Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined - Matt Kahn

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Matt Kahn All For Love

Matt Kahn All For Love

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@ShimmeringOneness 9 жыл бұрын
Loving ourselves is key.... twin flame, false twin flame, soulmate - these are all labels we use to call the people who come into our lives and who are catalysts for change in us. If we identify too strongly with any particular label, we'll be thrown off track, because labels separate us.
@michell6754 7 жыл бұрын
He is absolutely right. I was in a TF relationship that started off very intense and ended extremely painful. I had to pick myself up completely devastated and look inside of myself for answers. My TF unknowingly helped me to overcome my fear of abandonment by leaving me for some one else (funny how my biggest fear was the one that helped me heal the most). After 2 years of healing and searching for myself, I actually met a soulmate who is everything that I was trying to turn my twin flame into. My soulmate is a perfect reflection of myself, its easy and a perfect balance. So if you're mad at Matt for speaking from a 5D point of view and non romanticizing twin flames then you are hearing what you are suppose to hear! Remember when it comes to twin flames, its never about them, only about YOU and your evolution. God Bless.
@christinebuckingham7334 9 жыл бұрын
I feel Matt's description of the twin flame is actually the definition of a karmic relationship.
@spiritualtalkswithprashant6342 9 жыл бұрын
"I don't miss you" (poem by me of 2013) When I look in your eyes, there is nothing I see that is other than Love, that is other than Me... There is nothing inside that is hiding from me, - there's no pain, there's no pride, no regret, and no guilt... Only Ultimate Truth, Unconditional Love, You are Me, I am You, as below, so above... So who ever I see, and who ever I meet, Will remind me that there is no one but me... You are always with me, I am always with you. I don't have to believe, I just know that it's true... When the sunshine comes out, kissing me on my skin, I will know that it's You, my affectionate Twin... Every hug is your hug, every kiss is your kiss... And what I have not LOST, that I can't really MISS.
@lisagouldson8373 2 жыл бұрын
@VictoriaZaitz 9 жыл бұрын
The good news is it seriously doesn't matter what this video or any other video says about thoughts and concepts on twin flames. Every twin flame knows what this journey is about and if they do not they will find out. And they simply will not resonate with what has no relevance. The reasons twin flames are upset here is because it is a hard journey full of questioning to understand this path, and we have so many people trying to capitalize off of the human weaknesses people have. We are completely tired of that. But ultimately I think every one of us knows enough in our souls not to listen to that stuff. All twins will reach a point where it matters not at all to their personal path what anyone says. We have questioned it enough to know for ourselves and to trust ourselves. This is like a debate on whether love exists because you can't see it. Fruitless. You know love in your soul. It doesn't need a debate.
@MadameRosaFortuneTeller 9 жыл бұрын
Victoria Zaitz Thank you Victoria. You spoke my heart.
@Det_313 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely 🌀 💛
@mystieilde 9 жыл бұрын
I've watched the video and read all the comments. What strikes me about all these comments is the incredible heat and passion and downright vehemence over....well... words? I don't care if soul mates are twin flames or soul flames are twin mates... Tomato - Tomahto...Potato - Potahto - lets call the whole thing off! I've been hearing and reading conflicting definitions of these terms for years and years anyway, to the point that neither means that much to me. I think if you can get past the argument about the words and hear what he is saying about relationships, you will see that he has spoken a deep wisdom in this video. I love you Matt!
@avesraggiana 9 жыл бұрын
mystieilde Thank you. I couldn’t agree with you more.
@starseed1150 9 жыл бұрын
mystieilde and the deep wisdom can be broken down into a few words "you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else" . I agree about the comments so much spiritual jargon and nonsence, yawn!!
@avesraggiana 9 жыл бұрын
“So much spiritual jargon and nonsense...” I’m in total agreement with you.
@starseed1150 9 жыл бұрын
Give me Stuart Wilde and his humble teaching method anyday!
@CyndiMcKenna 9 жыл бұрын
mystieilde Yes!
@tanyaa7110 7 жыл бұрын
The twin flame connection is very intense beyond anything u have ever felt and experienced in ur entire life
@monicahouston1412 8 жыл бұрын
I cried at the self love part also. Mourning the old self that was never loved and had no idea this level existed.
@andreeaa.s.moonfiredracwoo4005 8 жыл бұрын
To self "I'm so sorry honey, I'd like to love you, but I don't know how." This has been something I've been trying to figure out. I've been searching for 12 years to figure out why I'm hurt. He summed it up for me, in that one sentence. Thank you for this video.
@skyejacques 8 жыл бұрын
We're getting there, bit by bit
@bluestardiamond84 8 жыл бұрын
Until you meet your twin flame, you will always be wondering and skeptical. The first time I watched this video it made sense.. A few months later I met my twin flame and my entire world changed. And now this video does not resonate with my experience. Only those who are true flames themsleves can truly speak on this topic. It's something that comes from personal experience. These unions are one of a kind and unlike anything you've
@bluestardiamond84 8 жыл бұрын
You've ever experienced prior. Only a true flame will know. If it's not your path and you haven't met your twin then the twin flame concept will never fit for you truly.
