұрын
Himlen har fått en ny stjärna - RIP Marie du betydde allt.....❤️
@jfernandogarcialarosa344 4 жыл бұрын
So far away marie i love you.
@olgabarbarella3447 Жыл бұрын
Music, at it's essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it. Sweet woman.
@jennifernapoli8172 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful documentary about a Wonderful woman❤️Rest in Peace Dear Marie💗Things will Never be the Same without you😢May God Bless her Loved ones and give them much strength.
@edirschmitz3180 5 жыл бұрын
Incrível. Fantástico. Marcou o meu passado. Linda.
@96Noula 4 жыл бұрын
This artist never dies
@abimanyuabimanyu4486 4 жыл бұрын
She's a legend. Love from Indonesia
@mariakun1783 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Gaby The video.Marieand family beautifull
@user-mr9rg7sz3k 4 жыл бұрын
Marie Fredriksson, such a sweetheart :(( hope she recovered since then! Loved her in Roxette, so gentle , charming and humble 💙💟💟
@stefanolov 4 жыл бұрын
She just died , Sweden in mourning .
@user-mr9rg7sz3k 4 жыл бұрын
@@stefanolov Yes I know, I loved her so much and I guess all of her fans around the world, not only in Sweden . She has suffered so much because of her illness. RIP Marie 💜
@marciliadelima1183 4 жыл бұрын
Descanse em paz guerreira 💔😭😢
@jasonalcorn4153 2 жыл бұрын
never forgotten to this day, December 9, will lost an angel
@jasonalcorn4153 2 жыл бұрын
@vanesa5611 3 жыл бұрын
A pesar de lo dolor y las pruebas se le escucha perfecta su voz! Te amo Marie.Algun dia nos volveremos a ver💓
@marcuskeulertz5852 4 жыл бұрын
Singing kept her alive
@rolandilbianco5546 4 жыл бұрын
Bye Marie.....Thanks
@traciemarsh1611 3 жыл бұрын
she looks so unwell bless her she never gave up for 17 yrs rip marie
@rosemeirejoserossi8282 4 жыл бұрын
Maravilhosa ❤❤❤
@lornayoung6947 4 жыл бұрын
Loved her songs
@fitolabrak88 4 жыл бұрын
I wish it had subtitles...
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
I have added a translation in the comment above
@davenstorm2722 4 жыл бұрын
@@rebeckas1015 where I can't find it ?
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
@@davenstorm2722 I can post it here
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
@@davenstorm2722 TRANSLATION; 1 min she talks about how glad she is that shes sitting here. 1:23 in the text "her husband Mikael Bolyos have the last 2 years helpt her filming maries work and the new record. In 1:50 Marie talks about how she could be in the studio and forget that she is ill , and she wanted to be in the "music-bubble " so much she can to survive. The music was her way to survive the cancer. Because she could forget the cancer and just be in the music. 2:36 Marie said that she was on tour with roxette and felt so Good! And one day when she came home to her husband Mikael "Micke " and she could not see on her left eye and just fell on the floor. She could not remember much more Than her husband calling her name, and she fell so hard that she had an epileptical attack and went to the hospital and the rest is history....(she Said yes, you know what happed next). In 05.00 she talks about how it was a relief to write, and she wanted to write about her cancer even if its hard, and the song is calld "the change". In 05.18 she said "i was so angry/pissed off getting cancer, I dont want to be sick! Who wants to have cancer? No one!!" 05.32 the text: september 2004 the first entries since the new stuff 05.47 her husband Mikael Bolyos talks "we had a long break with marie's treatment and medication, so we started work with this first winter/spring 2003. We worked time to time/in periods that we could, because we did not have all clear" 6:27 Marie said that "i Think no, its not gonna work?" But then we did it. The more power I got, the more could we work, and I got better and better from the cancer. And it felt Good. 7:16 Marie said "that everyone knows who I am, that im used to, but being sick I could not even Imagine. Thats not something you could think of, feel how it feels and so on, so when it happed it feelt so strange, so unreal. 09.00 she says "the hardest thing was that people don't have respect. Its sad. We hide from the press, but they was always after us. I could not get out of the house with the kids because of photographers everyvere. They could wait all day just to get one word from us, how I felt or just something" 10.00 Marie says "damn it! Let's try again! Its so hard to sing this, because I must breathe so much" 10:21 Mikael Bolyos says "a recording do not work like this normaly, but we have lived with this chock "life or death?" All the time. I could be in the studio talking to a doctor at the same time. It was totally chaos inside of me!" 11.31 Marie said that it tok half of a year to finally get what was happening. Because I was blocked. But now I feel much better! I feel Good. Because I feel better, now I can talk about the cancer in a hole other way!" "Im glad now, it doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels pretty ok actually" 12.45 Marie said "everything feels so strong nowdays! And I can't say why . It feels in one way that the worst is over. And THAT feels pretty big. And im so glad that i can say that " 13.56 Mikael Bolyos says "when we started recording we did not know what the concept was. if we had some red thread, or if we just did this for fun. But since Marie was sick, we had a clear red thread.that we had a great need for both me and my wife Marie, to write about what had happened" 14:42 "when you start to write quietly inside, the wound begins to heal. And then when you start to be able to gently sing again, the wound heals a little more. It slowly came back. It was a support, the music " 15:30 " The song second chance is about how I got a second chance as I got sick" 16:06 "from the day I got sick, Mikael "micke" has been by my side all the time and supported me. I do not understand how he has managed. he has been absolutely amazing! so much power I have received from him! I'm very proud of him" 16:59 (A guy in the studio asks) Fredriksson? are you still called Fredriksson? or is it Boyles? Marie replies "No, I have kept my maiden name Fredriksson as an artist name, so Fredriksson is my artist name used in all such official contexts but Boyles is my name privately" 17:56 "The first time Micke and I met was one of the coolest things I've ever been to! I had traveled a lot and been alone a lot. But meeting him for the first time was absolutely incredible! love was total. It was just like snapping your finger, and it was we forever!" 