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Laméo Florès

Laméo Florès

Күн бұрын

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@LaméoFlorès Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to a sequel? Reading many of your comments, many of you are keen to find out more about what happens to the film's heroes. Maybe, after all your comments, a sequel will come along... who knows? Vous avez envie d'une suite ? À lire plusieurs de vos commentaires, beaucoup ont l'envie dans connaître davantage sur ce que deviennent les héros du film. Peut-être qu'à force de vous manifester une suite aura lieu... qui sait ?
@elisesadoret Жыл бұрын
OOOOOOOH OUIIIIIIII !!!!! Une suite ce serait formidable !! 🤩🤩🤩
@infinityyoshi4720 Жыл бұрын
Une suite ce serais tellement bien !!
@kharmaiz Жыл бұрын
Yes!! ❤
@amHnf Жыл бұрын
Jaaaa bitte einen Teil 2. Noah verdient Liebe #loveislove
@hihi-nc9nz Жыл бұрын
@lostinbeauty7129 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent short film. Well written, well acted, well put together in all respects. Immense sympathy for Noah, of course, but as a gay man of 70 years of age, I must say that, though I would never do what he did, I felt also for Diego. Getting old is no picnic, and the realisation that you will never be young again, never flirt again, never feel the inexpressible thrill of young love again, can be shattering. Lucas Morales, thank you for dramatising this. Excellent work!
@sainollahm.abaton9793 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, looking forward to its sequel if possible😍
@TheNagaguy 2 жыл бұрын
I guess you are not living in the Philippines, I'm 75 and still see young (20s) attractive guys here with designs on my body, Unfortunately for them I'm happily married to my husband togetherfor gong on 32 years together. However the options are there..
@jeremypeirson6840 2 жыл бұрын
You said exactly what I wanted to say in every respect.😘
@SRM_NZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheNagaguy I have to agree with you, I'm surprised how careful I have to be around younger men....while many are repulsed by age, there are those that aren't...and they have young, impulsive hearts that 'fall' easily and quickly........for this very reason, I stay well clear.
@franknstein1680 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheNagaguy I'm 79 and actually finally slowing down. And the discovery that many men are looking for - and turned on by - older men was one of the surprising discoveries of my life.
@jadeybabes33 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent, stunning and powerful film! It was so well done that 'Diego' did not come across as an old perv (like he easily could have been portrayed) instead he was treated with respect and dignity. And Noah - oh wow - his lip quivering with emotion in one of the end scenes was the most genuine, realistic and poignant things I've ever seen on film. I truly FELT his pain at that moment, and this is the mark of an excellent actor.
@promediastarline Жыл бұрын
Je veux conquérir et aimer tous les BOYS du monde !
@apmesmusiques1957 2 жыл бұрын
Bonjour Lucas, je découvre ton travail ce soir et comment te dire ...Je suis un "vieux" de 60 ans, extrèmement touché par ton propos, par la qualité du scénario , des acteurs (tous très vrais dans leurs personnages). J'ai vécu le début d'internet et les premiers chats lorsque j'ai "joué" aussi ce mauvais rôle, même si, à l'époque, je n'avais pas encore l'âge de cet homme. C'était une période où je ne m'assumais pas . Les dialogues de ton film sonnent parfaitement justes, et c'est aussi ce qui rend ce film si vrai, si proche de beaucoup de gens , je peux dire, de tous âges... Un immense merci et une très belle vie de réalisateur !!!
@nicolasglobecroqueur6948 2 жыл бұрын
Bonjour monsieur. J'ai ma propre analyse de l'histoire. La démarche du sénior est à la fois pathétique et touchante. Elle s'explique en partie sur le fait qu'il cherche à vivre des expériences qu'il n'a pas sans doute pas pu vivre quand il était petit jeune, vu qu'à son époque, vivre une expérience homo était beaucoup plus difficile. Je pense que contrairement à ce qu'il affirme, quand le personnage de Noah aura atteint les 60 ans, il pourra sans doute se dire qu'il n'aura rien à regretter dans la mesure ou, époque plus libérale et toléfante oblige, il aura pu concrétiser ses désirs à l'âge de 18 ans. La leçon aussi à tirer de cette histoire est qu'à 61 ans, on n'est pas encore à "être à ranger dans le rayon des antiquités", à la condition de savoir "viser le bon créneau". J'ai 56 ans, je suis réaliste, je ne regrette rien d'autant plus que je me suis bien éclaté quand j'avais l'âge du personnage de Noah. Je suis en couple mais si je cherchais à faire des rencontres, je les ferais avec des personnes de ma génération. Cela s'appelle être réaliste à un âge ou il faut savoir discerner l'"idéal" et le "possible". Il m'est arrivé une histoire un peu similaire à 21 ans avec une femme rencontrée en voyage et qui avait 35 ans. Bien que dans ma démarche, je n'avais jamais été ambigu (je n'éprouvais pour elle que de l'amitié mais pas de l'amour), elle s'était fait des "films" dans sa tête et je l'avais un peu maladroitement et vertement remis à sa place. Je reconnais qu'aujourd'hui, avec l'expérience, 35 ans après, j'utiliserai des moyens plus diplomates, à commencer par lui expliquer que dans ma famille, on m'avais appris que pour vivre une relation pérenne (l'éphémère, cela ne m'intéresse pas, cela finit toujours par de la souffrance), il faut d'abord avoir son indépendance économique, ce que je n'avais pas à l'époque vue que j'étais étudiant. Bonne joournée. Nicolas.
@apmesmusiques1957 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicolasglobecroqueur6948 merci Nicolas pour ce retour et cette expérience de vie ! 🤗...
@carlossoriano-lq9vy Жыл бұрын
Te comprendo perfectamente. También soy un hombre de 61 años, solitario lamentablemente. Por cierto me suscribí a tu canal. Me resultas talentoso y muy atractivo
@turbofanct6679 2 жыл бұрын
This has to be the best LGBT short film I've ever seen (among really a lot, a lot of other shorts). Incredibly well written and acted, every scene and word felt natural as it should be, it really feels like observing through a window on an ordinary french town an ordinary date of an ordinary boy. The unexpected plot twist left me speechless in disapprovement and nearly tearing at the same time: though it feels disgusting, it is impossible not to empathize with the character. Truly a lesson to live your very truth while you can: it won't be brought back! (I hope I knew French in order not to be distracted by the subtitles, though ._. ) Thank you, thank you, thank you again for this precious jem!