@GilBarOn 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment, You're the only one here that I really felt is saying the truth. You've also gave me inspiration and hope for finding my true love.. :-) People are so lost in their minds and think their way into love and it's not the way.. Love is Real and should be felt and experienced in the Real world. All these "spiritual" terms are just hurdles along the way.. When you love someone you just love them.. No need for fancy shmancy words.. Thank you & lots of love
@energeticsoulhealer888 6 жыл бұрын
bluestardiamond84 you are so correct. I never really thought about this topic UNTIL I met my twin flame, and was guided 3.5 years in to research it. Only those who know, know, lol. And I KNOW you understand EXACTLY what I'm saying
@Det_313 3 жыл бұрын
@marylogan6711 9 жыл бұрын
i've read most of these comments and what i love is the general respect, maturity and wholesomness with which people disagree with each other or with different from the TROLLING and GREMLIN on other sites...clearly a sign that people on a conscious path of self discovery whatever stage they may be at..have some basic development going...a joy to witness
@Theescapist_87 8 жыл бұрын
He hit it on the head with the twin flame bit. I met mine online and instantly knew I loved him without even hearing his voice or seeing him in person. One week later he said he loved me and two months later he was talking about us getting married, then it all went to hell in a rocket ship, haha. I'm still happy I met him though because meeting him made me look at myself real good and make the best choices I could to become who I am now.
@MJ-yj9sb 7 жыл бұрын
Labels & words are ultimately irrelevant. Let your energy guide you, your inner being knows the way.
@leslieblake2305 9 жыл бұрын
Until you start loving yourself nothing will make any damn sense... OOOOooH so true, thank you for that!
@jenileonard6765 9 жыл бұрын
I'm with my twin so therefore I can speak from experience. The information you present is just not in line with what I have experienced with my twin. It's divine love. We are learning and growing together at a rapid pace but surrounded by this divine love. No karma, hard lessons with each other etc.... That is a soul mate! Anyway thought I should share my experience. He is me, I am he, yin yang, harmonious blend.
@nixclipz 9 жыл бұрын
It's funny to see how attached some people are to old paradigms and definitions (which are merely words). His talk was about how people relate to each other energetically in 5D reality (no duality) with a clear plan of how to transcend old definitions and beliefs to get to the place of your highest good. Love the one who is attached to 3D definitions and ideas. In the 5th Dimension, there is no need for another person "to complete us" -- it all begins and ends with ourselves (as a unique expression of the universe). It's easy to understand how people who are still attached to 3D consciousness would be frightened and/or threatened by that idea. Love the one who fears the loss of an outdated paradigm based in separateness.
@DivinityinLove 9 жыл бұрын
Your energy feels so good to me. As I read through some of the comments and then read yours and feel healed by your energy. Thankyou for expressing your self :) awesome soul! Beautiful heart felt expression. :) awee so much peace inside of you
@NamiBurger 8 жыл бұрын
hm actually. i feel like the relationship Matt speaks of is "karmic ties" when he says twin flame. And those are very chaotic, superficial relationships of old paradigms. His use of "soulmate" sticks fine and it is true the two people involved are more balanced for each other and yet can still bicker every now and then. But the concept of "twin flames" is truly something so divine. . . that i dont think hes referencing the same. i think if these 3 diff relationships were chocolates made in a factory, as an analogy, karmic ties are two chocolates who have no similar outer taste or inside. they are completely different yet for whatever reason they end up in the same box. a soulmate is when the two chocolates look similar on the outside but when you get a taste you see they arent the same inside. and then, twin flames are two chocolates who may or may not look or taste similar on the outside, but they complement each other well, and when tasting them you find they are the same filling inside. xD
@Symbolsysteme 8 жыл бұрын
33:54 That's what I try to tell someone who lives in that misbelief that s/he has to stick to a person who is acting abusive. Abuse is always ego based, but never soul based. No soul wants to abuse another soul.
@dawnymoe2072 9 жыл бұрын
Met my twin. Bubble love and than insanity. Journey of self love.
@primrosewylde2413 9 жыл бұрын
When we love ourselves, we ALLOW life to be...
@missmelissa3573 2 жыл бұрын
This video slammed the truth of my life into complete awareness and I cried. I’ve been with my twin flame for over twenty years. It’s a loveless marriage most of the time and often times I deal with mental abuse but other times everything is fine if not enjoyable. I think I know I have to leave but financially I fear doing so, being alone and we share two young children. What Matt said resonated like nothing else I’ve heard of in recent times.
@jamesbencie3445 9 жыл бұрын
I got more from this video than all other TF and most spiritual videos of any kind. Sorry for those who are too blinded by their perceived "rules" to gain the immense wisdom available here. Matt you are blessing, Thank you brother.
@avesraggiana 9 жыл бұрын
James Bencie Amen. Matt is spot-on accurate, Matt is completely accurate in his discussion, Matt is unassailably correct on this subject twin-flame fanatics be damned
@DivinityinLove 9 жыл бұрын
+Aves Raggiana hahahaha lmfao.