19:09 "I knew who Mikael was, but I didn't know him, I'd never met him before" 19:20 "We were at the hotel. And then he gets there. And we were so happy to see each other." 19:32 (Marie's child and husband come in) "We are in the middle of recording. Hahaha so funny! You know what? I just sat and talked about you and so you come!" Mikael "did it go well?" Marie "yes it went very well" 20:35 "the day it was just like this (exhale) and I just shudder I think about it. It was like a movie. on the same day, later in the evening we became a went fast! Hahaha" At 21:30 mikael says "it felt like hitting his other half! like that glue that just sticks right away! it felt so right from the start! " 21:54 "Mikael went on his trip to New Zealand and we rang every morning and evening, because the clock is different in different parts of the world. But the phone bill I got then, hahaha we should not talk about! it got expensive! " 23:10 "We are so similar to Mikael and me! when it comes to music we speak the same language, we know each other without and in between. We have exactly the same taste when it comes to music. it comes so naturally" 23:34 mikael "a good composer I'm married to" 24.00 "Mikael can be very funny and very angry. I like that he is always very clear " 24.06 Mikael Bolyos says "fantastic great job!" 25:07 "when you shop, people stare. But you have to learn to live with it. You must be able to have a normal life" 25:52" when you get sick, people stare even more, because you looked sick. people barely recognized me from time to time. but I like short hair, so I thought it was cute hahaha. I didn't think it was that hard to lose all hair, because it will come back. I've always had short hair. so that was no big deal" 26:56 Marie mentions everyone she will meet and tells us that she will play 6 songs from her new album. 27:12" this is my first solo record in english and of course we think it is a masterpiece! it's a masterpiece!" 27:44 " I usually sit like this at the grand piano and play a little lunge. But I don't do that much anymore. but now I want to sing with full buzz!" 27:55 "I have more energy nowadays. so my musicality has changed over the years." 28:06 (sings on a song) we are working on this now! it will be great! 29:13 " the thing with this disease is that i have had to start over. so I've been taught to read again and I've been taught to count again. so I practice that every day. it's tough. But it will be better. It will only take time" 29:51 maries son oscar says "here you have my friend carl, spells with a C" 30:00 "the children have helped me very much, Mikael has helped me very much. thank god that the family has been so strong. (wipes a tear) that has been my greatest strength, of course" 31:00 "The best thing about this has been that I have kept my laughter. Even though it has felt like it has not been there all the time, I still managed to keep my laughter. How damn hard it has been, I have always been able to get back to laughter." 32:4 the song "a table in the sun" I am so incredibly happy with. it was the last song we wrote for the record and it describes these last two years so damn well. it feels so good to end with it. 33:4 I am in contact with God every day. But it took a long time before I could believe that God existed. because my big sister anna-lisa died in a car accident when I was 7 years was hard for me to like God as it happened.But then slowly I became more and more friends with God. and now it feels like a huge wonderful warm support with God. 34:4 " I have always been a strong person who knows what I want and so on. But as I got sick, that strength raged. But now as I feel better again, a new strength has emerged, a strength I have never known before.incredible! I do not know where that strength came from, but thankfully it came!" 35:5 when i got sick it came very natural to start painting again..but this time i started painting with charcoal. it's awesome !I like to use my fingers a lot. it's a cool art form I think. 36:1 all of them here are happy yunger days! damn what we had fun! I really like them. 36:3 this is early early Roxette indeed. 37:0 I was very uncertain. After all, all my Poles were at home, so I was completely myself while Pär already knew everyone. so I was very, very alone. It was a hard time. 37: 4 So here's when I got sick. it is tough, because there are 2 sides of me, where i am healthy, and there i am sick (showing with her hand).I've always felt like 2, as a twin. And this clearly shows how I feel. 39:0 the cool thing about the Change was that when it came to me it was a very spiritual strength. very spiritual. 39:2 it was magical!I had never experienced anything like this before. it was like a whole other world.when it happened I just wrote down the text! very clear and very fast! 39:3 so afterwards it felt like "was it somone else wrote this?" 39:5 mikael "there is a song that has taken me a long time, yes still until now before I can listen to it. And that song is" the change ". especially that version with the symphony orchestra, because that text and melody is in the middle of how I felt when Marie got sick. 40: 2 "It's so divided into 2 pages. One side has been incredibly tough and hard, and the other side is so incredibly grateful to live" 40:4 it's hard when people feel sorry for me. But at the same time, it's wonderful that people care. people who really wonder how I feel, who are not afraid. that you can talk about the cancer with without being scared.
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
41: 0 Everyone knows. it says in all newspapers. so I just have to live with it. 41: 3 that it was possible to sing again! I thought for a while it would not work at all to sing again. that joy ... it was so great ... that's when the tears come ... 43:0 the joy comes back again. I can't explain it. to experience the joy again. I'm so grateful (laughter)
@96Noula 4 жыл бұрын
Respect for You Mary
@keithschannel1374 3 жыл бұрын
A mídia realista sempre foi a melhor!Continuas linda!