@reynantehagos3424 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 90%
@fxckbtchkill3093 2 жыл бұрын
Please please tell me the tittle of these English songs 33:59 and 48:40
@nickc2964 2 жыл бұрын
@@fxckbtchkill3093 second one is "Don't break my heart by Dan Letson
@carloscarrasco7720 2 жыл бұрын
Un Film q refleja la realidad de q muchos hemos pasado en la vida real.cuando te pasan los años y te vas quedando solo tenés q ser fuerte de mente y Corazón para soportar los embates del paso del Tiempo excelente el trabajo de los protagonistas y el elenco.Felicitaciones.
@alexrauff7669 2 жыл бұрын
its extremely well scripted I wasn't expecting that at all... it was kinda let down but that was exactly the intention of the writter
@michelzucchetti4778 2 жыл бұрын
super film, bien tourné, bien joué, Très bons acteurs, et oui, moi, je vais bientôt avoir 59 ans, mais dans ma tête on va dire que je suis resté à 35, mais jamais je n'aurais eu cette tentation de me faire passer pour quelqu'un d'autre, aujourd'hui mais aussi avant, bon, je ne suis pas très branché réseaux sociaux . Mais je me suis mis à la place de ce "vieux" monsieur, et aussi de ce jeune homme, les sentiments des deux m'ont touchés .
@aosilva1032 9 ай бұрын
Esse idoso é um doente :)
@mikeq7134 2 жыл бұрын
After falling in love with an imaginary image, which evaporated, Noah is ready for a real relationship, real love. Excellent short film. Well done.
@aosilva1032 9 ай бұрын
Noah ao menos conheceu cedo a podridão do mundo. Sorte dele ter bons pais e uma boa amiga.
@alwaysuseless 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, what a brilliant film! I can't believe I got to see this for free on KZbin! Very unexpected ending. I felt sorry for both Noah and Diego, but I'm glad for the sake of the film that Noah felt no sympathy for Diego. That was the right choice. Let Noah and Diego be themselves, with their flaws and limitations, and let us feel sorry for both. Later in life, after Noah has experienced true love and loss and gained more experience, he can have some sympathy for Diego, but not now. Thank God for the last scene that realistically left us feeling much better about Noah's future! The film would really have been a downer without that.
@sudhakarsistla1252 2 жыл бұрын
Bonjour LUCAS,J'AI 67 ANS.C'EST la premiere fois que je vois un film francais.ce filim excellent et incroyable
@elhadimahdjane3396 Жыл бұрын
Il y a des films et il y a des histoires de vie Et là c'est la réussite très touchante des deux... bravo 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️
@passeiostailandia 2 жыл бұрын
Pour un jeune réalisateur c est une réussite. L'interprétation de Diego à la fin de l'histoire nous a beaucoup émus, parents, enfants et petits enfants de 18 et 20 ans. Bravo à toute l équipe!
@jeremypeirson6840 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I feel a little like "Diego" because I'm his age and yearning for love. Love has no age limits unfortunately, though I would not do that to a beautiful young man like Noah. My heart goes out to Noah and to "Diego". So pleased you brought Lino in to meet Noah. A beautiful film that touches the heart.
@jongeduard 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant movie, with so many dimensions. I call it a movie and not a short film because it's still 50 minutes and it's GREAT. It's beautiful and sad at the same time, as well as fascinating and educational. I feel very sorry for the young guy for what happend to him in the story, but in a way also for the lonely old guy. Loneliness is a serious issue that happens to a lot of old people. Sadly this old man used that as an excuse for what I can call emotionally abusing a younger person. Which is in no way a solution because both ended very unhappy afterwards. And I think this is an important message here in the movie: there are not really bad or good people, it's their actions that matter. Again: Great work!
@ad_zark4144 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from this movie. But thanks God it turned out to be great. It twisted just out of my expectation. One more thing, as an old man I really really can relate to Diego and completely can feel what he was feeling. Bravo!
@MrTommyboy68 2 жыл бұрын
I also didn't see it coming. I also am an older guy, now retired in BFE Montana with my Navajo Champion Bronc rider ( a lot younger, but after his last fall which laid him up for 6 months, he retired from it). I couldn't see retiring on the rez with him because there are NO JOBS and I was not about to buy all the beer for his relatives and family, so I asked him to move up here away from all the crap going on down there and it's been 5 years and still going strong. He understands my moods and is just great to be around and we just watched this together. I will be forever grateful to his uncle ( A Medicine Man who showed me a lot and taught me a lot more and saw what I needed in life and introduced me to his nephew) and although not actively a bronc rider, still trains horses and we have 2 of our own and ride regularly. It's sorry to say that as gay men, we all want the hot young bois, but never seem to find anyone. Lesbians on the other hand are far less concerned with youth and beauty. So, we can wallow in our self pity or go out and enjoy life with someone who understands and isn't all about the quickly fading youth and beauty. And MOST of these stories are all about the hot bois hooking up with other hot bois because that seems to be what sells the fantasy. I much prefer the "not so beautiful crowd" to all the young twinks. Beauty and looks are very fleeting and then..................................... Neither of us want to go hang out with the drunk cowboys on meth, so we rarely go to any bars.
@jdap222 Жыл бұрын
Funny you should say "It twisted just out of my expectations" because that made me think of the scene when Noah was on the swing and his girlfriend twisted him around and back to get his head back straight after being so nervous and anxious. Bet the writers suspected this when they included this scene, which is pretty unexpected since Noah is pretty much too old to be on a swing.
@James-sh7cn 2 жыл бұрын
I was punched in the gut by the real Diego. I am 67 and though I would never do what he did, I get it. I have been blessed to have an SO for 2 years now after being single for over 20 years. I was where Diego was, but never contemplated faking an online persona. Though, I can have empathy for the Diegos in the gay male community. It is a population that receives little to no attention in how we care for all demos in the larger LGBTQ community. It is so sad! Noah was so real in the pain he exhibited. It was so authentic. The quivering mouth. Wow! Great actor! Hope to see more of him. Nice to see a French film not in Paris or other large city.