@supernaturalrelationships3041 9 жыл бұрын
A lot of people have their own ideas about these connections but it's our own unique experiences that determine those ideas and all of our experiences are different; Each to their own.
@rollergirl76 9 жыл бұрын
The ones who are the angriest about this video are the people who claim to be in Twin Flame relationships. If you're so content in your relationship, why should it matter how it's labeled? It's because you consider the "Twin Flame" as some kind of spiritual reward.
@susannak1755 8 жыл бұрын
The part about abusive relationships was great! Powerful and honest. Abraham Hicks would have just said: love yourself, be happy, enjoy the contrast.
@KellyMartinSpeaks 9 жыл бұрын
Well True Divine Nature while some of your videos don't resonate with me, this one certainly did. Unlike other commenters I found absolute freedom from your interpretation of twin flames / soul mates, in many a sense it took the whole spiritual ego out of the equation and just makes me want to be my own soul mate, go within for the love I seek and remove the labels altogether so the man who is drawn into my life is simply a great reflection of the love within. Twin Flames is such a huge topic and I feel so many get on their high horses about it as if its a huge big ass deal, as if you have not met yours you are less than. BOO hogwash! Lets just love ourselves and let life reflect that back in whatever way shape or form it arrives. LOVE is the key after all and to quit identifying with roles.
@cloudhorse 9 жыл бұрын
I was sent a link to this vid by a friend who wanted my opinion as I have a non-physical relationship with my twin, now that he has transitioned. I normally love Matt's perspective on things, but was inspired (thank you, John) to read some of the comments before clicking 'play'. I appreciate that prompting, as I have made the choice to feel better... and not watch it. It seems to me that as we move forward in this 5D reality, 'defining' words are becoming more meaningless. I feel that if you watch this and any part resonates with you, making you feel better-wonderful! But, if it doesn't, turn to your own beautiful inner knowing and respect that, for this time, someone else is following their own truth. Blessed be.
@skribblebumpkins 9 жыл бұрын
fiery soulmate=those who are here to trigger us/help us grow/awaken FAST cool soulmate=those who complement us and help us heal twinflame=the one who represents the very first split The One performed
@babysmurfett1975 9 жыл бұрын
thank you ... you just made me realize that i do not know how to love myself and that i just got out of a twin flame relationship... i guess the hardest part of letting go is knowing that you need to be alone with yourself ... and the journey that you are on is not your fault .. its ok to be alone... its ok to love yourself.. its ok to trust the divine and just be... ive been holding on so tight to someone who honestly just wants to be with himself ... ive been hindering his journey ... i now know i need to let go so that he can be happy with just being himself... i guess there is a bigger lesson to be learned here then i ever thought
@phuturem2883 9 жыл бұрын
I agree that Matt's information on twin flames vs soul mates is incorrect. Speaking from personal experience, I've met a false twin flame and I've had different types of soul mates in my life that served a purpose and have either stuck around or exited stage left at some point. In my variety of experiences I have never had a connection like the one I have with my ONE true twin flame love. He is my mirror, my best friend, my lover, so many things wrapped into one and when we met there was this unmistakeable, instant knowing that we wanted to be together. The love we share is UNCONDITIONAL and like I said, I have not experienced a similar connection with anyone else in all my life. What Matt calls twin flames are something else. You know when you've met your ONE TRUE TWIN FLAME. All other relationships pale in comparison.
@0wenfox 9 жыл бұрын
"Im just going to love myself until things work out" - Perfect.
@avesraggiana 9 жыл бұрын
Owen fox - Conscious, Healthy, Happy Living Very close. I would change just one word; “I’m just going to love myself, THEN things will work out”. Now that's perfect.
@1stepathetime898 9 жыл бұрын
From my experience I believe there is only one twin flame . The others are soul mates
@TheMeganshaul 8 жыл бұрын
Staying in an abusive relationship is like keeping a check in your pocket, saying you are broke. Leaving that relationship is like cashing that paycheck and buying what you need.
@QuantumChanti 9 жыл бұрын
Matt, you are the funniest stand-up comedian of Consciousness ever! :D Thank you!
@yogalady60 9 жыл бұрын
No matter how you term it, Matt beautifully described what true love is about. Loving ourselves fully and completely instead of looking for love in all the wrong places is key to having healthy, loving, and, nourishing relationships. Looks like this video triggered a lot of people. Love the one who is judging as Matt often says.
@ameliafairweather4660 9 жыл бұрын
This is the most beautifully expressed, explained, soul mate/twin flame experience ever!!! I Love you Matt!
@theshimmering2064 9 жыл бұрын
When I first discovered Matt there was all this bliss, relief, joy, and hope. Then it started to change and everything became very confusing for me for a while. And I came to realize that no matter how much I love Matt's teachings I was going to have to pay attention to my own knowing, my own needs and there was a lot of reconciling of what it means to be "accepting of what is". I've only recently been putting it all back together again so it makes sense for me. This video feels like a confirmation of what I've learned, but also helped me clarify that learning. So perfect! Thank you once again.
