【Marvel Rivals】time to grind for LORD CnD!! ✋【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

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Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID

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@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
==【Marvel Rivals: Timestamp】== » 00:46 Stream starts ====== Special Timestamp ====== *★[ Schedule Updates ]★* 08:01:03 K: Tomorrow just gonna have KOPR collab at 2PM GMT+7. Other than that no stream | B: Rrrrrrrrr~ 08:01:22 22nd no stream, doing something big off screen with mchan and staff san and night gonna be on Iofi's channel | B: Rrrrrrrrr~ *★[ Rock Slide~ Biboo Is Here! ]★* 04:56:29 Rock slide~ Welcome welcome (Biboo's raid) 04:59:02 Biboo: U BETTER KEEP PLAYING 👊 | K: You better eat fast! No don't, later you huwkehhwuek yes that's 100% Biboo's cough -------------------------------------------------- 05:40:52 LET'S GO KOSEKI BEEJOE! I'm so ready! 05:41:17 Koseki Beejoe. Call. 05:41:32 Biboo: Hello? | K: CIKUANCHANGHONG *★[ Biboo Is Threatening Pemaloe.. ]★* 05:50:57 Biboo: Heyyy pemaloe I better not hear you say Kaela try hard in the quick match lah, I'll kill you | K: yeah she got katana now 05:51:33 Why you name it tomato? (Kaela questioning Biboo why she named her katana tomato) *★[ CIKUANCHANGHONG! 氣貫長虹! ]★* 00:45:17 Why the iron fist didn't say "cikuanchanghong" (氣貫長虹)? They have different lines? 05:26:42 OH NOO CIKUANCHANGHONGG 05:29:53 I haven't heard the CIKUANCHANGHONG. Where's the ckianchanghong? 05:30:28 There's no cikuanchanghong today and i played like hours already? 05:31:31 GET AWAYY I'M JUST BUYING TIME. CIKUEN- CIKUANCHANGHONG?! I like that! It feels great 05:34:39 CIIKUANCHANGHONGG?? 05:39:00 CIKUANCHANGHONG! -------------------------------------------------- 05:41:49 B: Cikuanchang..hong? | K: YAYAYA THAT ONE THAT ONE! 05:42:23 Kaela asked who's Biboo's main. Biboo likes psylock and fish guy 05:56:34 OHHH! WE HAVE THE CIKUANCHANGHONG? 05:59:47 CIKUANCHANGHONG! 06:00:25 *Biboo trying to say the word. | K: Why the cikuanchanghong is like dying 06:01:34 K: CIKUANCHANGHONG! (Biboo trying to follow but messed up the word and laugh) 06:01:57 STOP DOING THAT! CIKUANCHANGHONG! 06:07:54 K: Actually do you know that guy's name? | B: No, actually idk any other names besides the Marvel character | K: Okay then cikuanchanghong 06:09:13 Cikuanchanghong! See? You're adapting to it now you can hear it by yourself 06:11:30 CIKUANCHANGHONG! (Both say it, and Biboo is still trying to spell it right) 06:14:07 B: Is that what it means? (sc: 氣貫長虹 means one's aura so stonk it can shoot through rainbow) 06:17:11 B: Cikuanchangho! 06:18:47 Biboo saying gibberish words instead of cikuanchanghong 06:21:28 B: I don't think i like being the cikuanchanghong | K: But why | B: bcs he died really quick 07:00:40 CIKUANCHANGHONG (both saying it together) 08:01:50 Say the mandarin words (Biboo trying to say it for the last time) *★[ Killed The 氣貫長虹 For Biboo! ]★* 07:01:52 B: Kaelaaaa | K: What? | B: Cikuanchanghong is being mean to me | K: Kill him! 07:02:51 K: I kill the guy for you already | B: Thank you *★[ **06:55:08** Victory (Kaela MVP) ]★* *★[ Every Game Played ]★* 00:05:41 Game 1: Ranked 00:23:34 Game 2: Ranked 00:44:29 Game 3: Ranked 01:05:10 Game 4: Ranked 01:23:21 Game 5: Ranked 01:43:50 Game 6: Ranked 01:57:40 Game 7: Ranked 02:10:56 Game 8: Ranked 02:39:51 Game 9: Ranked 02:56:27 Game 10: Ranked 03:16:23 Game 11: Ranked 03:46:34 Game 12: Ranked 04:04:58 Game 13: Ranked 04:21:56 Game 14: Ranked 04:39:12 Game 15: Ranked 04:55:28 Game 16: Ranked 05:06:57 Game 17: Ranked 05:20:41 Game 18: Ranked -------------------------------------------------- 05:43:29 Game 1: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 05:53:56 Game 2: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:13:48 Game 3: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:22:13 Game 4: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:45:08 Game 5: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:56:00 Game 6: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:06:02 Game 7: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:17:32 Game 8: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:27:16 Game 9: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:34:17 Game 10: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:41:32 Game 11: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:48:33 Game 12: Quick Match (w/ Biboo) *====== Full timestamp in Reply Section ======*
@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
