Meet Israel's Female F-16 Fighter Pilot אישה מטוס קרב טייס

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Meet Israeli air force female F-16 fighter pilot נְקֵבָה טייס קרב
From the neighborhood in Afula - to the fighter plane: the navigator who climbed to the top of the Air Force
Major A, one of the IDF's senior navigators, was the only woman to finish a pilot course in 2012, but she would not be called a "man man": "I am a woman woman and can stand in my own right"
Major A, now one of the Air Force's most senior combat navigators, comes from an unconventional background. A. was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and at the age of one and a half immigrated with her parents to Israel - right to the northern periphery of Afula. After her parents' divorce, her father returned to Russia and left the picture, and her mother raised her and her five brothers alone. Unlike other navigators and pilots - A did not dream of the coveted role from an early age.
Also two decades after the Supreme Court ruling Alice Miller, who opened the doors to the women's course, A is still an exception in the male landscape. In 2012, she completed the pilot course, where she was the only woman. "I was quickly left alone in the course, and so was coping. "As far as I can tell there are no gender differences, at the end of the day I had a spacious tent just for myself, but there was also a sense of loneliness."
"I don't like the term 'man man'," A added. "For another two months, I'm switching roles and somebody's supposed to replace me here, so they said it had to be someone who is 'manly man'. I also said I was 'manly man', and to me it is not legitimate. ".
מהשכונה בעפולה - למטוס הקרב: הנווטת שטיפסה לצמרת חיל האוויר
רב סרן א', אחת מהנווטות הבכירות בצה"ל, הייתה האישה היחידה שסיימה ב-2012 קורס טיס, אבל היא לא מוכנה שיקראו לה "גבר גבר": "אני 'אישה אישה' ויכולה לעמוד בזכות עצמי"
רב סרן א', כיום אחת מנווטות הקרב הבכירות ביותר של חיל האוויר, מגיעה מרקע לא שגרתי. א' נולדה בסן פטרסבורג שברוסיה, ובגיל שנה וחצי עלתה עם הוריה לארץ - ישר לפריפריה הצפונית שבעפולה. לאחר גירושי הוריה חזר אביה לרוסיה ויצא מהתמונה, ואמה גידלה לבדה אותה ואת חמשת אחיה. בשונה מנווטים וטייסים אחרים - א' לא חלמה מגיל צעיר על התפקיד הנחשק.
גם שני עשורים לאחר פסיקת בג"ץ אליס מילר, שפתחה את דלתות קורס הטיס בפני נשים, א' עדיין חריגה בנוף הגברי. ב-2012 סיימה את קורס הטיס, שם הייתה האישה היחידה. "מהר מאוד נשארתי לבד בקורס, וזאת גם כן התמודדות", סיפרה. "עם כמה שאני אומרת שאין הבדלים מגדריים, בסוף היום אומנם היה לי אוהל מרווח רק לעצמי, אבל הייתה גם תחושה של בדידות".
"אני לא אוהבת את המונח 'גבר גבר'", הוסיפה א'. "עוד חודשיים אני מחליפה תפקיד ומישהו אמור להחליף אותי כאן, אז אמרו שזה צריך להיות מישהו שהוא 'גבר גבר'. גם עלי אמרו שאני 'גבר גבר', ובעיניי זה לא לגיטימי. כי אני אחלה 'אישה אישה', ויכולה לעמוד בזכות עצמי".
#Femalepilot #אישהטייס #Israel #Fighterpilot #F16FightingFalcon #AirForce #F16 #IAF #Internationalwomensday #8mars #eightmars #IWD #female #womeninaviation #womeninuniform #military #girlsflytoo #womenpilots #fighterjet #aviatrix #fightersquadron #fighterwing #cockpitfootage #flightsuit #Gsuit #harness #helmet #visor #oxygenmask #survivalvest #lifesuit #lifejackat #survivalsuit #woman #lady #girl #gloves #lipstick #hairstyle #makeup #hot #sexy #cute #pretty #cool #awesome #badass #fighterchick #militarywoman #Ponytail

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@avihaim412 4 жыл бұрын
יישר כוח לך , אישה רצינית ביותר ולוחמת אמיתית. אני שם בה מבטחי. אהבתי.
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺...
@isousad 2 жыл бұрын
ההחלטה לתת לנשים לשרת או לעבוד במקומות כאלו נובעת מההבנה שהרווח הוא עצום. אישה היא לא גבר, יש לה יכולות פיזיות שונות, אבל גם קוגנטיביות. כשאין אישה בקבלת ההחלטות יש סיכון שההחלטה שתתקבל לא תהיה ההחלטה הכי טובה. כמובן שזה לא אומר שגברים לבד לא יכולים להחליט נכון, אבל יש רק מה להרוויח ממיקס של נשים וגברים בקבלת ההחלטות. תראו מה זה עשה לחברות גדולות, הם הבינו את זה מזמן. הטייסת תותחית
@yuvalbeery2493 Жыл бұрын
עזוב את זה, לפסול מהתחלה 50% מהאוכלוסיה בלי לבדוק אותם קודם זה אידיוטי.