@cedricdeconcordia7862 2 жыл бұрын
Un vrai bijou ce film, digne de tous les Oscars, Césars, Palmes d’or et Golden Globes! Une réussite sur tous les plans techniques, artistiques et cinéma photographiques. Chapeau!
@juancarlos9592 2 жыл бұрын
Yes.....I agree
@SRM_NZ 2 жыл бұрын
What a marvel of a short story......I would love to see this as a full length movie, where all three characters are explained with more is seldom, a movie surprises me, yet this short story did so....wonderfully written, directed and acted.......this is an award winning story.
@jaguy4u2 2 жыл бұрын
I LOVED this little film with it's happy ending.😊 unfortunately for most of us our first time is usually a heartbreak, I liked his best friend who was ACTUALLY there for him and didn't make it about her and was helpful to him..kudos for that. It goes to show when one door closes a window opens 😊✌
@Mfirearce 2 жыл бұрын
Je dois avouer que ce film est une pépite, émouvant et sincère. Une chose majeure que j'ai noté, les ados n'écrivent jamais aussi bien, du coup, j'ai trouvé ça assez drôle. En revanche l'histoire est très belle et j'avoue qu'elle apporte un sacré retournement de situation. Bravo à tous ceux qui ont participé. C'est vraiment une perle.
@cb2222 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai adoré, l'emboitement des deux histoires est super bien articulé, je n'ai rien réussi à anticiper, c'est hyper fluide. Mille bravos et merci beaucoup !
@stefan0ni 2 жыл бұрын
There were three stories not two! And done with such finesse. 😀
@MrStormyRainbows 2 жыл бұрын
Loved it!!! I thought for a moment that is was going to be another tragic story of how it is to grow up gay, but Tintin came to the rescue and saved the day 🥰
@johnchurch2632 Жыл бұрын
HOPE!!!!!! I pray Noah finds that love with Lino. Thank you for story that can happen to anyone. Anywhere.
@chrismnutone8421 Жыл бұрын
Excellent film! I know how the old man feels. Yes, this happens in real life daily.
@brunobxl27 Жыл бұрын
Un "moyen métrage" mais "grand" par le talent du réalisateur et des comédiens ! C'est incroyable ! Les amis gays devraient adorer à fond ! J'adore !
@JeanCluzeau 11 ай бұрын
@CatherineDavidaMAMomoh 10 ай бұрын
Oh 😮😮😮😮😮 this french bl series really leftme shocked by the plot twist of who was really Diego that Noah was chatting with i taught it was the boy named Millan who was riding the bicycle so fast to go and see someone i taught he was the one i never expected the Diego that Noah was chatting with was actually a 67 year old Pa all along don't u think so guys.
@warrenabeshouse1230 2 жыл бұрын
That was really very good. Ah, the pitfalls of dating with an online app. You win some, you lose some, and then there's the chance encounter. The thing is, when a boy falls in love with another boy, it's always very intense and this little film shows what it's like in an excellent performance from the boy who played Noah. Highly recommended.
@jean-pierreduchant895 2 жыл бұрын
+ WARREN ABESHOU, i really enjouyed this show and the good job delvering this story of first love, dizziness meeting in person, the deception hidding behind a screen and redemption after the hurt. diego fading away in hope not creating a mess again and noah having a chance with the new king at school. the 'diego' whose photo was stolen reintering a relationship... thinking of twist please check the music video of a south korean artist (k-will), please don't ! late merry chrimast !
@azureflame125 2 жыл бұрын
Great film all around. Loved the Diego twist and how it was handled. I mean, what he did was horrible but damn if I don't understand why he did it. I'm only 33 but I have found myself thinking about the stuff he talked about a few times. Oh, and thank you for that ending. When the teacher mentioned a transfer student I thought "yeah, that's gonna be Diego from the app". I kept believing that up until the very end so I was getting ready for even more drama for poor Noah. Seeing it was someone completely different really surprised me. Also, that eye contact and awkward waving was so cute. Anyways, nice work, enjoyed it from beginning to end.
@wolfgangpreuss2482 11 ай бұрын
Dear Lucas, a very nice, touching and true, honest film, because I can very well follow the feelings and action, especially of the "false" Diego, I saw myself at the age of 14, when there was no chance for any coming out for me personally. If I look back and my situation today there is a picture which would make it possible at my age of 69 to act as the false Diego, not capable to build up step by step homosexual relations in young years, feeling decades lonely as far as sexual relations are concerned, and building up a kind of phantasy and undercover action in social media to fulfil dreams by dreams. It was in 1968 alike to 1978 as in the very nice video The Disco Years (Gay Short Film) showing the pressure from outside and the fear even to admit your orientation to people around. Today at the age of 69 I know, what I missed, as I never was accustomed to lead my life as a gay couple. What a pity. The new born fight against homosexuality, the new homophobia makes me fear that young homosexual people will be more and afraid even nowadays to live their sexuality. OK your video, dear Lucas, has some ideas and some story similarily brought to public by "Quand on a 17 ans" of André Téchiné or Heimliche Küsse (Originaltitel: Baisers cachés) with Jules Houplain, or the other nice films with him as Tarò, never fully published, and Les innocents (Remake of Eyewitness, better than the genuine series). But your film is unique to show the parallel love story of the "man in the mirror", the man in the profile photo, Milan, and the story behind what gives the main message that hetero and homosexual love has the same aspects and behaviour... of course me as well wished Noah all the best, looking for the happy end, maybe he found it with Lino. Yes, the roots for a sequel, even a series are in there for the future: The reaction of family in both love stories, perhaps another contact with the real Diego, old man, as you gave it not that harsh bye-bye of Noah to the old man, as it seems at first sight. Just back home in the car with his mom, recalling the talk with the old man, gives hope for a better mutual understanding. And the permant support for Noah by his close female friend, I never realised her name, is a clue in the feelings-trouble. By the way, it was a girl, whom I know since ages, which gave me the strictest support after my very late coming out at the age of 56. All that are ideas I have for a sequel. But last not least the three boys, the main characters are nice looking and nicely behaving, ok, my view as an homosexual.
@michelpampouneau2120 2 жыл бұрын
Découvert par hasard, mais enchanté de cette découverte. Bravo Lucas Morales, excellent film qui dépeint très bien la détresse d'un homme que l'âge a flétrit et qui espère encore une belle rencontre qui ne viendra sûrement jamais. Belles histoires croisées et superbes interprêtes. Bravo encore.