*====[ FULL TIMESTAMP ]====* 00:46 Stream start 00:59 It's time to change name (want to do "._." name but can't) 00:01:46 This one also can't "o_o" 00:02:03 How to do a nihongo underscore (wants to use it) 00:04:01 UWEAH! (Want to changed name but taken) 00:04:09 LAHH OII NANII (change name to -__-) it works 00:05:30 Now people can't type my name if they want to be toxic they'll be sending emojis *=== RANKED MATCH ===* *==[ GAME 1 ]==* 00:05:41 Game 1: Ranked 00:07:10 I'll be silently judging that Loki okay 00:07:50 Btw this is my first game today so let me do my warm up first. Warm up in competitive what could go wrong 00:08:15 Warm up in competitive, what could go wrong? 00:08:24 I think the Loki can play tho 00:08:48 The death notification is so funny 00:09:49 NOOO DON'T KILL ME DON'T KILL ME (dead) 00:10:33 SOMEONE GET IN! I'LL GET IN BY MYSELF! 00:10:40 Lost round 00:11:06 Shoot the goot walls~ Where is the bad walls? (Making fun her teammate tyop) 00:11:50 Positive thinking, they all still warming up too. I mean it's still morning 00:13:27 Why we need to push that far? (Teammate push until enemy base) 00:15:44 Nice (win round) 00:16:54 Tp no tp? Bro tp bro? No tp? 00:17:46 Fallback ga sih guys kenapa harus di depan yak.. We need to defend the area 00:18:00 BRO!? I don't think that's how... Ga dapet weh jauh banget! 00:19:32 What is going on with that? SO CRAZY! (Almost died to starlord) 00:22:09 NICE! (Win the game) 00:22:52 Stop with the name! *laughs my emoji name (everyone's congratulate with -__-) *==[ GAME 2 ]==* 00:23:34 Game 2: Ranked 00:24:45 4 healers? let's go 4 healers 2 dps 00:25:38 Keep pushing the Biboo! Stop the Biboo! 00:27:03 All of this wall really! 00:27:29 Bang bang kejauhan bang! Bang udah bang! BANGGGG 00:28:22 I mean.. we just need to defend right. We're so aggressive when we're defending.. 00:28:49 Better stop that Biboo~ Better stop that Biboo~ 00:29:03 I always open my ult to push them back, but when my team was too front I don't know what am i supposed to do 00:29:53 Padahal tadi tuh udah bagus loh. I mean at first it was okay... and then what happened? 00:30:33 Yok bisa yok, regroup regroup! 00:32:06 MY ULT and then adios- 00:33:56 CRAZYYY PIPALL 00:34:31 Round 2 00:34:48 Okay I changed to Racoon if that venom gonna do the same again 00:35:06 See? the team is like "regroup, pls stay group" but no one doing it 00:36:47 NICE NICE NICE NICE! 00:37:20 Push push push push! 00:37:28 Messyyyy but runnn whateverrr 00:38:17 The thor really wants me that bad (died by him) 00:39:46 How is it our "again" but we're the one that losing 00:40:10 CIKUACANHONG 00:40:41 NO MY ULT! 00:41:41 Gamau gamauuu sakitt. Pain! 00:41:52 Push we need to push. Push the biboo! 00:42:31 NOOOO (Defeat) *==[ GAME 3 ]==* 00:44:29 Game 3: Ranked 00:44:46 What's this? It's not pushing the Biboo 00:45:17 Why the iron fist didn't say "cikuanchanghong" (氣貫長虹) ? They have different lines? 00:47:03 Bro (match cancelled, finding another) 00:47:50 The star lord right, i always think that he's a star boy. I found it last night that he's actually a star lord 00:49:06 I'm sorry I don't mean to offend anyone. Marvel I'm sorry if I'm that dumb forgive me (can't name the heros right) 00:50:16 I think tomorrow i can be lord already idk we'll see. Tomorrow or two days 00:51:21 I want to have the C&D skins. Bring back the previous battle pass 00:53:06 WHY NO ONE LOCKING THE IRON MAN 00:53:36 Every single time i play CnD I'm the one that hits the iron man that's kinda weird 00:54:55 Look at how many times i killed that iron man when no one's aiming that okay 00:55:49 BROO THAT IRON MANNNN! MAMA MIA IRON MANNN 00:56:39 You know what if you put an "n" in a sofa it's gonna be so fun xixixi it's so funny 00:57:33 WE WIN WOOOO! (Round 1 win) 00:58:12 Tp again? okay okay tp okay 00:58:50 You don't know that your healer actually the one taking care the iron man, now you're saying that? weeeee (in-game chat: someone please take care the iron man) 01:01:15 STOP THE MAXIMUM PULSE 01:01:30 GG! (Win game) 01:01:53 GG! Someone said "Nice play you guys!" 01:02:28 Check skin? Okay 01:03:10 Buy! Buy! BUY! (buying C&D skin) 01:03:48 Showing her battle pass 01:04:23 Okay. 1 more match and then Centurion *==[ GAME 4 ]==* 01:05:10 Game 4: Ranked 01:05:44 Why they have that animated banner? I want that animated banner too~ 01:07:47 WOAHH! 4 hp and a dream! Someone! Please save me from this madness! 01:08:16 The skill color is still the same 01:10:08 You're dangerous? I'm very scared 01:12:18 NO NO NO NO! (trying so hard to defend site) 01:12:33 WOOAHHH! (Win round 1) 01:13:22 Somehow that squirrel girl sounds like CC a bit 01:16:31 NOOO! Well that's like so hard (Lose round 2) 01:20:12 Teammate: HEALLLL | K: I'M TRYING MY BEST TO HEAL 01:20:24 WHATTT? DON'T CANCEL MY ULT WYAWYAY 01:21:15 BRO YOU GOOD BRO? Bro bro bro stop teleporting! 