@treeseer1573 7 жыл бұрын
I have love for my twin flame even though he hurt me. He has helped me grow immensely and rapidly . I can forgive him BC I know his wounds. I will always love him- I know who he is beyond the illusion of the all the drama. I have always recognized him- and I understand the true divinity and importance our relationship has played in my life. I am awakened 🙏. This is an amazing talk - thank you!!💗🙌 I think this is one of the best talks Ive ever heard.
@natashad25 9 жыл бұрын
This has changed my life. I've watched everything by you Matt but this, this is what has been holding me in a tight grip for years and you just unravelled the truth. I feel like my soul just spoke to me but I never was able to fully grasp it. Im beyond blown away.
@starflame3780 9 жыл бұрын
This video popped up in my notifcations on my phone when you uploaded it ..... which I still can't figure out how or why It did that because none of your videos had before or any other channel I'm subscribed to. But it was definitely the universe telling me to watch it because I'm going through an insane twin flame melt down right now . I'm over here scrambling for answers as to why I'm feeling so much pain ..and just feelings I don't understand . This video has been the best breakdown between soul mates and twin flames I ever heard . It's so many different perceptions out there that just make things so confusing . I feel like I have the clarity I need to move forward due to this video . Thank you so much matt for doing what you do .
@DivinityinLove 9 жыл бұрын
Yes :)
@KatLeighland 9 жыл бұрын
Matt... this is spot on! I have been judging myself harshly for the past 7yrs because of an on-again-off-again Twin Flame relationship that makes me "totally lose it" even though I'm a compassionate, loving, awake Light Worker. I have disappointed myself over and over by how crazy, depressed and broken I feel around this person's Jekyll and Hyde personality. I'm so very glad a friend sent me this link! You helped me understand clearly what's happening for me, from me, to me... missing piece to a complex puzzle! Much Love and Light ~Kat.
@KerriAllardyce 9 жыл бұрын
LOVE the part where he says, if we can just SURVIVE this contract that everything will be alright:) ♥♥♥
@heathernoel 9 жыл бұрын
If you're a fan of Matt (which I am!) and if you know nothing or very little about soul mates and twin flames OR if your mind is open to new information, this is a terrific video - it made perfect sense to me, in fact (based on my own experience) it made more sense than what I had learned in the past! It seems that some reviewers are not paying attention to the quote, "Matt is REDEFINING the terms twin flame and soul mate from a 5D perspective" or they simply don't agree that Matt has his own definition from a different perspective. (In a nutshell, think of it this way, 2,000 years ago Jesus 'redefined' God as Love. Some people loved the idea and found it inspiring, others were confused, and others totally disagreed - just like the comments below!)
@Inevitable-Infarct 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making me not feel so alone. its so weird how things (like this video) come into your life and what seems like the right time. but who knows
@veronicahaney3145 7 жыл бұрын
"You're having a Twin Flame garage sale!" So great!
@IffQ 9 жыл бұрын
It's not until one has that "twin flame" experience that one suddenly realizes that everything else one has experienced has been building up to meeting this one person. My exs were my soul mates teaching me about myself and helping me to evolve, the day that I met my twin flame I felt an incredible unconditional love for a person I had was not romantically involved with. It was an incredible feeling. Not even the man who I had been with for 17 years gave me the feeling that I loved him unconditionally. I've had to look into the twin flame concept and after hearing other people's stories I realized that there is definitely a pattern. It is divine and complete - so theorizing the way Matt has doesn't do it any justice - he hasn't even come close to it. Otherwise a good video with a few good points. He could've just used 15mins instead of 1:30hr.
@Purrrrrrr 9 жыл бұрын
Only a little while ago I was saying how strange it was that Matt never gets any hostility on his you tube. All it took was people getting upset over a "word" to change all that.. I have looked at other people's videos in reply to Matt's and see nothing at all that would change what he said.. What he said resonated with 1000s of people and others saying they are all wrong. rather than they might have it wrong. I think this is showing those of us who think there is something to debate that we are still clinging to old shit that does not matter at all. Even one going so far as to say Matt is part of the illuminati :D Another job well done. Matt. Thank you
@tscammel 9 жыл бұрын
Valerie Smith so agreed
@Purrrrrrr 9 жыл бұрын
I notice those who are screaming the loudest are those with websites about twin flames. If it doesn't resonate with you, then move along. Don't keep telling those that this video resonates with that we and Matt are wrong. Rose... I was with someone like you talk about for over 17 years and still is in my heart 20 years later and still Matt's version resonates with me. I have watched all the videos in reply to Matt's and to be honest it feels like a lot of spiritual egos wanting to be just a little bit more special than others. I'm not saying you are wrong, but feel you have all invested heavily in the twin flame idea and to be wrong isn't on the cards for any of you. That is your reality and works for you right now. Matt's version of a twin flame hit me right where it hurts as it did thousands of others, so that is our reality. You and others are stuck on a name, a word many things around the world have different names and meanings, don't get yourself stuck on those, just listen to the message.
