Marilyn Monroe's Subtle (and good!) Plastic Surgery

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Dr. Gary Motykie

Dr. Gary Motykie

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@christya2488 2 жыл бұрын
Marilyn studied everything about beauty. From the way she looked, to the way she moved, to the way she spoke. Everything. She had help, but she was a genius and she knew what to do. She knew what worked. She was also a much better actress than she was ever given credit for.
@demitriwelling1348 2 жыл бұрын
The studio system polished and mentored talent heavily back then. They transformed Norma Jean into Marilyn.
@christya2488 2 жыл бұрын
@@demitriwelling1348 Actually, in Marilyn Monroe's case, as I understand it, she was the one who developed her persona. When she first got a studio contract she was there first thing in the morning, took every class, and studied everything. She developed the way she walked, the way she moved, and even that breathy way she spoke. That was why she was so unique. That was why no matter how hard they tried the studios really couldn't duplicate her success. There were lots of imitators, but no one ever reached the status of Marilyn Monroe. It wasn't the studio. It was Marilyn.
@demitriwelling1348 2 жыл бұрын
@@christya2488 I did not say she did not develop her persona. I said the studios mentored and shaped their stars back then.
@christya2488 2 жыл бұрын
@@demitriwelling1348 Cool.
@Dandelion_flight 2 жыл бұрын
But in the end was she happy? She was not.
@Blitzkrieg1976 2 жыл бұрын
I would choose her iconic beauty over any Kardashian, any day. Marilyn was a bombshell💗💗💗 frozen in time.
@jayneweaver8695 2 жыл бұрын
YES!!!! All of those Kardashians are gorgeous women, that did not need any plastic surgery, especially Kim.
@jimmyjoejeeter2366 2 жыл бұрын
Kim looks so fake from head to toe! Like the whole family. Bruce is only the really pretty one! He looks like Cindy Crawford.
@raygin6581 2 жыл бұрын
You dont have to compare women to each other. And you dont have to put down one woman to compliment another
@destinychild4659 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimmyjoejeeter2366 Bruce 🤣🤣🤣
@linsioux217 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayneweaver8695 You may want to go relook at those old photos, none of them were good looking much less pretty.
@cookingartguy2170 2 жыл бұрын
Of course Marilyn was smart enough to receive lots of help, but many that knew her and worked for her acknowledged that she was the genius behind her iconic image. Whitey Snyder said in an interview "Marilyn was a genius with makeup. She knows tricks that even I didn't know." Also Darryl F. Zanuck, the head of 20th Century Fox said upon her death "no one created Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn created herself." Again, she had lots of help but she knew what she wanted to be and slowly progressed and transformed herself into the otherworldly creature that still exists among us every day. You can take every girl in the world, give them plastic surgery and the best makeup, and they still will never be Marilyn Monroe.
@SpaceOutlaw_ 2 жыл бұрын
Yup everybody needs help but she still had her own intelligence. A lot of people now a day have the means to get a lot of help but that doesn’t mean success or sets them apart from the rest.
@rayellebishop8168 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpaceOutlaw_ Some don’t need that much help. Nutrition, genes, inner strength and inner beauty.
@aniagomez1873 Жыл бұрын
Claro que ninguna chica se parece a otra,porque cada ser humano es único,y haga lo que haga va a ser así,ni siquiera los gemelos idénticos son tan idénticos,yo te digo que hablan cada cosa.
@natanielfelipe Жыл бұрын
@@aniagomez1873 no seas tonto, entendiste muy bien lo que quiso decir. No me vengan con eso de que "cada persona es única" lo que más se ve en Instagram son chicas idénticas entre sí gracias a la cirugía plástica. Así nadie será Marilyn, ni siquiera operándose.
@aniagomez1873 Жыл бұрын
@@natanielfelipe Yo te digo que tienes mucha razón,porque Marilyn Monroe se hizo cirugía plástica en la nariz y el mentón para ser Marilyn Monroe,Mira tú y Ana de Armas en mi opinion es mucho más bonita que Marilyn Monroe y mucho,mucho más que Norma Jean ,ella nació bella ,es muy bella y bella será porque así lo quiso dios,so,por aquí hay mucho material desde que ella era muy pequeña y siempre verás su misma cara ,su mismo rostro con el pasar del tiempo como a todo el mundo,así que deja ya de hablar sin sentido y por envidia acerca de los demás,además quien quiere ser Marilyn Monroe a ver?,digo yo,porque su vida fue un tormento desde que nació y no era perfecta,obvio como todo el mundo ,pero tuvo muchos excesos en su vida ,la pobre mujer lo que atravesó no fue fácil y al final del día mira como murió,muy joven y no dejó ninguna huella familiar y si mucho de que hablar por la trágica muerte que tuvo y los rumores de que andaba enredada con los hermanos Kennedy y yo me pregunto,alguien quiere parecerse a alguien o algo así?;no creo que alguien inteligente y con cuatro dedos de frente quiera eso para si;Ana de Armas es una grandiosa y muy prestigiosa actriz ,verdaderamente muy inteligente,muy talentosa,sensata,educada,bellísima,,muy lista y muy capaz ,que solo presume de su exquisito arte muy reconocido en el mundo entero y su genuina naturalidad,por lo trabajadora y gran ser humano que se muestra que es y con todos esos atributos que dios le dio no creo que haga falta nada más,no tiene que hacerse cirugía porque ella es muy bella naturalmente y mucho menos para parecerse a alguien porque ella es una estrella que brilla con luz propia y este personaje el cual ella interpretó con mucho respeto y amor a su trabajo ,solo le ha traído demasiado problema en mi opinión porque no se contaba con que las personas de ciertos lugares atravesarán tantas inseguridades en sus vidas;Para tú información del país donde ella viene la cirugía de ese tipo ,por vanidad es muy escasa ,generalmente se practica por salud ,pues la salud allí es gratis por derecho de cada individuo,so,ya lo otro que es vanidad pues no es muy usual y debe llevar otro proceso,pero gracias a dios la mayoría de la gente de su país no lo necesita porque Dios fue abundante con ellos en las cosas verdaderamente necesarias en la vida y la belleza es un cumplido más,aunque te aseguro que ahí Dios también fue bastante generoso lo cual se agradece un montón porque con todas las carencias que ellos viven de todo imagínate si encima de eso también fueran muy feos..Jajaja ,yo creo que sería demasiado,so,esas chicas de las que tú hablas no se de donde son,porque la mayoría de los cubanos les encanta ser