That Platy Bezos breakdown segment was so well edited
@lokiokami23027 ай бұрын
always love you telling josh to go to the next game, and its as if he flips a coin to decide if he's gonna listen or not
@joshuasibley62777 ай бұрын
Hey Platy. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the effort you put into trying to make the rounds entertaining. There's a lot of variables in this game and a lot can go wrong, but yet you're always giving it 100% and so funny.
@terrafletcher19307 ай бұрын
Zach: I'm in storage! I can see Platy! Platy: I'm innocent! Zach: I'm just placing you to prove that I'm in storage and not by the body in oxygen. Platy: So you're by the body in oxygen? Zach 😤😮💨🫠
@galexical7 ай бұрын
it really be like that sometimes
@terrafletcher19307 ай бұрын
@@galexical Seems more chaotic every time 😂😅
@JanusKrug7 ай бұрын
I'm so sad they couldn't hear you in the vent, but that bit was hilarious
@Nenernener1237 ай бұрын
Not sure if it was worse that Tay sabotaged her teammate nonstop or that Platy shot for no reason after such a long game!!
@princessofhell46397 ай бұрын
That's why he shot, it had been a long game, he knew they had won and didn't wanna make ghosts wait another minute or so
@Issybee012347 ай бұрын
Platy spending this whole video trying to figure out the song lyrics and waiting till the very end to look them up is so real.
@bleachbleachBLEACHER7 ай бұрын
Juggernaut getting diseased in the last round... That's so unfortunate.
@BoogeyOut7 ай бұрын
lovely performance King, I appreciate it greatly lol
@natethesquid7 ай бұрын
37:48 what did skadj mean by this
@terrafletcher19307 ай бұрын
Morning all! ☕
@TheKrisMaster47 ай бұрын
Wow a lot of neutral games this time
@Palidine4M0O7 ай бұрын
WHOOPS, i forgot to vote XD gdi jeremy
@Shaden00407 ай бұрын
He bloody I just saw an interesting nature special in PBS about the platypus it's kind of cool if you want to be if you're interested in checking out it's not really new information so much as it's what being done in Tasmania to clear up waterways and to bring the attention of the plight of the platypus to the general public and the general public is like yeah let's help the platypus what can we do to help what can we do to clean up the streams what can we do to stop the sewage going into their streams what could we do to stop trashing their environment It's really cool so if you're interested on pbs on channel two in Boston I don't know whatever your local PBS station is but it's nature is the name of the show and the episode is about platypus as platypi platypuses I don't know whatever they are the plural is there's many of them and it's both this guy who's having like brain cancer and what he does he did to like change his world and look at their world differently. it's a cool episode you might be interested in taking it out.
@Shaden00405 ай бұрын
bloody plenty bloody bloody plenty bloody. you know what it is tay is like you know how she plays the game you know how she hates you. what more reasons you need to try and take Tay out then she's in the game with you? Just whenever it's T Tay is in the game with you assume the worst and kill it first That Shinu Mantra assume the worst kill her first period she'll hate you for it but you'll be able to play the game. assume the worst kiltay first that Shinnumantra repeat after me assume the worst he'll say first period Now do it