@BlAcKFaCe971 2 жыл бұрын
Franchement, chapeau bas ! C'est une belle histoire avec un retournement de situation inattendue, je me suis fait surprendre 😅 Et la fin est pleine d'espoir, très beau court métrage !! J'ai adoré !
@claudekonqui7294 2 жыл бұрын
Moi aussi, j'ai été totalement surpris par la situation, qui semble assez "classique" toutefois. Magnifiquement bien joué, très bon choix de comédiens très convaincants. Oui, vous êtes très talentueux, bravo à vous et à votre équipe.
@carmengalicia2549 Жыл бұрын
Tatolly Agree 👍😊
@louiscaperan 2 жыл бұрын
Ce film est excellent. Ah !la première rencontre ! Qui n'a pas connu ce type de déception ? Les acteurs sont parfaits, la réalisation est sublime ; on se laisse "prendre" et on est vraiment surpris par la chute. Bravo et merci
@Lylo-mj8ek 2 жыл бұрын
OMG! That stunning smile at the end! Oh, my heart Cedric is so beautiful! ❤‍🔥 Bravo! Peace.
@gillesblanchard1699 2 жыл бұрын
Tant de degré d’émotions en visionnant cette histoire qui est bien raconté! J’avais des mots durs à dire à l’ainé mais ça n’aurait pas résolu les désarrois de Noah! C’est cruel d’être arnaqué dans nos premiers amours! Je suis heureux que Noah a retrouvé espoir d’aimer et d’être aimé, Lino. Merci d’avoir partagé ce film avec nous Lucas Morales. Les comédiens ont bien incarné leur rôle, tout semblait naturel et c’est ça que j’ai aimé par les stades d’agitations que j’ai vécus! Chapeau! Bonne et Heureuse Année 2022 à chacun et chacune!
@capriblue53 2 жыл бұрын
A Gappy New 2022 Year to you as well. Thanks
@paulinefrank8752 2 жыл бұрын
Wow wow wow!!! This is my first time seeing a French movie/film. I just have to say I enjoyed it much more than I expected to. It's a really great story. Very well written and acted out. I think many more young people need to see this. Noah is very lucky Diego turned out to be just a lonely old man. Otherwise things could have turned bad. Especially the first place he chose to meet. I'm really relieved it turned out like it did. Your plot twist was definitely unexpected. I hope Noah gets his love story soon. I also hope Milan gets his true love story because that girl doesn't seem very nice. Thank you very much for the subtitles. Thanks again for a great story.
@sirdavidoftor3413 2 жыл бұрын
A very captivating film that grabbed my attention from the start, with no lags in the story. Very well put together and surprising and disappointing outcome, that ends with hope. Excellent film. The best of the New Year to you, with hope of more terrific films in 2022!
@TERRA-zik 2 жыл бұрын
Très bon film. Même si j'avais la fin bien tôt je l'avoue. Ce qui ne m'a pourtant pas gâché le plaisir. Au contraire... Les dialogues sont super bien écrits, les acteurs jouent très bien et les images sont tout bonnement un régal. Les plans, le montage, la musique, l'humour, tout.... Encore bravo pour ton travail et j'espère qu'un prochain chef d’œuvre comme celui ci, pleins de rebondissements, verra le jour. Merci donc pour ce temps que je n'ai pas perdu. Et merci de m'avoir fait ressentir autant de choses différentes tout au long de ce short. C'était une très belle expérience. Un bravo tout particulier à "Diego" pour sa prestation, et à l'artiste pour l'écriture de son rôle, aussi touchant et à ce qu'il à ajouté à cette histoire, définitivement créative et qui change des clichés trop souvent utilisés dans les films gays. Tout ceci m'a ravi et étant compositeur, musicien et parolier français, ce serait un honneur de composer pour un futur court métrage. En tout cas tu gagnes un abonné, et aussi un humble admirateur de ton travail. Bravo et encore merci pour ça. Même si tu n'as pas 50k abonnés, le plus important reste que les 453k vues sont a la fois méritées et importa,tes pour les messages passés dans ce court métrage. Je vais m'empresser d'aller voir tes premières œuvres ;)
@iralo6071 2 жыл бұрын
Wow ça déchire le cœur, extrêmement triste pour Diego qui est le seul personnage à avoir une bad ending... Si suite il devait y avoir, j'espère que l'univers de Milan ne sera pas évincé, on s'est tant attachés à sa famille, à ses amis et à lui... Un personnage très intéressant !
@zieglercadeaux9841 2 жыл бұрын
Je suis surpris par le talent des acteurs et la précision de la réalisation d'un tel scénario * Cela s'apparente à un vécu, à une réalité maljeureusment !....Je félicite tous les participants de loin et de près, qui ont oeuvré à la réalisation d'un tel sujet, aussi complexe *....Bravo d'avoir terminé ce film, par l'arrivée de ce magnifique jeune homme. Vous allez avoir un grand succès ; il est donc important de le traduire dans un grand nombre de langues, ce super film.
@caleb700 2 жыл бұрын
This hit me right in the feels in so many ways. I've been in poor Noah's shoes,.thought I had found someone but they turned out to be a lie or just ghosted, but also at the same time I feel for Diego because as a 30 year old who hasn't found that someone special yet I feel like I'm going to get to his age and be alone and wishing I had my youth back and maybe did things differently. I still have hope I might find someone who will love me, but my hope slowly fades with every year.
@LaméoFlorès 2 жыл бұрын
it always makes you believe in it, and express intentions. it's the beginning of every story you just have to know how to be patient. good luck to you 🙏🏼
@Calvinsam227 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for you, it's not always easy to find a compatible person. I feel like I'm alone, I feel it too. know that if you want to talk about it I'm here.
@philipzanoni Жыл бұрын
I wish I was 30 again. The one thing I would fmdo differently is to not wait on the right one, but actively get out there and find him. There is no greater pain then the coulda woulda shoulda's . And at the very least, go out and get as much sex as possible. While you still have a youg body.
@russellbanks8362 2 жыл бұрын
Un film à la fois très bien construit, très frais et très sensible (une sensibilité que l'on trouve non seulement chez le personnage principal, mais chez chacun). Un film qui fait ressentir, mais aussi se souvenir, et réfléchir. Vraiment, toutes mes félicitations !
