Mary Austin’s Dramatic Change Of Attitude After Freddie Mercury Died (Written By Jim Hutton)

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Taken from “Mercury and Me” (Written by Jim Hutton with Tim Whapshott)

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@officience1 Жыл бұрын
Its Freddie decision to leave his belongings to Mary, even told her where to place his ashes. That speaks all. Freddie needed man love but in the bottom of his heart Mary is true soul mate in term of trust. He knew she truly loved him and felt owed her for that.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
I agree with most of your statement, but I don’t think Freddie felt he owed her. Freddie considered Mary his common-law-wife and he treated her as such in his final decisions, a decision he had made in 1984 anyway.
@HundXanthippe Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I would have thrown everyone out too. Living together would have been hell in the long run. If necessary, I would have left and let the gentlemen rent the house.
@americandevo 7 ай бұрын
Even Peter Freestone defends Mary in his book stating he, Jim and Joe all knew they had a couple months to find other residence and leave Garden Lodge. The one thing Peter did say about Mary and "changes" is that the 3 men had been told they could take items in the house they had received as gifts from Freddie and even sentimental items they had gifted TO Freddie. Then it was felt (Peter does not directly say Mary herself was the one making the "accusation") the men were taking too much liberty and were then told they could take one item they had gifted to Freddie.
@debra2700 7 ай бұрын
Why would Phoebe have items that Freddie gifted him at Garden Lodge? Phoebe didn't live there and if someone gives you a gift, you take it home. You don't leave it at the person's house. Joe died right after Freddie did and I doubt he even cared about material possessions anymore and of course, Jim Hutton did most of the whining about how mean Mary was. Freddie wasn't around anymore to protect her and Jim was a horrible individual to treat a grieving woman the way he did.
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
Phoebe said mary told them they could take gifts THEY had given Freddie. He didn’t write anything about gifts Freddie had given them. The problem arise when too many “gifts” had gone missing. Phoebe explains it more in depth in his latest book. Essentially, they were stealing. That’s when Mary limited them to one item. Phoebe didn’t write that he knew they had a couple months to find other residences. He wrote that he was “led to believe” they could stay until they were ready to “face the outside world”. The drama! They all had places to go. Freddie arranged that for them. They all had money. Freddie arranged that for them. They all knew Mary was inheriting GL long before Freddie died. They all knew their boss was terminally ill for two years or more. If they weren’t prepared for the inevitable move, that was on them. Three months was plenty of time. It’s not as though they were moving a house full of furniture. Except for their personal belongings, EVERYTHING had been Freddie’s. I understand that Phoebe now says different from what he wrote in the book or what he told Lesley Ann Jones. He let those lies fester for years causing much damage to Mary’s reputation.
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@debra2700Exactly. Phoebe lived in the mews. His personal possessions should have been there. However, Phoebe was pissed that Mary offered for them to take things THEY had given Freddie. Who would get mad at THAT? Phoebe wrote that Mary noticed too many “gifts from the boys” were disappearing. He elaborates more on it in his latest book. Essentially, other items were being stolen. That’s when Mary limited them to one item. I don’t know what to think about Joe. Both Hutton and Phoebe threw him under the bus in their books. Phoebe claimed Joe was the GL gossip and Hutton claimed Joe was responsible for the vase that had gone missing. Hutton’s explanation of that is about as implausible as it gets. Why would Freddie prefer to be stolen from rather than an accidental breakage? Duh? Nope, Freddie’s instinct was correct. One of Hutton’s friends took that vase from GL. That’s why Hutton’s friends weren’t invited again. Joe wasn’t alive to defend himself with either accusation. I agree that Joe had bigger issues. Plus, Joe had a career, Joe had a partner. Joe had a life outside Garden Lodge, notwithstanding his illness. The other two? They wanted to hang on living the lifestyle even though their employment was over. That’s what severance pay indicated. Those two managed to disparage Mary’s reputation with a lot of fans. Some fans believe this Hutton book as fact when it’s loaded with inconsistencies and lies.
@debra2700 4 ай бұрын
@@Powdermonkey720 I've wondered if Joe Fanelli gave Freddie AIDS. Joe was the next serious boyfriend after David Minns and David died of a heart attack so Freddie and David didn't give each other AIDS. I believe the timeline fits but wonder what you think.
@Behindstage 29 күн бұрын
Mary did what she had to do. She protected his memory and didn’t make the house into a museum. We don’t know her or Freddie as people so we have to respect her decisions and his decision to entrust her with his legacy. She had her own pain I’m sure with this. That’s my view.
@officience1 Жыл бұрын
Love and trust is 2 different matters. You may love someone even when you don't trust that one. Its like you love someone but you feel insecured in the relationship thats what Freddie and Jim. Jim Hutton didn't gain Freddie trust. Freddie was right because obviously Jim sold their love story to the public which im sure Freddie would have been upset.
