Watch for Simulink Simulation of OFDM communication system to get its BER Watch for Simulink Simulation of coherent 4-FSK passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for MATLAB Simulation of DPSK (Differential PSK) passband signaling to measure the BER Watch for Simulink Simulation of DPSK (Differential PSK) passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for Simulink Simulation of noncoherent FSK passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for MATLAB Simulation of noncoherent FSK passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for MATLAB Simulation of coherent FSK passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for MATLAB Simulation of QAM passband signaling to measure the BER Watch for Simulink Simulation of QAM passband signaling to measure the SER Watch for MATLAB Simulation of PSK passband signaling to measure the BER Watch for Simulink Simulation of PSK passband signaling to measure the BER %sim_QAM_passband.m % simulates a digital communication system in Fig.7.13 % with QAM signal waveforms in Fig.7.11 clear, clf b=4; M=2^b; L=2^(b/2); % # of bits per symbol and modulation order Tb=1e-5; Ts=b*Tb; % Bit/Symbol duration Nb=16; Ns=b*Nb; % # of subintervals in Ts T=Ts/Ns; LB=4*Ns; LBN1=LB-Ns+1; % the subinterval length and buffer size ssc=bin2gray(0:L-1,'ask',L); sss=ssc; wc=8*pi/Ts; wcT=wc*T; t=[0:Ns-1]*T; % Unit signal waveforms for the quadrature multiplier of transmitter su=sqrt(2/Ts)*[cos(wc*t); -sin(wc*t)]; suT=su*T; % Unit signal waveforms for the quadrature multiplier of receiver %Esum=0; % 16-QAM signal waveforms corresponding to rectangular constellation for i=1:L for l=1:L s(i,l,1)=2*i-L-1; s(i,l,2)=2*l-L-1; %In-phase/quadrature amplitude %Esum= Esum+s(i,l,1)^2 +s(i,l,2)^2; ss(L*(l-1)+i,:)=[ssc(i,:) sss(l,:)]; sw(L*(l-1)+i,:)=s(i,l,1)*su(1,:)+s(i,l,2)*su(2,:); end end %Eav_=Esum/M Eav=2*(M-1)/3 % Eq.(7.5.4a) Es=2; % the energy of signal waveform A=sqrt(Es/Eav); sw=A*sw; levels=A*[-(L-1):2:L-1]; gs=['s+xs'; 'd*'; 's+xs']; % graphic symbols SNRdBs=[1:15]; N_Iter=10000; % Range of SNRbdB and # of iterations for iter=1:length(SNRdBs) SNRbdB=SNRdBs(iter); SNRb=10^(SNRbdB/10); %SNRdB=SNRbdB+10*log10(b); sigma2=(Es/b)/SNRb; sgmsT=sqrt(sigma2/T); yr=zeros(2,LB); % Initialize the multiplier buffer nobe=0; % Initialize the number of bit errors to be accumulated for k=1:N_Iter im=ceil(rand*L); in=ceil(rand*L); imn=(in-1)*L+im; s=ss(imn,:); % Transmitted signal for n=1:Ns % Operation per symbol interval wct=wcT*(n-1); bp_noise=randn*cos(wct)-randn*sin(wct); % Bandpass noise rn=sw(imn,n)+sgmsT*bp_noise; % Received signal with noise %rn= awgn(sw(imn,n),SNRdB-10*log10(Ns/Ts)-3); %received signal yr=[yr(:,2:LB) suT(:,n)*rn]; % Multiplier end ycsk=sum(yr(:,LBN1:LB)'); % Sampled correlator output - DTR input %yck=ycsk(1); ysk=ycsk(2); %Detector(DTR)levels if iter==10&k100; break; end end pobe(iter)= nobe/(k*b); end % Add the reference signal points to the signal constellation diagram for n=1:L, plot(levels,levels(n)*ones(1,L),'ro'); end axis([-2 2 -2 2]), axis('equal'), set(gca,'fontsize',9) title(['Received signal constellation for SNRdB=' num2str(SNRdBs(10))]) % Plot the BERs obtained from simulation with the theoretical BER curve SNRbdBt=0:.1:15; SNRbt=10.