@roselybarroso5844 2 жыл бұрын
Gostei esperando a continuação
@Lissi2233 2 жыл бұрын
That was awesome, congratulation to the actors, it was amazing, high level, i rarely see such a truthfull, believable acting. First: WE ALL NEED SUCH A BEST FRIEND IN OUR LIFE!!!! She was so great, how she cares for the best friend, so lovable and can we talk about how pretty she is? Beautiful girl. What an unexpectable twist, i was totally surprised and i was torn after their conversation, the real Diego...It is complicated and i think my english knowledge isn't enough to explain, what goes around in my head. I understand both sides very well, i coulnd't take one side, i can't decide what i should feel. Feel Sorry for the one who was betrayed, sorry for the other one, because he is lonely and searching for love? Love isn't a thing about the age, i think it could always happen, but this was so complicated. At the end, maybe he liked the picture way more - he felt betrayed yes, but, maybe he was to harsch with the old guy...because all what he said was the the end both boys had a happy ending, only the old guy wasn't there, i hoped a little bit, he found someone too... These days many old people are feeling lonely, the Covid situation, the busy family, neighbour don't know neighbour...there are many people who urgently need somebody to talk to...This movie makes me think about many things to face in our life. Thanks to the whole team for your work, i love this little movie and i think there are many Embassies with important topics, this in one hour plus the heart touching story, very well done!!!!
@hihi-nc9nz Жыл бұрын
INCROYABLE !!!!!!!!!! omg my heart hurts for Noah and I wish he got to meet the real guy 😢😢
@avrilvernal9123 3 ай бұрын
Heh, and nobody gives a shit about an old man's suffering that is much deeper than Noah's episode who has all his life in perspective.
@Angara42 2 жыл бұрын
Enorme claque très touchant ! La surprise est totale, c'est finement joué ! Le propos de la personne plus âgée est tellement juste ! Un bon avertissement à la jeunesse, profitez en, restez respectueux, le temps n'épargne personne. Après effectivement j'avais du mal à m'attacher à "Diego" et je me rend compte que quelque part c'était voulu.
@philipzanoni Жыл бұрын
At 56 i was mad at diago but also knew what drove him. I came out at 50 and met an 18 yr old on an app. A pay for play hook up. We both were each others first time. He said he was "straight, but just trying to make extra money". I said i never got the chance to be with a young man when i was his age because i was closeted . and now i wanted to experience what i could only dream about when i was young.a beautiful young man. And he was just that. Honest to God the first time he undressed in front of me literally took my breath away. we both had no idea what getting together that fateful day would bring. And we fell in love. Not instantly. But that "first time" was so powerful that it sealed our fates. We were together for 5 years.He wasnt so straight at all. It was so wonderful. Other than the age gap and everything that goes along with it, it was breath takingly amazing. When it ended I was shattered. Looking back, it would make a beautiful movie. Pain and beautty, irony . Tragity, lust and longing. Love beyond words. If i was skilled enough, it would make a best seller movie. He gave me the gift of a life time. I gave him the experience of unconditional love.
@messengerpdx 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Excellent film on so many levels...plot, script, acting, editing, filming techniques, maintaining suspense and connection with the characters. It is also a very human and compassionate film in that we see and hear the feelings and situations of Noah, as well as those who are the source of his anxiety. I liked the hopeful ending as it reflects how youth is on Noah's side and how it is possible to rebound from a situation that seems like the end of world.
@leolombardo66 2 жыл бұрын
Je viens de voir le film avec ma famille et honnêtement j'ai bien aimé Je ne suis pas très doué pour exprimer facilement avec des mots ce qui m'a plu et d'autres dans les commentaires l'auront fait mieux que moi mais c'était vraiment cool ^^ Ma mère qui me demandait tout le temps "c'est quand qu'on te voit ?" m'avait bien fait rire mais pour en revenir au film, ça traite vraiment d'une problématique qui m'avait déjà touché (sans la partie déception, bref je vais éviter d'en dire plus sinon ce serait du spoil) En tous cas je suis heureux d'avoir pu y participer et de l'avoir vu. Hâte de voir (et même participer si l'occasion se représente) les prochains films :3
@juancarlos9592 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Léo. I liked the film also
@patrikbrement9780 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai voulu partager RDV avec mes enfants et petits-enfants que j'avais déjà vu et apprécié. A l'unanimité il a plu. Ils vous félicitent pour cette superbe réalisation et je renouvelle mon admiration pour votre travail. Bravo Monsieur Lucas,. Ils ont aimé l'histoire de ces 2 garçons, surtout mes petits enfants qui ont entre 17 et 24 ans. L'émotion était palpable lorsqu'ils ont compris la supercherie, si je peux m'exprimer ainsi, et j'ai vu ma fille en larmes. Cette scène au bar entre Noah et Diego est extrêmement touchante. Les 2 acteurs sont formidables mais celui qui joue Diego est bouleversant, on entre facilement dans son jeu. A t'il fait d'autres films ? En lisant les nombreux commentaires élogieux, je lis que beaucoup souhaite une suite entre Noah et lino et je le souhaite aussi. Moi,j'aimerai bien savoir ce que Diego deviendra ! Objet d'une autre suite, donc ,2 films à réaliser ...??
@Eliott69000 2 жыл бұрын
Superbe film qui colle avec la réalité que beaucoup rencontrent dans la vraie vie avec les applications et l'envoi de fausses photos. Vraiment un bon moment passé merci Lucas
@daveb.4383 2 жыл бұрын
A great movie to say the least I truly thought that kid on the bike was the one he was going to meet totally unexpected! As an older gay man @57, I could never do that to someone lie to them like that on a dating app and try to fool them and make them fall in love with someone other than who I am as a person just can't start a relationship out of dishonesty! And it's better to let someone younger to approach someone older first not the other way around. I felt so bad for Noah! Diego got the ending he should have expected in the long run to be honest. While I understand his thinking and loneliness this just isn't the way to go breaking someone's heart out of lies and deceit! I'm glad Noah found someone else to talk to and maybe fall in love with I hope it ends up being mutual would love to see a sequel and see their story! Bravo
@lesliebessesen7653 2 жыл бұрын
DIego was wrong ,, but i do feel simpathy for him. as we get older we still need to love and be loved, sometimes we make the wrong decitions in how we try to get the love...