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
Freddie would of been upset and turned over in his ashes if he learnt of Mary's actions, breaking that promise, locking him out of the house after returning from Ireland and getting rid of Lilly and Romeo just cause she didn't get on with Jim, how cruel taking it out on the poor cats, she was most likely the one that betrayed Freddie's trust and led him to believe it was Jim, he made her promise that Jim could live there as long as he wants, Jim was his husband, that's not an unusual request from someone you loved, I guess the jealousy and the green eyed monster took over, so sad*🧟☘️🍀🌳**
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
Freddie would of been upset and turned over in his ashes if he learnt of Mary's actions, breaking that promise, locking him out of the house after returning from Ireland and getting rid of Lilly and Romeo just cause she didn't get on with Jim, how cruel taking it out on the poor cats, she was most likely the one that betrayed Freddie's trust and led him to believe it was Jim, he made her promise that Jim could live there as long as he wants, Jim was his husband, that's not an unusual request from someone you loved, I guess the jealousy and the green eyed monster took over, so sad*🧟☘️🍀🌳**
@debra2700 9 ай бұрын
@@lujzagarou7619 Freddie made out a very detailed Will and nowhere in the Will does it state that three grown men who Freddie left homes and money to were allowed to live in Garden Lodge. Jim was not anything to Freddie legally. Freddie didn't trust Jim and had good reason not to. This book is proof of that.
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
There was nothing about it in the will cause it was a verbal promise as Freddie believed in trust- something that Mary betrayed him in and if you had read Jim's book, someone in Freddie's circle had leaked out about his illness and Jim got the blame, to which he didn't deserve as he had said it definitely didn't come from him, Mary's actions towards the rumours, the cats and her not allowing Jim to sit with her in the first car at Freddy's funeral (which David Clark himself didn't even feel was right), as well as locking out his nearest and dearest whome took care of him around the clock, paints the character of Mary, to which in my opinion can't be trusted, it was that type of manipulation that plays in someone's head, how cunning!, and by the way, are the rest of Freddie's cats still alive??, or did they get sold off too??😾😿🙄**
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
Ps, the book was justified, Jim needed a sense of healing after the way he was treated by Mary and he also had a right to defend himself, just as Freddie had defended Jim when he gave his beloved husband a wage rise and Mary wasn't happy about it, it was just her luck that gay marriage wasn't legal at the time cause Mary would of been screwed🥀🍀😐**
@debra2700 Жыл бұрын
There's no way Freddie would have expected Mary to live with two of Freddie's lovers (Jim and Joe) and his personal assistant (Peter). It's a ludicrous idea and for those three whiney babies to complain that they were thrown out is ridiculous. Jim Beach was the Executor of the Will and he had to follow the law. Mary had nothing to do with it.
@debra2700 7 ай бұрын
@@lucilleconsenza8239 His name was Freddie, not Freddy and Mary never got married nor did the father of her sons ever live at Garden Lodge. Your whole rant looks like it was written by a ten year old.
@americandevo 7 ай бұрын
​@@lucilleconsenza8239 blah blah blah
@debra2700 7 ай бұрын
@@americandevo I rest my case. Now go ask your Mommy to make your lunch and get out of her basement every now and then.
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@lucilleconsenza8239 Mary wasn’t jealous of Jim or Joe. Why would she be? Mary and Freddie had an”understanding” that was just between them. As Freddie stated, “other people who come into our lives just have to accept it.” That never changed no matter who Freddie decided to make his boyfriend at any particular moment. Freddie’s love for Mary was different than any of the men, that’s true. It was more profound. Freddie even said there was a difference between sex and love. Love was the greatest thing. Hutton was visiting the clubs in the last years of Freddie’s life, while Freddie was dying. Why is that ignored by so many? Hutton wrote it in his book, yet…? So Mary living at GL for thirty-two years since Freddie’s death isn’t long enough? Mary has to die there to “prove” her love for Freddie? She’s lived there 27 years longer than Freddie did. So what Mary auctioned the door. I like many, was thrilled to see she had stored it. Some fans thought they had the right to graffiti her home and now they think they have the right to tell her what to do with the door of her own property. That’s chutzpah. Mary never married the father of her boys. They had split before Freddie passed away. But so what if he had lived there. It is her property. She’s 73 years old and wants to get her life in order. She wanted to be the one to decide the process and Freddie loved an auction. Who says Mary “hung out” with those guys at GL? Mary was their supervisor. Mary’s office was in Garden Lodge. Mary was seen with those men because she hung out with Freddie. HE was the common denominator. Mary didn’t need a personal assistant, a chef or a gardener. Do people really think she should have lived with her two babies along with three middle aged men? That’s so bizarre! Why the hell would middle aged men want to live with a single woman and her two babies? Even more bizarre! Maybe people should consider why Mary knew Freddie’s alias at hotels, but Hutton didn’t. Maybe people should consider why Mary was the person the doctor called when Freddie didn’t return his calls. Maybe people should consider why Mary knew Freddie’s diagnosis before Hutton. Maybe consider why Freddie said Mary would be his majority beneficiary in 1984, and nothing ever caused him to change his mind. Maybe people should consider why Mary was listed as an officer in his companies and Hutton wasn’t. Maybe people should consider why Mary handled Freddie’s personal finances and not Hutton. Maybe people should consider why he entrusted Mary to care for his ashes and not Hutton. The will speaks for itself. Freddie said Mary was his common law wife and he treated her as such. It was what it was.