^(SNRbdBt/10); %Pm=2*(1-1/L)*Q(sqrt(3/2*b*SNRbt/(M-1))); % Eq.(7.1.5) %poe_on_theory= (1-(1-Pm).^2)/b; % Eq.(7.5.8) poe_on_theory=prob_error(SNRbdBt,'QAM',b,'BER'); subplot(222) semilogy(SNRbdBt,poe_on_theory,'k-', SNRdBs,pobe,'b*') axis([0 SNRdBs(end) 1e-4 1]), set(gca,'fontsize',9), grid on title('Probability of Bit Error for (16-ary) QAM Signaling') set(gcf,'color','white') function [grayCode,grayCode_s,map]=bin2gray(xin,signaling,M) % Input: % xin = Integer(s) to be graycoded. % signaling = 'ask'|'psk'|'qam' % M = Modulation order % Output: % grayCode = Binary form % grayCode_s = String form % map = Grade code map in string form signaling=lower(signaling); if signaling=='ask'|signaling=='pam' log2M=log2(M); binVal = de2bi(xin,log2M,'left-msb'); % Convert binary to Gray code grayCode = binVal; grayCode(:,2:end) = xor(binVal(:,1:end-1), binVal(:, 2:end)); binVals = de2bi([0:M-1],log2M,'left-msb'); grayCodes = binVals; grayCodes(:,2:end) = xor(binVals(:,1:end-1), binVals(:, 2:end)); for m=1:size(grayCode,1) grayCode_s(m,:)=removeBlanks(num2str(grayCode(m,:))); % String form end for m=1:size(grayCodes,1) map{m}=removeBlanks(num2str(grayCodes(m,:))); % String form end for m=1:numel(xin) grayCode_s1(m,:)=map{xin(m)+1}; % String form end elseif signaling=='qam' b=log2(M); L=2^(b/2); graycode=bin2gray([0:L-1],'ask',L); i=0; for m=1:L for n=1:L i = i+1; grayCodes(i,:)=[graycode(n,:) graycode(m,:)]; map{L-m+1,n}=removeBlanks(num2str(grayCodes(i,:))); end end %grayCode0 grayCode=grayCodes(xin+1,:); % Binary integer form for m=1:size(grayCode,1) grayCode_s(m,:)=removeBlanks(num2str(grayCode(m,:))); % String form end elseif signaling=='psk' b=ceil(log2(M)); grayCodes=[0; 1]; for n=2:b m=size(grayCodes,1); grayCodes=[zeros(m,1) grayCodes; ones(m,1) flipud(grayCodes)]; end grayCode=grayCodes(xin+1,:); % Binary integer form for m=1:size(grayCodes,1) map{m}=removeBlanks(num2str(grayCodes(m,:))); % String form end for m=1:numel(xin) grayCode_s(m,:)=map{xin(m)+1}; % String form end else fprintf(" Please specify the 2nd input argument signaling as one of 'ask'|'psk','qam'") end end function p=prob_error(SNRbdB,signaling,b,opt1,opt2) % Finds the symbol/bit error probability for given SNRbdB=Eb/(N0/2)[dB](Table 7.1) % Note that EbN0dB=SNRbdB-3. % Copyleft: Won Y. Yang,, CAU for academic use only if nargin1))*Q(sqrt(b*SNRb)*sin(pi/M)); %Eq.(7.3.7) if lower(opt1(1))=='b'&b>1, p=p/b; end elseif signaling(1:3)=='DPS' %DPSK for i=1:NSNR EbN0=SNRb(i)/b; % From the MATLAB built-in function berawgn() tol=1e-6; % tol=max(min(1e-4/EbN0.^5,1e-4),eps); int_dpsk=@(y,EbN0,M,b)exp(-b*EbN0*(sin(pi/M))^2./(1+sqrt(1-(sin(pi/M)).^2).*cos(y))); %?????? p(i)=1/pi*quad(int_dpsk,1e-5,pi*(1-1/M),tol,[],EbN0,M,b); end if lower(opt1(1))=='b', p=p/b; end elseif signaling(1:3)=='QAM' L = 2^(ceil(b/2)); N = M/L; tmpL = 1-2*(L-1)/L*Q(sqrt(3*b/2/(L^2-1)*SNRb)); tmpN = 1-2*(N-1)/N*Q(sqrt(3*b/2/(N^2-1)*SNRb)); p = 1-tmpL.*tmpN; %Eq.(7.5.6) if lower(opt1(1))=='b'&b>1, p = p/b; end end end function newStr=removeBlanks(str) newStr = str(~isspace(str)); end