I just watched the full episode for the first time one hour ago! Wow!! The ending had me getting emotional. That was so nice of her to put the my video at the Ending and for me to be able to communicate how I'm trying to help my mom. Thank you so much Ling for allowing me to be myself in front of your audience. I've been working hard to be able to communicate with more people and you helped me do that. I am so grateful 🙏 Honestly I just want my mom to be happy and healthy and be able to share good times and memories while we are on this earth here together. Thank you to everyone who has been kind too me since I been on Taiwan, this is really one of the most beautiful and special places I have ever been and each person I've met and talked to has made it even more special. I'm happy to be out in the world and in a new place in my life. This experience has been a big step! - Brandt ❤
It's so nice to hear you say that ❤ Thank you!!! -Brandt
@joanna0960 Жыл бұрын
@ascafe13 Жыл бұрын
有搞錯嗎= =他一直吃豆腐很噁,看了很不舒服 薔一臉不舒服沒看到嗎?= =
@baolove8914 Жыл бұрын
@薔影像 Жыл бұрын
就是標準渣男阿 出一張嘴而已 還紳士風度笑死 沒看過紳士會遲到的...
@donli5457 Жыл бұрын
雖然這就是個娛樂節目,但不得不說這個Brent的red flags真的蠻多的。首先溫泉時那句your body is good for having babies???這種話聽起來不刺耳嗎?還有他自己拍的videos title叫how to get a Taiwanese gf, 還說要have babies with ling,滿滿都是Andrew Tate粉絲感,強烈的大男子主義父權感。至於什麼secret career,聽起來無非就是街頭販毒or無業遊民or飯店打工之類說不出口的職業吧。 本來都是節目效果也不想說什麼,但聯想到越南那集那個小妞,人品和素質確實不好然後立刻被大規模霸凌和網暴,還有東亞女藝人(包括薔)一點私生活瑕疵就被全網討伐,大一點的事直接cancel告別藝人生涯。再對比留言區裡海量的喜歡這個白男甚至誇讚他各種好的實在是有點不舒服。只能說希望東亞更多的人能對女性更友好一點,對男人,尤其是對白人男人的寬容能分一點給東亞的女性們