@user-fi4rr9hh7h Жыл бұрын
私は、これからもすっと、あなたの曲を聴き続きます🍀  ありがとうございます。  感謝します✨
@marcuskeulertz5852 4 жыл бұрын
I see her weakness and desperation. Her voice sounded fragile to me.
@AmyAndThePup 4 жыл бұрын
Not in 2004. I think she meant for it to sound that was in parts. But later, like in 2016's album, I could hear it. She still had the gift of singing, but it wasn't what it had been. I hate cancer and what aging does to a person.
@maurocarnevali6193 3 жыл бұрын
@lovejapon8388 4 жыл бұрын
Sedih 😭selamat jalan marie smg damai disana more pain.❤️🥀🇲🇨
@concertom8774 4 жыл бұрын
Never mind, we'll be together in the end.
@orihilagaloriginalmusic 4 жыл бұрын
s0 sad i love her :(
@Gerthy 4 жыл бұрын
Helt underbar film💖
@maddog9693 4 жыл бұрын
@goldbergpatrik7719 6 жыл бұрын
22:31 what a glance...really telling look
@GodIsJamesMason 4 жыл бұрын
"Man kan lika bra skratta. Varför inte?" Jag ÄLSKAR det!
@katarinabigcat 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Mari R.I.P
@MrVandijk73 4 жыл бұрын
😪🧡👏💪😘💪🇳🇱💪🧡🧡 beautyfull woman!!😪😘
@ernestrotter4630 4 жыл бұрын
@krisztianvaczy Жыл бұрын
@valeriasantos8584 4 жыл бұрын
Por favor coloquem em tradução pra nós Obrigada
@mirzetakuckovic1371 4 жыл бұрын
@mariadelourdesfrancisco8990 3 жыл бұрын
@gittikalinka8315 4 жыл бұрын
SO SCHade um sie aber am traurigsten ist das sie soviel Leiden mußte
@elieterosaoliveira4501 4 жыл бұрын
Queria muito uma tradução em português!!!
@sandupaunescu6303 3 жыл бұрын
Maria Rip
@fernandabracho9316 7 жыл бұрын
Essa entrevista é muito interessante, pena que eu não entendi nada do que eles falaram.
@gabyroxette 7 жыл бұрын
here you can find it with english sub part 1
@fernandabracho9316 7 жыл бұрын
Muuuito obrigada. estou muito feliz por ter legendada em português! ♥ Amo as músicas do Roxette, Marie é maravilhosa ♥ ♥ Que Deus abençoe ela cada dia mais! Eu encontrei outra entrevista dela, mas também não está legendada em português, você puder me ajudar, eu agradecerei de novo. Beijos. Translated to you ... Thank you. I am very happy to have subtitles in Portuguese! ♥ I love the music of Roxette, Marie is wonderful. ♥ ♥ God bless her every day more! ♥ ♥ I found another interview her, but is not subtitled in Portuguese, you can help me, I'll thank again. kisses.
@gabyroxette 7 жыл бұрын
I am from Argentina! I cant made the subtitles cos dont understand swedish, Sorry!
@fernandabracho9316 7 жыл бұрын
Pensé que eras de los Estados Unidos, pero siendo de Argentina, es mejor entender español. Lo que yo quiero saber es si tiene otras entrevistas Marie, a pesar de que en español. Gracias!
@gabyroxette 7 жыл бұрын
No! las entrevistas que tengo de ella sola son grabadas de la tv sueca y sin subtitulos
@mariatenente9532 3 жыл бұрын
Alguém pfv coloquem a tradução dessa entrevista , sou brasileira e gostaria muitíssimo entender o que foi conversado , grata
@agnesgyebnar3271 Жыл бұрын
@domy9230 Жыл бұрын
@hawktchr8 4 жыл бұрын
English!! I don’t understand and at this time so sad there are no subtitles. All Swedes speak English.
@narutoniko6100 4 жыл бұрын
@samanthacarpenter2216 4 жыл бұрын
I wish there was subtitles
@Mrsbehavin59 4 жыл бұрын
Samantha O'Shea she’s talking about her cancer - how the journalist harassed them and waited outside their home for days and showed no respect. Also how the cortisone changed her look - nobody recognized here it was a chock for her. Not all of a sudden not being recognized, the music saved her and her husband and how it helped them, to get through the most difficult time. When she met her husband it was love at first sight. He’s been so strong for her. Her disease changed it all but there love was so strong. When they first met he had to go to New Zealand and she was in Sweden their phone bill was outrageous. They were each other’s soulmates - their love was just so easy flowing so well. Once in a life time. She talks about how he is funny as hell but can also get so mad. It’s a true lovestory.
@olesyasen3988 4 жыл бұрын
​@@Mrsbehavin59 Thank you so much for the translation! Still can't believe Marie's gone...
