When I first saw my cockatoo Tango I immediately walked over to him and he put his head against the cage for me to pet him. I’d beg my dad to take me to the pet store just so I could go talk to and pet him and after a few months I convinced my parents to let me get him. When I brought him home and opened his travel cage he got on my hand right away and I put him on my shoulder while he ate an apple. As soon as I put him on his new cage he started dancing and whistling and running around, he was dancing in new ways I had never seen before because I was only able to go to the pet store a few times a week. After a week of having him he climbed off his cage and got on the couch to snuggle me. I’m so lucky to have a bird that immediately wanted me to pet him! A few months ago we rescued two macaws and they were more of a challenge, they’re both pluckers and they have a lot of issues but recently General started letting my dad pet him so we’re definitely getting somewhere with him! Your channel is really an inspiration for me to keep working with the macaws, thank you!
@AlbertoMartinez7654 жыл бұрын
GJ and Bless you for taking in Not 1 but 2 rescues!
@rudebird17054 жыл бұрын
without sounding impertinent, how old is your bird and how long have you had him/her...
@_fern2624 жыл бұрын
RUDE BIRD Tango is 7-8 years old and I’ve had him since September 2019. The macaws are both 30 and we’ve had them since February this year
@uuuu1322 жыл бұрын
Ok but like if u get a bird the first day its gonna be scared if it isn't it may be sick
@hafsafarooq53464 жыл бұрын
It took me literally like 1 and a half years for me to tame my budgie, but it has been so worth it. I love my pepper!!
That is so amazing to hear you kept working on it!
@bob677videos74 жыл бұрын
How old is you budgie?
@megsutube18154 жыл бұрын
Budgies are challenging if they weren't hand raised. I found that if I play with a toy they like with just a finger next to then they eventually start being comfortable with my hamd. Moving very slow, but intentionally helps too.
@AyushiSingh1354 жыл бұрын
same here, except mine is a cockatiel. he now is 2 years old.
@CassandraJanzen3 жыл бұрын
I’m glad to have seen this comment! I’m on month 3 of my Parrotlet being relatively terrified of me...I will be glad to wait, but I smiled when I saw your comment, because mine is named Pepper, also!! :) Cheers
@blackwell-cronie83404 жыл бұрын
I've had my birds for 9 months and they still won't let my hand anywhere near them. But I'm not giving up because I know it will be so rewarding when they finally sit on my finger haha
Amazing!! Do not give up, it wilk be worth it
@caitlinmarie9604 жыл бұрын
My bird is exactly the same, she’ll sit anywhere on me, just absolutely not my hand. It’s frustrating when all you want to do is cuddle them but they would rather take chunks out of your finger ahhaha. I agree, it will be soooo rewarding when they finally do!
@fatimaa47414 жыл бұрын
What specie do you have?
@anlilupin68444 жыл бұрын
@@MARLENEMCCOHEN I have 3 I’ve had them for 1 year now! They are sCaReD of my finger but I am NOT giving up unless they can step up on my finger😩
@3_up_moon3 жыл бұрын
@@anlilupin6844 do you use spray millet for training? Offer them high value treats while your hands are visible to them but not too close. Over time, keep giving rewards when they are calm seeing your fingers. Move your finger closer and closer without trying to touch them always offering high value rewards when they are calm around the finger. It would take many short sessions but I believe in you! Keep us posted!
@udjat80764 жыл бұрын
I have a rescue Ringnake.He was all day alone,and when I first see him he attacked the previous owner.After 3 days I get kisses,and he is such a sweetheart.He didn't like touches,but he always sitting on me,and want attention.
@Dani-bz7ez4 жыл бұрын
Thats adorable! Ive had my ringneck for 17 months now and he only started liking me a month ago. And bearly! But I was able to pet him two months ago for the first time :D yesterday he mimicked my whistle after me and let me tell you I cried happy tears it was adorable
@gabby2004 жыл бұрын
They are amazing birds if treated properly. I have an Indian ringneck and it’s been the best journey with him. He is so clever and talks all the time, he also loves giving kisses. The main issue most people have with Indian ringnecks is they go through a terrible bluffing stage and people aren’t educated enough therefore just think they have turnt nasty then get rid of them
@c84594 жыл бұрын
Are your birds potty trained?
@udjat80764 жыл бұрын
@@c8459 No!I never tried to potty train.They have a big place,and 90% of the "potty" business happens there.😜I clean everyday,I don't have carpets.
@nannyofmany83154 жыл бұрын
Well explained. Intelligently learned over a long period. Marlene has a knack of teaching without lecturing. Making it interesting and fun at the same time. Love it.
@jessicabrighton87334 жыл бұрын
Shes the best!
@bkm27974 жыл бұрын
My first bird was a cockatiel I named Jamie, I remember the day the owner of the shop pulled her out of a cage from her siblings, and placed her in my cupped hands, she immediately flew away, and landed in the fountain. I told the owner I don't think she likes me, he said sure she does, you will see, but it took some time before she really did. I wanted that relationship right away, but that doesn't always happen, so you purchase lots of books, toys and magazines to figure out what to try next, lol. Marlene, really important what you shared today, so Thank you!