01:21:36 NOOOOO! (Game lose) 01:22:14 Reading toxic ingame chat *==[ GAME 5 ]==* 01:23:21 Game 5: Ranked 01:24:05 I saw clips saying kaela become toxic I don't know why become toxic? I'm just having fun 01:24:34 Kaela just being loud when playing competitive game 01:25:36 STARBOY! (kill starlord) 01:26:22 This game I just taking care of this venom 01:27:26 WOY COOL SKIN BRO! (Saw cool Peni Parker skin) 01:29:45 I'm back! VENOM I'M BACK! 01:32:34 PUSH PUSH PUSH! (Win round 1) 01:33:39 Wait what- am i the only one that heals? There was two healers right? OH I'M THE ONLY ONE?! 01:34:12 I was losing my mind that's crazy 01:34:31 VENOMM VENOMMM (high-pitched voice) 01:35:10 Oh we have another healer now 01:36:20 Oh no! We don't have the venom again? 01:36:37 Dr. Strange! Keep being strange! 01:36:47 Mama mia mama mia, Galileo galileoo 01:37:30 WE BACK TO ONE HEALER AGAIN! OKAY! 01:38:51 Kaela noises 01:40:51 GUYS ONE MINUTE GUYS WE CAN DO THIS GUYS 01:41:58 FASTER FASTER- SPAWN FASTER WOOOHH 01:42:09 HU HU HI HU! (win game) 01:42:39 41k! 41k! (healing done by Ela) 01:43:21 Kaela chat in-game "ALL OF YOU AMAZING FANTASTIC MAMA MIA" *==[ GAME 6 ]==* 01:43:50 Game 6: Ranked 01:45:18 PC: ga bosen la 1 char mulu? | K: Udah bosen sih tapi masalahnya lordnya belum tp gapapa lah sel@ma masih bisa menang 01:46:08 BTW my siblings is Lord in C&D 01:50:00 Take that Psylocke! Take that Psylocke! 01:51:15 Banyak banget si darahnya bang, oi! Gak kenyang kenyang 01:51:35 TOGETHER! (Kaela and enemy C&D use ult at the same time) 01:53:13 Changed hero to Rocket Raccoon 01:54:58 I don't know I'm very confused why we're everywhere 01:56:44 Okay that's very fast idk what's going on but okay (defeat) *==[ GAME 7 ]==* 01:57:40 Game 7: Ranked 01:57:47 Let me reply to mchan first 01:58:08 Whaaat? New homework againn? 02:00:42 Actually this steamcom, if someone play Iron man it's gonna be nice 02:03:34 Nice. That's brutal! (lose round) 02:03:58 The squirrel's ult, can we actually dodge that? Or is it auto aim? 02:04:57 Venom do something! Venom veenom vinom.. terserah lah namanya siapa ya ges ya 02:06:44 Oh no! Now Iron Man! 02:06:59 LETS GOO PUNISHER BOOM BOOM BOOM 02:07:19 Oh nooo! (dead) WHWHWHWHY WHY THE MAXIMUM PULSE WHWHWHY 02:08:21 OH NOOO WHY WHY WHY WHY (dead) 02:09:03 GET IN GET IN IDK HOW ABOUT THAT BUT JUST GET IN 02:09:29 Adios (defeat) 02:09:56 That's just rough *==[ GAME 8 ]==* 02:10:56 Game 8: Ranked 02:11:27 I think it's time to have my mint candy first so that i have a sugar rush power 02:12:06 I got this candy from supermarket last night, free candy. 02:12:49 Idk how mint candy make your throat better because it's just like- worse for me 02:13:26 Actually the candy kinda help me to stop shouting 02:16:25 LC: did you try chewing gum? | K: Chewing gum actually not nice for the jaw. It's like gym for the jaw 02:17:21 WOOOH DIEDIEDIEx10 02:18:22 You think that's funny?! Nooo!! 02:19:19 Guys fall back guyss 02:19:45 NICE! (win round) 02:21:00 I have my candyso I'll be a little bit more quiet just for 2 minutes 02:23:41 Move back! Move back! All of you move back! 02:25:36 So many ult right there, i wanna join the ult party too but what.. 02:26:50 PUSH THEM BACKK 02:30:29 We have no tank? I think they're just gonna yolo 02:31:42 Tell me, what are we doing? 02:32:09 WHAT'S THE PLANN? TELL ME WHAT'S THE PLAN GUYSS. DO WE HAVE ACTUALLY HAVE A PLAN? 02:32:36 Oh no oh no oh no, we can't get in! 02:32:53 LALALALALALA~ (panicking) 02:33:24 Change to Venom 02:33:54 WHAT? THEY GOT IN? 02:35:29 HUAAAAAAAA NOT YOU NOT YOU I WANT THAT ONE (push enemy) 02:35:45 NOT THAT ONE! I WANT YOU! I WANT YOUU~ I NEED YOUUU~ 02:36:01 Why i cant press the e ? I press e twice 02:36:27 60 sec guys we need to do this ! 02:36:47 NOT YOU NOT YOU....YOU YOU YOU WOI JUST DIE 02:37:26 Huuuuh (defeat) 02:37:51 Why so mad bro ??? its fine (ingame chat) 02:39:36 Today or tomorrow we gonna get that lord, or maybe tomorrow we gonna get that lord CnD *==[ GAME 9 ]==* 02:39:51 Game 9: Ranked 02:40:17 If team still blame kaela, she want to change name to "Dont blame me" 02:40:57 KZbin ? SUP MAN (chat in game) 02:42:07 I gonna follow whereever the tank go 02:42:21 Helaa hela.. HELA HELA HE HE~ 02:42:59 Why so many walls ? 02:45:07 Reading in game chat with heavy voice 02:46:45 THAT THOR THOOO 02:47:03 Shrimp time disconnected after groot dont want to change ? 02:49:02 SHRIMP TIME PLEASE COMEBACK TO US 02:50:09 SHRIMP TIME HAS JOIN THE GAAAAAAME 02:50:33 Shrimp time in game chat : GUYS IM BACK, SORRY 02:51:15 I JUST GET IN WOOOO (ulti) 02:51:56 Wooooo woooooo that crazy let me tell you (panic) 02:52:52 Guys dont lose... 02:53:24 I NEED MY ULT PLEASEEEE 02:54:19 SHRIMP TIME HAS DISCONNECTED NOOOO SHRIMP TIME 02:54:49 Change hero to venom 02:55:08 NOOOOO CANT "E" (defeat) 02:55:42 Bro what as that ?
