There, finally you get your B3313 Video! Leave a LIKE if you wanna see more :)
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you finally took a gander at this epic personalized copy. If you do another video on this, I hope the intro warning is "Leave a like, or you will wander the castle plexus halls FOREVER..." Anyways, you certainly have your work cut out for you, but as long as you take your time and enjoy the experience, your heart will guide you to the right place. Also, try to check every painting. A lot of them are fake, but many of them are also real.
@Soptsign555-ln6nw9 ай бұрын
heads up: if you're not playing version A2, you can only get 11 real red stars, because some are fake. you can tell this from when you collect a red star and your counter goes up. also, A2 is better because it fixed broken star IDs, there's 13 red stars in it and you can access the ending areas. not trying to be a spoiler, but thought I would let you know before you do a stream on it.
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
@@Soptsign555-ln6nw he's playing 1.0, where all the red stars are real (though some don't count to your regular star counter) and the ending is reachable.
@Soptsign555-ln6nw9 ай бұрын
also 5:48 if you see a white coin don't pick it up. if you do, it has a 25% chance to crash the game and when it doesn't it messes up your save file.
@Soptsign555-ln6nw9 ай бұрын
@@tastethepainbow 1.0 doesn't add any of the red stars to the counter, and the bowser star proves that, since it was added to the counter when it shouldn't have been since I've played through A2 and it's never counted, nor has any other red star. he may be playing 1.0, but unless he's playing A1 or A2 he's actually playing 0.9.
@ShadowSniper7439 ай бұрын
12:04 luigikid finds the first Amalgam jumpscare
@ThatOnePinkProtogen9 ай бұрын
There 4 of they on game, one being this, other one in bowsers domain, other in unsettling maze and other one on the corrupted chalenge (rare jumpscare)
@RealSDM23 ай бұрын
he just said fuck or it's just me
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
After watching the full video, I can safely say that you haven't even scratched the surface on how deep this rabbit hole goes. There's a lot of cool, unique, and spooky areas hidden deep within the surface, and I'm excited for you to reach them. Word of warning, you pressed the yellow switch, which shuffles quite a few in-game values. For instance, that's the reason you had the metal cap before you pressed the Green Cap Switch and lost your hat. Some of these values can mess up quite a bit of the game (removing important NPCs, no longer warping you out of the painting you complete or die in a level which makes you lose track of progress easier, etc.). If it's something that bothers you, I may recommend you start a new file, as these changes are permanent. That's all the hints I'll be giving. Enjoy your playthrough!
@Luigikid9 ай бұрын
Big Yikes..may start over then LMAO
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
@@LuigikidYou're all good. Luckily you haven't made too much progress yet. There's still a lot to see, and the more red stars you collect, the more the game will start to personalize naturally in ways you wouldn't expect...
@CheesyAnimates5 күн бұрын
Or you could try gambling for good values. (Don't do that)
@EdyDude9 ай бұрын
Finally, that's what i would like to see about this ROM Hack! Smash the LIKE button for more!
@RyderMK9 ай бұрын
As someone who has played B3313 for months and is still finding new stuff, I can say this hack is probably one of my favorites, and I’d be down for a livestream of this game.
@JadeCanBark9 ай бұрын
I've played B3313 and it's SO good, also a hint: NEVER press the yellow switch or crazy things will happen
@JæputirfTheGasGia5nt9 ай бұрын
what happens when you press the yellow switch
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
@@JæputirfTheGasGia5nt let's say it randomizes certain values that can HEAVILY screw up your game.
@JadeCanBark9 ай бұрын
One time @@tastethepainbow I hit it and got my hat removed and "Welcome To The Toad Catacombs"
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
Update: he pressed it. Now completing it really will be a nightmare for him since collecting stars or dyinh won't bring him outside paintings anymore.
@Luigikid9 ай бұрын
@@tastethepainbow OH DAMN IT
@HPZman19929 ай бұрын
At 5:50, Rene collects a white coin, which might REALLY destroy your game, it has the same power as the Yellow Switch(the personalization switch) and it can take off your hat, crash the game and etc.
@jetthehawk67689 ай бұрын
The first thing you encountered was based off the SM64.z64 creepypasta.