@roseawen5961 9 жыл бұрын
Valerie with all due respect, was I screaming? Not at all. I am not being rude at all and I don't mean to be hostile to Matt. I think he's a bit verbose and enjoys hearing himself talk. I can be the same way at times. I'm too lengthy. He seems to get a kick out of himself, and that's okay too. I am just stating my opinion. I should have clarified that- it's my OPINION just like this is Matt's opinion. Not one of us know the "God's honest truth." We will only know that after we die. And what does me having a blog have anything to do with me sharing my opinion? And et me clarify that I don't love the term "twin soul" or twin flame but it's what we use to label it. I am so not hung up on the label. I am trying to get through my EXPERIENCE with this man who is my full mirror and knows every single damn thing about me, what I am thinking, what I am hiding, etc. etc. My guidance called him my "soul twin." I think it sounds hokey myself. "Twinsies!" Not. So don't think I am all hung up on a label. He's a man I love more than life itself. A man I thought was "just a man" until he left and all Hell broke loose and THEN I found out about "twin souls." A man I want to share my life with, and not much of this spiritual BS matters to me. All that matters to me is for me to get my healing done, clear so this "divine" experience can shift back around to having my destiny come near me again. And I do try to help people with sharing what's happened to me. My experience has shown me that I have had one twin soul but multiple soul mates. My really strong soul mates, the ones who had signs and synchs and stuff, only showed me love. Then came my twin soul and through him I get the shit kicked out of me. So I don't agree with Matt's re-definition and I am free to express that. Why should I "move along" and not speak my own opinion, peacefully at that? Does Matt expect us all to come here and pay him homage and not speak our opinions? Doubtful. I'm sure he's enlightened enough to understand not all of us with agree. Talk about ego... maybe you need to go look in the mirror, telling me if I don't agree I should just move on. I am SO not saying anything about being "just a little more special." SHIT- if I could I'd ask for him to be a freaking soul mate who could have just stayed with me and loved me through it. I don't think of myself as "special." I see it as the hugest challenge of my life. A blessing too since it has fast tracked changes in my life {that my soul mates definitely did not force me to make} but knowing my twin sure has. I am not going to argue with you. I am not saying I am 100% right or what I say is truth for all. It is truth for me, and I think truth for other people. Maybe truth is subjective and like Matt's other video describes and I do 100% agree with, maybe only goodness is truth, only goodness is what matters. I truly only want for us all to be happy, fully happy. I have a twin soul and I am not fully happy right now so don't think I am over here romanticizing this experience. It's been a real rollercoaster ride yet I love him and myself dearly. You don't need to get so negatively defensive when someone does not agree. It is human to not agree and it can be done in a constructive manner.
@buddatwin7872 9 жыл бұрын
This video will not resonate with twin flames, but does have very good information on other relationships. You have to be a twin to understand.
@caringenterprises2478 9 жыл бұрын
I was really excited to see what Matt had to say about Twin Flames. Much of it applies, the self-love bit for sure, but you only ever have one Twin Flame, that triggers you for the purposes of extricating the ego and so forth. There's only ever one other soul that is your Divine counterpart, your Twin Flame. Soul mate relationships help fertilize your growth and prepare you for the Twin Flame Reunion... So Matt is on the right track, even if the wisdom sounds a bit incongruent, definitely for those walking the Twin Flame path at this time.
@amethystmind8132 9 жыл бұрын
This definition of twin flames and soul contracts was exactly what I needed. Thank you!! After I watched this, I started the video "Everything Is Here To Help You" and I learned that when someone hurts your feelings it is just showing you what part of yourself is next in line to be loved. I will always remember that message because I had an amazing experience 30 minutes after hearing it. A friend (twin flame) showed up at my doorstep, allowing me to practice and apply what I had learned. I just made and posted a video about the experience because it was such an awesome chain of events!
@ohchane 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. It was perfect timing in my journey, as one who has just ended a tumultuous twin flame situation, I related to SO much of what you have spoken on. And finding my complimentary soul mate, who is what the twin flame community describes as my twin, with the spiritual aspects (telepathy, synchronicity, similarities) and being in union with her, has given me a different understanding of the truth of this journey. There are many things that people have said against your message, and I understand where they are coming from, but I think your message is pure and true for what people are experiencing. I love the way you shake my reality and feed me my own truth, even when it makes me highly uncomfortable. Again, thank you.
@MariamShaalan 6 жыл бұрын
After reading the comments, I find most people speak as if being a twin flames and not loving yourself is synonymous. Just because you are a twin flame and aware you are one, doesn't mean you cannot love yourself and apply this self love that is being taught in this video. Yes, twin flames are difficult relationships, but doesn't mean those who have a twin flame don't love themselves and are unable to know when to remove themselves from a situation that is no longer serving them. My twin flame also taught me the difference between when I remove myself from a situation that no longer serves me, and when I am running away from something in me by saying I should leave because this no longer serve me. Some situations, though, difficult, serve me because I am learning and I don't regret staying in a relationship that seemed like it was past its due date. The point is to always listen to your heart, not abandon your self and your intuition, like he says, but that doesn't mean you can have either or. I understand people would believe that because twin flame connections are confusing on the outside, but everything I've gone through is making so much sense to me now, and all this time I see that my self has never abandoned me, no matter how difficult the situation looked on the outside, or how close it was to a situation where I would've just upped and left with the belief that "it no longer serves me".