@daveb.4383 2 жыл бұрын
@@lesliebessesen7653 I do have sympathy with Diego's situation I do I am right there with him right now in my own life! But you cannot trick someone into loving you and think it will work out I'm sorry! It's like falling in love with a straight man it's doomed from the start! If this young man had approached him first and it failed, I would have felt really bad for Diego!
@arturoramirez7760 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente quede sin palabras. Me identifico con uno de ellos tengo 17 años y siempre me han gustado mucho las personas mayores, no se porque. Felicidades a todo el equipo por la traducción al español latino. Mi más sinceros respetos. Saludos desde la hermosa ciudad de Monterrey, México.
@israelbanda8752 Жыл бұрын
Puedo ser tu amigo dime qué si por favor solo platicar para que si en caso no quieres no tengas desconfianza solo amigos y puro platicar por texto
@israelbanda8752 Жыл бұрын
Yo también soy de Nuevo León pero vivo en USA
@arturoramirez7760 Жыл бұрын
@@israelbanda8752 muy bien escríbeme por este medio ¿ te parece ? Otra cosa cuántos años tienes, si pasas de 40 años te daré más datos mios
@isaiahmichka7974 7 ай бұрын
It would be great to contact you. Maybe start here & see what happens. Thanks for leaving this message..
@17addidas Жыл бұрын
Congrats Mr,.Morales !! You have the creative talent and imagination to continue with more inspiring filmmaking.... And for viewers here looking for more ..well crafted stories in Film.. Watch any of director Andrew Haigs films : "Weekend" and his HBO series "Looking ". and of course the beautiful "Gods Own Country" by director Francis Lee .... Times have changed a Community lets focus on our potential as equals and deserving ...Be Loving and tolerant with others and with ourselves ...have courage to be who we want to be .
@kmbismark3538 2 жыл бұрын
This is an incredible short film. Like an episode of "Tales of the unexpected". Very well written and acted!
@Wholiganify 24 күн бұрын
As others have already said, this is one of the best LGBT films out there - beautifully acted, written and produced. A lot of LGBT movies tend to follow similar themes, focusing too much on the homophobia (which I'm not denying doesn't exist) or are at the other end of the spectrum (overdoing the romanticism and pretending everything's a bed of roses in gay land). But Meeting With Diego is absolutely perfect, and with a terrific plot twist that (for me at least) was quite shocking and sad. Bravo!
@nathaliepastor2772 6 ай бұрын
Bravo ❤ très bien joué. Histoires d'amour, amitié, filial parental... tout très juste... merci 😊
@jfr06 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo Lucas . Suspens, philosophie, amour, humour . Il y a tout cela dans votre film et une suite s’impose :)
@christophemargot8364 2 жыл бұрын
Ah oui alors, on doit LUI imposer une suite... Sinon ? On le lâche ? Nooon bien sûr... :-)
@umbertofavella2056 2 жыл бұрын
Giudizio positivo. Bisogna continuare. Grazie.
@Aurorelf22 2 жыл бұрын
Je suis choquée, je m'y attendais pas :D Je ressens presque de la compassion pour le vieil homme.
@brunobxl27 Жыл бұрын
Excellent film ! J'ai pleuré lors de la rencontre, car je m'identifiais au personnage ! Surtout bien regarder le film jusqu'après le générique de fin car il y a d'heureuses surprises ! J'adore à fond !
@ApprendreAnglaisAngel 8 ай бұрын
Hoy 27 de febrero, es mi primera pelicula francesa, con la qie aprendk francés. Muy buenaa.
@Waldineportelus 2 жыл бұрын
C’étais vraiment jolie You guys crafted an incredible story I cried congratulations to the writers actors and the whole production team. Big up.
@pennstategraduate 27 күн бұрын
This was difficult. I feel badly for Noah. He gave it his all. I hope he's someday able to forgive Diego, but it could take a while. The young man portraying Diego's a super cutie, but we were fooled into believing he was the right person. Our feelings have been redeemed though through his meeting the handsome young new student who is also adorable.
@mikemccarron3370 Ай бұрын
I really liked this film and story. The contrast between Noah and Diego when he was of similar age. 40 years ago it was though that being gay was a choice and getting married would would see that pass by. But older Diego has come full circle now with few friends, what hope has he for the rest of his life? It would be interesting to see how he gets through that. It was good for the older Diego to have some time in the film explaining his situation to Noah, and later Noah finding a new friend.
I did not see that coming! Original script, story and brilliant cinematography! I would be lying if I didn't tell you this film offended me! The subject matter offended me! I hope it doen't give the old gay men out there any ideas. Old or not it is no excuse for the horrible thing that happenned to that young man..My heart broke for him and just like him I felt so much anger against the elderly gay man. It goes against everything that is good and decent. What a cruel and narcissistic thing to do. Humanbeings we should always abide by the rules of dating and love: Be respectful, be honest, be yourself, be empathetic, appreciate and admire your differences, wisdom and understanding are absolutely required, a sense of humor goes along way..Your movie definetely stirred up my emotions. So it has done what it was intended to do. Thank you for this.
@melaniemaury3592 2 жыл бұрын
Un film très bien joué de très bons acteurs ou on se laisse facilement par les émotions de chaque personnage de l indignation à la détresse et la solitude bravo à tous et surtout bravo à Philippe Hedou qui joue son personnage à la perfection un très bon acteur déjà vu dans plusieurs rôles différents
@stephanegascon5910 2 жыл бұрын
Un film tellement beau . Il sensiblise aussi les risques d'internet et des sites donc je trouve que ce film est juste maginifique
@brianogrady9377 11 ай бұрын
I have had the same thing happen to me and ending up meeting a guy twice my age. I am older now but would never dream of doing it to anyone. I was so happy the way this ended.
@martinepoupeau545 Ай бұрын
Tres beau film touchant et triste , triste pour le jeune qui espérait vivre une belle histoire et triste aussi pour le vieux monsieur pour qui on arrive a avoir de la compassion tellement son jeu est bon Tres bonne réalisation et 2 bons acteurs ❤
@t.p.mckenna 2 жыл бұрын
Happily passing time alone this Christmas eve with a terrible cold in London (boo hoo! but not the virus) and I came across the beautiful consolation of your film. Oh!! What a treat. A nice and original twist on the usual tropes with great writing, wit and truth. Fantastic cast and I loved the visual gag of the refuse bag that took it from day to night to make it to bin!! Bravo!!