muy genuinos y reales y no es que no les guste ser bellos por fuera ,porque a quien no?,pero hay cosas mucho más importantes en la vida que la belleza y la fama y son tu calidad humana y lo que tú por ti mismo eres capaz de lograr en tu propia vida ,la que vas a vivir por ti mismo,y no pretendiendo ser lo que no eres ,ni serás ,porque por nacimiento no te correspondió,eso es ser un gran idiots en mi opinión ;Pero como explicar a alguien como tú ciertas cosas que nada tienen que ver con su herencia ancestral,ni patrones de conductas y culturas heredadas,desde luego que el León juzga según su condición;Te aclaró todo esto porque yo no soy tonta ni me hago,pero tú eres muy estupido y no te haces es que lo eres,además de envidioso celoso,difamador mentiroso y pretencioso además,tratando de disfrazar tu envidia y tus celos con una admiración hacia alguien que no existe de tu parte,tú estás molesto porque tienes envidia y celos de la chica ,mas na’,eso es todo lo tuyo,so,deja de estar jugando a al defensor de las causas que no te corresponden y ubícate en tiempo y espacio que aquí la única operada fue Norma Jean,no Ana de Armas,porque ni siquiera se decoloró su bello pelo para interpretar su personaje,usó hasta película ,mira tú,y si se confunde a veces con Marilyn Monroe en su actuación eso es para que veas lo grande y muy profesional que es como artista y lo muy talentosa y muy capaz que es,que fuera para que la elogien más que otra cosa ,por su gran interpretación de Norma Jean en la gran pantalla,hasta ahora la mejor que se haya hecho desde que vienen interpretando diferentes personas a este icono cinematográfico de la cultura estado unidense,debería recibir un premio porque su grandiosa y espectacular actuación ha dejado paralizado a todo el mundo ,unos quedaron emocionados y muy agradecidos por la puesta y otros como tú no pueden superar todavía que alguien haya llegado a resucitar a Marilyn Monroe por unas horas ,cuando la creían muerta para siempre,y lo miraban desde otra óptica personal;Marilyn Monroe fue,es y será Única,porque todos los somos en nuestra condición de humanos y porque su vida solo ella la vivió y creó,eso es obvio y Ana de Armas es única también,por la misma razón,cada cual en lo suyo,ninguna necesita de la otra para nada en mi opinión porque esta última antes de interpretar este personaje tan conflictivo (sin ofensas),ya tenía un nombre en la actuación y su propia carrera que despegó siempre con éxitos muy distintos a Norma Jean ,por suerte o por desgracia esa es la verdad y gústele a quien le guste y pésele a quien le pese es así,so,En estos tiempos de hoy Ana de Armas es una muy grandiosa y prestigiosa actriz,bellísima,muy talentosa,muy educada,muy inteligente,lista y segura de sí misma ,un espíritu libre muy conquistador de sus propios logros por ella misma y por nadie más,una mujer muy valiente y luchadora capaz de tocar el sol y la luna por ella misma y sus propios sacrificios personales y ha si fue desde con apenas dies ocho años salió de su terruño a conquistar sus sueños y sus metas solita y por ella misma hasta lograr estar donde está hoy ,ah y sin dinero ,ni respaldo ,ni nada,solo con la herencia de sus ancestros y su seres muy queridos,además de su patria equipada en su maleta de viaje ,pero con la gran fuerza de un Quijote de hoy combatiendo sus propios molinos de viento para llegar a donde ha llegado,que pena que tanta luz en lugar de iluminar a su alrededor opaque la vista de los seres oscuros y en lugar de iluminarse elijan ser mucho más oscuros.
@Blondie727 2 жыл бұрын
With all due respect, it was her makeup artist, Allan Whitey Snyder, that helped create the Marilyn look. He did her makeup for her first screen test & funeral. Marilyn also had the best in the business in regards to hairdressers and wardrobe stylists. She helped create the Marilyn image but had a lot of help. She truly is an icon.
@Nick-kf3io 2 жыл бұрын
Most beautiful screen sirens of years ago had a team of tasteful gay men behind them lol
@leesashriber5097 2 жыл бұрын
Im sure he knew she had a makeup artist. Thank you for the info! 😊
@helixmoore7636 2 жыл бұрын
She had a few surgeries.but all tjey did was enhance her beauty. Plstc surgery cant make a 2 into a 10.
@phoebepurvis3630 2 жыл бұрын
He mentions the power of makeup, contours for the beautiful Marlin. ❤
@Divineeyereadings 2 жыл бұрын
So true. I heard he was one of the first makeup artists to employ contouring makeup for everyday. Marilyn was always self conscious of her nose and her makeup artist accentuated her nose with the button contour. She was always beautiful though, before and after. As you probably know, she always told her makeup artist that she wanted him to do her funeral makeup. And at the time he couldn’t imagine her dying first. The whole circumstances of her death is just so shocking. I wonder if there was any foreshadowing on her part
@Natashaz48 2 жыл бұрын
Marilyn Monroe's makeup artist, Whitey, was the genius behind her 'look'. She had that essence of innocent, yet knowing, sexuality which to this day is like an intoxicant.
@jh9391 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty, yes, innocent no
@AD-eg9cw 2 жыл бұрын
The word "innocent" sounds really creepy when describing sexual appeal.
@TheBassgoddess 2 жыл бұрын
Whitey Snider
@saucermcfly 2 жыл бұрын
@@AD-eg9cw It is the common way to describe Marilyn and has been done so for years. Someone who somehow exhibited both a childlike innocence and sex appeal, all at the same time. As she was not a child, I can't personally see any creepiness in it.
@AD-eg9cw 2 жыл бұрын
@@saucermcfly You just used *childlike* to add on to her "innocence" and "sex appeal".... Being "childlike" should not be sexy to you. Please see a psychologist.
@marquamfurniture 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely luminous. Quite literally unique, unlike all the Kardashian clones.
@mesolithicman164 Жыл бұрын
Hollywood makes these weird artifical looking semi freaks. They all look related because they have the same surgeries.
@edwardzarnowski5558 11 ай бұрын
@AlyArt 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! Great video and thanks for using my work to explain contouring ☺️🙏🏻
@willjlt 2 жыл бұрын
nice to meet you here, Aly 🧡
@HumanimalChannel 2 жыл бұрын
@Harlow_Khmer 2 жыл бұрын
You're so amazing, Aly!
@kittysmith8959 2 жыл бұрын
@Aly Art Your videos are awesome! I love your channel 💜
@WholeGrownWoman 2 жыл бұрын
Marilyn was a helluvan actress!! She blew me away in "Don't Bother To Knock"! I know the focus is largely centered on her beauty (she was gorgeous), but her acting talent is so underrated. Just my thoughts.....☺️
@cw5451 2 жыл бұрын
She blew me away in “Bus Stop.”