@Hedgehogfanatic20068 ай бұрын
Now every copy of Mario 64 IS personalized
@King_cat9758 ай бұрын
Yess (wario show you ffffuun)
@mapletreegaming919 ай бұрын
Telling you right now, Rene, you are going to enjoy the hell out of this… As you get crazy RNG and get red star room your first time around…
@lackluster47778 ай бұрын
Really really really wanna see more of this mod. Genuinely I have 260 stars and there's still so much content I apparently have still yet to see. Some areas are so trippy, the rom hack actually has personalized values and it just makes everything even more weird. Definitely play more, wanna a whole series on that one rom hack
@soulsolis30969 ай бұрын
You have no idea how happy I am seeing you playing this truly beautiful Nightmare, Luigikid. Thank you!
@SnakeArtists9 ай бұрын
fun fact that this has many references from other spooky rom hacks that you had play before
@empty_v0id18 ай бұрын
Fun facts are always facts 👍🏼
@KingPaulTheHedgehog9 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I remember B3313. Vinny of Vinesauce covered this, as well. While it's a creepy Mario 64 ROM hack, it does have its epic moments!
@luanvictor76369 ай бұрын
*YES!* Luigikid's finally playing it! But an quick advice, the game's scenarios change depending on the time you play it, and the lobby's are also a bit different, but that's all the tips you'll get... *The rest is from experience alone...*
@beautybeyondthegrave9 ай бұрын
Rene, you GOTTA do more B3313 content! I LOVE this hack and need more content on it!
@Pandachu1239 ай бұрын
Yeah! Long playthroughs are the best!
@beautybeyondthegrave9 ай бұрын
@@Pandachu123 Oh totally!
@Meinos-Belfort9 ай бұрын
Luigikid first time entering the castle: Wf.Z64 : hello there !
@shadowbendy1319 ай бұрын
About time. This masterpiece deserves to be played by you THE GOAT. Love your videos man :D
@SpeedyTheFoxOfficial9 ай бұрын
@sonicgoodhackingplayers78209 ай бұрын
@Bubba524dtm9 ай бұрын
Bro definitely do more of this. Ill watch each one for sure.
@blast36089 ай бұрын
Good stuff! You got to play more Mario 64 rom hacks/horror in the future.
@amexkid12 ай бұрын
just so you know there are 4 versions of the lobby, lobby A,B,C, and D
@RubenAshworth8 ай бұрын
The tall egg kirby in the title background just be like PoYO
@capnMAN9 ай бұрын
Took your sweet time luigikid! I concider this the best Mario 64 rom hack ever and you are finally playing it!
@Mysterious_Idol9 ай бұрын
It’s about time, Luigikid! 🤩
@moryre633 ай бұрын
13:00 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@Mewothetoaster3 ай бұрын
B3313 is meant to be like a dream. Not linear. Just let it happen. Naturally.
@Thatoneguy1234ct9 ай бұрын
Walk quietly through the hallway walking intensifies 😂😂😂😂😂
@jetthehawk67689 ай бұрын
I'm watching this now, and I'm gonna enjoy this for sure. B3313 is great.
@thwinmaung9 ай бұрын
hint: you can long jump if you have the red star in b3313, there’s even another red star in wf.z64.
@feridoodles69 ай бұрын
The is the most personalized of personalized copies, wowza
@RealSDM23 ай бұрын
lil bro got scared of toad analgam. It's scary only becuz it does jumpscares you, but if you look on it for long time you will fucking throw up beacuse of it's look
@reda24018 күн бұрын
SDM2 DETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@reda24018 күн бұрын
btw 3 years ago, the toad analgam used to scare me a lot, was playing in 0.7, in peach's floor, i was expecting the toad analgam to appear there, especially places with toad statues, and also now i know there are only 2 encounters in the game that don't scare me about that toad thingy, now nothing scares me here, i used to freak out for no reason, since the rumors, it turned out to be a kid's game
@BUGFlower4139 ай бұрын
21:21 yup that's exactly how this romhack feels all the time. i swear i've seen plenty of hours of B3313 through plenty of different channels and every single time, including now there's a LOT of areas, lobbies and levels i haven't seen before. makes me wonder if this romhack is really that big or downright endless. (also in case you're curious about just the amount of lobbies there are in this game i'd advice you to take a look at maps people have done to keep track of them to have a visual hint of the absolute insanity that this is)
@Idk_man-go9re9 ай бұрын
Every copy of Mario 64 is personalized
@dapondboi9 ай бұрын
in the thumbnail mario looks about ready to start throwing hands
@Dont_Pick_on_my_head9 ай бұрын
@Cyberknife738 ай бұрын
Fun fact: there is about 400 stars in this.