@denisevie5200 4 ай бұрын
Bonsoir, et merci pour la lecture du livre de Jim ,je ne les pas acheté car il et pas en français. Jim que j'aime beaucoup. Je suis très triste pour Jim,et je le comprend.❤
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
OMG, the title of this book should have been “The Victimhood Of Jim Hutton and the lies told to spin it.” There are too many lies to count. I cannot believe that Hutton wrote that he almost hit Mary who was either VERY pregnant or just delivered, yet he gets sympathy from some in this thread!
@janetmennell7834 Ай бұрын
A jealous person. Another Paul I think.
@barbn2315 Жыл бұрын
Everyone seems to forget Jim Beach was the executor of Freddie's estate and he called this shots. Mary had to abide by his direction, so don't pin it all on Mary. This was an especially difficult time for all of them.
@lorrainecimino8508 Жыл бұрын
@barnb2315 for some reason people don't want to blame Jim Beach, the attornet. It seems that they all want to blame Mary because she inherited everything, otherwise, they have to be mad at Freddie for giving everything to Mary, and they certainly don't want to be mad at Freddie.
@debra2700 Жыл бұрын
@@lorrainecimino8508 Jim Beach was also the producer of that horrible movie that painted Freddie in a terrible light making Freddie look like a spoiled, mean diva that the other three in Queen had to endure.
@lorrainecimino8508 Жыл бұрын
​@@debra2700the movie and the will are two different things, and because Jim Beach was Freddie's attorney and friend I'm sure, he was the one who was there when Freddie made his wishes known in the will. Freddie gave Mary the home and everything in it, she was free to do with it whatever she wanted, it was hers, it makes absolutely no difference in the world, what fans think. I would imagine she'll sell the house next and she has every right to do that as well without having to listen to fans try to tell her what to do. So the will is over and done how many years are people going to complain about it? And the movie is what 4 or 5 years old now? It's also over and done. If people don't like it people don't have to watch it and how many years are we going to have to hear about their dislikes on that.
@debra2700 Жыл бұрын
@@lorrainecimino8508 I was referring to the fact that Jim Beach's character in the movie goes along with that ridiculous scene where Freddie calls him up and begs him to speak to the others on his behalf to let him into the band. The actual Beach was a producer of the film and even he had to get in on the Freddie bashing. How many years are people going to have to hear about how disliked the movie is? It's going to be out there forever, tarnishing Freddie's reputation so I guess the answer is forever.
@faithintheunseen1294 10 ай бұрын
I don’t recall personally feeling that it bashed Freddie, though. I watched it on a plane & thought of it more as a documentary.
@jodawson5268 Жыл бұрын
I do have to point out that Jim later retracted some things he wrote in this book years later. Unfortunately he chose a tabloid journalist to write it. Jim was s decent guy, but maybe a little gullable. Mary who at the time of Freddies passing was heavily pregnant and was also greiving. If she was resentful towards Jim i can understand this too, it doesnt make her a bad person just a human one.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
Jim Hutton said Tim Wappshot knew him better than he knew himself. Hutton has no excuse to blame Wappshot for what he told him. He lied to LAJ. Doesn’t matter if she too was a sensational writer. He’d been experienced with the publishing stuff by the time he collaborated with LAJ. He had even tried to get a TV movie made of his book. He was going to be a big shot producer. Queen wouldn’t allow their music to be used in the movie so the project was scrapped. Hutton was no victim.
@debra2700 9 ай бұрын
@@Powdermonkey720 Hutton expected to be on par with Mary who met Freddie Bulsara, somebody who had very little money and no fame but she fell in love with him and actually supported the two of them so that Freddie could work on making Queen happen. Freddie said, "You must understand, Mary paid all our bills" and Mary loved Freddie for 22 years. Hutton meets a wealthy, extremely famous rock legend and spends the last few years with Freddie and wanted to paint himself as the love of Freddie's life. I read Hutton's book not knowing much about him but his arrogance that he was the bigger catch and Freddie was clingy and needy, not to mention talking about their sex life, Freddie peeing the bed just before he died, and Hutton's unhinged attacks on Mary made me really disgusted.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
@@debra2700Spot on! Hutton even admitted he lapped that lifestyle up immediately. It was on his first trip to Munich he saw it as opening doors to awhile new lifestyle. He got the first class ticket, he had the better food on the plane, he had the better booze. But, of course he wasn’t interested in Freddie’s fame or fortune. 🙄
@debra2700 9 ай бұрын
@@Powdermonkey720 Of course Hutton wasn't interested in fame or fortune said no one ever. I'm also a huge Elvis fan and the similarities between the two men is striking. Not just Elvis was an inspiration to Freddie but that both were so kind and good that they couldn't see the evil in the people around them, that so many "friends" and even family exploited their generosity and kindness. I loved that Freddie wrote a tribute song to Elvis and sang it so well that even though it was two years after Elvis' passing, people thought it was Elvis singing and the song jumped to number one in the U.S. and the video of Freddie in leather is so wonderful.