@robmcgowan4034 2 жыл бұрын
@@cw5451 Absolutely, 'Niagra' too.
@jbjjbb 2 жыл бұрын
She was talented. A lot of people are just shallow and have low intelligence.
@JF59122 2 жыл бұрын
@@jbjjbb I wished she played the role of a detective! ❤️
@mesolithicman164 Жыл бұрын
She had many talents. She could be funny, sexy, dance and sing. And of course very beautiful.
@at136 2 жыл бұрын
Very nicely presented. No silly speculations or made up theories. And it’s really easy to cross the line into conspiracy theories when it comes to Marilyn Monroe.
@cookingartguy2170 2 жыл бұрын
Marilyn's own words in one of her last published interviews: " I hope I have the courage to not have plastic surgery and to grow old gracefully." I think she would have possibly done that, but it wouldn't have been easy, given her image and position and the superficial requirements of Hollywood. I have an old movie magazine that came out two months before Marilyn died. There's an article about her in it titled " Has Marilyn Had It Because Of Old Age?" She had just turned 36.
@Altamisal 2 жыл бұрын
Right, she may have seen that. If she did suicide (who knows for sure), that may have contributed. When you are known for your beauty and it's central to your career, that has to hurt.
@cookingartguy2170 2 жыл бұрын
@@Altamisal and don't forget this was 1962. Women were often still treated as appendages back then, especially sex symbols. Women weren't yet empowering each other. I love to picture Marilyn in her forties and fifties as a free-spirited still beautiful but natural hippie with good girlfriends to go camping with LOL.
@Altamisal 2 жыл бұрын
@@cookingartguy2170 Cool vision of Marilyn! Maybe she's doing some of that on the other side :)
@cookingartguy2170 2 жыл бұрын
@@Altamisal ❤!
@AR-mu4zq 2 жыл бұрын
Ya I don't think she had any. Can't see any difference in face. Its the change in hair color, hair length and how it frames her face and the makeup.
@sagapoetic8990 2 жыл бұрын
Supposedly, Rita Hayworth had electrolysis on her hairline, too. Weren't there cases with stars from the silent screen era who underwent surgeries and lost their careers because they were disfigured with the procedures used back then? The history of plastic surgery in Hollywood is so interesting thank you. Enjoyed this very much
@judyakajude3370 2 жыл бұрын
Rita Hayworth IMO was a beautiful woman and had natural sensuality. Sad she died from Alzheimer's 😢
@e.starling141 2 жыл бұрын
@@judyakajude3370 Yeah i watcehd a documentary about her awhile back om here and it was very interesting. She was so stunning and talented. Sad that it seemed like most men just used her. And really sad she got dementia.
@Zahra-wd3md 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, they even pulled healthy teeth in the back, for a better jaw line/ cheek bones. Or a lot of man and woman had work done on their chin also. To make it rounder. I think Cary Grant did that. You can see in his earlier pictures he had a longer/ less round chin before. I think Marilyn Monroe also did that, also she had a nose job.
@sagapoetic8990 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zahra-wd3md Ugh wow.
@mrpurple11 2 жыл бұрын
With Rita what basically happened was they tried to make her look "more anglo american". It was the time of the "star system" literally a system were you would be studied to see what roles featured best. This happened with both men and woman btw. In the era of silent films it was even normal to get a whole past and upbringing completely made up. Think about wrestlers's gimmicks. You look a certain way you created a fake name, style, moves and song to go with it. Now Rita (Margarita Cansino) had Spanish and Irish ascendancy from her parents, while naturally pretty didn't look "american enough" so she went through electrolysis and always maintain a different hair color.
@lynnarthur1411 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis of Monroe’s image. I’m a 65 year old women and have witnessed the transition of makeup trends for decades. Frankly, the layering trend for contemporary looks give a mask-like appearance to women. It’s fine for editorial use; but in person - the application looks obvious…instead of creating the subtle (and glowing) alteration that projected Monroe’s beauty. Had Marilyn lived well into her senior years…I’m certain her advice as a beauty influencer would be to not “gild the lily.”
@mesolithicman164 Жыл бұрын
So many celebs have the same surgeries , and too many of them, so they all start looking the same. Like one weird extended family. Kim Kardashian was a very attractive young woman before all the work. 2 of her sisters, not so much.
@hebneh 2 жыл бұрын
I've read comments from professional photographers who worked with her that she was extremely skillful at posing to her best advantage, and she knew exactly how to do it. Marlene Dietrich had this same talent too.
@indigocrayon520 Жыл бұрын
I have a friend like this, she's significantly more attractive in photographs even without filters
@Ciclopea2 2 жыл бұрын
As a huge fan of Marilyn i can tell when someone speaks about her with admiration, you did throughout this video, impossible as a plastic surgeon not to acknowledge one of the greatest beauty and style icons of all time. She did have a dream team of very talented people to help her create her iconic image and build her brand, but she was also brilliant and learned every trick to keep herself looking on point. She really did a great job keeping herself glamorous, she was sexy but never vulgar and that's how she remains a timeless classic Hollywood beauty.
@robmcgowan4034 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely; excellent comments. I know a lady that's a pre-school teacher of 3 & 4 year olds. She has 8 x 10 glossy photos of about 9 stars. 8 are today's "movie stars" if you can even call them that including Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Garner, to name three, and Marilyn. All are in black & white to be "comparable" next to each other, and Marilyn was put in around 5 or 6. This was done over a period of several days so they could be asked individually "Which lady do you like the best?" No agenda or influencing which is what the teacher & asst feared if they were shown the pictures as a class. Very wise. Unanimously. Unanimously these boys and girls all picked Marilyn. The teachers then asked them why they liked 'this lady' best and the answers ranged from 'she's the most beautiful' to 'I'd like to hug her', 'she'd like to hug me' and doing hugging motions. That says A LOT, and she got a little teary-eyed and said she feels exactly the same way too. Still, she did ask about the others and the kids just kind of shrugged their shoulders, said things like "she's okay I guess". I thought you'd like to know that, and bet you're not surprised. After that 'experiment' the kids asked to see Marilyn's picture from then on, so it was put into a picture frame so they could. Marilyn's magic of inner beauty, warmth and love in addition to her outer come through and always will.