@LaméoFlorès 2 жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas 🙏🏼❤️🎄
@jdap222 Жыл бұрын
@@LaméoFlorès I have to admit, I've watched enough series and shorts lately that I am often peaking at the ending to avoid a very unhappy ending for characters and myself. You pulled me through the tough moment with such care because I might be inclined to leave after the real Diego came, but the scene with real Diego carried the viewer so seamlessly, so humanly, to the lovely scenes which followed to help us not feel like you gave Noah the very short end of the stick. Great job. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
@ursluscher7794 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai tellement attendu ton nouveau film, et je ne suis pas déçu. C'est très bon. Merci!!! Bon succès avec de nouveaux projets!
@glennjohnson6629 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Great film! OMG the twist! Among the best short films I have ever seen.
@leozebulon 2 жыл бұрын
Un film de toute beauté tant dans le scénario, les personnages, de très beaux plans et une fin sublime et émouvante à laquelle on ne s'attend nullement 🙀 J'admire ton travail depuis plusieurs années, chapeau l'artiste 👏 hâte de voir ta prochaine pépite humaine et bienveillante 😻
@lesavoyard73 2 жыл бұрын
BRAVO Lucas Morales pour ce beau film si émouvant, l'histoire est vraiment bien conduite, comme tu peux le voir dans les coms il touche un large public! - 💥ATTENTION SPOIL 💥! (Quand Noah s'assied dans ce café pour attendre Diego, le cadrage, qui donne autant d'importance visuelle à cet homme de dos qu'a Noah, m'a fait me douter de qqe chose... )😉- Plus proche en âge de Diego et, dans cette société de l'image louant partout la beauté/jeunesse, je comprends sa détresse et sa souffrance solitaire, même si je ne la vis pas, n'y n'excuse sa cruelle imposture... MERCI pour cette conclusion heureuse pleine d'espoir pour ce pauvre Noah si maltraité par cette mésaventure. Bonne continuation. Daniel.😉
@carolemoron6089 2 жыл бұрын
Toujours un très bon jeu d'acteur de la part de Philippe Hedoux ! Un grand bravo à toute l'équipe pour ce film.
@sergebourry4352 2 жыл бұрын
Lucas je te souhaite une grande carrière. Car vraiment tu as exceller dans ce déroulement tragique. Mais tu as sue rebondir positivement à la fin.. La dernière image était pudique et pleine d'espoir pour une deuxième suite. Continu à travailler ces qualités de mettre en scène des sentiment pure. Cela manque tellement dans le monde commercial actuel.
@douglaso6428 2 жыл бұрын
Compelling and made me feel so many emotions. Thank you for your work! I thought that Diego deserved some moment of kindness even though I understood why Noah was devastated & enraged. But without Diego, he would not have experienced feeling beautiful or the courage to open up to someone and tell him about his life and his feelings. I just would have liked there to be some acknowledgment on Noah’s part that he did gain something from Diego. Maybe a text saying “I forgive you”? As an older gay man (59) Diego seemed to be from an earlier period (like the 1950s, 60s, even 70s) when it was crushingly lonely because most gay people did not yet have a community, maybe had never told anyone the truth of how they felt. The gay community can be obsessed with youth, so it’s not like it’s perfect now. But most gay men and women have friends and a community of people that does not make them so utterly alone thank God! Overall, you crafted a beautiful film. Thank you.
@jeremypeirson6840 2 жыл бұрын
So well said, Douglas O. Thank you.
@alwaysuseless 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. It would spoil the film to make Noah forgiving for the sake of letting Diego have a moment of kindness. The film makes the right choice to let Noah and Diego be themselves, each with their flaws, and let us feel sorry for both.
@douglaso6428 2 жыл бұрын
@@alwaysuseless I appreciate your comment and the thought behind it. I suppose because of my own life experience, I seek examples of people rising above the hurt that we receive and can reflexively inflict on others ("hurt people hurt people"). I almost feel an obligation to speak or to show that there is a different way to navigate and it's so much better for us and for the people with whom we interact on planet earth. But every work of art has the right to its own ideas and vision. And aren't we fortunate to have access to so many thought-provoking and well-made films via KZbin? I know they've helped me survive these past 2 years...
@alwaysuseless 2 жыл бұрын
@@douglaso6428 Thanks for the reply. I don't often get such a thoughtful response to "I disagree." It's just that the film is about Noah, not Diego. So it's more credible and consistent with the flow to avoid making Noah kind to Diego in the heat of his youthful disappointment.
@jdap222 Жыл бұрын
@@alwaysuseless I agree. The burden of forgiveness shouldn't fall so carelessly into the lap of a teenage boy who is devastated at losing a love that should never have been in the first place. I think that Noah sticking around to talk to him at all is practically an acknowledgment that he will get over it in his way and even forgive him in his way, but he can't be expected to do any more than that in any short amount of time.
@EdgarLopez-wt2fi 2 жыл бұрын
The way u made it look that the other boy was talking to Noah was amazing you confused the audience and a the end was a non expected that ending
@samirsigneu3920 2 жыл бұрын
Olá, Lucas! Genial e inteligente o roteiro: cheio de supresas e quebras de expectativa. Brilhante! Além de falar diretamente da e com a sociedade "digitalizada", daqueles que se escondem através de midia sociais. A trilha sonora tem sua independência, mas é precisa para criar os climas, as ambientações. A sinceridade das atuações faz, também, que fiquemos vidrados na(s) narrativa(s). Elas são profundas, sensíveis e pertinentes. Os figurinos trazem uma naturalidade e tornam os personagens verossimeis. Amei! Parabéns!
@gahero31 2 жыл бұрын
J'ai adoré ce film. Très bien réussi de tous les côtés. Tous les acteurs. Même le chat! Un film très touchant pour ceux qui aiment l'amour. C'est très touchant aussi. Ce film mérite le meilleur prix de je ne sais pas quoi. Je vous le donne, moi.
@Venjamin 10 ай бұрын
This is an excellent film. I'm usually very good at seeing where a story is going to land, but you did some masterful misleads that bely how long you've been in the industry. The fact that you didn't turn Diego into a monster was also very nice, when it would very easily be something like that.