@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
*==[ GAME 10 ]==* 02:56:27 Game 10 : ranked 02:57:38 I still have 2 more candy 02:58:20 Why everyone is up there ? 03:02:06 WUUUU THAT SO PAINFUL 03:02:36 YEAH SHOW IT, WAI- WAI- WAI- WHAT ? I CANT FOCUS 03:03:04 I JUST UUUUUUULT....nananana 03:03:30 THATS BRUTAL OH NOOOO. let me tell you they are crazy 03:05:19 YABEEE (cornered) 03:06:34 Cant cant huuuuh 03:07:02 PUSHHHH! huuuu huuu *cry 03:07:57 WE NEED TO WIN THIS, WE NEED TO WIN THIS 03:08:26 Give comment about cloak and dagger spray 03:09:06 WHERE ARE MY DPS ? 03:09:28 IN IN IN GO IN 03:10:14 OH NO YABE YABE YABE (dead by venom) 03:10:36 KILL THAT VENOOOOOOM 03:10:49 YOU STILL HERE? OH NOOOO (dead by venom again) 03:11:46 We can't get distracted by that Venom! 03:12:17 HOOOOOOO HUAAAAAA (dead by venom again) 03:12:46 HYA YAYAYAYA TRAP 03:13:21 BRO BRO BRO BRO (try to heal her teammate) 03:13:55 DUDUDUDUDUDUDU ~ (using ulti) 03:14:38 VENOM ? FOR REAL FOR REAL 03:15:07 Huuuu huuu *cry (Defeat) 03:15:38 NOOOOOO its silver right ? Why its -21 ? *==[ GAME 11 ]==* 03:16:23 Game 11 : Ranked 03:18:27 SC: kaela playing a competitive shooter? no way | K: People are acting like this is first time 03:19:06 PUSH PUSH PUSH! 03:19:36 The Loki is quite annoying 03:19:50 Huuuft almost 03:21:02 SORRY GROOT 03:22:04 HAIYAAAAAAA (lower hp bcs venom ult) 03:23:18 HAIYAAAA WHY THIS VENOM- 03:24:22 HOOOOOO OKAY (dead by scarlet witch) 03:24:50 VENOM GO AWAAAAAY 03:25:33 THATS CRAZY LET ME TELL YOU (enemy ult and push) 03:27:21 PUSH PUSH! eventho its like 5 of us 03:27:38 Venom please can you 1v5 here ? 03:28:53 LETS GO ULT HUWAAA DEDEDEDE 03:29:22 Still afk ? huaaaa huaaaa 03:30:21 HUAAAAH OK OK....HOOOOO HE IS BACK 03:31:34 Wait- my L2D dead? It's fine it's fine 03:32:08 Ok nice nice nice (arrived at 2nd checkpoint) 03:33:26 OOF OOF OOF (dead by captain america) 03:33:48 BALLON GUY YOU ARE BACK 03:34:14 Nice double ko 03:34:33 NAISU LETS GOOOO 03:34:51 PUSH PUSH PUSH JUST KILL THIS GUYS HOOOO (arrived at last checkpoint) 03:35:20 Ingame chat : Sry guys | K: NO SORRY ONE TEAM 03:35:56 Ingame chat : we got this | K: YEAAAAH 03:36:30 We need to win this guys ! 03:37:36 NICE NICE GO GO CHECKPOINT CHECKPOINT 03:38:06 WOOOOO THATS CRAZY 03:38:24 WE GOT THIS WE GOT THIS I AM BACK. YOU BEST HEALER IN TOWN IS BACK 03:39:15 EXCUSE ME THE WALL, OK (ulti) 03:39:35 GO GO GO PUSH TILL THE END (arrived at 2nd checkpoint) 03:40:18 WHATS IS GOING ON....UUUUU WOWOWO 03:40:47 HOOOOOO I WILL NOT DIE, I GONNA HEAL YOU ALL 03:41:01 STOP COMING OVER MEEE...whatever (end round with 5 point) 03:42:00 What is this score ? are we going to 80 kill ? 03:42:38 Stop coming to me! (captain America push) 03:43:09 THIS CAPTAIN AMERICA LET ME TELL YOU- 03:44:01 NICE (Victory) 03:44:29 WAIT WHAT ? Bachdemoi didn't get the point ? 03:45:44 At least Bachdemoi come back and we won, that's a miracle *==[ GAME 12 ]==* 03:46:34 Game 12: Ranked 03:47:36 I hope the lose streak curse is ended now 03:47:58 I gonna eat my last mint candy 03:48:19 Permen nyangkut sama bungkus gimana ini (struggle opening her candy) 03:48:26 Oi don't go first! I'm dealing with my candy! Oi tell them! Guys tell them! 03:50:15 NOOOOOOOOO (dead by storm ult) 03:50:56 ENOUGH 03:51:11 Now we have another problem, Iron Man. After the storm ult, he changed to Iron Man now 03:52:02 Let me tell you, the venom are so aggresive 03:52:31 I THINK WE ARE TOO FAR 03:52:45 WOOOO UWOOOOO bro ! (dead by storm again) 03:53:08 Im a good guy (change to rocket raccoon) 03:53:43 Sekarang maximum pulse.. okay okay okay i need to get my CnD for that Iron Man, if i don't got locked by Black Panther 03:54:07 WHERE IS THE IRON MAN ? IRON MAN ? 03:54:31 IROOOOOON MAAAAAAN (kill iron man) 03:55:02 WHERE WHERE?! Spotted Iron Man where?! 03:55:12 IRON MAN THERE YES YES I ATTACK, IRON MAAAAN IRON MAAAAN (kill iron man again) 03:56:09 GO AWAY! 03:56:31 Every single time right, no one aiming that Iron Man! Every single match i need to be the one aiming that Iron Man! 03:57:40 WHAT IS THIS? (suddenly there is portal in front of door) 04:00:35 Wooooo close (dead) 04:01:29 The wall please someone take care of the wall first...ok (using ulti) 04:03:06 GO GO GO PUSH PUSH PUSH 04:03:17 IRON MAN! IRON MAN! 04:03:33 Win game 04:04:09 I gonna make that iron man become iron boy 04:04:18 Yeay i got the gifted healer! *==[ GAME 13 ]==* 04:04:58 Game 13: Ranked 04:05:44 Wait- if i play 6 hours i got 6 hundreds points already... 