@brianblaney7534 жыл бұрын
I've had my cockatiels for 3 weeks now. They are still quite frightened of me, but every day I keep at it! I talk to them all day, try and move my hands close to them... I will not give up! No matter how long it takes..
@kyoniko37654 жыл бұрын
Oh! I can help. I had a similar problem. Just sit with your birds everyday. In 5 weeks they let me hand feed them, so I clicker conditioned them and then target trained them. Now they let me put my hand in their cage while feeding them. PLEASE don't give up. It will feel so good when they get trained to sit on your finger.
@xxvoid44 жыл бұрын
I have a different situation with my cockatiel, he wants to stay on my shoulder because he's afraid to be alone. I've been trying to break that habit but it's only been 3 days
@joeygreen5694 жыл бұрын
jazzi skis hey can you help me also. Been two weeks since I got my cockatiel and he screams in the morning till he sees me but is scared of me.
@marathitechcreator12014 жыл бұрын
I spent a lot of thime sitting next to their cage. My babies were so scared of my hands. I worked so hard. Now I can scratch her beak for 1 second. That one second is my 10 months hard work.
@brianblaney7534 жыл бұрын
Piya G yeah I think it’s gonna take a long time for these lil guys.. but it’ll be so worth it
@AF3NI4 жыл бұрын
Lmfao I was emotional when she ate from my hand 😂😂🤦🏿♀️🤦🏿♀️
@tamarapace30364 жыл бұрын
Marlene, the biggest takeaway, for me, from your channel is that at this stage of my life having bird can't be for me. I get to enjoy all of your birds! Keep up the great work and keep talking about engaged not caged!
@jeffreygolish38274 жыл бұрын
The problem isn't just with birds. We live in a give up society. Have a problem in a relationship? Give up/breakup. Don't work at it! Have a problem in a marriage? Divorce!, for sure. Trouble bonding with a bird? Well...... But it is good that you have this message of PATIENCE. Keep working at it. These are novel ideas that some people have never even considered. Still, I am sure that you can help people who are willing to work, but are just a little frustrated by lack of results. Rehoming will still be necessary because of the professional give uppers.
@gloria-io7xc4 жыл бұрын
Jeff...you are so right and its true about the professional giver uppers, as seen in the Parrot Rescue I volunteer at starting with why some people give up their birds and why some people get discouraged when choosing one to adopt. They expect instant gratification, that is why I recommend they watch you tubers like Marlene, Bird Tricks and Flock Talk to help them make a better enriching life for the bird and build a stronger bond with their them at the same time!!!
@unicornenthusiast4 жыл бұрын
Funny this is up today. I’ve had my Quaker parrot Pete who was my Nan’s before she passed. Yesterday was the first day Pete let me scratch his head, I’ve had him for a year.💙
@aussiegoat2683 жыл бұрын
@marathitechcreator12014 жыл бұрын
08:00 balle dancer Jearsy 😘. She's super cute
@happytomd2 жыл бұрын
As a new bird owner, this is so helpful. So much of what I saw from other videos either made me afraid of the parrot or feel like a failure. I have had my quaker parrot for only 4 weeks now and today he got on my foot and preened himself and then preened my leg hairs. Which consisted of him pulling many out, but hey progress over perfection. It is the little things day by day that is making the difference and knowing it all takes time means everything.
@thatonemessyartist17604 жыл бұрын
The problem for me is that I have ADHD. I love birds because I can never get bored of their adorableness! They have so much personality and you're always learning, but on the other hand, I feel like I've had trouble being kinda impatient in the past. I'm deffinetly working on that before getting a bird. It's been awhile since I had rats though, so maybe I am more patient now, but I still want to make sure I'm best I can be!
@rudebird17054 жыл бұрын
why is part of my message getting crossed off???! "that having been said, they WILL likely keep you on your toes. The whole "I have ADHD, therefore I am irresponsible" thing is BS when it comes to bird" is what it should say above (in conjunction with the rest)
@Nyoon-o8o4 жыл бұрын
Oh I also have ADHD (caused by my depression) and had rats! (Yay we have things in common) I only have bird experience with budgies but it has been years since I really wanted a galah cockatoo... hope we both get better soon and can take care of birds well XD
@ambersrc4 жыл бұрын
My bird warmed up to me straight away 💗
@zainmarioandsonicdeluxegam61724 жыл бұрын
He also bit me in the morning because of that but that was totally 100 percent worthed as hes sitting in the perch
@Funkynugget20044 жыл бұрын
The first bird I ever owned was very quick to bond to alot of our family. The last bird I had took almost a year to bond to me and only me. It alot of hard work, time and patience. The reward of being bonded to your bird is worth it in the end. Every bird is different.
