Women embrace personal development more due to the fact that they were not able to do a lot outside the home except for being a secretary, nursing, or being a school teacher. Women have only been able to do more in the last fifty years. "intuition" has been seen as a female only thing for quite some time. This is due to the fact that women can connect with their babies before they are born. Men connect with children after birth. Self development and self help things are in books. Where are books? In libraries. Females have dominated the librarian profession. That is because Melvil Dewey thought his organizational system was so simple that even a woman could do it. When you are forced into books, you are going to read a lot and find creative ways to get around the limitations imposed on you by society. This is also the reason why women have more degrees than men. Men were supposed to focus on "physically" building things for material stability while the woman gains knowledge and educates. This led to women having a stronger inner world and a weaker outer world. This explains why self development and psychic abilities are more popular with women.