@natashas4395 9 жыл бұрын
Matt, you are one of the very few spiritual teacher's I can honestly say I resonate with. Everything you have said in this vid hit home very powerfully. We are ultimately all complete within ourselves. Thank YOU so much
@savannahloving6793 9 жыл бұрын
I adore my own heart, which is all hearts, which is DIVINE!!!!
@rustylocks92 9 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I completely agree with all you say based on my experience BUT I agree many are putting up with their beloveds putting them through emotional abuse and they believe they need to stay because of the "unconditional love". For that I wholly agree they need to leave. And much of what you say I agree with. Be happy to be in love with yourself and then the one who can share that space with you will show up - and that means it could be the one you call "twin". So love yourself first - it's a Win-Win...!
@tanjaborchhardt2123 6 жыл бұрын
people seem to get confused about the whole twin flame and soul mate definition. The important thing should be the concepts behind it, not what one or the other might call it. Lets just call it harmonious and contrasting relationships, and deepen the understanding of how to live them both, with gratitude and self love, always. Love you, Matt
@shannon051976 9 жыл бұрын brother from another mother! It's your Sis, Shannon....thank you for the answer I have been asking you for. I heard it, and I thank you! I know I prayed for it, and the moment I heard it, I was at peace. :-) Love & Light
@jayatkinson1152 9 жыл бұрын
So many people want to believe they are with a 'Twin Flame' and I think it's what they want to believe based upon the Spiritual Hierarchy . Some people want to have their 'Soul Mate' and they think a Soul Mate is something other than one of the people they are actually with (that they don't want to be with, or wish to change) … I think Matt is talking absolute sense! I would rather have a Soul Mate in this life than a Twin Flame. I've heard so many explanations of these two states, but this is by far the best and most resonates with my heart and soul, that I've heard in all my 60 years! I don't personally want a Twin Flame. I'm happy with soul mates in this life and I've had so many of them. Way to go, Matt!!! XXXX
@neslisultan 7 жыл бұрын
If you're truly on a spiritual journey I don't think you'd be here telling people what's right and what's wrong. Thank you to this man for sharing his idea and wisdom. We all have our own truth. Namaste
@cassandracarson2271 7 жыл бұрын
Took me 26 years to realize this. Thank god/dess/universe etc I finally did!!
@jillhochwald1487 9 жыл бұрын
my deares matt, this dowload has transformed me. i was 'waiting' for its' arrival. bless you. thank you. that was THE clearest explanation of 'soul mates' and 'twin flames' that i have ever heard. i understand some things about the relationships i'm in like never before. may every eyelash on that precious punim of yours be blessed. so much LOVE.
@DivinityinLove 9 жыл бұрын
Haha awee... Bless your eyelashes. So sweet :) thankyou for saying that :)
@fastheartmartvideos 9 жыл бұрын
Wow! Thanks for this video! It's exactly what I needed today! The past 7 years of my life have had me grappling this the subjects in this video. I've been heart broken, then healed and broke open again at least 3 times in theses years. This video resonates with me! I feel like the ideas in this video define what I've been going through and not that I need it, but I feel like the wisdom hear validates my journey. I've been alone a lot on this journey, knowing that it's the right thing to do. I've read a lot of others' unfavorable comments on the term "twin flame" as it's used in this video. I've never really heard of a "twin flame", but what I think I'm resonating with is that some people come into our lives and accelerate our spiritual growth and it can happen so fast that it is painful. That in the end if a person can love and cherish themselves, then that is the path to lasting happiness. "Depression is also known as awakening" or something like that is said in this video. Yes, the "depression" I've felt has been a great way to reflect and learn. I really like Matt's delivery! Perhaps if he just eliminates the "twin flame" terminology more people could resonate with it. Just call them "Ex's". All my Ex's live in Texas, that's why I hang my hat in Tenessee! Favorite parts around: 22 minutes, 42 minutes, 50 minutes, 55 minutes.
@carolynvines2027 9 жыл бұрын
Perfect explanation of twin flames at 15:36!!!!! People have a tendency to romanticize twin flames and, while they can be very romantic, they're also tumultuous. At least, this has been my experience with my own twin flame. But, I've grown more and loved more in his presence than at any other point in this current reality.
@tanyaa7110 7 жыл бұрын
I swear i could listen to him speak all day I'm glad I found this channel
@enchiladasqueretanas 9 жыл бұрын
I think you my dear Matt, got into my brain and took all that information you just posted in this video, everything rings true, even the commitment part and the "I'll love you forever". We are forever changing; thanks for sharing your wisdom. By the way, I listen to this video while in the treadmill and I walk twice the amount of time I was planning to, another bonus ♥
@EileenParczenwarriorofwellness 9 жыл бұрын
Matt, I have to say that it felt like you were speaking directly to me. So much of what you said was exactly what I have been through. I have lived through many twin flame relationships from my father, husband daughter and many others including myself. You have opened my eyes. Thank you. I am grateful for your teachings.