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
@@debra2700 I love that…”Hutton wasn’t interested in the fame or fortune, said no one ever!” That’s perfect. Hutton went home with Freddie and Hutton said Freddie wasn’t even his type. But he knew who he was. I think he went to the Heaven club precisely because he knew Freddie hung out there when he was in London. Hutton knew the doorman at Heaven so Hutton knew that club better than he admitted. Hutton told one story in his book and different a story in interviews. He claimed in one interview he still didn’t know who Freddie was after he’d slept with him. He said Joe told him in the kitchen the next morning. But, Hutton had been hanging with the entourage for hours the night before at Stafford Terrace before he and Freddie had their tryst. What the hell did Hutton think all those gold discs on the walls were? It’s all such BS to make him seem unimpressed. When I first read Hutton’s book years ago, I didn’t think it read like much of a romance. I kept seeing comments about the great love affair that I never got out of that book. So I read it again and then a third time. Same conclusion. There just wasn’t coupledom related in that book. Oodles of cuddles and “threw me onto the bed” stuff, but no anecdotes of inconsequential things that become consequential because of a hilarious moment or just talking across the breakfast table. However, there was much written about shopping and presents and partying and fights…oh the fights. He wrote of being kicked out of Garden Lodge at least twice. The one time Hutton says he left on his own, turns out Freddie wasn’t even living there full time at that point. He lied about Tony King. He lied about being present at the taping of I Was Born To Love You. He lied about Freddie being snowed in in Munich. He lied about being given the lyrics to BoRhapsody. He lied about how and when Delilah and Goliath came to Garden Lodge. Mary rescued those cats in 1986. Hutton wrote Joe got them around Christmas of 1987. Phoebe’s first book had a timeline of when each of the cats arrived at GL. It wasn’t Hutton’s account. It’s the lies that grate on me. If he wanted to big himself up, he could have done it without lying about Mary. HE was the jealous one. For a guy who claimed he’d only expected a “few thousand”, how is it he thought he should live at GL as long as he wanted? Here’s a little trivia about Crazy Little Thing that you’ll enjoy. When Freddie was asked about CLT, he said “My girlfriend thought I was doing a cover of an Elvis song.”
@sophiert3150 Ай бұрын
Freddy kept his lovers as his housekeepers. I think he knew Mary was pregnant with a toddler so no one could look after him in secrecy, and he didn't want to trust anyone. Those days , HIV OR AIDS were taboo words. Mary Austin couldn't take anything with her , and whatever she didn't let them touch , she had to sell, including Garden lodge. Tbh , I only think Freddy Mercury has only done that so no one will know about his personal life. The rest Freddy knows better as he left the earth with his great existence as music that Mary can not take away or put on auction. I feel sad for Freddie 's mom, who said in an interview that after funeral , Mary never had been in contact with Freddie 's family.
@soundandvision5382 Жыл бұрын
These are not my words...
@comfyuser196 Жыл бұрын
Всё жизнь ждала его деньги с---+а
@debra2700 Жыл бұрын
We appreciate you reading the book. It opens up discussion about Jim and Mary and Freddie and that's a good thing.
@sweetjane5033 Жыл бұрын
jim, did you have a job? the home belongs to Mary as per Freddie! it seems you are very impressed with material things!
@ryanjames3260 Жыл бұрын
The guy is dead so why even ask That
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
Actually, Jim DID have a job, two infact, he was a hairdresser and a gardener, and didn't want to give up his hairdressing job but Freddie insisted and made him his personal gardener, Freddie also took matters into his own hands to call him consistently during the early hours of the morning to have him evicted so he could move in with him and be happy, Jim was a simple man with pride that refused to give up his job which frustrated Freddie, and if Jim was all about "material things", so to speak, he would of wasted no time to have the painting sent to his and Freddie's Irish bungalow, but he never thought that way, he was a kind hearted human being that doted on Freddie and even went to Mary's flat at the time to look after her cats so she could join Freddie on occasion to his concerts, that's the sort of kind hearted spirit/soul Jim Hutton was and exactly why Freddie fell in love with him PERIOD!
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
@@lujzagarou7619Hutton QUIT the barber job because the shop changed ownership and transitioned to a stylist salon! That’s all in his book. He told Freddie AFTER he quit. Freddie didn’t pressure him to give up that job. I don’t believe for a rock star second that Freddie Mercury made late night phone calls to “engineer” Hutton’s eviction. It’s juvenile and ludicrous that a 39 year old Freddie Mercury would resort to such silly antics. Besides, didn’t Hutton write that Freddie asked him if he’d move to Munich? Didn’t Hutton say he would? That story is questionable as well. So why would Freddie waste time on phone calls? I’ll tell you why I believe that story is made up. Freddie had been back living at Stafford Terrace for several months before he even moved into Garden Lodge. According to As It Began, it was closer to the middle of the Magic Tour. He may have been having people socially at Garden Lodge during those months, but he wasn’t living there. He was living at Stafford Terrace all that time and he didn’t invite Hutton to move in with him there! I believe it’s exactly what Phoebe and As it Began wrote…Freddie moved into GL and a few months later Hutton conveniently got evicted from his attic rooms and Freddie let him move in. Freddie didn’t give Mary a “rare holiday” trip to Budapest. Freddie wanted Mary to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime cruise on Danube from Vienna to Budapest. Mary joined at some point on every tour. Seems she was with on that Magic tour quite a lot! I don’t know why Hutton would be required to watch Mary’s cat. Who was watching Tiffany and Oscar? Mary had cat sitters in the past. Why would Hutton volunteer to watch Mary’s cat rather than go on that cruise? It doesn’t make sense. However, it makes sense if Freddie voluntold him. Don’t you think it was odd that Hutton didn’t know Freddie’s alias hotel name when he surprised him in Paris? Don’t you think it was odd that Freddie got pissed off he showed up?