04:06:48 I kinda like this map tho bcs it's like not so far 04:08:19 WAIT- There's Iron Man?! Okay i see Iron Man! 04:09:03 THAT IRON MANNN 04:09:40 PORTAL PORTAL BRUH 04:10:16 THIS IS KINDA BAD WE NEED TO GET IN. GET INNNN GET INN! (dead) 04:10:34 Lose round 04:11:40 We need to win lah, because if i lose one it's gonna be another streak. We need to win 04:12:21 We don't need to go that far- Brooo! Brooooo (w/deep voice) 04:13:04 Spam ult everyone like ult at the same time 04:13:36 Lets go captain america you can do it...maybe not 04:14:01 Fallback no? No fallback? Okay 04:14:19 That hulk is crazy let me tell you 04:16:13 GO GO GO FASTER, ONE LETS GOOO (win round 2) 04:16:44 Kaela reply in game "-_-" after someone's said "dang that's tough" 04:18:08 So enemy cloak and dagger just go and never comeback 04:18:45 YOU CANT 1v1 THEREEEE (try to protect her teammate) 04:19:39 This is sooo messed up! Guys we need to get in! I don't know how we need to get in! 04:19:53 SO MANY ULT THATS CRAZY, I JUST GET IN I JUST GET IN IDK (dead) 04:20:43 Oh nooo the lose streak is coming back again, dont do this to me 04:21:19 Checking heroes proficiency *==[ GAME 14 ]==* 04:21:56 Game 14: Ranked 04:22:08 I push my CnD to lord in 2 days (check) 04:22:46 I saw the pre chat saying something like "the lord grind gonna be so long, you need 70hours to grind to lord" 04:23:29 Before i started the streaming managed to finished homework from management, and got 2 homeworks after streaming 04:26:16 G TOGHTER? Okay G TOGHTER (reading chat in-game) 04:27:19 Yabe yabe yabe! Cannot heal myself! (dead) 04:28:22 Nice (win round) 04:29:16 Reading in-game chat, teammate tyop "CHAHANGE" 04:29:44 I like the tank that can just like go straight to the point, instead of throwing and chasing enemies 04:30:50 I'll just go- (dead) OI! I GO ALREADY! 04:31:08 I'm as one of the Ela's family eventho I'm Kaela and she's Hela. I don't accept that, what a shame 04:31:59 See? This team is good because they wait. They're not just go straight to the spawner point 04:32:57 WOW that's too late? Haiyaa (dead before heal everyone) 04:33:27 Kaela can use the invisible to dodge that 04:34:15 GG! (win game) 04:34:52 Good team! Good team! This is good team, good tank! 04:35:10 Kaela Idol meeting brb 04:35:32 What's the point having this screen when I'm still here, i need to hide it first (using the "brb idol meeting" screen) 04:38:00 Goya juice! 100% healthy + luck boost! Very nice (Kaela is back) 04:38:38 Why no one's sending likes? Why only me sending likes?
@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
*==[ GAME 15 ]==* 04:39:12 Game 15: Ranked 04:39:28 LC: real gamers have no time for likes just next game | K: Oh so i'm not a real gamers.. Okay starting from now on I'll not send likes even tho they're sending me 04:39:40 WOAH Is that lord spidey?! 04:39:58 A lord spidey okay! Show meee what's lord spidey can do 04:40:19 Okay okay okay cool skin bro okay okay like that okay (watching spidey showing off) 04:42:05 Spiderman vs spiderman? What is going on everyone is just flying~ 04:42:50 I just realized all of my team died? I thought we're still there 04:43:19 Kill that Star boy! OH NOOO! (dead) 04:43:55 Everyone is just flying okay, my team flying, enemy flying 04:44:28 I hate everything that is flying, i got personal problem. I see someone that is flying, i shoot. 04:45:47 STOP MOVINGGG (shooting to the Iron Man) 04:47:25 Round 2 04:47:53 Finally someone saying the healer's nice (in-game chat) 04:49:15 Now everyone is flying! 04:49:24 BRUCE WAYNE??? Now I'm doing everything that i can! 04:49:59 Bruce Wayne is the name of the doctor strange! (Doctor Strange name is actually Stephen Strange) 04:50:08 Guys I think we lose guys! 04:52:29 WHAT NOW?! WHAT NOW?! 04:53:43 If we die we gonna lose! 04:53:54 You don't see me! I AM JOHN CENA 04:54:14 Nooo! It's over (defeat) 04:54:37 It's time to check the stats. 18k damage.m 04:54:54 Thay lord spidey is giving 9k damage? I see *==[ GAME 16 ]==* 04:55:28 Game 16: Ranked 04:55:35 Okay.. we're not pushing the biboo 04:55:50 She just finished the dono reading? Haiyaa yapp too much (LC: Biboo is coming to you) 04:56:12 Ohh okay okay yea yea eat first and come to play (biboo gonna get food first) 04:56:29 Rock slide~ Welcome welcome (Biboo's raid) 04:57:32 Wait, let me focus first 04:58:02 Oh! The Bruce Wayne is now Mantis! 04:58:50 Beware of the trap! (dead) WOOH! THE TRAP! That's like my last words "Beware of the trap" 04:59:02 Biboo: U BETTER KEEP PLAYING 👊 | K: You better eat fast! No don't, later you huwkehhwuek yes that's 100% Biboo's cough 05:01:46 WOH! GG! (win round) 05:03:26 I'm clearing all of the spidey! 05:05:02 If they're in, i gonna ult 05:05:13 Guyss i think it's tim to fall back guyss 05:05:34 WHY AM I THE ONE THAT IS DEFENDING! That's crazy.. (win game) 05:06:11 What's my highlight? Don't tell me it's the last one. Oh no, not the last one. The highlights should be the last one! 05:06:47 Beejoe is still eating right? *==[ GAME 17 ]==* 05:06:57 Game 17: Ranked 05:07:29 Let her eat first, if she finished eating she just gonna appears somehow 05:08:15 Platinum or no platinum is fine. The important thing is lord CnD first 05:09:38 Oh no i look away for a bit, my tank died! 05:11:57 My invisible is on cooldown! (dead) 05:13:53 GG GG GG! (win round) 05:14:19 Yeah GG, GG not Murin. GG well played 05:14:40 Gigi Murin it's time to wake up and grind! 05:16:56 Daijobu daijobu! I got you i got you let's go! 05:18:55 30secs, we need to push! Idk how we need to push! 05:19:23 Final 10secs.. PUSSSHH 05:19:38 Win game *==[ GAME 18 ]==* 05:20:41 Game 18: Ranked 05:21:56 Oh no please don't disconnect 05:23:09 LAH Brooo (match cancelled, finding another) 05:23:52 No please dont stuck in 100% again. No! Just get in! 05:24:37 Oke oke oke! (finally in match) 05:25:03 Yeay we have thor we have captain America let's goo. We gonna win this right 05:26:42 OH NOO CIKUANCHANGHONGG 05:29:00 WOHHH THE AKAMOTOO! (ogt stunned) 05:29:34 Naisu! (win round) 05:29:53 I haven't heard the CIKUANCHANGHONG. Where's the ckianchanghong? 