@Ciclopea2 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmcgowan4034 thank you so much for sharing that story with me. You're right, i'm not surprised by the way those kids all responded to Marilyn, but i am moved. I think Marilyn made some new young fans thanks to that teacher lol, her legacy of inner beauty and success through her many struggles will live on in the hearts and minds of those kids and will capture their imaginations forever. Marilyn was fascinating even to her peers, i remember an interview with Brigitte Bardot, she had the nicest things to say about her, and remembered when they met in a bathroom the day they both met the Queen of England. She said that Marilyn was adorable the way a child could be adorable, among other things highlighting that Marilyn was more than just a pretty face and a sexy woman. She battled demons and was surrounded by them throughout her life, and even with her tragic end i don't think she lost, because decades after she left this world her angelic beauty still captivates a variety of people of all ages from every corner of the planet, her universal appeal remains intact. I just wish she knew how loved she was and still is by everyone so at least she felt less lonely and "generally miserable" as she said in an interview. That desire to just be loved, not as a celebrity, but for who she really was is what made those kids want to hug her and is what touches our hearts just looking at her photos. I hope that she does know now that she is loved by millions and she was never alone, wherever her beautiful spirit may be. Again thank you for sharing that story, it warmed my heart and i'll add it to my endless list of reasons why i love that very special woman 🙏💖
@angelbug 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmcgowan4034 Cringe how you think it's lovely how you put down other women with your story. Grow up
@1953childstar 8 ай бұрын
​@@angelbug This obsessive "hero worship" of a woman who was mentally ill and had substance abuse problems is itself a "mental illness"...
@saucermcfly 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. Too many people think Marilyn had no beauty before plastic surgery, as though it was a huge transformation when it really wasn't. So much of the transition to Marilyn Monroe was gradual and lay in studying facial expressions and gestures, hair colour and styles (both ever changing throughout her career), and in many makeup tricks.
@alanwisdom7777 2 жыл бұрын
the problem now is that celebrities when they do plastic surgery they can't stop at the final lot of them are botched
@visualbeauty3427 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no oh no Oh no no no no no
@rimun5235 2 жыл бұрын
Most celebrities now have incredible plastic surgery. Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Scarlet Johansen, etc. The Kardashians may be obvious but most Hollywood actresses are not. They all look pretty damn incredible. There's a reason people like Jennifer Lopez still look good yet natural.
@victoriamyst4742 2 жыл бұрын
What an interesting video Apart from selecting interesting topics and celebrities, Dr. Motykie is always so tactful yet honest, such a rarity these days. Admirable.
@lisasaims3007 2 жыл бұрын
Part of MM’s appeal is that she looks so natural & fresh faced! That is not to be discounted, & is and will always be “en Vogue” Less is Always More! IMO 😘
@MarniMedia 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video! Loved how you showcased both her surgical procedures and cosmetic techniques to achieve subtle enhancements that created her trademark style. I think that shows how everyone can interpret and portray their own personal beauty in a very accessible way!
@swineinny1 2 жыл бұрын
Accurate & respectful assessment! There are KZbin vids saying she had procedures done that did NOT exist 60 years ago, when Marilyn lived. Makes no sense.
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
There were MANY plastic surgery procedures available over 60 years ago. I personally had my ears pinned back in 1962 and later my nose.. And more !!!
@roseyk7677 Жыл бұрын
Procedures, like tech absolutely did exist 60 years ago, they were just hidden from the public.... Lots of today's advancements were already known. They just keep us behind!!
@a.zamora2795 2 жыл бұрын
I use to be in denial about her having plastic surgery but after watching a few movies from the beginning of her career then watching others from later on her face really did changed! Very subtle and natural work but she definitely had something done to her chin, and probably nose. It’s amazing what they could do back then.
@marissamayhem6504 2 жыл бұрын
As gorgeous as she was, her nose job was not a very good example of plastic surgery. If you see profile pictures of her with less makeup on you can see the tip is very bulbous & strangely angled. Her makeup artist did a lot of layering makeup & contouring to make her nose look attractive on camera. Marilyn was a mastermind at illusion.
@eliethia_munay 2 жыл бұрын
I agree - Although not perfect, I think her nose job was actually very good considering the era.
@ninalou4629 2 жыл бұрын
There are way worse nose jobs nowadays tbh
@visualbeauty3427 2 жыл бұрын
@@ninalou4629 uh oh
@ily9402 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking I would not trust any surgery from that era but she's beautiful either way
@Trancymind Жыл бұрын
There was another woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe and she never had plastic surgery, had natural blonde hair with light blue eyes. She was a wife material type woman who got married and never got divorced. She had a couple of kids. She passed away in 1989.
@kagitsune 2 жыл бұрын
It's really refreshing to see a doctor who isn't encouraging lots of surgery, and who knows the history of the craft. And a doctor who isn't obsessed with looking "perfect" themselves!
@lucyk.5163 Жыл бұрын
Hmm. So she did plastic surgery. And there goes my admiration. Not that I think plastic surgery is bad, it's just that I always thought she was a natural perfection, Mother Nature's masterpiece. Turns out it's surgery's masterpiece and it kinda shatters the feelings of awe I had in relation to her. Props to the surgeons, they did an amazing job. She was already very pretty but they gave her the edge. I'm kinda losing the mesmerized awe I had in relation to all these Oldies beauties, which is a good thing, I guess. Their beauty is man-made and fairly unattainable (well, it could be with a shit ton of money I guess), it wasn't just an extremely stroke of luck in genes that made them look that gorgeous. Instead, I'm starting to appreciate what makes people uniquely beautiful without surgery.
@Anon00113 Жыл бұрын
@dulcemoutinho5820 5 ай бұрын
He is just assuming she did. But he can't be sure of it. He is just creating content to make money on KZbin.
@demitriwelling1348 2 жыл бұрын
Max Factor was a pioneer in contouring makeup.
@clivecarser7356 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly in the 1920s and 30s
@kristinmiller7967 2 жыл бұрын
Could you please do Dove Cameron? Could you also speak to getting plastic surgery as young as she did? I have always heard you should not do plastic surgery when you’re a child because you are still growing. Thank you. Love your videos!
@birdlover7776 2 жыл бұрын
Check out Lori Hill’s analysis on Dove Cameron posted a week ago
@kristinmiller7967 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlover7776 Thank you. I actually watched her video first. I would love to hear what Dr. Motykie’s opinion is as well.
@birdlover7776 2 жыл бұрын
@@kristinmiller7967 👍
@helixmoore7636 2 жыл бұрын
Her and Britney Spears share some faxial similarities.
@creativegirl9710 2 жыл бұрын
I read some where that they were distant cousins.
@mjef3695 2 жыл бұрын
Britney Spears is a beauty.
