Master Chin Kung - Willing to Live a Hard Life is the Fastest Way to Remove Karma 願意過艱苦的生活是消除業障最快的方法

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Pure Lotus

Pure Lotus

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@hankwang8324 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the English subtitles
@kellychin2895 5 жыл бұрын
Happiness are always in within 😇
@jennytan2301 4 жыл бұрын
To help others is to help yourself.
@Amitofu20 5 жыл бұрын
Buddhism is an education. The principle of Buddhism is to break through all superstitions and delusions. Buddhism can perfectly solve all afflictions and problems. It enables us to obtain true and ultimate benefits by creating fulfilling lives, happy families, harmonious, societies, prosperous nations and a peaceful world. Namo Amitabha
@manmayawaiba5123 6 жыл бұрын
I always get chance to improve myself and be more religious because of our dear master.thank you very much.
@tuffbear7603 6 жыл бұрын
These videos are so useful, thank you for uploading these translations and videos! ;)
@PureLotusPond 6 жыл бұрын
My pleasure
@tancising3696 5 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for English subtitles . It's help me a lot
@InfinitelifeBuddha Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the precious translation. Everything our Master said is incredible. Thank you once again. Namo Amitabha Buddha
@PureLotusPond Жыл бұрын
My pleasure
@stevenkok1926 6 жыл бұрын
Willing to learn and understand what is suffering or hardship is golden.
@stevenkok1926 7 жыл бұрын
Amituofuo This is the most practical mental attitudes.
@tsbelmer7265uuu 3 жыл бұрын
After Master Chin Kung appears we have direction and purpose in life. After learning Infinite Life Sutra and knowing how important chanting Amituofo, we are no longer superstitious and our life becomes bright. It is our great fortune to encounter Master Chin Kung.
@stevenkok1926 7 жыл бұрын
Amituofuo said who wants suffering ? Just be altruistic joy by helping others. Remove karmic retribution is wealth.
@jennytan2301 4 жыл бұрын
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha Buddha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.o
@IamSpiritful 7 жыл бұрын
@chuahoo6376 3 жыл бұрын
@rameshsatya2181 7 жыл бұрын
anything above the god in this world that is buddha
@ronaldtan1434 2 жыл бұрын
Namo Amituofo
@leejawhung7483 3 жыл бұрын
人生最大的福报不是拥有财富,地位,而是遇到佛法,正法,尤其是遇到净土法门,念佛法门,因为,就算拥有整个地球也没有用,因为死了,所有我们拥有的都带不去,只有业随身,只是给我们做人的时候,暂时的给我们享用而已,所以我们从出生到死,拼命的追求欲望,财色名食睡,其实我们是追求错误的东西,“短暂” 的东西,而忽略了我们人生大事,什么是我们的人生大事?大多数人会认为结婚,传宗接代是人生最大的事,其实这个是大错特错,我们的人生大事只有一桩事情,就是今生要了生死,出三界,永远脱离六道轮回,找回我们的本性,佛性,其实这个就是我们做人的目的,意思说,我们生存在这个世界短短几十年的真真目的是要修行,出轮回,成佛道,所谓成佛道是找回我们的本性,我们的本来面目,因为我们一切众生本来是佛,意思说,尽虚空,偏法界一切众生原本是佛,因为我们迷失了本性,自性,所以现在,我们才变成众生,“佛” 这个字是代表 “觉悟”,意思说佛是一个 “圆满” 明白宇宙人生的真相的人,这个人,我们称呼他叫 “佛”,我们的本性,良心就是佛,我们的 “习性” 就是我们现在这个样子,所以,现在我们才变成 “众生”,所以生存的目的就是要 “恢复” 我们的本性,因为,我们迷失了本性,我们才轮回,我们轮回不是一世两世,而是无量劫,时间很长很长,无法计算,承受无量无边的痛苦,煎熬,所以我们现在遇到佛法,正法,念佛法门是最大的福报,宇宙间没有一个福报会比这个大了,我们的福报超过 Bill Gates,李嘉诚亿亿倍都不止,因为他们虽然福报很大,拥有很大的财富,但是当他们生命结束,他们还要轮回,收无量无边的痛苦,除非他们遇到佛法,正法,念佛法门,依教奉行,念佛求生净土,不然他们还要轮回,所以我们遇到佛法,正法,尤其是净土法门(念佛法门),我们就有机会今生就了生死,出三界,永远的超越轮回,没有比这桩事更重要了,其他的事情根本是多余的,意思说,只有出轮回这桩事是真的,其他事情都是多余的,是假的,不应该放在心上,哪为什么,我们今生就一定要超越轮回了?有人会问,我们可以拼命的行善积德,我们将来升天也很好啊,也许有人会这样想,但是,升天不是究竟的,因为它还在轮回的范围,意思说,一个天人,天福享尽,它还要继续搞轮回,佛曾经说过一句话,只要还在轮回当中,肯定是在三善道的时间短,三恶道的时间很长很长,所以必须要超越轮回才是究竟的方法,所以,我们在这个世界短短几十年,一定要努力的修学佛法,一定要今生就出轮回,一定要有这个指向,因为如果今生不成就,麻烦就大了,因为,我们不知道要等到那一世才可以再做人,再闻到佛法,可能要等到无量劫,所谓的人身难得,佛法难闻,所以,今生就要超越轮回,要珍惜闻到佛法这个因缘,不要错过这个机会,所以我们一定要念佛,念 “南无阿弥佗佛” 求生净土,西方极乐世界,只要往生到净土,我们就超越六道轮回,永远摆脱轮回之苦,只要往生到极乐世界,不但,超越轮回,而且还超越十法界,成就佛道永远不退转,也许,有人会问,佛法有八万四千法门,为什么一定要选择念佛法门呢?因为我们的根性如果修其他法门是不容易成就,其他法门一定要断烦恼才有成就,才可以脱离六道轮回,这很难很难,念佛法门是最容易的,只要一心念佛,一心求往生净土,能够伏烦恼就可以了,意思说只要我们真真相信有阿弥陀佛,真真想去极乐世界,就可以了,所谓的信,愿,行,虽然这个法门不需要断烦恼,但是平时还是要努力修行,所谓修行是修正我们身口意的行为,平时要注意我们身口意的行为,以十善业为标准,所谓的 1。不杀生,2。不偷盗,3。不邪淫,4。不妄语,5。不两舌,6。不绮语,7。不恶口,8。不贪,9。不嗔,10。不痴,其实,这个十善业是很重要,很重要,从我们一开始学佛就开始学这个十善业,一直到我们成佛还是这个十善业,所以这个十善业不可以忽略它,大家一定要时时刻刻注意留意自己的身口意,不要违犯这个十善业,这个很重要,很重要,还有要学习弟子规,太上感应篇,扎好我们的善根,平时要注重戒,定,慧,三学,所谓的,勤修戒定慧,熄灭贪嗔痴,还有要注重净业三福,平时要多听经闻法,尤其是净空老法师讲经,要多听,这个也是很重要,很重要,然后一心念佛,求生净土,在这里要做个结论,我们最重要的是要念佛求生净土,除了这桩事,其他事情什么都是假的,短暂的,多余的,浪费时间的,只要生到极乐世界,我们无量劫的问题就解决了,我们就成佛,恢复我们的本性,在这里我们要感恩净空法师和其他正知正见的法师们和居士们,如果没有你们讲经说法,我们没有能够听到这么宝贵的佛法,解脱的法门,真的谢谢你们
@ChanhDucTuong 4 ай бұрын
I’m trying to find Master Chin Kung all teachings in English text (not MP3 or Video). Anyone know where could I find them please?