05:30:28 There's no cikuanchanghong today and i played like 8 hours already? 05:31:31 GET AWAYY I'M JUST BUYING TIME. CIKUEN- CIKUANCHANGHONG?! I like that! It feels great 05:34:08 You want to fight me? You want to fight me? Come here fight me! 05:34:39 CIIKUANCHANGHONGG?? 05:34:58 Why you laugh?! This is a very serious thing guys! (chat is laughing) 05:35:17 I'LL GET INN! NOOOO (dead, lose round) 05:35:36 Biboo: I'M HERE LET ME IN AFTER | K: Yes I'm doing my last round first 05:37:24 NOOO 3 HPPP! 05:38:13 Why we start so clean end we ended up like this 05:39:00 CIKUANCHANGHONG! 05:40:19 WOOH! I forgot the koon i forgot the moon! 05:40:35 YEAYYY WOOH (Win game)
@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
*[ Biboo Joining! ]* 05:40:52 LET'S GO KOSEKI BEEJOE! I'm so ready! 05:41:17 Koseki Beejoe. Call. 05:41:32 Biboo: Hello? | K: CIKUANCHANGHONG 05:41:49 B: Cikuanchang..hong? | K: YAYAYA THAT ONE THAT ONE! 05:42:23 Kaela asked who's Biboo's main. Biboo likes psylock and fish guy *=== QUICK MATCH ===* *==[ GAME 1 ]==* 05:43:29 Game 1: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 05:43:40 Okay this is quick match, I'll just go dps 05:43:52 B: What? You think that i don't hv enough to rank with you? |K: Idk can we even rank? Need to level 10! 05:44:26 Take my CnD or there will be no healer 05:44:56 B: Why not Black Panther lah | K: Idk I'm not ready for Black Panther yet 05:45:18 After i die I'm gonna pick Iron Man 05:45:51 B: Thank you for the heals i appreciate it 05:46:41 ARMED AND DANGEROUS (both saying it together) 05:48:34 Woahh okay okay that Venom really want me i think (dead by Venom) 05:48:41 I'll just Iron Man then (change to Iron Man) 05:49:32 Oh what's this portal i want to get in- NOOO (portal gone) 05:50:21 Fine I'll just go back to my CnD again (change to CnD) *[ Biboo Is Threatening Us ]* 05:50:57 Biboo: Heyyy pemaloe I better not hear you say Kaela try hard in the quick match lah, I'll kill you | K: yeah she got katana now 05:51:33 Why you name it tomato? (Kaela questioning Biboo why she named her katana tomato) 05:53:14 Well we need to stop the biboo (Defeat) 05:53:38 Biboo is at level 7 now *==[ GAME 2 ]==* 05:53:56 Game 2: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 05:54:18 Go all dps now! Let's go all dps! 05:54:36 2 tanks without healer means nothing 05:55:55 B: Haiyaa we have no healers lahh 05:56:34 OHHH! WE HAVE THE CIKUANCHANGHONG? 05:57:34 Na na na na~ (While using Jeff just swimming around at the captured area) 05:58:22 K: GO INNN! | B: I'M TRYING 05:59:47 CIKUANCHANGHONG! 06:00:16 Lose round 06:00:25 *Biboo trying to say the word. | K: Why the cikuanchanghong is like dying 06:01:34 K: CIKUANCHANGHONG! (Biboo trying to follow but messed up the word and laugh) 06:01:57 STOP DOING THAT! CIKUANCHANGHONG! 06:05:29 K: YEAHHH! | B: YEAHH! I'M BIBOO! (win round 2) 06:06:38 Yeah this is not normal Mantis, this is goku Mantis 06:07:54 K: Actually do you know that guy's name? | B: No, actually idk any other names besides the Marvel character | K: Okay then cikuanchanghong 06:09:13 Cikuanchanghong! See? You're adapting to it now you can hear it by yourself 06:10:41 All of this make me mad! I'm trying so hard not to use my C&D! 06:11:30 CIKUANCHANGHONG! (Both say it, and Biboo is still trying to spell it right) 06:12:46 Defeat 06:13:27 Asking what's SVP *==[ GAME 3 ]==* 06:13:48 Game 3: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:14:07 B: Is that what it means? (sc: 氣貫長虹 means one's aura so stonk it can shoot through rainbow) 06:15:11 Oh we actually have 2 healers 2 tanks 2 dps. What a game, amazing 06:16:24 Change to Storm 06:17:11 B: Cikuanchangho! 06:18:47 Biboo saying gibberish words instead of cikuanchanghong 06:21:22 Defeat 06:21:28 B: I don't think i like being the cikuanchanghong | K: But why | B: bcs he died really quick 06:22:10 Biboo always eepy in this game *==[ GAME 4 ]==* 06:22:13 Game 4: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 06:22:29 B: Oh wait wait yeah cause that's my name | K: Yeah you forgot?! 06:22:53 Asking biboo what she get for lunch. B: Onigiri and cucumbers and umm strawberries 06:25:06 Change to Mantis 06:26:16 Opening portal? WOI! Why suddenly opening portal there? 06:27:44 K: You like to use that guy? Namor? | B: I killed a lot with him idk somehow I'm good with him 06:28:57 K: Get that Biboo moving again | B: I'm moving! I'm moving! 06:31:09 K: Just need to remember Cikuanchanghong | B: Oh. Cikuanchanghong! 06:31:42 B: YEAHH! | K: Niceu! (win) 06:32:18 Kaela ask what level Biboo right now (Level 8) 06:33:38 Bronze can play with gold? Can or Can't? (Can) 06:34:55 NOO! Don't let her go! DON'T LET HER GO! (Keep chasing Luna until dead) 06:36:11 LET ME IN! NO STOP THAT! (Scarlet suddenly ult) 06:36:39 YOU! YOU COME HERE! WHOO I'M GROOT! 06:37:26 Kaela's Groot went crazy moment 06:38:02 YES YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU! (Attacking all enemies) 06:38:36 YOU? You now? Why are you running?! (chasing Scarlet) 06:40:04 YABE! (Fall down, died, and killed Jeff too) 06:41:37 Guys~ I don't think I can fight that Ironman with Groot guys 06:43:15 I've tried Thor before, but I forgot how. 06:44:07 NOOO! (defeated) 06:44:26 K: Why you became so silent? You're trying so hard is it? | B: I'm listening to your enjoy the "whoowooo" it's a music to my ears *==[ GAME 5 ]==* 06:45:08 Game 5: Ranked Match (w/Biboo) 06:45:33 K: Starboy. Why didn't you try Starboy? | B: Starboy? OH Starlord 06:47:25 B: Wait starboy kinda good tho wow | K: Yeah it's fun right? Wait until his ult 06:50:05 B: starboy is a song from the weeknd 06:51:20 I keep pressing the shift because to much C&D 06:55:08 Victory (Kaela MVP) 06:55:22 B: Wait, i like Starboy starlight starguy
