I started Wing Chun in the mid 70s from a traditional instructor that taught the traditional stance. Not good! I learned (in a bar) that you have to move your head and not stand there like an idiot. A few stitches and a lip scar was a good lesson. I also learned that WC is not a means to an end but maybe just the beginning of a journey.
Great Comment. For me; History of a way of fighting is where we have to start to understand any style or system. What problems did they face to created these movement, and those movements and training methods had to be successful. Unlike, in today's world where in small pocket in the US and other countries those citizens have no concept of real violence. Styles of fighting have become a hobby instead of a necessity. Wing Chun was created over 400 years ago, and it was created to solve problems they faced 400 years ago. The way they fought, the way they moved, the way they held themselves, and the cultured played a huge role. In today's fast pace, and quickly evolving society the way we fight (violence is carried out) changes every 5 years based FBI violence data statistics. So, to be accountable to reality we have stay up on the most current criminal acts, violent altercations, and create lab like training environments to pressure test (Battle Test) and create real solutions to modern violence. You have a Problem, Question it, Research it, Create a Hypothesis, Experiment with it, Create Data Analysis, Multiple testing in different environment with different size people, and find basic conclusions. Then communicate it out. Scientific Solution for survival solutions. When it comes to Wing Chun; for 30 years I have studied, trained, and shared my love for it. I do it, because it has a lot of great lessons. I practice it, because it is enjoyable and not because it is the first way I will engage in a violent altercation. Now the attributes it creates in one thing that I value. I also practice Iaido, and Kenjitsu, because I love it and not because I think I am going to use it in a Samurai battle. I have learned from these forms of ancient combat a lot of important combat principles, and life Principles that have carried me through my life. It is healthy to say I enjoy practicing this, because it is fun, and it make my life more enjoyable. Thank you again for your support!