@sheilatriggs57693 жыл бұрын
Thank you thank you Marlene I needed this video. Recently I adopted a pair of Goffins. I jumped in fast and was able to have them on my shoulder and lots of loving until… my male bit me twice on the ear causing a serious injury. I became very afraid of him but he didn’t get why I didn’t want to hold him anymore while I was still loving on his mate as she is a cuddle bug. Long story short I pushed and pushed myself and always kept a pillow or blanket close to protect myself and we are back to petting. He sits on the pillow on my lap so that if he does the cockatoo stare or gets too close to my face I can safely move him back. It can be hard to watch videos on you tube and feel you have failed because of a bad experience. Luckily I work with emotionally challenged children so I have a few tricks I use to bond and it’s working with my bird. The joy I feel when I can now pet his head is indescribable! And to know I’m not alone and haven’t failed well that’s so encouraging to me. Thanks again for all you do, it’s definitely made me a better bird parront
@belle3694 жыл бұрын
I just recently got a Rose breasted cockatoo, and at first he wanted nothing to do with me and my family, but 2 weeks later and a lot of training, he is so bonded with everyone. I’m really happy
@artwolf54474 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video Marlene. My first parrot, a 5 year old male amazon, took a long time to bond with. It took him at least 5 years before he wanted to sit on us and 1 and a half more years before he could step up on my hand. I’m so glad we never gave up on him because he was truly worth the wait.
@dasheast14 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Marlene, for reminding us that birds require patience! I have a blue Quaker and sometimes she just gives me the cold shoulder but I know if I keep working on it we will be forever friends. They are little puzzles and I love them and you for helping us through our bonding journey! 🥰
@aussiegoat2683 жыл бұрын
@brittanyross-badillo29844 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video! As a new bird owner, watching yourself and other professional bird trainers and seeing what you can all do with your birds, it can start to put doubts into the head. So I appreciate the insight into your experience and seeing that sometimes a year or more is normal for a new development. Definitely put things into perspective!
@kleinnel4 жыл бұрын
Great timing for this video. I adopted a rehomed whiteface cockatiel a year ago today. He was meant to be a breeder but the lady was allergic. When i adopted him he was 9 months old and no longer hand tame, and couldn't fly and was never let out of his cage. He comes to me now on his terms but more and more often, he flies, loves kisses and can now speak several words and phrases, wolf whistle and blow kisses. I was getting sad about the fact that he still won't let me give him head scratches so thank you for reminding me it might still be coming or if not, at least he is enjoying my company more and more anyways.
@lilie.k88534 жыл бұрын
Bonjour beautiful Marlene ! ❤️Thank you so much for the video. It took me nearly 2 years to bond with my ringneck. Be patient with your bird, no matter as long it will take. Love you Marlene! 🐦❤️
@bubblesyoullneverwalkalone1734 жыл бұрын
Only a few days ago I got 2 Indian ringnecks and I know its gonna take time to tame them but thank god their young and their use to ppl but it's gonna be soo worth it in the end.
@njuhna4 жыл бұрын
OMG! FINNALLY SOMEONE 👏MADE👏VIDEO👏ABOUT👏THIS!! Then i got a pair of lovebirds, and they hatched an one baby, i rlly wanted to bond with that little guy, bc u know, i thought that it would be easer to tame an younger, and "single" bird.. Yea, i teached her with millet, to step up on my hand, later to fly.. but later, i kinda started to think, that she do this just for the treat. And a lot of the time, i would get upset. I watched a lot of videos "how to bond with the untamed bird" but from the videos, it would look like its really easy. Like, it looked, like u can tame bird just in one week (of course, sonetimes u can bond rlly quickly, but still), and i would even cry, bc i didnt understand, why my bird takes so long to tame, and i always got feeling, that she does it just for the treat, as i say it earlier. I started even think, that it was species fault. Like, if i would have got cockatiel, everythng would happen difirently.. I got really excsited, when u posted this video today, bc today, one miracle happend with me and the birb. I travelled to my grandparents house, to spend holidays. And i got a chance, to let my birb to fly more around the house. I was sitting on the chair, watching some youtube videos. I didnt even realised, that my little birdie, was in the same room whatching me. Then, i felt, that she flyed to the chair the i was sitting, and started climbing. I was a bit in chock, bc she never do this. Then, later, she JUMPED ON MY HEAD(idk, if this a good thing, if the bird is on your head, but for me it was amazing). I didnt have words. My happines was all over my body, and i rlly wanted to cry from the happines she gave me that minute, but i didnt wanted to scare her. It was an amazing expierence, and it was a signal to me, that i was worth something to her. It was beautiful to me ❤ Im really dorry for the long comment, i just really wanted to share my just WONDERFUL thingie, that happenend today :) And sorry for my english, is not my first language..
@kaybeekal4 жыл бұрын
I cannot stand how adorable Leo looks on your shoulder, like a little pudgie ball of green and red. 😍 I haven't had a bird since I was young. I will someday, when the time is right, so this is good information for that time. The bird I had as a child took to me right away, fortunately. However he was a pet store bird and not a rescue.
@bryiscool04 жыл бұрын
i got a 1 year old cinnamon green cheeked conure last weekend snd he lets me hold me and give him kisses and lay down and watch tv. im so lucky to have such a sweet bird!💗
@outoftime77404 жыл бұрын
How can you not fall in love with Leo. He is a super cute bird. Jersey is also sweet and cute.