@Powdermonkey720 3 ай бұрын
@@lujzagarou7619 You don’t really believe that silly story that Freddie, a 38 year old rock star actually engineered Hutton into GL by making late night phone calls? Besides, when Hutton claimed that happened, Freddie wasn’t even living in GL at the time. He didn’t move into GL until summer of 1986. Freddie came back from Munich in Oct/Nov of 1985. He was living at Stafford Terrace. So why didn’t Freddie ask Hutton to move in with him there? Besides, both Phoebe and As It Began said Freddie moved into GL and then months later Hutton got evicted and Freddie let him move in. Freddie never bothered to visit that Irish bungalow. He never intended to live there or vaca there. It was in the middle of nowhere with no phone lines. Freddie hated the country lifestyle. Freddie didn’t even take Hutton along on tour when they played in Ireland. He never bothered to meet Hutton’s parents or invite his family to GL. Hutyon claimed Mary rarely went in tour with Freddie. That’s simply not true. Mary was in every tour at some time throughout Freddie’s career. Mary wouldn’t need a cat sitter. She always had one previously. Who watched her cats when she was on tour with Freddie in United States? Japan? South America? South Africa? That was a stupid claim to make when there are all kinds of photos of Mary on tour with Freddie. Freddie didn’t insist Hutton quit his barber job. Hutton quit on his own! The shop had transitioned to a stylist salon and Hutton ended up quitting. That’s all in the book. Freddie made him the gardener because, like Phoebe and Joe, the employment included room and board. Thats why his pay wasn’t at the level of other gardeners in London. Mary was the three guys’ supervisor. Hutton even said he had to ask Mary if Joe could do a pond job for him on one occasion. Hutton made fun of Joe because he didn’t do it right. Why was Mary The medical contact for Freddie? Why did Mary know his diagnosis first? Why did Freddie tell David Wigg he wasn’t going to have a one-to one relationship during the interview in 1986? Why did Freddie tell Wigg he was celibate in 1987? Why didn’t Hutton make it clear exactly when he moved into GL, telling one interviewer it was between 18 months and 2 years of meeting Freddie? Wouldn’t anyone who moved from an attic room into a rock star’s mansion have a more definitive timeline? Why did Freddie kick Hutton out of GL at least twice? Why was Hutton frequenting the clubs in the last years of Freddie’s life? Why didn’t Freddie tell Hutton he was going off his meds, yet the others knew? Why did Hutton let Freddie gag on mango for 2/2 an hour before Joe handled the problem? Why did Hutton lie about Tony King being in Montreux on that last trip?
@nz25853 11 ай бұрын
If freddie was alive he would never had put up with the way she had spoken to jim 😮
@JenniferMannette 10 ай бұрын
I CANNOT stand THAT WOMAN. I truly don't like her..... she's a cold fish I wish Freddie had made it more definitive in his will rather than just verbal. RIP Freddie & Jim. Now you two are finally together as you rightly should be.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
How did she speak to him? I’m certainly not taking the word of the man who betrayed Freddie. Hutton was drunk a lot, so who knows what’s true? He conveniently forgot what his and Freddie’s fights were about, yet he always wrote they were Freddie’s fault. That’s drunk fighting! BTW, did you listen about how Hutton was close to hitting Mary? How do you think Freddie would have dealt with that? Do you think Hutton would have lost his temper like that if Freddie had been there? Not a chance. Another thing…make sure you listen for the mango gagging excerpt. It’s a real eye opener into how Hutton treated Freddie.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
@@JenniferMannetteFreddie did make it definitive in his will. Hutton’s account isn’t there because Freddie never intended it. Freddie didn’t “forget to write it down” about the money he intended to give the three guys so why would he fail to include that they could stay at GL until they were good and ready to leave? Freddie was definitive about what he DID want for Mary, his sister and his parents. He provided those guys with homes and money because he was gifting the home to Mary. A great big fat flashing message to move on.
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
⁠@jupiter7627 Who said Mary was a saint? I only read that snark intended description from people who judge her poorly. However, she was the one who loved Freddie when Freddie was just a poor boy. He wasn’t even yet Mercury. No one else could claim that distinction. The rest came after the fame and fortune. Would they or wouldn’t they have hooked up with Freddie Bulsara? We’ll never know and neither could Freddie. I really don’t think people deserve huge amount of credit for taking care of the person who owns the home they live in. Buys the food they eat. Buys the booze they drink. Pays for their travel and leisure and utilities. It was Phoebe and Joe who did most of the physical care for Freddie anyway. Jim Hutton admitted this in interviews. The story of him letting Freddie gag on mango for 1/2 an hour is quite telling and frightening. Thank goodness Joe came home to dislodge it. Is it good they caregave Freddie? Of course, but it was the right thing to do as it is for the rest of us. Mary was Freddie’s emotional touchstone. So Mary had her baby. Was she not supposed to experience having children to prove her love for Freddie? Freddie certainly enjoyed her little boy. Phoebe said Mary’s son was a source of great joy and comfort to Freddie. Hutton wrote his book leaving himself open to scrutiny. He used a tabloid writer from The Sun, a rag Freddie despised. Then he collaborated with Lesley Ann Jones for her book. Hutton was not as naive as people want to think.