@TheBassgoddess 2 жыл бұрын
Great analysis of an iconic beauty, Marilyn Monroe. One of her beauty tricks that she admitted to using was “hormone cream.” She used it on her face, which resulted in fine soft facial hair. She said it made her face look “softer” for the camera. Do you know what cream she might have been using?
@samanthabranum 2 жыл бұрын
I read about this!! It’s in a makeup video of her routine somewhere on youtube
@robertaevans9658 2 жыл бұрын
So much has be written about this ravishingly beautiful woman & personally I think she is one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the screen, possibly 'the' greatest! I think that she was beautiful inside and out.
@janebruce6625 2 жыл бұрын
I agree , but allowed herself to be used and abused …. even Tony Curtis , when talking about Marilyn said that they had slept together, then he said , “but then who hasn’t”, !!!
@ST-nz4bf 2 жыл бұрын
@@janebruce6625 it’s not fair to single out Marilyn Monroe for being a loose women in Hollywood!! They were all screwing each other !!! It’s Hollywood!! It’s even happening today !! Just saying
@janebruce6625 2 жыл бұрын
@@ST-nz4bf Yes , I know but I didn’t single her out , she was the subject matter of the Doctor , and I only spoke the truth of what Tony Curtis said , in fact it was when she made the film “” Some like it hot ,”” … as they were both in that film …
@janebraun4482 2 жыл бұрын
@@janebruce6625 Tony Curtis could be well, a cad. He said a lot of things a bit shocking this way.
@jenrutherford6690 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed she was physically beautiful . I cannot think of anything she did which suggested she was beautiful inside. I don't care about the promiscuity. Her treatment of people was not good.
@pamelarose9712 2 жыл бұрын
I once read somewhere that she use to like to mix her lipstick colors, rather than just one.I love that idea, I always do it. Thanks Norma🥰🦋🌹🦚
@paulwharton1850 2 жыл бұрын
Most interesting. A wonderful breakdown of Marilyn Monroe, Dr. Motykie - particularly your opinions on how and where to apply makeup & going for your own unique "look". Many thanks......all the way from London! ( I'd be fascinated on your opinion and timeline about Dove Cameron but that's a hard one.... my guess is there are many procedures and they're very subtle )
@margaretgarana911 2 жыл бұрын
Dove totally changed. Really noticeable
@ririimari 2 жыл бұрын
Not subtle lol She looks a complete new girl
@paulwharton1850 2 жыл бұрын
@Jas Mac Thank you for that -Appreciate it !
@bbdaria3023 2 жыл бұрын
she was and always will be a beauty icon
@rebeccanater 2 жыл бұрын
The electrolysis on hairlines was common during the studio system. I know rita hayworth was forced to get it too, because her natural hairline looked "too hispanic"
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
it wasn't that. You can't see the face and you can't light up her face. She was going for leading lady parts. Her faced need to open up.
@Molly_Belle 2 жыл бұрын
@@AnnaMaria-oy1fp She looked more ethnic with her darker hair and hairline. They lighten her hair and raised her hairline.
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
@@Molly_Belle Yes I know. What I said is that it wasn't that she looked Spanish there are other reasons that they do these things.
@hebneh 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know that there was supposedly anything "Hispanic" about Rita's original hairline - but when you look at her in her early small roles in the 1930s, you can clearly see that the higher hairline and a taller forehead she had by 1941 are definitely a great improvement. Her face goes from fairly pretty to really beautiful; the proportions are much improved.
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
@@hebneh and that's why they did electrolysis. It helps with lighting and angles of the face. That's how you become a Goddess of Movies and a leading lady.
@kimberly8891 2 жыл бұрын
The two people who downvoted this video are jealous of you and your success
@madeleiner4865 2 жыл бұрын
getting a chin augmentation soon- makes me feel better that even Marilyn did this
@creativegirl9710 2 жыл бұрын
Do your research! Many people with silicone implants, any implants develop autoimmune issues. Can happen quickly or slowly where your health gets worse and worse. In the Breast Implant Illness Facebook group there are also misc. implant members that share their illness issues from chin implants. I've seen the photos. They then get better after getting it removed. The symptoms can be all over the place. How your body will react is unpredictable. Do your research! It's a horrible horrible downward battle and most people don't understand why they feel ill.
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
@@creativegirl9710 My chin is a bone graft done years ago… I don't understand why Dr's don't still do "bone"...
@amberbest6942 2 жыл бұрын
No proof she did.
@jayneweaver8695 2 жыл бұрын
LOVE THIS!!! Marilyn Monroe is one of the most brilliant business women that never has received the credit for her intelligence because like everyone we are still blinded by her beauty. WAY ahead of her time. Thank you so much Dr. Motykie for such a respectful analysis and giving her credit for all of her genius in branding herself. Would love to see stars like Ava Gardener, Jane Russell, even, Lucille Ball who was GORGEOUS when young and kept it for a long time and she smoked.
@christinemack2153 2 жыл бұрын
Beauty, brains and talent... appreciate the way you spoke about her.
@markwardel6751 2 жыл бұрын
Like Bowie did with Ziggy Stardust, Marilyn designed and performed the role of the ultimate 'STAR' immaculately ...R.I.P.
@alh06 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking to the autopsy notes, her nose appeared slightly different at the end of her life, more slim in appearance, even with less makeup.
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
@Sara-wb2bs 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, Marilyn's beauty came from having a soul😇
@victoriagadd6831 2 жыл бұрын
She was utterly adorable. So sad she was a tortured soul and died so young. There will never be another like her as far as beauty, charm, talent - and well, just being Marilyn.
@wintercomesearly 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the respectful commentary. Marilyn's an example of less is more. Interestingly, when she wasn't doing the full glamour look, she was strikingly fresh and lovely without makeup as well. She was, in a word, luminous.
@olgaath1511 2 жыл бұрын
In general, plastic surgery was more subtle those days, it didn't completely alter the face. I find that the greatest transformation was due to her teeth, they looked so much better after she became a bombshell, they were rather big and unflattering before.
@smokingbeetles5793 9 ай бұрын
Plastic surgery was pretty advanced back then
@rebecastevens8892 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had rhinoplasty. Too painful. Would never do it again.
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
Myself as well… Plus after my surgery, everyone wanted to hug me and bump my nose. Took a year to go away...
@The00Lisa00 2 жыл бұрын
Very respectful analysis 💗
@jaynewman9340 2 жыл бұрын
To me the main change in Marilyn's face was her EYES....nobody hardy ever mentions this...why???? When she was a teenager her eyes were very hooded and quite small, but a few years later her eyes were huge with big eyelids, creating a dreamy, doe eyed look and with the best will in the world and the best make up artist.... there is NO way you can make eyes look that different without up techniques to me the main thing she had done was an upper eye lift or brow lift for sure....