@ESLteacher623 жыл бұрын
Thank you @Marlene Mc'Cohen. This was very encouraging and informative. I've had my new budgie for about 2 months. He's a sweet little guy for the most part, but I really thought we'd be a LOT further along with our bonding by now. It's been a bit discouraging. For the first solid 2 weeks, he was like a statue in his cage that never moved (except to eat; he loves to eat). I felt so bad. Thankfully, he moves a bit more, but he's still not doing very much. I've given him the best of everything.... nice cage, awesome toys (that he never plays with except for one, sigh), great food and lots of my time, but he's still terrified of coming out of his cage and going anything outside of his cage. He's scared of everything outside of his cage. He does seem to really like his cage now. It's nice and spacious, etc. I felt a lot more encouraged after hearing that I'm not the only one whose bird doesn't show any love for a while. He's really challenging me, but I've remained patient with him. Not easy though.
@NOoneWILLhear4 жыл бұрын
This video actually made me tear up. Seeing how loved you are by your birds and how strong your love is for them is, its just so touching. Hearing you being so genuinely happy about every small change in your birds just really inspiring and I wish that there were more people like you out there. In a couple of years when I have finished university I really hope that I will be able to get my own rescue birdie and be as good with them as you are Marlene ❤️
@RoryDuck3 жыл бұрын
7:59 that little stretch was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in this damn channel
@societyfinch78734 жыл бұрын
I watched the full video, thank you so much for the information!!
@avie_v4 жыл бұрын
Leo is so cute. I love the build-bear-bird in the background 😂😘
@leedleleedlelee05314 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I was starting to give up on my bird, but now I feel better and I’m going to keep trying to bond with him.
@pegbrown55334 жыл бұрын
Hello my dear, I don't have any birds, I would give anything to have a or some, but my hubby works for Tyson foods and we cant even have chickens! but I live vicariously thru you,Ha! and I watched the whole video, you are amazing, your whole surroundings are amazing, FAMILY!!! love to you and yours from Ky
@jeremycalahan94693 жыл бұрын
My boy Chester a 25 year old Quaker I took in I only had 3 months before he passed. He was very depressed in a small cage. When I went to pick him up I was able to pick him up with no issues and really caught his eye. He was so sweet and adorable.
@abeerSmr4 жыл бұрын
I got my baby lovebird yesterday and he’s a scared bird. But we are making progress. Never give up. Thank you! These videos really help!
@lukehenderson50974 ай бұрын
I've had a 4 month old GCC for a little over a week, and we're working on getting them comfortable on a branch in holding and being close to my hands or face. They're aviary bred, so they're extremely comfortable flying away when it gets too much for them.
@xavierclark8806 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this video. You are seriously an angel🥹 you worded all of this perfect!
@reneemills-mistretta7904 жыл бұрын
Whistles! Birds love whistles! Cheap, Dollar Tree whistles in the party favor & toy department. I grabbed a bunch & he loves to play & engage with me with the whistles.
@jebbymomma42564 жыл бұрын
I feel like the goal is to have a relationship with your birds where you are at least really good friends and they see you as their good buddy that takes care of them or if your are lucky they see you as Mama or Papa and have a strong love for you .. either way the birds take work yes but are pure joy when you get there
@lindakandrews52804 жыл бұрын
Marlene, no matter what video I watch i enjoy and learn something new each time,and I thankyou for your time and info. Hope things are getting better with the Covid19 over there, love you,Gorge,Jenna and darling birds too .
@lindakandrews52804 жыл бұрын
Marlene,I found your video interesting because years ago I had a budgie and used to take Pete,out of his cage and he played on the floor with me and never bit me he was so good,.i haven't had one since.but thinking of getting one after researching and sorting things out at home.
@mariemcgrath76194 жыл бұрын
Good video. I've had birds for years, time & Patience is, as you say, continually growing. We moved house recently, horror !! However, 6 mths later all is good, everyone Us & birds settled & Happy.
@rightwhereyouleftme4 жыл бұрын
I saw a green cheek conure at Petsmart and I looked at her through the glass and she came to the glass and tried to rub her head against me and then I put my finger out and she put her foot up. This was all through glass! I think it's love.
@Mia-cp8nv4 жыл бұрын
This is great! You think of some really great videos! Good job, enjoying it!
@audreylane43024 жыл бұрын
This is the video I've been needing! I just got a cockatiel recently and have been struggling with finding videos on this
@HairyPoppins03 жыл бұрын
I got mine yesterday and even all the research I am still kind of anxious... How are you with your cockatiel now?
@audreylane43023 жыл бұрын
@@HairyPoppins0 I actually had to rehome him bc I was struggling with depression and felt I couldn’t give him the best home I wanted to. But I had a lot of trouble training him he was very scared of everything
@HairyPoppins03 жыл бұрын
@@audreylane4302 I am sorry about that I hope you are better now! 💗
@outoftime77404 жыл бұрын
Thank you Marlene for this great video. I enjoyed it. It was very informing and nice to hear. The only bird you didnt talk about was little Brando. But we all have been there to see your journey with cute Brando.
