MCF Summer School: Freedom in a Constant Struggle

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Marguerite Casey Foundation

Marguerite Casey Foundation

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Our bonus MCF Summer School session illuminates the connections between movements from Ferguson to Palestine and beyond in a full recording of our sold-out event at the Music Box Theater in Chicago.
Moderated by MCF president and CEO Dr. Carmen Rojas, our esteemed panelists Dr. Angela Y. Davis, author and longtime activist-scholar known internationally for her ongoing work to combat all forms of oppression in the US and abroad; Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, one of the leading intellectual voices in the country; and host Dima Khalidi, founder, and director of Palestine Legal shed light on how the legacies of past liberation struggles inform today’s fight against state violence.
Building a freedom movement worthy of the name is a tall order, but our lives depend on it. Watch, share, and like this video and help spread the word about how each of us can contribute to the ongoing struggle. MCF is proud to offer this session in partnership with Haymarket Books.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video belong to the speakers and do not necessarily represent the views or positions of any entities they are associated with or Marguerite Casey Foundation.
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