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
1 min she talks about how glad she is that shes sitting here. 1:23 in the text "her husband Mikael Bolyos have the last 2 years helpt her filming maries work and the new record. In 1:50 Marie talks about how she could be in the studio and forget that har is ill , and she wanted to be in the "music-bubble " so much har can to survive. The music was her way to survive the cancer. Because she could forget the cancer and just be in the music. 2:36 Marie said that she was on tour with roxette and felt so Good! And one day when she came home to her husband Mikael "Micke " and she could not see on her left eye and just fell on the floor. She could not remember much more Than her husband calling her name, and she fell so hard that she had an epileptical attack and went to the hospital and the rest is history....(she Said yes, you know what happed next). In 05.00 she talks about how it was a relief to write, and she wanted to write about her cancer even if its hard, and the song is calld "the change". In 05.18 she said "i was so angry/pissed off getting cancer, I dont want to be sick! Who wants to have cancer? No one!!" 05.32 the text: september 2004 the first entries since the new stuff 05.47 her husband Mikael Bolyos talks "we had a long break with marie's treatment and medication, so we started work with this first winter/spring 2003. We worked time to time/in periods that we could, because we did not have all clear" 6:27 Marie said that "i Think no, its not gonna work?" But then we did it. The more power I got, the more could we work, and I got better and better from the cancer. And it felt Good. 7:16 Marie said "that everyone knows who I am, that im used to, but being sick I could not even Imagine. Thats not something you could think of, feel how it feels and so on, so when it happed it feelt so strange, so unreal. 09.00 she says "the hardest thing was that people don't have respect. Its sad. We hide from the press, but they was always after us. I could not get out of the house with the kids because of photographers everyvere. They could wait all day just to get one word from us, how I felt or just something" 10.00 Marie says "damn it! Let's try again! Its so hard to sing this, because I must breathe so much" 10:21 Mikael Bolyos says "a recording do not work like this normaly, but we have lived with this chock "life or death?" All the time. I could be in the studio talking to a doctor at the same time. It was totally chaos inside of me!" 11.31 Marie said that it tok half of a year to finally get what was happening. Because I was blocked. But now I feel much better! I feel Good. Because I feel better, now I can talk about the cancer in a hole other way!" "Im glad now, it doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels pretty ok actually" 12.45 Marie said "everything feels so strong nowdays! And I can't say why . It feels in one way that the worst is over. And THAT feels pretty big. And im so glad that i can say that " 13.56 Mikael Bolyos says "when we started recording we did not know what the concept was. if we had some red thread, or if we just did this for fun. But since Marie was sick, we had a clear red thread.that we had a great need for both me and my wife Marie, to write about what had happened" 14:42 "when you start to write quietly inside, the wound begins to heal. And then when you start to be able to gently sing again, the wound heals a little more. It slowly came back. It was a support, the music " 15:30 " The song second chance is about how I got a second chance as I got sick" 16:06 "from the day I got sick, Mikael "micke" has been by my side all the time and supported me. I do not understand how he has managed. he has been absolutely amazing! so much power I have received from him! I'm very proud of him" 16:59 (A guy in the studio asks) Fredriksson? are you still called Fredriksson? or is it Boyles? Marie replies "No, I have kept my maiden name Fredriksson as an artist name, so Fredriksson is my artist name used in all such official contexts but Boyles is my name privately" 17:56 "The first time Micke and I met was one of the coolest things I've ever been to! I had traveled a lot and been alone a lot. But meeting him for the first time was absolutely incredible! love was total. It was just like snapping your finger, and it was we forever!" 19:09 "I knew who Mikael was, but I didn't know him, I'd never met him before" 19:20 "We were at the hotel. And then he gets there. And we were so happy to see each other." 19:32 (Marie's child and husband come in) "We are in the middle of recording. Hahaha so funny! You know what? I just sat and talked about you and so you come!" Mikael "har det gått bra?" Marie "yes it went very well" 20:35 "the day it was just like this (exhale) and I just shudder I think about it. It was like a movie. on the same day, later in the evening we became a went fast! Hahaha" At 21:30 mikael says "it felt like hitting his other half! like that glue that just sticks right away! it felt so right from the start! " 21:54 "Mikael went on his trip to New Zealand and we rang every morning and evening, because the clock is different in different parts of the world. But the phone bill I got then, hahaha we should not talk about! it got expensive! " 23:10 "We are so similar to Mikael and me! when it comes to music we speak the same language, we know each other without and in between. We have exactly the same taste when it comes to music. it comes so naturally" 23:34 mikael "a good composer I'm married to" 24.00 "Mikael can be very funny and very angry. I like that he is always very clear " 24.06 Mikael Bolyos says "fantastic great job!" 25:07 "when you shop, people stare. But you have to learn to live with it. You must be able to have a normal life" 25:52" when you get sick, people stare even more, because you looked sick. people barely recognized me from time to time. but I like short hair, so I thought it was cute hahaha. I didn't think it was that hard to lose all hair, because it will come back. I've always had short hair. so that was no big deal" 26:56 Marie mentions everyone she will meet and tells us that she will play 6 songs from her new album. 27:12" this is my first solo record in english and of course we think it is a masterpiece! it's a masterpiece!" 27:44 " I usually sit like this at the grand piano and play a little lunge. But I don't do that much anymore. but now I want to sing with full buzz!" 27:55 "I have more energy nowadays. so my musicality has changed over the years." 28:06 (sings on a song) we are working on this now! it will be great! 29:13 " the thing with this disease is that i have had to start over. so I've been taught to read again and I've been taught to count again. so I practice that every day. it's tough. But it will be better. It will only take time" 29:51 maries son oscar says "here you have my friend carl, spells with a C" 30:00 "the children have helped me very much, Mikael has helped me very much. thank god that the family has been so strong. (wipes a tear) that has been my greatest strength, of course" 31:00 "The best thing about this has been that I have kept my laughter. Even though it has felt like it has not been there all the time, I still managed to keep my laughter. How damn hard it has been, I have always been able to get back to laughter." 