MasterCard Foundation Scholarships | How to Apply & Eligibility for Top Universities

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Shafiq Abass

Shafiq Abass

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 2
@KIDS-ZONES-v9h 2 ай бұрын
Hello brother few months ago, I applied for a PHD program at KFUPM and recently had the interview. Today, I received a response email from the professor saying that he recommended me to the faculty for admission. Could you please tell me what this means? Am I already selected, or do I have to wait for the faculty's confirmation? I have another offer, but KFUPM is my priority, so I need to make a decision soon.
@theshafiqabass 2 ай бұрын
I can't tell if you're selected but it means you're being considered for admission, probably highly. the grad school has the power to admit you, of course after consulting with the review committee from the department/faculty. If you feel you'll be late with your decision, you can send the professor an email to discuss this
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