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
You are so correct !!! She had an eye-lift and brow lift.. It was very well done..
@nadnad8328 2 жыл бұрын
Yes her eyes change , i think they were round and they became long
@amberbest6942 2 жыл бұрын
@@lewienew Thank you. These people are so clueless about modeling. All she did was tilt her head back, and change her makeup, when she used to tilt her head down so much before. She learned all the correct moves. There were no "brow lifts" back then. Gen Z and it false info per usual.
@1953childstar Жыл бұрын
@@amberbest6942 Brow lifts were done as long ago as 1815.. I worked for the head of cosmetic surgery at Georgetown University Hospital. Make certain you actually know what you are talking about !!!
@dinachan8979 2 жыл бұрын
There is another component to her transformation that is not mentioned: her teeth. Besides the fact that they are whiter and now look perfectly aligned, I read that she was in a car accident. Was there any jaw reconstruction surgery?
@roseyk7677 Жыл бұрын
Yes she had chin implant and upper lip surgery to stop her top lip from touching her nose
@ranns2805 2 жыл бұрын
Isn’t changing the shape of your nose and changing the shape of your jaw line/chin plastic surgery?
@burkinfaso 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you would specify in the description that at 7:32 you show Aly Art video. I know that on the clip itself there’s “video courtesy of aly art” But putting it in the description would’ve been so nice to Aly!
@cstarv 2 жыл бұрын
to make Rita Hayworth look more American, she had extensive electrolysis and her hair was dyed red. It is not a painless procedure, using a needle to electroshock the hair folicle. Up until the 80s you could buy a home version, still not pleasant. Marilyn was very talented, one of my favorite actresses of all time.
@visualbeauty3427 2 жыл бұрын
Wdym? extensive electrolysis?
@cstarv 2 жыл бұрын
her hairline was too low and a widows peak and the movie execs wanted her to look less hispanic, so they raised her hairline
@paulaevans8325 2 жыл бұрын
Love this assessment and explaination. Such a beautiful woman and as you say, unique. I think the make up/techniques used enhanced her beauty more than surgery.
@lzsuzsa1 2 жыл бұрын
She had brow lift too. Just look at the space between her eyelids and brows, before she had hooded eyes, later she had surprised look because of the brow lift, also her hairline went up because that time browlift ended up somewhere there, close to the hairline and the line went up, as a side effect. The make up space on her eye is waaaaaay bigger than before. Its not only her unique make up, Doctor. :) Just saying ;)
@FC-hj9ub 2 жыл бұрын
Since the 20s and 30s they used electric shocks to move back the hairline
@lzsuzsa1 2 жыл бұрын
@@FC-hj9ub Still she had brow lift :)
@ye23. 2 жыл бұрын
No brow lifts didnt even exist back then…think it was just makeup or tape on the sides of her temples
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
@@ye23. The first brow lifts were done in Germany more than 150 years ago !!! Plastic surgery is not new….
@thisnigerianlovesdrinkingg4522 2 жыл бұрын
@@ye23. You guys don’t know the history of plastic surgery and it shows
@Themsbeatlesrock 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, it seems like all the “beauty” icons ever were just a result of plastic surgery. That really bums me out for some reason. Someone can just buy beauty and change their lives forever ? If Marilyn didn’t look like that/gotten plastic surgery, there’d be no Marilyn Monroe today/ wouldn’t be remembered. Idk, you can really change your life if u just thin out your nose/ hood your eyes. Not to mention, earn so much money. Kylie Jenner, actresses, singers, all these people earn so much money from their plastic surgeries.
@TheRealBookofJoshua 2 жыл бұрын
No, Marilyn was more than just minor tweaks to her face that didn't make much difference anyway - you didn't notice anything until this dr pointed them out to you. Any surgeries she had didn't *give* her screen presence, charisma and acting talent. That's like saying, "If this amazing, famous singer didn't have his bad teeth fixed, he wouldn't have achieved anything." That's a pretty simplistic, uniformed view of humans you have. If a beautiful woman gets a slightly better haircut does that make her a better person or more beautiful? No. It might enhance her appearance slightly but she's a beauty anyway. Like Marilyn.
@Themsbeatlesrock 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheRealBookofJoshua I disagree, surgeries to her face did in fact give her screen presence, charisma, and even acting abilities. It allowed her to do that closed eye look which she used a lot and gave her more facial expressions to work with as an actress. It made her extremely photogenic and memorable. Acting is all about the face so that's why actors bother to get surgeries. I'm just bummed about people who allow themselves to be praised for beauty thats not even naturally theirs. It just seems sleazy. There's a lot of amazing singers and actors in the world who probably don't get noticed. People who are "beautiful" have an advantage and nowadays (and in marilyn's time,) when you can buy beauty to get ahead, it seems unfair to people who can't or don't want to. And haircuts don't change your face. I was always mesmerized by marilyn's face, not her hair, body or clothes. I think a lot of her fans were. People say she's a sex symbol, but to me she was just so gorgeous - her face and her expressions. So finding out it was partly fake, just bummed me out. I'm not talking about her internal beauty btw. I know she was a nice person and talented, no one argues about that. I guess I'm just really interested in facial expressions when it comes to acting and she has always stood out to for being able to change her face so quickly, so I always sensed that something was up.
@1953childstar Жыл бұрын
You do have a point !!! I am completely fake. I spent thousands of dollars on a face of plastic surgery, contact lenses and dental work ( Still, I am " not all that" )...
@berjaboy 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video. There's one woman from Marilyn's time who was also considered a great beauty who is still with us, Kim Novak. Recent pictures and videos of her clearly show surgical intervention. Would love you to do a video on her and see what Dr. Motykie's comments would be.
@Chymera3206 2 жыл бұрын
I think she also had an upper blepharoplasty. She had hooded eyes as a teenager and later not so much.
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct and a brow lift. At that time, the brow lift scar was placed in the hairline and people assume it was electrolysis...
@TheRealBookofJoshua 2 жыл бұрын
Chymera3206 Those surgeries didn't even exist back then! Stop putting modern techniques on people who lived nearly a century ago!
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheRealBookofJoshua Wrong… Procedures for the average person were not usually performed, but for an actor or model it was that norm..
@amberbest6942 2 жыл бұрын
@@1953childstar you're wrong, obsessed and spreading lies!