@bridgez04 2 ай бұрын
*He would never have put up with how Jim talked about Mary. If Freddie saw this book he would’ve immediately kicked Jim out and never would’ve spoken to him again. Picture his reaction to Paul Prenter’s tell all. Remember Mary had a toddler and a newborn around the time of the events in the book.
@pasjavierllavilla6648 Жыл бұрын
Será bueno q lo traduzca en español. gracias ,
@ЮлияГуторова-и4ъ 4 ай бұрын
Guys, you are arguing... We are never gonna find out the truth, who saud what, who did what and who felt what. I personally find Jim more sympathetic compared to Mary. But what I know too is the fact that Freddie left all to Mary. Was he that stupid that he couldnt understand who is who? Highly unlikely. We cannot know all details irrespective on who wrote what ans who said what. I also dont think that Jim "betrayed" Freddie by writing the book. To me its opposite - he remembered, loved and missed him. He wanted to tell the story. Guys I think it is not so plain about love/trust/friendship. Its now black or white. We cannot know how Freddie felt. Probably Mary was a unique person for him because, in his own words, he could never fall in love with a man like he did with Mary. Maybe she was the only person on Earth he ever felt true emotional love with. Who knows where the truth lies.
@АлёнаДенисова-у5м 3 ай бұрын
А может у него не было выбора кому оставлять , детей у него не было , семьи не было , да и понимал он что не оставь ей жирный кусок богатства так она ходила бы по передачам и выдумала бы всякие сказки про него . не исключенно что было бы именно так , смотря как она все его даже тарелки продает 🤦🤦, а почему она избавилась от 2 его кошек , а еще одного умудрилась потерять .. Это не любовь !!! И не верность !! Это желание выжать денег по максимуму
@antonellazullo 11 ай бұрын
Ma questo Jim Hutton chi era veramente? Un uomo innamorato o un mero approfittatore?
@танязолотарева-л6р 11 ай бұрын
Он был и тем, и другим. Аферист высшей пробы. Жалкий фантазер- мечтатель.
@mariadelourdesGomes-v4e 7 ай бұрын
Mary, sei que vc, sofreu muito com a falta de Freddie Mulher corajosa Eu também sinto muito, a partida do nosso Eroi Beijos.
@Jan-if9vw 11 ай бұрын
I am heartbroken every time I read about Mary and her nasty treatment of Jim, Peter and Joe after Freddie's passing. I'm sure she had many hard moments in her life watching Freddie's relationships with numerous men which she ignored, feeling that he was living his true life. But when Freddie found true love with Jim, she was deeply hurt since she felt that only she could fill Freddie's heart. Once Freddie passed, her outlook was that she could now cut Jim out totally and remove two of Freddie's closest friends as well. That cruelty is something that I would never expect from her. I know that legally she had the right to do so, but morally, it was so wrong and could have been handled with kindness and respect. She had to know that this is NOT what Freddie would have wanted.
@debra2700 10 ай бұрын
That cruelty was something you would never expect of her because she wouldn't have done it. People who have not been Willed a piece of property can't just live there for as long as they want to. They're legally squatters and that's why Jim Beach told them they had to leave. Freddie clearly spelled out in his very detailed Will everything that he wanted and nowhere did it say that the three men could live there. Even Peter Freestone finally admitted that Freddie wouldn't have expected Mary to live with three grown men who part of Freddie's life and not hers.
@lorrainecimino8508 10 ай бұрын
Why would three grown men think they would have the right to continue living in a house that Freddie gave to someone else and and continue to live there rent-free and have Mary feed and clothe them for the rest of their lives like Freddie did? I think Freddie thought they were smart enough to know that when he left them each $500,000 it was time for them to move on to someplace else. Mary didn't need Peter to be her personal assistant as Freddie did, Mary didn't need a gardener as Freddie did, Mary didn't need a cook, they all had money thanks to Freddie to move on. As Peter said, he knew that Freddie never expected Mary to take care of three grown gay men the rest of their lives, and why Jim would want to live there forever with a woman who Freddie loved with his whole heart, is beyond me.
@debra2700 10 ай бұрын
@@lorrainecimino8508 Jim didn't expect to live there. Freddie built him a home in Ireland so he knew exactly what the plan was. All Jim wanted to do is make Mary look horrible because he always resented Freddie's love for Mary and that she was his only true friend and he tried to accomplish that in his book but he failed.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@debra2700Bravo! Mary wasn’t just Freddie’s only true friend. She was the love of his life which Brian confirmed Freddie always referred to Mary. Hutton was angry he couldn’t continue the lifestyle he lapped up immediately. He wanted to live off Mary as though she owed him anything.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
@@lorrainecimino8508It’s weird isn’t it? Why would any middle aged single man want to live with a woman and get two babies? It’s bizarre!