@0wenfox 9 жыл бұрын
56:20 one of my favorite moments in the entire video so far. high energy... !
@marylindaliz 8 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I have watched this and it is perfectly timed. The end is exactly what I said to myself today. I know i walked the "twin flame" path but on 17th Dec I made a video called Be Your Own Twin Flame, but had to go deeper with it, which happened today. Thank you
@kimelliot5283 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Matt, you just help heal a huge part of my story!! I Love You Brother!!
@RabAdamson 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Matt for sharing this heart felt truth and understanding let us be grateful for each experience and the development of our souls journey
@lalasloan961 9 жыл бұрын
In listening, beyond the labels of words that we are so confined within, and simply being present within and beyond the information, opens the doorway to the truth and the gift of the wisdom and teachings that Matt transmissions. The essence is so simple, and it creates the alignment with the shift of dimensional paradigm. The Love Revolution. The innocence of Loving initiating with one's Self. This is the gateway that lifts attention from all the forms that distract attention, to a loving realisation beyond any words or sensory experience of our familiar reference.
@hermit144 8 жыл бұрын
"it is in the pain we find the healing, it is through the cracks of our soul the light will seep through.. one of the best speeches i have heard who's been on a co-defendant relationship with a twin flame love your work Matt. Thank you
@amaega 9 жыл бұрын
This transmission was incredibly moving for me Matt. I thank you and love you from my deepest place.
@AzMovieMom 8 жыл бұрын
I found this video so very fascinating on so many levels...I laughed, cried gained a new perspective and was reminded of many things. I appreciate this so much. Thank you Matt!
@Roberticus_Gaming 9 жыл бұрын
This is synchronicity.. exactly what I am experiencing in my life right now.. its crazy.. And not so sure why everyone in the comments is getting so hung up on labels, the basic point of this video is to love yourself.. This resonates completely with me.. I let go of past teachings I had on 'twin flames' and 'soul mates' and just listened to everything he said with no judgement or objection, and it makes complete sense. I love you all and may you all discover great peace and love within. Peace :)
@WiWaChanpi 7 жыл бұрын
He is what I have needed to find..Thank you for being willing to share yourself with others
@antoinetteatanasoff5673 8 жыл бұрын
Having read different concepts of the soul contract subject, Matt is the only one who explains it truly and well. From the comments you all need to grow up and listen and learn. You all sound childish and as if you are just starting your spiritual journey.
@mantis044 7 жыл бұрын
depression = awakening MIND BLOWN
@ladylozamaylumiere3385 9 жыл бұрын
Deepest gratitude Matt!!! Not only did all you said make so much sense for a lot of my romantic relationships including my marriage (where I thought I was spiritual until then) but also for the compounded heart-break & disillusion breakdown I've been suffering re. my Soul's passion/Divine purpose/livelihood…..I AM left with I was right to follow my heart, and it is Divine that I am alone in it all giving me the spiritual gift to see it all clearly, stay out of the abusive livelihood, love myself more and focus on the maturity, understanding, wisdom I have received and be open to allowing my vision quest to unfold.
@hdigabttweip 9 жыл бұрын
I resonate with what this guy says. Thank you Matt, also feel at peace when you speak.
@buddatwin7872 9 жыл бұрын
This is a 5d perspective on relationships not a twin flame union.
@OmmmGirl 9 жыл бұрын
Another sweet gem from Matt. Word. Feelin' it. "The old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new spiritual paradigm invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up. Whether the focus is on dissolving illusion, duality, the ego, or unconscious belief patterns, there is no way to tear anything down without ripping your innocence apart in the process. Instead of having anything to resolve, process, maintain, or remember, it is the activity of building yourself up that raises your vibration to bring your highest qualities to life. This includes loving what arises, viewing life through the eyes of beauty, and focusing on what you are doing right in any given moment. When building yourself up replaces any tendency to tear anything or anyone down, you will no longer manufacture erroneous obstacles to overcome. As this occurs, you free yourself from believing that spiritual evolution can be earned, when it exists as a truth, you are free to remember by declaring it so. This is the way of heart-centered consciousness." ----Matt Kahn
@Golattitude 9 жыл бұрын
thank you for explaining this. I've never really be able to understand the subject of twin flames till this video. My heart is literally bursting with gratitude!! Thanks again Matt
@haliawalters1869 9 жыл бұрын
wow...perfection ..again...thank you from the deepest heart of me..profound, profound
@andrewwhite5330 9 жыл бұрын
Love and blessings Matt. This talk resonated so deeply in my soul that I could feel an opening to accepting love more than ever before.