32:4 the song "a table in the sun" I am so incredibly happy with. it was the last song we wrote for the record and it describes these last two years so damn well. it feels so good to end with it. 33:4 I am in contact with God every day. But it took a long time before I could believe that God existed. because my big sister anna-lisa died in a car accident when I was 7 years was hard for me to like God as it happened.But then slowly I became more and more friends with God. and now it feels like a huge wonderful warm support with God. 34:4 " I have always been a strong person who knows what I want and so on. But as I got sick, that strength raged. But now as I feel better again, a new strength has emerged, a strength I have never known before.incredible! I do not know where that strength came from, but thankfully it came!" 35:5 when i got sick it came very natural to start painting again..but this time i started painting with charcoal. it's awesome !I like to use my fingers a lot. it's a cool art form I think. 36:1 all of them here are happy yunger days! damn what we had fun! I really like them. 36:3 this is early early Roxette indeed. 37:0 I was very uncertain. After all, all my Poles were at home, so I was completely myself while Pär already knew everyone. so I was very, very alone. It was a hard time. 37: 4 So here's when I got sick. it is tough, because there are 2 sides of me, where i am healthy, and there i am sick (showing with her hand).I've always felt like 2, as a twin. And this clearly shows how I feel. 39:0 the cool thing about the Change was that when it came to me it was a very spiritual strength. very spiritual. 39:2 it was magical!I had never experienced anything like this before. it was like a whole other world.when it happened I just wrote down the text! very clear and very fast! 39:3 so afterwards it felt like "was it somone else wrote this?" 39:5 mikael "there is a song that has taken me a long time, yes still until now before I can listen to it. And that song is" the change ". especially that version with the symphony orchestra, because that text and melody is in the middle of how I felt when Marie got sick. 40: 2 "It's so divided into 2 pages. One side has been incredibly tough and hard, and the other side is so incredibly grateful to live" 40:4 it's hard when people feel sorry for me. But at the same time, it's wonderful that people care. people who really wonder how I feel, who are not afraid. that you can talk about the cancer with without being scared.
@olesyasen3988 4 жыл бұрын
@@rebeckas1015 what you've done for non-swedish speakers is very valuable, thank you very much!
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
@@olesyasen3988 here is the last one: 41: 0 Everyone knows. it says in all newspapers. so I just have to live with it. 41: 3 that it was possible to sing again! I thought for a while it would not work at all to sing again. that joy ... it was so great ... that's when the tears come ... 43:0 the joy comes back again. I can't explain it. to experience the joy again. I'm so grateful (laughter) I'm glad to help!! ♡♡
@irinaepp9312 4 жыл бұрын
so sad she's not gonna sing again..she's not here......not the same, Roxette not the same
@brianbirt1972i 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to watch this subtitled into English....Could someone translate?
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
41: 0 Everyone knows. it says in all newspapers. so I just have to live with it. 41: 3 that it was possible to sing again! I thought for a while it would not work at all to sing again. that joy ... it was so great ... that's when the tears come ... 43:0 the joy comes back again. I can't explain it. to experience the joy again. I'm so grateful (laughter)
@cheyenneapache5442 4 жыл бұрын
Hello , je suis de France , tout à l 'heure , je viens de d'apprendre le déces de ma cher immense artiste préferée Marie Fredericksson
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
1 min she talks about how glad she is that shes sitting here. 1:23 in the text "her husband Mikael Bolyos have the last 2 years helpt her filming maries work and the new record. In 1:50 Marie talks about how she could be in the studio and forget that har is ill , and she wanted to be in the "music-bubble " so much har can to survive. The music was her way to survive the cancer. Because she could forget the cancer and just be in the music. 2:36 Marie said that she was on tour with roxette and felt so Good! And one day when she came home to her husband Mikael "Micke " and she could not see on her left eye and just fell on the floor. She could not remember much more Than her husband calling her name, and she fell so hard that she had an epileptical attack and went to the hospital and the rest is history....(she Said yes, you know what happed next). In 05.00 she talks about how it was a relief to write, and she wanted to write about her cancer even if its hard, and the song is calld "the change". In 05.18 she said "i was so angry/pissed off getting cancer, I dont want to be sick! Who wants to have cancer? No one!!" 05.32 the text: september 2004 the first entries since the new stuff 05.47 her husband Mikael Bolyos talks "we had a long break with marie's treatment and medication, so we started work with this first winter/spring 2003. We worked time to time/in periods that we could, because we did not have all clear" 6:27 Marie said that "i Think no, its not gonna work?" But then we did it. The more power I got, the more could we work, and I got better and better from the cancer. And it felt Good. 7:16 Marie said "that everyone knows who I am, that im used to, but being sick I could not even Imagine. Thats not something you could think of, feel how it feels and so on, so when it happed it feelt so strange, so unreal. 