@nyakinyuan1005 8 ай бұрын
As a woman, Freddie may have pledged his love for her to the world and left her his fortune. But Jim fulfilled the role she couldn't. I believe she would have wanted her children bu Freddie. Wife rivalry in plain site. I don't think Freddie thought Jim would live that long. A woman's heart is deep
@Powdermonkey720 6 ай бұрын
But that’s not what others who knew them have said. Freddie truly loved Mary. Why would Mary be in a rivalry with Hutton? Her relationship with Freddie didn’t change when Hutton came along. Remember that Mary was Freddie’s medical contact. Mary was an officer in Freddie’s businesses. Mary handled Freddie’s personal finances. All of those things are what a partner would be involved in. Hutton wasn’t. Mary knew Freddie was HIV+ before Hutton. Mary knew Freddie had AIDS before Hutton. Friends said Mary always had more access to Freddie than anyone. Mary had no reason to be jealous of Hutton. I don’t know what role Hutton was fulfilling when he was frequenting the clubs in the last years. Freddie could have included Hutton in the testamentary trust created for future income. Freddie could have arranged for Hutton to get a percentage until his death, be it two years or ten years or twenty years. Freddie didn’t do that. He gave Hutton what he gave Joe and Phoebe. Mary loved Freddie with all her heart. Freddie loved Mary with all his. Even Thor, the New York friend, said Freddie loved Mary above all others, man or woman. 11 ай бұрын
Bruh why is everyone supporting Mary's behaviour? Yes, she owns the house, but throwing out Freddie's boyfriend AND selling his stuff (yes, she's done that even recently) is not cool!
@debra2700 10 ай бұрын
She didn't sell his stuff. She had an Estate sale because she is tending to her own life and most likely selling Garden Lodge. If someone left you their home and a few of his friends just decided to live there for months and months, those people are legally squatters and by law, they have to be removed. Those three men were left plenty of money and homes of their own to live in. Freddie left that home to Mary. It was not Mary who was uncool.
@lorrainecimino8508 10 ай бұрын
Jim beach, the executor of the attorney and queen's manager and attorney told them they had to leave. Jim was a grown man with $500,000 in his pocket thanks to Freddie, he just wanted to stay there and not have to spend a dime the rest of his life like he would have if Freddie hadn't died. He was just greedy, and he knew Freddie loved Mary more than he loved him. I think he was a great user of Freddie.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
Mary is 72 years old. She needs to get her life in order. It’s been 32 years! Don’t you think that’s long enough if nary wants to downsize her life at her advanced age? She’s owned those things 27 years longer than Freddie did. Mary just made her children’s’ lives easier for after she passes away, whether it’s 10 days, 10 months or 10 years. She’s totally cool for doing so.
@debra2700 9 ай бұрын
@@Powdermonkey720 Do you believe the stories that Mary either lived in the Mews or the home that Freddie bought for her when they broke up? It seems to me that Garden Lodge would be far too large for her.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
@@debra2700Mary lived in Garden Lodge with her kids. Phoebe dropped by unexpectedly in 2003 as she and the kids were sitting down to dinner. He recalls Delilah roaming the home.
@ReidoMD86 8 ай бұрын
Coloca essa tradução em portugues por favor pra nos ok
@vivinamorrison1186 Жыл бұрын
Ultimately it was Mary who threw him out. As he had fed her some line which took him toward being exposed. As the story goes Mary & Jim were arguing after Freddie’s passing, when Mary pointed out to Jim that Jim had refused Freddie coming on to him. In the moment Jim tol her, “What do you expect from me? I shad no idea who he was?” Apparently THAT was the last straw for Many! She gave him a one week to get out. Not only this but if you ever noticed during the time he and Jim were together, there were areas of bruising on Freddie’s arm. Could be the bruising that most of us get & we have no idea how we did that OR could’ve been caused by someone else punching at him repeatedly. I have no knowledge of how those things occurred sebruises occurred. Just seems a tad odd to me that Freddie would call Jim many times during the course of each day needing to get reassured that Jim loved him.😢😢 With as self confident as Freddie always was? I’m guessing he was on to something. 😢😢 💔💐💐💔
@debra2700 Жыл бұрын
I read Jim's book and it was all about how Jim was the big prize and Freddie needed reassurance that Jim loved him which is all a bunch of nonsense since Jim also wrote that Freddie went to gay bars and one time Jim had a physical fight with Freddie because Jim was so jealous. Jim got mad because Freddie wouldn't wear his wedding ring and Jim was so jealous of Freddie's love for Mary that Jim couldn't see straight. There was a jealous person in the relationship but it wasn't Freddie and Mary knew who truly loved.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
That’s a new one. Never heard that Mary was mad about any such thing. Hutton was full of baloney anyway. Do people really believe he didn’t know who Freddie Mercury was? That was just BS to make himself seem like he wasn’t impressed. Frankly, I think Hutton started going to Heaven hoping to run into Freddie again, but this time at Freddie’s known hangout. Lo and behold, Hutton knew the doorman at Heaven, the club he claimed he rarely cruised at. Luckily enough, he knew to go straight downstairs to the bar Freddie preferred. Even luckier, Freddie spotted him in that highly crowded bar on a Saturday night. Freddie had a set corner where his friends would bring “prospects” to him. But luckier still, Freddie just happened to change his modus operandi that particular night. Good thing Freddie had money because Hutton went to Heaven already drunk with barely enough money to get fare home. Guess he was hoping somebody would buy his booze for the rest of the night. The coincidences are amazing.
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
Freddie wore the ring until his death.