@JessieeA4 жыл бұрын
This was such a well thought out video. It meant a lot to me because I adopted a bird about a year ago and it’s slow progress but really meaningful process. She has come a long way within just one year.
@vanessa4truth2974 жыл бұрын
I recently started watching your channel cuz I’m going through the process of rescuing/adopting a birby n want to learn everything I can n prepare for this amazing new journey of being a Parront. I lived with a temperamental Conure a few years ago for 7 months (my ex’s bird) so I have a tiny knowledge of what it’s like to live with one(noise mostly cuz as I’ve learned now my ex wasn’t a good parront sadly. Bear spent most of his life in his cage with no toys n very minimal attention 😥 had I known birds require SO MUCH MORE I would’ve done so much for him). I know it’s a gigantic responsibility, lifelong undertaking n not something you do on just a whim so I’m volunteering at the rescue for at least a month n taking time to fully prepare myself n my home for my birby. Thank you so much for making your videos n sharing all your knowledge n experience with the world. I will definitely comment when I get my new birby n let you know how it goes.
@ahmadshreen43884 жыл бұрын
Birds emotions and love keep u going on with ur life my molly aka my silly tamed macaw makes me do stuff like chores that my mom told me if I give up she would pinch my arm lol and ye she is a beautiful bird to play and love. Birds can make ur life better if u make their life brighter.
@anjugupta41084 жыл бұрын
Thanks for a very helpful and amazing video...!!!!
@noewil83924 жыл бұрын
Jersey is looking so fluffy! Happy girl.
@andiepark28974 жыл бұрын
My baby is a rescue I will have had him for a year on sep the 3rd e recently moved and he has began plucking its very difficult juggling him and school and studying his name is lucky he is a red collared lorikeet he is very sweet but very messy I’m very lucky to be able to let him outside with the wild rainbow lorikeets he actually reminds me a lot of vinny one of my favourite things my baby says is what are u doin dancin he says that whole sentence and then he begins dancin he says so many words and I’m happy with him🙃😍you have helped me so much Marlene I’ve been here since you rescued Merlin do u think you may possibly get another rescue and what’s the new finches name?🥰😍
@trishadelancey76004 жыл бұрын
I love this!!! 2 months ago I brought home a 3yr old Pionus from a neglectful pet store situation. Before him, I had only ever had baby birds. I knew to expect slow progress, but I can't lie and say it isn't disappointing sometimes when he is just too afraid to interact. But I remind myself of the progress he has made in 2 months. He will now willingly step up from the cage to my hand. He only stays on my hand for a 1-2 minutes before he wants to go back, but that's a HUGE development. The store told he doesnt like to leave the cage. In fact, when I asked to hold him they APOLOGIZED to the bird that I wanted to take him out of the cage. They said he hated coming out. So little baby steps, but progress counts!!
@aussiegoat2683 жыл бұрын
@AyushiSingh1354 жыл бұрын
For the first time ever, my bird ate from my hand!!!! This is such a big thing for me! Earlier he used to bite me when I tried going near him, but after 20 days he finally ate from my hand! he isn't yet ready to come out or sit on my finger but he can do anything for FOOD. Lol.
@kibeast4 жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes don't give up! I found that alone time after several days of working with my budgie was when he would practice talking and cool fying techniques, it was such a good feeling when he finally feels confident enough to do something new in front of me or for me! Also papa is way more fun and doesn't mind getting chewed on a bit and wrestling so maybe lighten up and not treat your bird like a breakable porcelain doll, that's what I learned to do and our bond is so amazing it's been 2 and a half years 😍
@Plectrudefy4 жыл бұрын
This is such a great video about an important topic. How many times have people told me that taming a bird was easy and they did it in one week or whatever. Meanwhile, my tiels don't let me scritch them even after two years. I've been doubting yself so much, but now I'm confident. They have a good life, they make tons of progress all the time, and as long as they learn and are happy, I am satisfied.
@irenejerzygirl27v184 жыл бұрын
It was so cute that Jersey was sitting behind you chewing on a hair tie. I’m glad that you speak of the hard things about being a bird owner. The mess, noise and a lot of hard work. I love your channel and all your birds but people only see the fun times on your channel. They don’t understand the years and years that it takes to get to that point. That is why it’s taking me so long to get a bird. It’s a lifetime commitment. P.S I am looking a Conures or a mustache parakeet as my first bird one day.