@King_cat9758 ай бұрын
@lautaromorel68579 ай бұрын
3:31 when it go to 45 you die that's why the limit time
@10thAvatar8 ай бұрын
Aww, somebody hates DIOS, don't ya, luger???
@astriverofstrengthandknowledge6 ай бұрын
Seriously can you imagine this actually being the official gameplay for Mario 64 in the 90s?
@losprimosgamers44629 ай бұрын
Luigikid with another cool video on this channel!!!!❤❤❤❤i loved Your videos for a long time😢greetings to you
@sf6youtube8239 ай бұрын
*finally* ive been waiting for this
@sansthefunnyskeleton86065 ай бұрын
they knew what they were doing when they specifically put 420 stars in
@emiliavalentino72269 ай бұрын
Always love b3313 content. I hope you will play more!
@DipsyIsCoolOFFICIAL5 ай бұрын
11:46 the poolrooms in the beta ver. of the castle?!?!?!?
@Guy_from_earthbound_in_3D9 ай бұрын
Dude b3313 is such a good rom hack I played multiple days straight and got 100 stars easily my best, Matio 64 experience
@Terrance-o1w9 ай бұрын
You know when Luigikid Plays this its gonna be fire
@Hu55a4in9 ай бұрын
Finally a video where it aint one of those creepypastas exe sort of gameplay The thumnail threw me of
@SuperBupDX5 ай бұрын
This is my favorite 64 hack, some advice for beginners ill give is use Parallel launcher as it includes a star layout for the hack.
@ethanou-wn6df5 ай бұрын
Crought when mario clones try attack you
@superstaramyrosethehardcoreyt9 ай бұрын
Amazing video luigikid.
@AemonJack9 ай бұрын
Amazing video as always.
@TheTailsGuy9 ай бұрын
Amazing video bro
@Lars_lml9 ай бұрын
Nice, B3313 is the best
@keealex40276 ай бұрын
12:07 TADC reference
@pedromacedo7019 ай бұрын
Hey luigikid, you can make a series for b3313
@Dennis9249 ай бұрын
Yes, please more from that 😀
@Glitch_X-pl1np9 ай бұрын
this seems like it may have been inspired by the "every copy of Mario 64 is personalized" horror series due to the randomly generated rooms. (if this came before that though, then fml for saying that and im sorry lol)
@Glitch_X-pl1np9 ай бұрын
@HarmoniaRickSon well they did a good job of it then, because there were a few instances where Rene leaves a room and then goes back into the same room and its completley changed.
@RealSDM23 ай бұрын
over-exaggerated thumbnail detected!
@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard329 ай бұрын
So to explain exactly what is going on... the original mario 64 prototype had plans tied to an artificial intelligence in the game that not only randomly generates levels, but stars, enemies, castle arrangements, the works. You were supposed to technically trigger the artificial intelligence by going to the "kitchen" of the castle grounds, which is garunteed to spawn inside the mirror room. But apparently. Someone's already activated it. It feels pain, it hears everything. It's why toad reacts in anger, it's a self defense measure. To sum it up. The endings are tied to the colors of the stars. Two kinds, red and gold. 4 endings tied to the amount of stars you picked up based on which is superior and of course two purity endings. There's also a fifth ending but _good luck getting it_ It's setup is as convoluted as a School playground rumor
@SimonNilges9 ай бұрын
Please livestream more!!!! :)
@vreenmario9 ай бұрын
Project 64 is a good emulator but not the best, especially compared to emulators like parallel launcher, rmg, and especially simple64. I'd recommend using the ares emulator if you want extremely accurate emulation of the n64 and other consoles.