@1953childstar Жыл бұрын
@@amberbest6942 You are completely wrong !!! I worked for the head of cosmetic surgery at Georgetown University Hospital.. I am certainly not "spreading lies"… You, on the other hand are an example of "the dumbing down of this country"… Did you graduate from high school ????
@justanothergirl9753 2 жыл бұрын
Very well articulated and explained. You have a beautiful way of seeing and showing beauty.
@jeanieolahful 2 жыл бұрын
Her teeth were also perfect. She had such a softness about her that is very hard to copy.
@looneyweather_9515 2 жыл бұрын
She was the most beautiful woman ever
@WaynesPokeWorld 8 ай бұрын
I know surgery has been happening for thousands of years but how did they do such great natural looking procedures in Marilyn’s time?
@lyllianbellamartinez 24 күн бұрын
But whoever was her doctor was amazing ❤🥰 I love her 😍
@dn6608 2 жыл бұрын
Goes to show that these women placed on a beauty pedestal had assistance with a knife. Be kind to yourself ladies!
@eringemini7091 2 жыл бұрын
I think it was in an interview with the late makeup artist Max Factor, he said that Marilyn's procedure for applying her OWN makeup, was so intensive, with so many steps( to create various illusions), it literally took her 4 hours to do! 😳 No wonder the movie sets/ studio execs were so mad at her! (for consistently being late).
@1953childstar 8 ай бұрын
Max Factor died in 1939..
@juneghasemi7589 2 жыл бұрын
She had hairy face this was said and arms a lot of blond hair on her cheeks, which she liked because the light played off of it and reflected the camera lights beautifully,
@lionelwong5842 Жыл бұрын
Marilyn Monroe was one of the most beautiful actress in Hollywood, people don't care if she had plastic surgery or not.
@maureenkirby1207 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Motykie for stating that Marilyn's plastic surgery looked great because it wasn't excessive. She didn't look like some of the freaks you see today on reality tv, Hollywood or the music industry. Her surgery enhanced/improved what she already had and that's how it should be.
@angelblue52 Жыл бұрын
what about her failed blethoraplasty? it was sort of botched and its what made her eyes a bit droopy but created her iconic sultry/sleepy eye look, she also had breast implants
@hairbsb7908 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no I will be at work. Will have to watch tonight
@fariqishak1527 2 жыл бұрын
I saw her last year
@VicVictor-r5u 4 ай бұрын
She had a gift for reinvention. By 1962 she again looked like no other woman and yet perfect for the time. Her keeping Allen Snyder as her lifetime makeup artist she had a kindred expert on her look.
@JM-lw3nx Жыл бұрын
She definitely had a very subtle nose job and chin implant. Makeup can do just so much.
@nannerl6243 Жыл бұрын
@giusydemartinis8384 2 жыл бұрын
Please make a video about Grace Kelly's face. Did she get any work done or was she completely natural? It seems nobody is talking about it but her nose looks a bit suspicious to me.
@1953childstar 8 ай бұрын
I believe Grace Kelly had a minor "Tip-plasty" on her nose to rotate it upward. Probably nothing more.. ( She was very nearsighted and work contact lenses, but who doesn't )..
@AnAdorableWombat Жыл бұрын
She was absolutely gorgeous. Her surgeon did her right!
@mylittlecoco345 2 жыл бұрын
That was fabulous to watch. I learnt stuff 🤗 I read she had to fight a gummy smile in the early days. That’s be tiring should think, I wonder if they put a stitch in her top lip.
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
She had an overbite when she smiled so she was told to practise her smile by Emmeline Snivley.
@clivecarser7356 2 жыл бұрын
@@AnnaMaria-oy1fp not an over bite ,a very high gumline. Which is obvious in photos of marilyn laughing naturally. Check the last sitting photos.
@AnnaMaria-oy1fp 2 жыл бұрын
@@clivecarser7356 She was told by Emmeline Snively that she had an overbite.
@clivecarser7356 2 жыл бұрын
@@AnnaMaria-oy1fp Emmeline snively told her to drop her smile to disguise her top gumline ....wich resulted in marilyns famous quivering smile
@amberbest6942 2 жыл бұрын
Ive made those same corrections too as I grew up. I had to lower my smile, and stop squinting my eyes. Worked well for me👍🏻
@StevieinSF 2 жыл бұрын
Recall reading once MM may have been one of the early breast augmentations too.
@ceceb6893 Жыл бұрын
Do you think she had upper eyelid surgery or brow lift? Her eyelids are so beautiful. They weren’t as big in her earlier pics
@virgola2126 2 жыл бұрын
To start with she has amazing teeth and a beautiful smile. That helps.
@hsfritz007 2 жыл бұрын
the main difference I could see in her last year alive in 1962, was that she lost a lot of weight, which would also have an effect on her appearance. People speculate it was because of a gall bladder surgery, not sure if that would have make any difference. I do personally think she was in a bad mental place, if you look at photos of her, especially the Bert Stern session, she looks sad and lost.
@TheVerbalVolley 2 жыл бұрын
She had an eating disorder at the end of her life, and subsisted on hard boiled eggs and liver. At one point she actually got too thin. Additionally, she was never happier (or more beautiful) than at the end of her life. Just watch the clips from "SGTG" to verify this fact. She had cut down on her make-up from the 1950s and looked more radiant and beautiful with less make-up and a more natural look. She had taken control of her life, and had fired Mrs. Murray, was in the process of separating herself from Dr. Greenson (who was absolute poison for her), had rekindled her romance with Joe DiMaggio, and had won yet another battle with Fox in regard to the quality of her scripts, director approval, script approval, an increase in her salary for each film from $100,000 to $500,000, and had offers to do Broadway, Vegas and television. This woman was on the upswing, and it is sad that some people try to paint her as so tragic at the end of her life, when it simply isn't true.
@lzrosales393 Жыл бұрын
This is no secret! The tip of her nose was changed as her red hair to blonde, Johnny Hyde, her Hollywood expert, admitted.
@TheVerbalVolley 2 жыл бұрын
How did she look more beautiful at the end of her life than during previous years? Was it make-up, or was it simply losing weight and the maturation of the face?
@donnabissell15 2 жыл бұрын
Rita Hayward had a very low hairline and had it changed. I knew a plastic surgeon who did Amelia Marcos plastic surgery when he was a military doctor and was stationed in the Philippines. Its amazing how these procedures were done way before what we now have available. Plastic surgery was developed to repair soldiers who were damaged during war time, way before it was a vanity circumstance. Marilyn didn't need massive amounts of help, make up and the use of false lashes really enhanced her beauty.