@vousbxr 11 күн бұрын
*==[ GAME 6 ]==* 06:56:00 Game 6: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:00:26 What's that (death) animation so funny? It's just gone 07:00:40 CIKUANCHANGHONG (both saying it together) 07:01:52 B: Kaelaaaa | K: What? | B: Cikuanchanghong is being mean to me | K: Kill him! 07:02:51 K: I kill the guy for you already | B: Thank you 07:04:20 Oh nooooo i tried to put him into sleep but i failed (iron fist) 07:05:17 Oh no (defeat) 07:05:55 Wait i got so many dc notif *==[ GAME 7 ]==* 07:06:02 Game 7: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:06:22 Dhlh i'll just play my cloak and dagger 07:06:31 K: I can only play in an hour. After an hour, dinner time. 07:06:48 Biboo ask if kaela will play again after dinner but kaela cant, need to do other stuff (biboo sad) 07:08:15 K: That biboo is not going anywhere | B: it's a good thing 07:09:17 Stoooooop people are just sooo crazy 07:13:18 BRRRRRRRO 07:16:19 Dara dada ~ Da dara dada ~ (defeat) 07:16:48 B: Im 9 (level) now, K: nice nice 07:17:12 Biboo vc was one and there was one guy yelling *==[ GAME 8 ]==* 07:17:32 Game 8: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:22:32 B: Woaaah | K: its so fun is it ? | B: ITS SO FUN (storm) 07:26:01 Why we are here ? why we are here ? (Confuse with the portal destination but still win) 07:26:36 Let's gooo MVP (bibooiseepy MVP) *==[ GAME 9 ]==* 07:27:16 Game 9: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:28:21 K: Cikuanchanghong! | B: Ci..kuan..chang..ho | K: Why it's like ha ho ha ho? | B: bcs i can't remember 07:30:48 K: We can have conversation here, Hello. | B: Hello. 07:31:03 B: OHH Someone just mad at me~ Ouch~ | K: Yeah someone mad 07:31:47 What? everyone's afk? 07:33:33 YEAYY (bibooiseepy MVP) *==[ GAME 10 ]==* 07:34:17 Game 10: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:34:48 Okay that's a quick game, we can play more 07:35:27 Biboo telling Kaela what's she needs to stop doing, about always checking notifications and ignoring them ast the same time 07:36:24 Oh Ironman! I SEE! ISEE! OKAY IRONMAN! (changed to C&D) 07:36:43 I need to use my cloak bcs i see Iron Man. It's a battle now 07:37:52 Where is that Ironman? IRONMAN? 07:38:09 IRONMAN! (got ult'd by Ironman) 07:40:32 OH NO! HE GOT THE HEAL! 07:40:54 Defeated *==[ GAME 11 ]==* 07:41:32 Game 11: Quick Match (w/Biboo) 07:41:52 K: Gotta spam that storm | B: Oh yeah I'm the storm that is approaching 07:46:23 K: OH NO! THAT SO CLOSE! | B: Jarvis don't clip that 07:46:56 Lah died already~ (miss ult). JARVIS DON'T CLIP THAT! 07:47:36 K: What is wrong with that spidey? OI SPIDEY COMEBACK! HAIYA! | B: Haiya? | K: Haiya~ 07:47:57 K: Nice! We can play again! | B: One more one more! (Win) *==[ GAME 12 ]==* 07:48:33 Game 12: Quick Match (w/ Biboo) 07:49:16 HEALERS! HEALERS! TWO HEALERS PLEASE! (suddenly in-game chat capslocking) 07:51:21 OH! There's Ironman again? Let's go Ironman 07:53:51 Kaela asked when Biboo gonna stream MR 07:54:09 Yeah we need Biboo's POV right? bibooiseepy POV 07:55:58 B: Look! I killed everyone, are you happy mr venom dude? 07:56:36 Captain America let ke tell you, you really need to GSH 07:57:30 Oh someone's disconnected, their team. Not our team 07:58:32 Win game *[ OtsuGrindstone! ]* 07:58:39 We can actually check if we can play together, and we can cancel it (Biboo is level 10 already) 07:58:57 Oh we can! Next time then 07:59:09 B: WOW! Mr. Venom dude didn't upvote for you? What a beep 07:59:52 I need to get my dinner it's late already 08:00:08 Bye bye~ Otsugrindstone! 08:00:29 We just gonna keep talking that's just how my ending screen 08:00:48 Yeah biboo level 10! She gonna be playing solo rank already 08:01:03 K: Tomorrow just gonna have KOPR collab at 2PM GMT+7. Other than that no stream | B: Rrrrrrrrr~ 08:01:22 22nd no stream, doing something big off screen with mchan and staff san and night gonna be on Iofi's channel | B: Rrrrrrrrr~ 08:01:50 Say the mandarin words (Biboo trying to say it for the last time)
@Phantom_Crosz 10 күн бұрын
5:59:57/6:00:06/6:00:30/6:00:51/6:01:43/6:07:50/6:09:23/6:12:28/6:14:33/6:18:57/6:22:20/6:44:48/7:02:04/7:04:57/7:11:48/7:13:30/7:15:51/ 7:20:40/7:28:24/7:30:24/7:31:58/7:33:25/7:38:46/7:41:55/7:47:48/7:49:00/8:00:03/8:01:50/8:02:07
@rubbermarble888 10 күн бұрын
10/10 would 氣貫長虹 again. 6:04:04
@Phantom_Crosz 10 күн бұрын
@@rubbermarble888 氣貫長虹 AMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@WangYulin 11 күн бұрын
Otsu Grindstone,氣貫長虹!