@kayleesimmons54664 жыл бұрын
I have a budgie Monte, I've had him 5 1/2 months, he's very good, he trusts us and let's us pick him up, but he is not bonded. I really appreciated our making this video because this message needs to get out
@gerwinthetiel88784 жыл бұрын
this is so true when I got my tiel she could step up and get head scratches she was tamed very fast (her wings were clipped) but just recently she started flying very far to get to me (she could fly a tiny bit) but now she can fly so far she also screams and flaps around the room it's so cute she looks so happy who would ever want to clip there bird if they saw her flying like that it took nearly 2 years to get her to this point tho (p.s I stayed to the end)
@Sylvelourie4 жыл бұрын
My Bourkes were clipped when I got them. I knew immediately that I was letting their flight feathers grow out as soon as possible. Now they do what you describe... flying around the room, not screaming thankfully... but it's so beautiful. They do circles in the air and flap all around, happy as can be. Every time I see it, I immediately think "this is why birds need to fly." And it's so true! I recently also had a breakthrough with my male Bourke flying to me. Sometimes he just flies to me, unprovoked, and it's amazing when it happens. I've tried to encourage him to fly to me, but it never seems to work. He just comes when he wants to (and usually lands on my head, lol)! It's beautiful when a bird trusts and loves you.
@dumply30694 жыл бұрын
I’ve had my PeachFace Lovebird, Sammie for three months and I’ve have just recently in the last week been able to give him head scratches. Patience is key to being a bird owner, they’re are just like us it takes time to build trust and maintain trust it’s just like any relationship humans have.
@jillthompson86304 жыл бұрын
I've had a budgie for a year now. We brought him home then moved to a new home a few short months later. He took the hour long drive to our new home like a champ! A month after we moved into our new home he started talking. Now a year in our new home he's chattering up a storm. He doesn't like being out of his cage nor is he really a fan of hands. We started 2 tame him then got involved in the move. Then I started a part time job away from home. He's been a pure joy in our lives! The things he says that he mixes up from the way we taught him. NO potty mouth (beak)! We were VERY careful not 2 use bad words around him. He does INSIST that we all KISS HIS TOES when we go to his cage to talk to him. He lets me kiss his beak & his belly. Sometimes I get to gently touch his belly & toes. It's a process & I'm so glad I saw this video. I'd LOVE 2 let him have supervised out of the cage time. We'd ONLY supervise because while he thinks the cat should KISS HIS TOES the cat thinks he MIGHT b good for a snack. Can't get mad at the cat for being a cat. They are who & what they are & they DO live peacefully together. Thanks for a great video & for encouraging us not to give up with our flock. Such sweet souls! I love my budgie so much & am SO GLAD to get to know that amazing little bird!
@dontaskwhy47324 жыл бұрын
I gave up on taming about a year ago and started again 2 weeks ago. I have made really good progress. My budgie went from freaking out when I put my hand in the cage to really chill. My other budgie has been really chill since I got her but was still skittish of my hand. Now, she is fine eating from my hand. They're still not completely tame but it's going well! They are in the same cage and are adults so I know it's going to take a while.
@suesmith9924 жыл бұрын
Jersey and Leo are so cute this video was so helpful thanks Marlene love you Marlene 😍
Glad you enjoyed this much of it
@Adri_inga4 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to see Leo in videos again. :)) He is the sweetest bird! :)))
@brigitteavsharian49824 жыл бұрын
Your Videos are so nice and You and Live Laugh Birds are my favorite youtubers!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍 This is going to help me bond with my Sun Conure
@ShaniceAaronPianist4 жыл бұрын
The best video ever-So educating were in the process of this with our Galah Thank you so much-Coming from LA !
@sophiethehuman44694 жыл бұрын
I've had my lovebird Nicky for over a year and a half and he's ana amazing bird. He was in the pet store for a long time and was going to be put down so I had to take him. He was terrified of hands and wouldn't come near me. Now he will fly to me, step up and knows a bunch of tricks but is still nervous around hands. He won't let me give him cuddles or really touch him with my hands (except for step up) but I still love him. We've got a little way to go still but he's going to get there. I'm never gonna give up on him. He's my angel ♥️♥️♥️
@luxuriouslavender4 жыл бұрын
I had got two budgies for my birthday at the pet store and I have them for almost three months and I am trying to bond with them but they wouldn’t tend to bond with me and I am working on it and then when I listened to your advice and I applied them of bonding and I’m still working with them and it’s helplful ☺️☺️
@anastasiaang23393 жыл бұрын
thanks mrs. Marlene, I learn a lot from you
@lauriewatson4164 жыл бұрын
I had an instant connection with my GCC that she flew to me when I went to pick out a bird from the breeder. Now my Senegal he’s been a process lol It’s been over a year and he still won’t come out of the cage on my hand! I have to use a perch or just leave the door open and let him come out. But he has no problem coming out for dad lmao I can’t have them out 24/7 cus my one dog thinks they are her food. So I don’t trust her enough around them when they are out. She a big dog. Lol Great video and lots of informative knowledge! Jersey is adorable in the back ground hahah!