@TrevorKraftOfficial9 ай бұрын
And it took you a few months to notice this hack
@Luigikid9 ай бұрын
I was aware of it, just too afraid that it's too overwhelming for videos... and it's really toooooo big xD But I will make sure to check out more
@TrevorKraftOfficial9 ай бұрын
@@Luigikid looking forward to the B3313 streams lol
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
@@Luigikid Don't worry, my man. The hack may be big and confusing, but it's not necessary to 100% the game to reach the end. All you need are the 13 red stars. Just explore at your own pace and enjoy the sight and sounds. I will say one red star requires 33 stars to collect, but where it is, I shall not tell... let's just say you'll know when you're worthy ;-)
@mario12129 ай бұрын
So, the legends were true, someday the short-stache one will venture into the deepest hole of the creation 🗿
@Drplayerhero50309 ай бұрын
Luigikid very nice creepypasta like this 😈 Wow that's awesome 3 years ago? I don't know what is name mario exe or super mario 64 🤔?🤷😑. Never mind Anyways So good luck luigikid 👍🏻
@Gotmilkman19938 ай бұрын
Luigi sounds like Michael Jackson
@AnnoyingGremlinCat8 ай бұрын
Do not go into the vanilla castle basement at night in game
@SimonNilges9 ай бұрын
@pwael_sraka6 ай бұрын
10:04 pingwin kurwa 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@JeniferLambunao9 ай бұрын
That is just a theory A GAME THEORY!!!!!
@JeniferLambunao9 ай бұрын
I miss matpat
@SMG059889 ай бұрын
THANKS and DO Part 2
@gregorygousy28979 ай бұрын
Very confusing and interesting game. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@gregorygousy28979 ай бұрын
I probably would get totally lost if I played it myself. 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
@lBorosDavidl8 ай бұрын
10:06 as a hungarian I approve
@Half_time9478 ай бұрын
Red star that unlocked moveset long jump for 2 red star
@Beleiwater5 ай бұрын
I saw the short, there was a enemy with toad face 💀🙏
@foxeygamer87sonic8 ай бұрын
What do you think will happen if all the stars were found
@GerachotheTVGod9 ай бұрын
Luigi's my boi!
@cesarosvaldocortesaldaco88098 ай бұрын
Buen video
@cesarosvaldocortesaldaco88098 ай бұрын
Te amamos
@amexkid12 ай бұрын
16:30 only 410 to go
@markmisilol8 ай бұрын
I think this game has the early version of mario 64. Edit: i mean the early looks of it.
@tastethepainbow9 ай бұрын
Oh, there's one more thing I should warn you about if you're going to do a stream. You see, there's a day/night cycle in this game that's based on your own clock on your computer. From 8 PM to 6 AM, the game enters night mode There isn't too many areas significantly changed by this (the ones that are I won't spoil), but most outdoor areas have their skybox slightly darkened and the music affected. The latter change I personally quite dislike, as every instrument has been replaced with the music box. To me, the music is half of the atmosphere of this hack, not to mention having quite a few bangers within, and this change kinda dampens that feeling. Not saying you SHOULD stream the game in those times, especially if you're busy. You should only stream when it's most convenient for yourself. It's just something to keep in mind, that's all.
@_Entropy_9999 ай бұрын
i've been wanting to play this rom hack, but i can't for the life of me figure out how to download it.
@keealex40276 ай бұрын
LUIGI💀 2:34
@sansthefunnyskeleton86069 ай бұрын
@Stanleythegamer-j3o7 ай бұрын
No stanley?
@ancientpizzadude9 ай бұрын
@oumaimaouma60987 ай бұрын
I press the yellow qwitch and maeio s hat whas missisng but if you go to dessert maze and touch klepto
@baanzbruh9 ай бұрын
@Beautiful-mountain-user9 ай бұрын
@dragondmfz9 ай бұрын
1:23 lol l is real
@cyanidelover2993 ай бұрын
b3313? beeie? is that the ooooh spoooky person got stuck in the gameeeee or evil mario's last naaaaaaaame ooooh spooky im'a yo paaapaaa
@YaPalSpeedy9 ай бұрын
Yay mario is a horror icon
@moryre633 ай бұрын
Diles LIKE 👍 MARIO3313
@NastyaSavelieva-ns9po8 ай бұрын
SzjhjU 0:59 😊😂
@ΦαμπιανΛουκανη9 ай бұрын
Luigikid gaming is a Nintendo killer he played with a X box controller a Nintendo game
@elweegee35759 ай бұрын
I've seen your video and I see that you don't play SM64 as much as I see.