@KingEli 3 жыл бұрын
נשמעת בחורה מאוד חכמה ודיי מגניבה, בהצלחה אישה אישה.
@abrahamlevi3556 9 ай бұрын
The more advanced the aircraft , the more of the center of gravity shifts toward the backseat. The Wizzo is the one who does most of the work when precision weapon systems are involved.
@אופירהדר-ע5ט Жыл бұрын
@ירוןעובדיה-ל4ה Жыл бұрын
לא מספרים לכם כמה הנחות הבנות שם מקבלות בקורס
@TheFuechslein 5 жыл бұрын
I don't understand a word. But I am proud of all female pilots and fighter pilots. Why can't we see her face ? I am sure she is very pretty though.
@valerieperin3612 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Pilots didn't expose their faces when it comes to media for security reasons. Well, you may see his/her face in your real eyes.
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺.....
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺...
@aarontsur 10 ай бұрын
you go girl ❤
@אליהוניאזוב-ב9מ Жыл бұрын
איזה אישה ל100 אחוז 😘😘😘
@רועיארליך 4 жыл бұрын
מעוררת השראה
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺....
@user-fw9zr5gy1w 5 ай бұрын
@saraelisha 3 ай бұрын
בהחלט אישה אישה. תודה לך על השירות
@katanYaTV 5 жыл бұрын
בוא תסביר לי איך נווטת היא טייסת קרב
@aviatrix9924 5 жыл бұрын
Would you help to add English subtitle to this nice video ,please?
@ohevisrael 4 жыл бұрын
אתה לא חושב שניווט הוא חלק מהטיסה?
@katanYaTV 4 жыл бұрын
@@ohevisrael זה כן אבל הם לא טייסים ובמיוחד לא טייסי קרב הם נווטים.
@user-jx4dl3nx3t 4 жыл бұрын
הם עברו כמעט את אותה הכשרה ויודעים להטיס את המטוס במקרה הצורך וככה משמשים כטייסי משנה במצב חירום ובמיוחד במטוסי קרב הנווטים כבר מזמן לא אחראיים רק על הניווט ברוב המקרים גם על הירי @katanYa
@katanYaTV 4 жыл бұрын
@@user-jx4dl3nx3t הם יודעים להטיס מטוס קטן לא מטוס קרב וגם עליו הם לא טסו מראשוני והם לא עברו בכלל אותו הכשרה טייס קרב הוכשר לטוס על מטוס קרב יותר מ3 שנים בזמן שנווט רק הטיס מטוס קטן במכין ובבסיסי ובראשוני הם לא טסו פעם אחת
@JLMISR 3 жыл бұрын
for opsec you should hide more than just thier faces, you can identify people also by lots of physical communications, jewelry etc
@markopaulo9700 4 жыл бұрын
אדוני הטייס מה זה כמטרייל ריסוס האכלוסית ה ? אז מי האוייב בדיוק
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺...
@reinerbsinggamer6113 4 жыл бұрын
שוורים אדומים כגון שוורים נמצאים בלומבוק, NTT, אינדונזיה בכמות גדולה
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺.....
@reinerbsinggamer6113 4 жыл бұрын
אוהם מוצאי האויו
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺....
@reinerbsinggamer6113 4 жыл бұрын
נמצא בהר מבחם, ריג'נסי פאקפאק, מחוז מערב פפואה, אינדונזיה
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺...
@אוריעטיה-ג8צ 4 жыл бұрын
@niroscalfon5219 11 ай бұрын
@gggggggoat Ай бұрын
התגובה הכי הגיונית שראיתי פה
@reinerbsinggamer6113 4 жыл бұрын
אני מקווה שתמצאו חרב שתשמש את האדון ישוע המשיח
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺....
@arielaboud73 4 жыл бұрын
מה זה שייך שהיא טייסת מעולה ומה שתירצו???? אם לא עברה גיור ואמרו שהיא לא יהודייה, יכול להיות שהיא ישראלית טובה, אבל לא יהודייה...
@alexjohn6762 4 жыл бұрын
🔺🔺 greetings friend my name Alex John I'm a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organisation I have something to tell you but I don't know if you can take my advice I want you to join the Illuminati but I know so many people said a lot of things about the Illuminati they said this organisation is requesting for blood no, they are getting it wrong when I first started this Illuminati I was saying the same thing like that but then I realised everything I was saying was not what I think, the Illuminati is friendly they make me get all my achieves that I want in life money, good health, Fame, protection and a lot of more you can even imagine I just want to give you this advice because I want everyone to become a better somebody in future cuz the life we are living right now it's not how it used to be before people are suffering, people are dying so brother if you have anyone that wants to join or you want to join contact us on WhatsApp: 🔺+1 571 487 2384 🔺....
@יחזקאלנ-ת2כ 3 жыл бұрын
לא נראה שהתכוונה לשמור מצוות לכן הגיור לא תופס. ישראלית לא יהודיה.
@mokied Жыл бұрын
מבחינתי היא יהודיה, ואתה יכול לקפוץ לי. לא מעניין אותנו הקביעות שלך לגבי מי יהודי ומי לא.
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