@lenzielenski32764 жыл бұрын
Well said. It does occasionally happen that a bird will pick you, and that's magical, but most often its like developing a friendship. First you meet and interact, usually at work. Then you stretch it to meals and drinks, and finally you're routinely visiting each other's home. It can take along time to reach the really comfortable part. I handfed my YNA and a few months after weaning he started biting me every time I picked him up. This went on for over a YEAR. I got a bite, usually bleeding, every day. I said OK, we'll do it your way, and left him in his cage for a month. Next time he came out he was a changed bird to the extent that the store where we bought him wanted to buy him back by giving us cash AND their store bird mascot! And he picked us. He was one of 4 or 5 and he would consistently run to us when we were visiting. My B&G, Vinnie, was given to me. I visited to meet him as I occasionally found homes for birds. He was OK with his owner, but even the other bird people with me couldn't handle him. I picked him up, he bit me, I hid the bite so the owner wouldn't feel bad. She begged me to take the bird as no outsider had ever been able to handle it. He's been here since. I can literally do ANYTHING with her. No one else can. I've probably owned between 60 and 70 (former breeder) and each and every one was different. They all had their own stories.
@witherpawaj95974 жыл бұрын
i have been preparing to get my first bird for a while just making sure that i have everything that it will need. planning to get a cockatiel and although i would love to have it super tame straight away i realise that this may not be possible so im willing to spend time taming one if need be. wont be long now till i can get one, im so excited!!
@jennyconfer24834 жыл бұрын
My parrot zeke he is a Senegal and I received him from my daughters boyfriend who after 12 years didn’t have time for him anymore and I’ve had him now about 4 months and at first he was very aggressive and in that lil bit of time I made a very moody loud bird become comfortable with me I get kisses he calls me Grammie and just is an amazing process and very time consuming but well worth every second I put into my sweetheart, and I know in due time we will have more of a connection then ever imagined by my daughter and son in law he isn’t screaming all the time anymore and he learned that his toys aren’t scary and he is so so different, patience and work make an awesome reward please believe not to give up it’s the greatest feeling when ur bird gets comfortable enough to love you the way zeke loves me❤️❤️❤️
@emilyb45252 жыл бұрын
My girl bonded with me right away luckily! Definitely makes a difference when they’re a baby! Can’t imagine bringing home a rescue/rehomed adult 😩
@alexiahenriquez33704 жыл бұрын
Yesterday I went to get a cockatiel and a green cheek conure but I came home with just a parakeet. He flew onto my shoulder and he just- seemed special. So I took him home 😊. His name is Lucifer and he's about 3-5 months old Update: I got him a friend but she was sold too early so she isnt fully weaned yet (I did not notice this until I got home). But it seems like Luci is feeding her alongside her beginning to eat chop and a seed and pellet diet. Her name is Chloe. She also does not have all her feathers grown in, I can tell she's missing a few and instead there are pin feathers.
@yarnnibbler4 жыл бұрын
I have had my budgies for a week and they already come out for their cage on their own but I'm excited to continue to bond with them
@pigirl_4 жыл бұрын
18:49 This really made me smile! And also hope I'll discover other things to have fun with my bird. How did George know that Merlin might like dancing? Marlene, you are amazing! But you've had birds almost all your life. George became a "natural" with birds at a much later point. Any advice for my shy and overly serious bird? Thanks!💖💖💖
@friedoreo72364 жыл бұрын
When my dad got my Senegal, he tried to get close to him but he would just bite. After years of trying and just being sad, he gave up. After that I had to try to get through to him. After getting bit thousands of times he now gives me kisses and scratches
@sweetdreamweaverart4 жыл бұрын
I had a bird, two actually. I know how much work they are, so my choice is not to have another one. I loved Baby and TS but I know I do not have time to give them a full life. Love how much love and dedication you have for your birds.
@MudPuddIeOinks4 жыл бұрын
This is such a helpful video. I am getting my conure in the next month or two and I've been really anxious about the bonding process. All this info was so helpful.
@fruitloop95814 жыл бұрын
Having a parrot is amazing and so fun.😊 I have two parakeets/budgies. It took me a whole year to completely bond with Perry. Now, he gives me kisses, he dances with me to music, he flies to me, and more!😆 I love him so much, he's my little baby.🥰 My other budgie, Chirpy, is almost completely bonded with me, but we still have a little bit to work on. (Although she does give me kisses)😄 Her personality is definitely on the grumpier side, but that's why I love her, and think she's so silly!😂 Anyway, thank you for the video.❤ I love your birds, they all have different and fun personalities, I love it!!😍😂
@Lukksia4 жыл бұрын
I would recommend to get a baby bird for your first bird because they bond to you really nicely
@stiffi21584 жыл бұрын
I’m getting a cockatiel soon and it’s only 2 months old
@moofie12624 жыл бұрын
Well I guess you should get a baby bird even if it's not you first bird
@alienareaftytwo32784 жыл бұрын
I got my ringneck as a baby and it still took me almost a month to gain its trust
@imsorry90744 жыл бұрын
My jenday conure bonded with me after around 1 to 2 weeks. He would go up on me immediately and then let me pet him he even like going on his back and let me rub his stomach. Although he loved ruining my clothes
@olderpennsylvanian-op23684 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video because for me it is especially timely. Three weeks ago one of my 2 White Fronted Amazons, Poppy unexpectedly passed. PepperAnnie and she were hatched 3 days apart from the same clutch of eggs and I have had them since they were 6 months old. Poppy was the one who would fly to me if she was out of the cage and something startled her. PepperAnnie has always been more independent, but they were of course primarily bonded to each other. I am using your "Time for" technique to basically start over with Pepper. She doesn't like to step onto my hand unless she is on the floor, but readily steps onto a perch, and flies around the house looking for me when I leave the room, and then circles back to the cage top or play stand. Currently Pepper doesn't want to sleep in the big cage (I think she feels insecure at night without Poppy) so I let her go into her travel cage to sleep, and I told her she can go there any time she wants. My dog liked it much better when the birds were in their own "bird room" but now the living room is the main spot for all of us. I appreciate all the work you have done and continue to do to help us all be better parronts.