09.00 she says "the hardest thing was that people don't have respect. Its sad. We hide from the press, but they was always after us. I could not get out of the house with the kids because of photographers everyvere. They could wait all day just to get one word from us, how I felt or just something" 10.00 Marie says "damn it! Let's try again! Its so hard to sing this, because I must breathe so much" 10:21 Mikael Bolyos says "a recording do not work like this normaly, but we have lived with this chock "life or death?" All the time. I could be in the studio talking to a doctor at the same time. It was totally chaos inside of me!" 11.31 Marie said that it tok half of a year to finally get what was happening. Because I was blocked. But now I feel much better! I feel Good. Because I feel better, now I can talk about the cancer in a hole other way!" "Im glad now, it doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels pretty ok actually" 12.45 Marie said "everything feels so strong nowdays! And I can't say why . It feels in one way that the worst is over. And THAT feels pretty big. And im so glad that i can say that " 13.56 Mikael Bolyos says "when we started recording we did not know what the concept was. if we had some red thread, or if we just did this for fun. But since Marie was sick, we had a clear red thread.that we had a great need for both me and my wife Marie, to write about what had happened" 14:42 "when you start to write quietly inside, the wound begins to heal. And then when you start to be able to gently sing again, the wound heals a little more. It slowly came back. It was a support, the music " 15:30 " The song second chance is about how I got a second chance as I got sick" 16:06 "from the day I got sick, Mikael "micke" has been by my side all the time and supported me. I do not understand how he has managed. he has been absolutely amazing! so much power I have received from him! I'm very proud of him" 16:59 (A guy in the studio asks) Fredriksson? are you still called Fredriksson? or is it Boyles? Marie replies "No, I have kept my maiden name Fredriksson as an artist name, so Fredriksson is my artist name used in all such official contexts but Boyles is my name privately" 17:56 "The first time Micke and I met was one of the coolest things I've ever been to! I had traveled a lot and been alone a lot. But meeting him for the first time was absolutely incredible! love was total. It was just like snapping your finger, and it was we forever!" 19:09 "I knew who Mikael was, but I didn't know him, I'd never met him before" 19:20 "We were at the hotel. And then he gets there. And we were so happy to see each other." 19:32 (Marie's child and husband come in) "We are in the middle of recording. Hahaha so funny! You know what? I just sat and talked about you and so you come!" Mikael "har det gått bra?" Marie "yes it went very well" 20:35 "the day it was just like this (exhale) and I just shudder I think about it. It was like a movie. on the same day, later in the evening we became a went fast! Hahaha" At 21:30 mikael says "it felt like hitting his other half! like that glue that just sticks right away! it felt so right from the start! " 21:54 "Mikael went on his trip to New Zealand and we rang every morning and evening, because the clock is different in different parts of the world. But the phone bill I got then, hahaha we should not talk about! it got expensive! " 23:10 "We are so similar to Mikael and me! when it comes to music we speak the same language, we know each other without and in between. We have exactly the same taste when it comes to music. it comes so naturally" 23:34 mikael "a good composer I'm married to" 24.00 "Mikael can be very funny and very angry. I like that he is always very clear " 24.06 Mikael Bolyos says "fantastic great job!" 25:07 "when you shop, people stare. But you have to learn to live with it. You must be able to have a normal life" 25:52" when you get sick, people stare even more, because you looked sick. people barely recognized me from time to time. but I like short hair, so I thought it was cute hahaha. I didn't think it was that hard to lose all hair, because it will come back. I've always had short hair. so that was no big deal" 26:56 Marie mentions everyone she will meet and tells us that she will play 6 songs from her new album. 27:12" this is my first solo record in english and of course we think it is a masterpiece! it's a masterpiece!" 27:44 " I usually sit like this at the grand piano and play a little lunge. But I don't do that much anymore. but now I want to sing with full buzz!" 27:55 "I have more energy nowadays. so my musicality has changed over the years." 28:06 (sings on a song) we are working on this now! it will be great! 29:13 " the thing with this disease is that i have had to start over. so I've been taught to read again and I've been taught to count again. so I practice that every day. it's tough. But it will be better. It will only take time" 29:51 maries son oscar says "here you have my friend carl, spells with a C" 30:00 "the children have helped me very much, Mikael has helped me very much. thank god that the family has been so strong. (wipes a tear) that has been my greatest strength, of course" 31:00 "The best thing about this has been that I have kept my laughter. Even though it has felt like it has not been there all the time, I still managed to keep my laughter. How damn hard it has been, I have always been able to get back to laughter." 32:4 the song "a table in the sun" I am so incredibly happy with. it was the last song we wrote for the record and it describes these last two years so damn well. it feels so good to end with it. 33:4 I am in contact with God every day. But it took a long time before I could believe that God existed. because my big sister anna-lisa died in a car accident when I was 7 years was hard for me to like God as it happened.But then slowly I became more and more friends with God. and now it feels like a huge wonderful warm support with God. 34:4 " I have always been a strong person who knows what I want and so on. But as I got sick, that strength raged. But now as I feel better again, a new strength has emerged, a strength I have never known before.incredible! I do not know where that strength came from, but thankfully it came!" 35:5 when i got sick it came very natural to start painting again..but this time i started painting with charcoal. it's awesome !I like to use my fingers a lot. it's a cool art form I think. 36:1 all of them here are happy yunger days! damn what we had fun! I really like them. 36:3 this is early early Roxette indeed. 37:0 I was very uncertain. After all, all my Poles were at home, so I was completely myself while Pär already knew everyone. so I was very, very alone. It was a hard time. 37: 4 So here's when I got sick. it is tough, because there are 2 sides of me, where i am healthy, and there i am sick (showing with her hand).I've always felt like 2, as a twin. And this clearly shows how I feel. 39:0 the cool thing about the Change was that when it came to me it was a very spiritual strength. very spiritual. 39:2 it was magical!I had never experienced anything like this before. it was like a whole other world.when it happened I just wrote down the text! very clear and very fast! 39:3 so afterwards it felt like "was it somone else wrote this?" 39:5 mikael "there is a song that has taken me a long time, yes still until now before I can listen to it. And that song is" the change ". especially that version with the symphony orchestra, because that text and melody is in the middle of how I felt when Marie got sick. 40: 2 "It's so divided into 2 pages. One side has been incredibly tough and hard, and the other side is so incredibly grateful to live" 40:4 it's hard when people feel sorry for me. But at the same time, it's wonderful that people care. people who really wonder how I feel, who are not afraid. that you can talk about the cancer with without being scared.