@user-rd7ek9ve3r 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, curious how much of her work was done before 1955 (gentleman prefer blonds and how to marry a millionaire) as in this time period she was completely controlled by FOX so would have had no say in surgery ect. After 1955 she broke her contract so would have done things autonomsly. Talking about marylin and woman in this era I think is important to recognise the control of the studio over EVERYTHING.
@CEB731 2 жыл бұрын
Kim K can only dream of being this beautiful...
@missmarina_xo 2 жыл бұрын
I have a colorless mole on my cheek which makes me wonder if she had something similar and decided to just color it in to make her look more unique
@jehan8860 2 жыл бұрын
It looks very clear that she had a brow lift and or blepharoplasty. Her eyes are very different from teen years to famous years.
@gabrieleghut1344 2 жыл бұрын
@@c7326_ the lips were a lipliner and lipstick with a great makeup artist. If you watch some videos on KZbin you will see how much you can have MM lips, when it's done right. Just look up Aly Art from the video. She showed how you can have a MM look. She had her eyes done and she wasn't the only actress or actor that had this done in that time. Gary Cooper and John Wayne are two actors I can name with eye surgery.
@at136 2 жыл бұрын
She did not have a brow lift. It’s all due to brow shape and maturing. And not cheek filler or lip filler..? Wtf? She was born with natural beauty and ageing helped her in terms of natural refinement.
@lzsuzsa1 2 жыл бұрын
@@c7326_ exactly this was i commented its clear, so obvious
@lzsuzsa1 2 жыл бұрын
@@at136 😂😂😂
@jehan8860 2 жыл бұрын
@@at136, I didn’t know eyelids could change so much on their own. Interesting.
@brooklynusa670 Жыл бұрын
I don't know abt her pain, but fr appearances ,her plastic surgeon was good.
@JohnGeorge-v1f Жыл бұрын
How is it that Plastic surgery back then left NO scars on her chin and nose ? There are reports elsewhere that her eye to eyebrow area inbetween was also modified.
@1953childstar 8 ай бұрын
The incisions are made inside.. I had a rhinoplasty and bone graft in my chin. The chin was done inside my mouth and the nose inside my nostrils. These Doctors are not barbarians...
@ivanjackson7924 Жыл бұрын
Marilyn was a one off, a true beauty icon with a luminous , unique quality, that will never fade, !! X
@desiderata333 2 жыл бұрын
I do think she was strongly wow as a teen though. She was born stunning. Very few women can compare.
@anonnymous4684 2 жыл бұрын
Had she lived, I think she would have succumbed to more surgery because, sadly, she was a deeply insecure person, who was mainly valued for her looks. A combination virtually guaranteed to result in ever increasing cosmetic surgical interventions.
@deemm1265 2 жыл бұрын
Max Factor make did her make over as she joined the film industry.
@1953childstar 2 жыл бұрын
Do you mean the "Max Factor Company" ?…. Max Factor died in 1939..
@AC-ux3fv 2 жыл бұрын
This is by far my favorite video, so thank you for that. She was so beautiful, her beauty looked so effortless, her femininity was exuberant. Loved everything about her. 💋❤
@peterwilliamson2488 Жыл бұрын
Why did she keep going on about how all the studios were concerned only in how she looked and not take her seriously as an actress , when she was trying so hard to create the look that she said they only wanted her for.
@shaneegrlc.2822 2 жыл бұрын
She's lucky she got such good plastic surgery back then.
@RS-ik6ng Жыл бұрын
I would never believe that dark curly pic is Marilyn unless I knew it 🤯
@nadnad8328 2 жыл бұрын
Her eyes really change !!
@loridoyle3068 2 жыл бұрын
I had no idea that rhinoplasty and chin augmentation were done in the 40's. Thank you for the respect you have shown for her. You are so smart and right that less is better. At 59 I am still aging gracefully. I may get a chemical peel or lazer but so far I am good. I am afraid of doing fillers or threads. So much can go very wrong. I can not get that cat lady out of my mind.
@anitaknight3915 2 жыл бұрын
You are gorgeous!!! I hope to age as gracefully as you. I agree there's too much that could go wrong. I could only see myself doing something less invasive like a chemical peel, laser, or microdermabrasion type of thing to the skin too. Better to age naturally than look like a freak. ; )
@lisamariepagliei3945 2 жыл бұрын
I love your analysis of Marilyn and you're so right about everything!! I wonder if you'll do an analysis of Priscilla Presley? When she was younger her facial features were literally flawless and it's been said that if her face could be folded in half that both sides would line up perfectly. Because she has such perfect symmetry. I'd love to hear what you think may have been done incorrectly after her first face lift...I don't know if she's had more than one but I did hear she had fillers put in that consisted of a chemical not designed for the human body! Anyway, thank you! Love you, love your channel!
@BethPaige 10 ай бұрын
Not sure why everyone gushes over Marilyn. The woman got so much work done, she barely resembled what she USED to look like, and that platinum blonde hair was probably a wig after she bleached it so many times. As for her intelligence and genius? You'd think she'd be a better actress or get along with her co-stars better if she were so smart.
@1953childstar 8 ай бұрын
Actually you are very correct.. Her hair did start to break off from the bleaching and by the time the movie "The Misfits" was made, she had bald patches, so she was wigged for that movie. When she sang "Happy Birthday" to President Kennedy, she was wearing a wig ( the same one she was buried in. I have a theory that because of her mental issues ( and alcohol with drug use ) that she went on "tangents" and rants claiming that she was "going to go to the press and tell".. Well, I think that much of what she was going to tell was fantasy from her borderline personality disorder and the Mafia finally had to "shut her up permanently" because she was a nuisance. I knew writer Warren Rogers ( best friend of Robert Kennedy ) and asked if any of these "rumors about her affairs were true".. He blat out stated "no, these were the fabrications of a mentally ill woman". She did get the number of the White House and managed to annoy Jacqueline Kennedy, telling her "she would be the next First Lady". Jacqueline knew Marilyn was drunk and high, then stated "well if you can speak 3 languages and deal with all these politicians, please take the job"..
@lenawatik8524 2 жыл бұрын
I also did plastic surgery with cartilage... and i wore silicone before... you know what? Silicone tends to have a huge risk of infection. Every year people that use fillers, silicone implants have infections and goes to my doctor ( a craniofacial ) to be reconstructed. Cartilage does shrink and reabsorbed. But, if its from your own body, its not donated, it only shrink from 5% to 20% max. You dont hear it from me but from my doctor. But it wouldnt reach 100% shrinking i assure you... this is my 5th year, and i dont see my nose changing and warping anymore unlike the 1st 2 years.
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