That's a bit pricey, but is is hardly a surprise, given the cost of living at Cayman Islands. In 2023, Cayman Islands had a Cost of Living Index of 103.4 -- the third highest in the world. That is far higher than the cost of living in the United States, where the Cost of Living Index in 2023 was only 72.4 -- the 16th highest in the world. China's Cost of Living Index in 2023 was 39.2 -- 83rd in the world. Besides cost of living, the British Oversea Territory's GDP Per Capita is among the highest in the world as well. According to World Bank Ddata, in 2021, Caymand Islands' GDP Per Capita was $88,476 USD. That was about $12,000 higher than the United States' GDP Per Capita. In short, though a small portion of the population in Cayman Islands live in condemned properties, overall, people there are relatively better off than people in many other regions across the globe. The territory is known as having one of the highest standards of living in the world.