@cabeloDoPardal2 6 жыл бұрын
0:05 that is the language of the cats purring
@user-hr2hg3nq8b 11 ай бұрын
Вот!!! Почему? Так? Господи?🤷‍♀️🙏🙏🙏
@mirianalves7166 4 жыл бұрын
Eras poderia traduzir yube
@rogeriosiqueira6200 4 жыл бұрын
Why don' t you translate in portuguese ??? We loved her ! 😪💔💔💔💔💔
@rebeckas1015 4 жыл бұрын
1 min she talks about how glad she is that shes sitting here. 1:23 in the text "her husband Mikael Bolyos have the last 2 years helpt her filming maries work and the new record. In 1:50 Marie talks about how she could be in the studio and forget that har is ill , and she wanted to be in the "music-bubble " so much har can to survive. The music was her way to survive the cancer. Because she could forget the cancer and just be in the music. 2:36 Marie said that she was on tour with roxette and felt so Good! And one day when she came home to her husband Mikael "Micke " and she could not see on her left eye and just fell on the floor. She could not remember much more Than her husband calling her name, and she fell so hard that she had an epileptical attack and went to the hospital and the rest is history....(she Said yes, you know what happed next). In 05.00 she talks about how it was a relief to write, and she wanted to write about her cancer even if its hard, and the song is calld "the change". In 05.18 she said "i was so angry/pissed off getting cancer, I dont want to be sick! Who wants to have cancer? No one!!" 05.32 the text: september 2004 the first entries since the new stuff 05.47 her husband Mikael Bolyos talks "we had a long break with marie's treatment and medication, so we started work with this first winter/spring 2003. We worked time to time/in periods that we could, because we did not have all clear" 6:27 Marie said that "i Think no, its not gonna work?" But then we did it. The more power I got, the more could we work, and I got better and better from the cancer. And it felt Good. 7:16 Marie said "that everyone knows who I am, that im used to, but being sick I could not even Imagine. Thats not something you could think of, feel how it feels and so on, so when it happed it feelt so strange, so unreal. 09.00 she says "the hardest thing was that people don't have respect. Its sad. We hide from the press, but they was always after us. I could not get out of the house with the kids because of photographers everyvere. They could wait all day just to get one word from us, how I felt or just something" 10.00 Marie says "damn it! Let's try again! Its so hard to sing this, because I must breathe so much" 10:21 Mikael Bolyos says "a recording do not work like this normaly, but we have lived with this chock "life or death?" All the time. I could be in the studio talking to a doctor at the same time. It was totally chaos inside of me!" 11.31 Marie said that it tok half of a year to finally get what was happening. Because I was blocked. But now I feel much better! I feel Good. Because I feel better, now I can talk about the cancer in a hole other way!" "Im glad now, it doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels pretty ok actually" 12.45 Marie said "everything feels so strong nowdays! And I can't say why . It feels in one way that the worst is over. And THAT feels pretty big. And im so glad that i can say that " 13.56 Mikael Bolyos says "when we started recording we did not know what the concept was. if we had some red thread, or if we just did this for fun. But since Marie was sick, we had a clear red thread.that we had a great need for both me and my wife Marie, to write about what had happened" 14:42 "when you start to write quietly inside, the wound begins to heal. And then when you start to be able to gently sing again, the wound heals a little more. It slowly came back. It was a support, the music " 15:30 " The song second chance is about how I got a second chance as I got sick" 16:06 "from the day I got sick, Mikael "micke" has been by my side all the time and supported me. I do not understand how he has managed. he has been absolutely amazing! so much power I have received from him! I'm very proud of him" 16:59 (A guy in the studio asks) Fredriksson? are you still called Fredriksson? or is it Boyles? Marie replies "No, I have kept my maiden name Fredriksson as an artist name, so Fredriksson is my artist name used in all such official contexts but Boyles is my name privately" 17:56 "The first time Micke and I met was one of the coolest things I've ever been to! I had traveled a lot and been alone a lot. But meeting him for the first time was absolutely incredible! love was total. It was just like snapping your finger, and it was we forever!" 19:09 "I knew who Mikael was, but I didn't know him, I'd never met him before" 19:20 "We were at the hotel. And then he gets there. And we were so happy to see each other." 19:32 (Marie's child and husband come in) "We are in the middle of recording. Hahaha so funny! You know what? I just sat and talked about you and so you come!" Mikael "har det gått bra?" Marie "yes it went very well" 20:35 "the day it was just like this (exhale) and I just shudder I think about it. It was like a movie. on the same day, later in the evening we became a went fast! Hahaha" At 21:30 mikael says "it felt like hitting his other half! like that glue that just sticks right away! it felt so right from the start! " 21:54 "Mikael went on his trip to New Zealand and we rang every morning and evening, because the clock is different in different parts of the world. But the phone bill I got then, hahaha we should not talk about! it got expensive! " 23:10 "We are so similar to Mikael and me! when it comes to music we speak the same language, we know each other without and in between. We have exactly the same taste when it comes to music. it comes so naturally" 23:34 mikael "a good composer I'm married to" 24.00 "Mikael can be very funny and very angry. I like that he is always very clear " 24.06 Mikael Bolyos says "fantastic great job!" 25:07 "when you shop, people stare. But you have to learn to live with it. You must be able to have a normal life" 25:52" when you get sick, people stare even more, because you looked sick. people barely recognized me from time to time. but I like short hair, so I thought it was cute hahaha. I didn't think it was that hard to lose all hair, because it will come back. I've always had short hair. so that was no big deal" 26:56 Marie mentions everyone she will meet and tells us that she will play 6 songs from her new album. 