@Powdermonkey720 3 ай бұрын
@@lujzagarou7619 Freddie wore Winnie’s ring while he was seeing Hutton. Hutton bullied Freddie into wearing that ring. Freddie did acquiesce. The thing that is noteworthy is Freddie never bought Hutton a ring. Hutton bought the signet ring he wore on his own with birthday money Freddie gave him. Freddie and Hutton had been at Cartiers together when Hutton saw that ring. Freddie didn’t buy it for him. Freddie wanted to get him a chunky bracelet instead. The bracelet wasn’t in stock so they left, buying nothing.
@Powdermonkey720 3 ай бұрын
@@debra2700 Truer comment was never made. It was nonsense that Hutton was the big catch. The “Burt Reynolds” of bar flies. Hutton was quite impressed with himself. “Freddie Thing” wasn’t Hutton’s type. GMAB! Hutton claimed they were together yet he said Freddie would go out at night without him, often staying at Stafford Terrace flat. What type relationship was that, right? Thing is, the timeline of him having a fight over seeing some guy leave Stafford Terrace doesn’t make sense. Freddie wasn’t even living at Garden Lodge full time at that point. That means Hutton wasn’t living there yet. He may have had an overnight bag there for when Freddie had guests at GL. I think Hutton was stalking Freddie at ST that day. IF any of that is true anyway. Hutton had a meltdown. Freddie had offered to take Hutton along to Time Premiere. He’d even bought all three “boys” new suits and shoes for the event. That whole scenario about Freddie begging him to come back and throwing Hutton on the bed for a tryst is questionable. “Freddie made it very plain it was only me he wanted by his side at the theatre that night, and after that things settled back into a happy routine.” Except, there are all kinds of photos of Freddie with Mary at the Premiere with the three “boys” and Jim and Claudia Beach along in the entourage. Hutton claimed he had moved into GL before Freddie did. That’s disputed by Phoebe and the authors of As It Began. Phoebe said Freddie moved in and a few months later Hutton was invited after he’d been evicted from his attic rooms. Freddie had been living in Stafford Terrace since he’d come home from Munich in October of 1985. He didn’t invite Hutton to move into ST. Isn’t that curious? My opinion is, Hutton didn’t get an invite to live at ST and wasn’t getting the invite to GL either so Hutton conveniently got evicted. Freddie gave him a place to stay. After all, the immensely wealthy Freddie took money for Hutton to stay there. Hutton said he “willingly” paid it even though it was half his earnings from the barber shop. That doesn’t sound like a guy who “insisted” on paying. Freddie only dropped the idea after Hutton had become the full-time gardener. He was then considered a full-time live-in employee with room and board just like Joe and Phoebe. I’m not saying there hadn’t been some kind of boyfriend relationship at one time, but it didn’t last…just like all who came before him. Hutton even admitted years later that he knew he was no different than the others and I think that’s evident in the will decisions. He sure sold a bill of goods in that book. Freddie had told David Wigg in the 1986 interview around the time of the Wembley concerts that he was not going to have a one-to-one relationship. He had accepted that was how his life was going to be. He knew at that point that he was HIV+. Freddie seemed to always need to have a “somebody” and Hutton happened to be the last guy standing. Freddie moved Mary’s office into Garden Lodge. Mary was there every day. How weird was it that Mary handled Freddie’s personal money, but the supposed “hubby” didn’t?
@elvira2448 10 ай бұрын
Freddie left most of his estate to Mary, I don't think Jim could handle that.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
He’d have blown through it being a big shot. But I don’t think that’s why he didn’t get more. Freddie said he considered Mary his common law wife. He treated her as a wife in his will. She’d been with him before the fame and fortune. She was his life partner, no matter how unconventional. Brian said Freddie always said Mary was the love of his life. He meant it.
@lujzagarou7619 9 ай бұрын
In all fairness, Mary supported Freddie in his early years when they were dating, and therefore made a promise to Mary that he would support her in the future as he was brought up that way, he promised to leave her everything one day and kept his word as without that support, he probably wouldn't of been able to achieve what he set out to do with his music to the best of his ability so for that I do commend her, but she could of taken a page out of his book and treated others with kindness and respect towards the end as Freddie alway had.
@Powdermonkey720 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@lujzagarou7619How do we know what Freddie promised Mary? Jim Hutton or Phoebe didn’t know what Freddie promised Mary either. Neither one of them was around when Mary and Freddie were together as a couple. They decided to push that narrative to excuse why Freddie didn’t leave them more. Did Mary ever say Freddie told her he’d give her everything because she helped support him while he pursued his dream? I’ve yet to see that she ever made such a statement. Brian said Freddie always referred to Mary as the love of his life. Brian said Mary had the most access to Freddie to the end. Thor Arnold said Freddie loved Mary above all others, man or woman. Ratty said Mary was the true love of his life. More importantly, Freddie said Mary was his common-law-wife. He said he couldn’t imagine life without her. He left her situated as a wife. Freddie certainly could have given Mary far, far less and still provided wonderfully for her future. However, he chose to give her GL, mews, all his personal property and majority of the future income. Freddie didn’t seem to live the life of a man particularly motivated by guilt. Phoebe has often said Freddie never looked back on decisions he’d made…but I guess on this one thing about Freddie feeling “obligated” to Mary, Phoebe could find an inconsistency. Typical Phoebe. 😏
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