@aussiegoat2683 жыл бұрын
@honeymellon114 жыл бұрын
I got so extremely lucky with my budgies and it took them a week. I blame that on quarentine and always having them engaged with me and my roommates in the living room. Now they love flying from shoulder to shoulder and singing along with my roommates guitar. Little zia started mimicking laughter and it's so cute when we all laugh at a joke and she joins in. My roommates were hesitant with me getting them and the idea of them at first and now they're bird hogs and are obsessed
@bonniearandjelovic78874 жыл бұрын
I have 2 rescue cockatiels. One I bonded with immediately over a slice of matzo. We shared it and we have been friends for the last 19 years. My second cockatiel didn't want to come out of the cage for at least 2 years. Now we are friends but he won't let me pick him up. He favors my husband over me. You need a lot of patience. I love both of them.
@yaelgochin13564 жыл бұрын
i totally agree with you marlene about birds
@a1eezaaa4 жыл бұрын
Hi Marlene I love your videos
Hello there
@philmein1214 жыл бұрын
Great truthful video !! It takes time X
@PartysHere4 жыл бұрын
Great information ❤️ I'm currently working with a cockatiel that's pretty mean but she's doing so much better every day. I LOVE Leo lol. He is just the cutest! He's so fluffy!!! I just wanna squeeze that cute little face hehe!!
@xxda_bossxx10154 жыл бұрын
Marlene I really appreciate the time and effort you put in on your fans and birds you are my idol thank you so so so much!❤️
Thank you so so much
@kathleenadriaensen71294 жыл бұрын
Just fantastic valuable info Marlene. I think not long ago I mentioned not everyone bonds with their birds, but mostly it takes time, and not often in few weeks but sometimes years depending on where you got your bird especially if a rescue. Monty is so cute, but I'm sorry I still have that soft spot for Jersey Girl, that little Miss Diva just sitting to be near you. I dont know about others but after years of watching you I can pick up those silent conversations your having with each bird. As I watch Monty " hope I'm getting the name right lol " and you there were several times I think anyways that you picked up on his actions meaning he wanted something. In my opinion people should NEVER BUY A BIRD with the idea they are going to teach it tricks, and they will fly to you OR TALK, and cuddle etc. You first must learn as much as you can on birds, but particularly the species your getting " even certain species dont always act the same " so dont just expect they love you dance etc. Know the proper diets and learn about Reward systems like Target training so you can at least get them onto your finger and off using you as the human that gets them to where they want to be. Anyways I just watched a vidio which was a few years ago and at this moment cant remember his name, but he used to live in Toronto Canada and moved to his home somewhere in the Philippines I think. I was drawn into his personality and his life with his birds and other pets. Long story short he me a wounderful reply to my post which apparently he doesn't bother with that end of making vidios, anyways he said you both collaborated on a few things, but could not find it. He is kinda the male version of YOU. PS: I'm feeling alit better and I want to thank you so much for your kindness towards my situation. Much 🤩👍👏👏👏❤.
@E1ipsis4 жыл бұрын
This is amazing, I am considering having a green cheek conure for my first bird, they seem a good fit to my family’s lifestyle! I’m not sure weather to adopt or buy, plz help!
Check out some rescues see if you feel a bond
@gloria-io7xc4 жыл бұрын
I volunteer at a Parrot Rescue in Florida, we have over 100 beautiful birds who need forever homes. Please adopt and don't shop!
@E1ipsis4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the advice xx
@historyandmusic86464 жыл бұрын
I have a green cheek, he's very friendly and loves all of my family members
@xxvoid44 жыл бұрын
Green cheek conures love to be the center of attention and like to play fetch with tiny balls, they are decently family birds! Please consider to adopt not shop! All my birds have been adopted, I see it as saving an animals life and giving them an opportunity that they never had before.
@ReeferNoob233 жыл бұрын
Researched 5 years before I got my baby gcc an birds are definitely so for me I love them can't imagine my life without my feather baby I love parrots
@shlomostate16234 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you Marlene, you've really inspired me. I have two budgies and our bond is not going too well, but after seeing this video, I guess a bird that I only had for 2 months might not be so comfortable yet. Thanks again, I will try as hard as I can, even if it takes years, to keep on going at it.
@OscarChicken4 жыл бұрын
After 5 month my Budgie still scared of me, but they are happy, healthy, comfortable, it's ok i tried hard...
@aussiegoat2683 жыл бұрын
@nab53864 жыл бұрын
Are there any feather fun boxes left I want one and what do we have to do to get one?? Please reply