27:12" this is my first solo record in english and of course we think it is a masterpiece! it's a masterpiece!" 27:44 " I usually sit like this at the grand piano and play a little lunge. But I don't do that much anymore. but now I want to sing with full buzz!" 27:55 "I have more energy nowadays. so my musicality has changed over the years." 28:06 (sings on a song) we are working on this now! it will be great! 29:13 " the thing with this disease is that i have had to start over. so I've been taught to read again and I've been taught to count again. so I practice that every day. it's tough. But it will be better. It will only take time" 29:51 maries son oscar says "here you have my friend carl, spells with a C" 30:00 "the children have helped me very much, Mikael has helped me very much. thank god that the family has been so strong. (wipes a tear) that has been my greatest strength, of course" 31:00 "The best thing about this has been that I have kept my laughter. Even though it has felt like it has not been there all the time, I still managed to keep my laughter. How damn hard it has been, I have always been able to get back to laughter." 32:4 the song "a table in the sun" I am so incredibly happy with. it was the last song we wrote for the record and it describes these last two years so damn well. it feels so good to end with it. 33:4 I am in contact with God every day. But it took a long time before I could believe that God existed. because my big sister anna-lisa died in a car accident when I was 7 years was hard for me to like God as it happened.But then slowly I became more and more friends with God. and now it feels like a huge wonderful warm support with God. 34:4 " I have always been a strong person who knows what I want and so on. But as I got sick, that strength raged. But now as I feel better again, a new strength has emerged, a strength I have never known before.incredible! I do not know where that strength came from, but thankfully it came!" 35:5 when i got sick it came very natural to start painting again..but this time i started painting with charcoal. it's awesome !I like to use my fingers a lot. it's a cool art form I think. 36:1 all of them here are happy yunger days! damn what we had fun! I really like them. 36:3 this is early early Roxette indeed. 37:0 I was very uncertain. After all, all my Poles were at home, so I was completely myself while Pär already knew everyone. so I was very, very alone. It was a hard time. 37: 4 So here's when I got sick. it is tough, because there are 2 sides of me, where i am healthy, and there i am sick (showing with her hand).I've always felt like 2, as a twin. And this clearly shows how I feel. 39:0 the cool thing about the Change was that when it came to me it was a very spiritual strength. very spiritual. 39:2 it was magical!I had never experienced anything like this before. it was like a whole other world.when it happened I just wrote down the text! very clear and very fast! 39:3 so afterwards it felt like "was it somone else wrote this?" 39:5 mikael "there is a song that has taken me a long time, yes still until now before I can listen to it. And that song is" the change ". especially that version with the symphony orchestra, because that text and melody is in the middle of how I felt when Marie got sick. 40: 2 "It's so divided into 2 pages. One side has been incredibly tough and hard, and the other side is so incredibly grateful to live" 40:4 it's hard when people feel sorry for me. But at the same time, it's wonderful that people care. people who really wonder how I feel, who are not afraid. that you can talk about the cancer with without being scared.
@volky-selin 9 ай бұрын
there is always somethings to do .like bying the other side not this side allways you have a chance untill death s come
@lexeykuzmintsev2410 3 жыл бұрын
Да... Мари с распухшим лицом совершенно не похожа на себя. Это даже немного пугает. Но такой был период в её жизни. Сложный период!.. 43:18 - и только смех сразу напоминает, что это Мари! Замечательная Мари! Светлая память! R.I.P.
@m.m.772 Жыл бұрын
Efeitos do tratamento e remédios, no livro biográfico ela sobre isso.
@thevintagegirl9155 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, who is Oscar? And what he says? Why does he make nonsense is? Can I have the translation from Swedish to English?
@raitisfreimanis 4 жыл бұрын
9:31 Looks like Polar Studios in Stockholm.
@BASSER81 7 жыл бұрын
Wish this had an English translation! :( Or even Irish!! Haha
@gabyroxette 7 жыл бұрын
Here is with english subtitles in parts
@BASSER81 7 жыл бұрын
There doesn't seem to be any translations on this! But thanks anyway!
@gabyroxette 7 жыл бұрын
You must to anable the subtitles in the configuration bar
@ELAIRCLEM 5 жыл бұрын
me too bro...omg...or portuguese lol
@soraiabraz6943 4 жыл бұрын
@@gabyroxette eeeeee
@rominagutierrez7479 4 жыл бұрын
Y la traduccion subtitulada que!!??? Pe dejos!!!!😤😔
@joelmajesus8923 4 жыл бұрын
Ela tá inchadinha.tadinha.
@karlx6605 4 жыл бұрын
Please sub in spanish
@DezoCorka007 8 жыл бұрын
Do you want to tell me that the woman speaking in the video is Marie Fredriksson? I can't recognize her. To be frank, she is a bit bloated, but she definitely looks much better than now.
@MrMusic77 7 жыл бұрын
it is Marie
@alejandrobenitez2983 5 жыл бұрын
After the cáncer..
@malin1929 4 жыл бұрын
Geert W she talks about her cancer. Now we have lost her 😭💔🕯
@marcuskeulertz5852 4 жыл бұрын
@@alejandrobenitez2983 si despues de sus operaciones cerebrales. Veo una persona diferente.
@torbenlind524 4 жыл бұрын
The bloating was caused because she was treated with cortison. And one of the side effekts of cortison is that the body and face swells up.
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