How levidras manage to make that chtulu reject Zorga palatable to the eye is beyond me
@izzy_theog96585 ай бұрын
That transition still scares me.
@BorreloadMJ5 ай бұрын
I am very tempted to create a DnD character for the next game I play to be based on Zorga & give him Masanori’s personality. Tho idk if that kind of personality would work for other players. Also should I do a necromancy wizard or a warlock?
@godsman005 ай бұрын
@@BorreloadMJ necromancy seems more accurate but the Warlock flavor is hard to deny
@chingmankwok10443 ай бұрын
I like vanguard divinez
@RoamingSimp5 ай бұрын
The amount of L Greedon take during D series is outrageous like bruh bro got done so dirty
@godsman005 ай бұрын
Was kinda hoping he'd become a Destined one and finally kick butt but oh well 😂
@Silverdude5005 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 like come on, destined one of gluttony, greedon sounds just perfect!
@SuperSayianWarrior5 ай бұрын
3:33 one of the best animation sequences ever, same with 8:47. Shame they both invole one of the most annoying ass characters in ALL of Vanguard, like even Morikawa is more liked
@StarKaiser24 ай бұрын
What is an energy generator?
@godsman004 ай бұрын
It's a new mechanic exclusive to standard, you can look up more in the rules but basically it's a 3rd resources system apart from Counter-blast and Soul-blast.