@stevenkok1926 6 жыл бұрын
Mountains of blood debts is suffering.
@nayashams6845 7 жыл бұрын
Can you tell me who created the earth and universe. I am muslim. I believe one God. I worship one God. Who decide the karma. Who is in the charge of how many times we should born. How we get our karmic punishment. Who decide to go where. Who taught Buda to be enlighted. Where did Buda is right now. I think you know about Islam Christianity and jewdisism. All of them worship one God, God of Abraham ,Issac and Jacob. God bless you.
@PureLotusPond 7 жыл бұрын
A buddha is the chief teacher of a galaxy. There're innumerable galaxies in the universe, so there're also innumerable buddhas in the universe. A buddha learns from another buddha. The Sakyamuni Buddha born in India is one of many incarnations of the Buddha. The Buddha has many incarnations in this galaxy in the past and at present. He is formless, so he resides in our galaxy everywhere. The gods are the governors who govern different worlds, heavens, and underworlds, who decide the reincarnations of all beings. But they have their reincarnation too. When a being is awakened, he'll be free from reincarnation. And that is the purpose of Buddhism. Different religions originated from the gods reincarnated in the world to teach humans in different areas and times. "One God" is easier to teach, and no need to talk about other gods. At that time in India, there were many practitioners have great meditation ability, and they could visualize different worlds and reincarnation, but didn't know how to transcend reincarnation. That is why the Buddha came to teach them. When people practice well and have great meditation ability, they can communicate with the gods or spirits in different spaces. To achieve good meditation ability, be a vegetarian is the 1st step. That's why Islam and Christianity don't know such things.
@camaxtle 6 жыл бұрын
Namo Amitofo nice!
@Carmine416 4 жыл бұрын
I can relate to these questions since I was raised Christian. I asked the same questions. I studied the Bible deeply, as well as Islam (although not as deep, my Arabic is weak). But I saw that with everything I read and all the people I talked to there always seemed to be 50% on one side and 50% on the other. So I searched inside. We ourselves, our mind, heart, breath, have information but we never examine it. Where did those things come from? How do they keep running? Whatever we chose to call it, God, Universe or Nature, we all come from one source. The spark that started it all is inside us as well. Some have just learned more about it than others. What you can write down about it is never the whole thing. If we humble ourselves enough to be students and truly want to learn the truth, we will find it. 南無阿彌陀佛🙏
@koo7412 3 жыл бұрын
No one taught buddha to be enlightened..he found his own way with his own hard work of years when he left behind all his possessions,desires and a huge kingdom in search of the ultimate truth..he found his own light..he did learn the starting basic breathing exercises from a few saints at that time which helped him get closer to his goals..he attained the ultimate truth of the universe himself with his own hardwork..there is no God buddha never claimed himself to be a god there is only this mother nature which is the law of nature that is called karma which buddha believed in..In your words.. Nature is the almighty..we buddhist bow down to buddha as the greatest teacher🙏
@freeworld88888 11 ай бұрын
belive is opinion that is your opinon
@malong31 7 жыл бұрын
What is to live a hard life ?
@PureLotusPond 7 жыл бұрын
When you can walk, don't bike. When you can ride a bike, don't drive a car. Do the tough work others don't like to do, eat the coarse food others don't want to eat. Comfortably bear the hardship which others can't endure. Live in this lifestyle is living a hard life.
@malong31 7 жыл бұрын
Namo Amitofo thank you
@PureLotusPond 7 жыл бұрын
You're welcome
@thomaszaw6482 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for posting this video and this response, you have saved me and many others. Your gift of dhamma is priceless. May all beings be forever happy.
@PureLotusPond 7 жыл бұрын
You are welcome! May all beings be free from sufferings.
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