@jeandhortes1093 2 жыл бұрын
Très content d'avoir participé à ce film. Bravo Lucas, ton film est très bien construit et d'une très belle qualité. Encore toutes mes amitiés à ton équipe et à bientôt! Jean d'Hortes
@rodolfobravo8148 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo Lucas ! Un tres beau film qui touche une realite qu existe encore pour plusieurs jeunes , montre sans morbo et avec des dialogues tres delicats....excellent ! Et ma fait reflechir et le fait d accepter ma realite !
@tamatoalihip9751 2 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏Félicitations...beau film digne d’une super te souhaite le meilleur pour 2022👍
@reylantamon3725 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful film. My first watch for the New Year. Thanks, Lucas! From the Philippines 🇵🇭 here. Cheers! 🙂
@David-m8y Ай бұрын
Congratulations Lameo! This was so well done. I hope there is more to come
@LaméoFlorès 26 күн бұрын
Thank you so much :D
@barbaralepineux500 2 жыл бұрын
Impressionnée !!! Du travail de pro !! Bravo et crois en toi et bravo à toute l équipe !!!
@polorenteria6253 2 жыл бұрын
My god this is the best I have seen,it was so twisted when he meet the guy and it wasn't what though that was so so oh my god I have no words,well written great acting, well done love it!!!
@patrickrwhite8354 2 жыл бұрын
Well done good touch. The best storyline, I loved this movie it was like reality. Now that I am 64 almost 65 I have the younger guys try to pick me up but it is always for MONEY> I hate that. So I just stay single Life is not fair sometimes when you really think about it. I started out at age 19 almost 20, stayed with a guy 18.5 years and he was 6 years my senior and he loved my money but I loved him and now when I was 35 I left him and never dated again because of all the pain it caused me. He was my first love but it was one-sided only. I felt bad for this little guy Noah because there are many old men wanting to disguise themselves instead of being honest. But this is not about me just a comparison to the movie how my life is now. And yes everyone becomes old sooner or later. Also when I was single in my 40s I had men say they were fit and when they came to meet me they were over 450 lbs. Why can't people just be honest? Saves all embarrassment and hurt feelings.
@andersons.lopezpadilla9781 2 жыл бұрын
Piece of art. I love it
@burakbuyukkaya9927 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to write my own opinions about the film. I am not a qualified film critic but I have experienced such a situation couple of months ago. I was talking to a guy and everything about him felt like the one. But after talking for a couple of months, he confessed to me that he is not the guy he sent me. I was devastated and completely lost myself in my feelings. Unlike the movie, he was around my age but he doesn't look good from the outside. I wanted to scream and yell at him why did you play with my feelings? Instead, I listened to him and try to understand why he end up being in this situation. And I felt even more devastated for him because life treated him like garbage and he didn't deserve to face any of those things. We stopped talking with each other after that day. Life didn't bring me any love since that day. So watching this movie helped me to realize there are others having the same situation but watching the last part made me also think about the guy who lied to me. I haven't had any actual love like him and if I would ever end up being in his position. Sorry, it was a long comment but I really appreciated the movie!
@davidturner4824 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering how young boys are meeting now. I assumed they only meet each other while in school. Nice movie.
@clairebattersby6340 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that was my favourite short so far (and I’ve seen many). That was so clever on all levels... storyline, pace, direction, sound affects, graphics, acting, and videography was all amazing! I love how realistic is was with interesting drama. The lack of suicide or homophobia is a relief too.
@Le_m965 2 жыл бұрын
Olala j'ai adoreeeeeeeeeee bravo bravo bravo c'est tout simplement un film génial quel suspens quel surprise je partage à fond ❤❤❤
@cedricwilliams7966 2 жыл бұрын
This was an exciting and entertaining short 🎥 with a twist. That was reality at its best, fake picture on profile, 👻 ING on a meet up. Then a real shock when you do meet up. To put these real situations on 🎥 is amazing and somewhat emotional and entertaining. The new student give him hope again.😄. Thank U 4 subtitles, it made a difference in enjoying this short 🎥.
@winsboy 2 жыл бұрын
Great (terrible) surprise twist. Not even close to anything I had imagined. In my mind, Noah called the man to forgive him. Even if not deserving of it, he badly needed it ...and Noah needed it to clean the slate and start over. Unfortunately, (not really) once it was announced that "a new boy will be joining the class next week", we knew it would be someone for Noah. I thought it would be "Diego". Instead, it turned out to be the embodiment of the imagined Diego. Sweet story, well written and acted. Thank you to all involved in this production. Et maintenant ... la "sequel" n'est-elle pas un mot français?
@UNSINKABLEII 27 күн бұрын
WOW! This was very well done, thankyou!
@tominnis8353 Жыл бұрын
An exceptionally well crafted film - in every single way. Thank you for sharing your skill. It had me fooled right until the revelation of truth. The speed of the change in mood from the lighthearted to tragic despair was both gradual yet abrupt - and really quite sad for both young and old . . . .
@lucascenturion3091 2 жыл бұрын
Ame con toda mi alma esto! Necesito ya una segunda parte 🥺 Quiero que conozca a Diego en persona para cerrar ese "amor platónico" y lograr comenzar una historia de amor con Lino ❤️
@serinab 2 жыл бұрын
UH THE PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY the film was very interesting for sure !
@rongold7719 Жыл бұрын
As a gay man of 61 I think this was a well done film. I’d also never misrepresent myself as did the gentlemen in this film. It’s hard getting older but I accept my life as it is.
@philipzanoni Жыл бұрын
I'm not so accepting. But know I must, lest I turn around in 10 more years with only more regret. I must start creating happy memories as apposed to longing for what was, or could have been.
@muggle._.ravenclaw 2 жыл бұрын
Le film est génial comme je m'y attendais 😁 continu comme ça, j'espère que tu vas atteindre les 50000 abonnés, hâte de voir le prochain film encore félicitations à toi, et aussi aux acteurs 😉
@lou-ysar1541 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo et merci pour ce film plein de qualités et d'humanité, qui mérite bien la commande du DVD (c'est fait :-)
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Рет қаралды 1,3 МЛН
Pecador ( Sinner ) - Corto LGTB - Israel - (2009)
Рет қаралды 973 М.