@hong-kaiyao7713 11 күн бұрын
otsugrindstone ~ 氣貫長虹
@Segar-Brunei 11 күн бұрын
Otsulemao 氣貫長虹!
@brenduck 11 күн бұрын
氣貫長虹! Longest gameplay of this game I've seen yet. I missed the last two streams of this, and the first half of this one, but it's entertaining so I'll for sure watch the VODs. Thanks for the stream!
@GLucky 11 күн бұрын
You say everything is right, but 氣貫長虹!!!!!
@weixingyang898 11 күн бұрын
When I open the stream, I heard Kaela shout "气管常红“?? Then I realised it's "气贯长虹”... 😅
@annes5089 11 күн бұрын
Otsugrindstone.. thanks for the stream
@Kenkou_Dai1 11 күн бұрын
The iron fist Ult speech 「氣貫長虹」qì guàn cháng hóng means an aura are powerful to penetrate the rainbow (in old age they think the long rainbow at sky are the bridge to connected sky) and other speech like 「一夫當關,萬夫莫開」yī fū dāng guān , wàn fū mò kāi means one man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies
@noc2rn 11 күн бұрын
Nobody reading all that lil bro.. QI GUAN CHANG HONG!!!
@chimpmasterflex 11 күн бұрын
I didn't expect to watch so much of this. Kaela is way too funny lol
@PrivMeTime 11 күн бұрын
Thank you For the stream kaelaaaa And biboo I love sudden Collab stream Especially Grindstone let's goo
@Kujiyo 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the stream
@federaloftempest 11 күн бұрын
grindstone, thanks for the amazing fun stream
@therealmoson8181 11 күн бұрын
qi guan chang hong
@Behosu 11 күн бұрын
Loving these rivals streams. They are great fun. Glad biboo got to join in as well. Otsu!
@thearrowclipper 11 күн бұрын
Makasih buat streamnya Ela, dan uda koleb ama Beejoe💛💜
@月無缺 11 күн бұрын
你說的對aaaaa~(Eason 但是氣貫長虹!
@grindstone-e7p 11 күн бұрын
Yeah ~ today is so satisfy not only energy Kaelabut also team grindstone oh my god how wonderful day
@Budi_YMZ 11 күн бұрын
OtsuuLemao, Thx BeeJoe to join
@meongskia 11 күн бұрын
Otsu Qiguangchanghong!🔥👊🏻 Otsu Grindstone!🔨🗿
@hahababyShark 11 күн бұрын
qi quan Chang Hong !!!
@happyhenry76000 10 күн бұрын
@yazuyazu-g7n 10 күн бұрын
你說的對 但是 氣貫長虹!!!
@Majikami1355 11 күн бұрын
@max2163 11 күн бұрын
@MakotoTAT 10 күн бұрын
Otsu Grindstone,氣貫長虹
@來亂的-v3o 11 күн бұрын
5:41:28 call biboo lol 5:56:13 ice cream
@OniShiroo 11 күн бұрын
otsu Grindstone thanks for the stream
@AzcaRatti-xf4up 11 күн бұрын
Team Grindstone together
@darrenxiang4150 11 күн бұрын
For now that character name is 🗣️ 氣灌腸鴻!!!!!!!
@sixtyninefps 11 күн бұрын
6:37:00 😂 Lord Groot moments
@cornedbeef46 11 күн бұрын
otsugrindstone! now beejoe can rank as well!
@葉家豪-h4d 2 күн бұрын
氣貫長虹 😂😂😂😂😂
@AKBtheRizzler 11 күн бұрын
氣貫長虹 Chihuahua BauBau
@igloo_igloo 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the fun stream!
@ツトム-b5t 11 күн бұрын
@lai3271 11 күн бұрын
@YCCheng-dt7ox 10 күн бұрын
Everything you said is write, but QI GUAN CHANG HONG
@style50054 11 күн бұрын
@dlwk1988 11 күн бұрын
someone is addicted
@政諺-j7j 11 күн бұрын
@dinaryunus9131 11 күн бұрын
6:10:00 Daritadi ngakak bagian ini. Biboo ngomong bahasa apa sih itu? 🤣
@阿凱-z6k 2 күн бұрын
Time to 氣貫長虹
@-nikolai.inf-1537 11 күн бұрын
@mars99 10 күн бұрын
@Fiorez_ 11 күн бұрын
@郭子-c2s 11 күн бұрын
@fu-hsintung1765 11 күн бұрын
@Akira-Suzaku 11 күн бұрын
Wait, who's the KOPR team again?
@justnobody7823 11 күн бұрын
I think its Kaela,reine,Pia, Shannon Could be wrong tho
@justnobody7823 11 күн бұрын
@風兒-i1y 11 күн бұрын
Iron Fist ? Who's that guy ? I just know "QI-GUAN-CHANG-HONG" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@tutiwijaya4355 9 күн бұрын
Ela sleep😘
@DwiLiiiliooooo 11 күн бұрын
@5210702 11 күн бұрын
@songriishere 11 күн бұрын
@BIN-cm7oh 10 күн бұрын
@unclejoe1994 11 күн бұрын
@Luxivheim 11 күн бұрын
@uncle8jackuncle379 10 күн бұрын
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