@sonjarathke1278 9 жыл бұрын
People who have been my twin flames in my life, did not crumbled me. Really it is so fantastic when you understand things in a clear way. My twin flames has taught me so much, I am so blessed. I spent today going deep into listening to you Matt, even though I listened to soul contracts, twin flames & soul mates before. Yet today it was so clear when I listened again. Thank you once again!
@theinfiniteeternal9719 9 жыл бұрын
thank you Matt! I love the way you redefined what was before a confusing and presumptuous aspect of "New Thought" (wtfe) teachings... i prefer ur distinction between twin flame and soul mate over ANY OTHER TEACHING ON KZbin. I have experienced both of the kinds of relationships you describe (thankfully!) and I think you absolutely nailed it in this transmission! BRAVO! you blow my mind every time I check in... u are brilliant sir, absolutely brilliant! I am so thankful for you and ur messages! I love you.
@6sIXsIXs9 9 жыл бұрын
a nu john-raw'th?
@6sIXsIXs9 9 жыл бұрын
the new wage
@tyler-iy4jk 9 жыл бұрын
wowzers ive never seen this much controversy on a matt kahn video!i kinda of like it, its very grounding.hehe
@trufflet 7 жыл бұрын
He is speaking from a fifth dimensional perspective. I resonate with his explanation of twin flames. My twin sparked my spiritual awakening, but we were never together. There was an intense and obsessive attraction, but we never had a relationship, not even sex because I KNEW sparks would fly enough to burn me alive. I am forever grateful to my twin for waking me, but romantically I rather have a loving soul mate. You do not need to romantically be with your twin to have the meeting change your life. It took one second (yes, one second) look in his eyes was enough to change my life. Also, you don't need to look outside of yourself for love. One lesson that came from my awakening after meeting my twin. A lot of what you read on the internet, including KZbin is full of misconceptions.
@karenwalker2464 7 жыл бұрын
wow...met someone over 20 years ago.had no idea what was happening but what you ( matt) have described it was a twin flame entire world got turned upside growth truly was
@thehotavocado 9 жыл бұрын
he is so funny. Love this. ... I agree with all of this ~ I had just been calling what he calls soul-mates= twins. And what he calls Twins = soul-mates. Same concepts. .... enjoyable teacher
@cosmiclight81 9 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful Soul, thank you so much! For a minute there, I almost allowed myself to become confused from hearing an opposite concept of what Twin-Flames and Soul-Mates mean for me but do you know what, all of that really doesn't matter anymore because after absorbing the glory of this most wonderful and enjoyable video, having cried, laughed and felt the lovingly deep heartfelt message, somehow my mind doesn't even want to go there with the whole scenario! Where there would be confusion, there is actually peace in my mind and also a little in my heart too, so thank you Mr.Kahn for helping me to let go of this, I am truly grateful. We as humans do tend to label things and maybe it's time to let go of these labels and let everything just 'be', there is definitely peace in that! God bless :) Love yourself unconditionally. The love revolution is here, yeeeeeee! :)
@kristinamarie5910 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Matt for redefining this for everyone. I've never heard a more real and comprehensible answer than what you present for all here. :) It makes good common sense.
@zahnsupliftingspiritualvid7087 9 жыл бұрын
Waaaaaaay beyond AWESOME!!!! Thank you for continuing to provide these videos for those who can't afford to attend your workshops in person. This is such a true gift to humanity!! I love and appreciate you sooooooo much!!!
@BarbChiavelli 9 жыл бұрын
Everyone needs to check this out,...especially if you've gone through a tough time and depression
@ceciliapearson3610 8 жыл бұрын
Beautiful words and a timely reminder. The essence of the message is "love yourself" all of the self! Inspiring and wonderful. Thanks Matt :) xx I love you!
@kgdeise 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Matt... this made more sense to me than anything else I've heard about Twin Flame or Soul mate unions. I understand it might cause a big ripple because it isn't what is being shared in the consciousness right now...Big LOVE to all! !
@BarbaraMerryGeng 9 жыл бұрын
I had to listen several times to get the fullness of this message. Maybe we can make Valentines Day our national holiday. - So much richness & substance here. What I find most interesting is the idea of experiencing love in all different shapes, sizes & beings. When adults think of love, they kind of think of a life partner. But love is actually expressed in so many different ways/ shapes/and forms. It's nice to remember that.- I used to want one very special person to have & to hold & to love & trust. Only because I am super sensitive & it's exhausting for me to get to know thousands of people just to interact for a few seconds. - Due to my 5 years in solitude, I am learning how to be flexible in my multiple ways of interacting with people. It's been a great adventure breaking up my big heart into teeny, tiny bits ...and scattering it everywhere. I see it like grains of rice, everybody gets one. Feed the multitudes. And I don't expect anything in return, because I get my Love from Source. Halleujah
@DivinityinLove 9 жыл бұрын
Thankyou :) for sharing and expressing
@purplerose2244 6 жыл бұрын
There are no words for how much I love you
@juliab3651 7 жыл бұрын
my ego, my heart melted and then opened and cried ... my mind laughed at how clever and then was blown wide open...and the student gave thanks!
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