I really like how well you explain different mechanics. Keep 'em videos going! :)
@weebtrash4279 ай бұрын
Another amazing guide from the Cheezer himself!
@laniakea-_-27799 ай бұрын
Berry good guide, I cant wait to guard slash my way to victory
@vynraelthecasul9 ай бұрын
Great stuff. Helps a lot. I do have 1 question tho: how did you manage to swap sides on the head at 1:58 ? you grabbed onto head and went to opposite side, is that a game mechanic or just a sns thingy or random thing happened this time, i never was able to swap sides on head... : < cheers!
@Kiza_9 ай бұрын
Tbh, I have no idea how it occurred. I was aiming to clutch the right side of Fatalis' head, but the claw uppercut put me on the left side. I think it's just a weird thing with the clutch claw and Fatalis' head hitbox. :)
@tubeorange94254 ай бұрын
This video helped me a lot. Thank you so much. But I still have questions. Because my friends and I are not as good as you against fatalis it takes longer to kill him (when we don't messed it up already XD) and he roars more often etc. Is there a specific rule when to use smoke bombs? E.g. after each roar, when he is on all four legs etc.? That would help me a lot.
@Kiza_4 ай бұрын
@@tubeorange9425 When Fatalis attacks someone, they have the “aggro”. If the person throws a smoke after Fatalis’ attack, it will go into the search animation. However, if everyone is in a smoke after Fatalis’ attack and they stand still in the smoke for more than 3 seconds, they will trigger what I call “purple” where a purple, blinking question mark appears on the minimap. When this happens, if you hit Fatalis, it will back up and roar if it sees a player. To prevent purple from happening, you should avoid standing inside the smoke for too long, also avoid throwing a smoke around Fatalis’ crotch area, as that will count as the smoke covering everyone, and will inevitably proc purple. Technically, only the person who has Fatalis’ aggro needs to smoke, so if you’re the target of a bite/fireball or any attack, only you need to throw a smoke immediately after the attack for search animation to work. Also, make sure your smoke is not also covering your friend, which counts as everyone in a smoke. If you guys don’t want to proc purple at the start of p2, whoever is not shooting the ballista could just run out of their smoke as soon as Fatalis’ landing animation starts so you guys don’t proc purple. Wish you guys all the luck on the hunt! You can do it! :)
@tubeorange94254 ай бұрын
@@Kiza_ Thank you, that really helped me. That's why I always screwed up the smoke bombs. I will try that. When do you throw the smoke bombs? At the beginning and before the ballista, and when else? And also, I screw up this move at minute 3:20 all the time. Either I don't screw up the move, but I can't land the last hit because of the time even when I skip the shield bash timing. Or I screw up the move and do a normal backstep and die in the fire. Or I press the buttons for the move to late and do a shield bash and then I'm to late to land a good perfect rush on the cone. Do you have tips for me how to do that move? And also this move at minute 2:25. Either I don't see the attack early enough to hit the move. Or I'm in a bad position and can't hit the move. What can I do against that? I'm sorry for all these questions. But I want to learn fatalis and I try to learn him solo right now and I'm frustrating a bit. Your video helped a lot and also your answer on my questions, but there are still a lot of questions in my head. XD And thank you for the luck wishes! I hope we can do it soon!
@Kiza_4 ай бұрын
@@tubeorange9425 I made this video for people learning Fatalis and questions are always welcome! :) Besides the times you mentioned, I don't throw smoke bombs often, really. If I find that I'm struggling to get head breaks, especially on SnS with PR having low part dmg multipliers (except for the last hit), then I will throw a smoke so I can perform PR like the one at 7:03 of the video. Any other time I throw smoke is usually when Fatalis' chest or head becomes untenderized, so I just smoke so I can re-tend one of them. At 3:20, I think the best way to practice this roll mechanic is to go into the training area and keep forward rolling while practicing the timing of when to input the backhop. Give yourself a visual indication on when you should press the backhop button during the roll and that way you can recreate it in the hunt, but remember that it just takes a lot of practice and doing it over and over, and you'll get used to doing it every time :) Also, if you are close enough to Fatalis' head when it does cone, you can walk to the position and guard>backhop instead. The roll mechanic is mainly used if you're slightly too far away to get into cone position quickly, so you have to roll to get there ^^ It all depends on your positioning before the cone. At 2:25, it's best to just keep fighting Fatalis and you'll eventually start recognizing all of the move start-up animations. I call this move s-bite and Fatalis makes a specific sound+head motion when starting this move. Once you start to recognize the animation, you can react much quicker to it, allowing you to confidently backhop to dodge it. However, for now, while you are still attempting to recognize moves, I would recommend just dodging it with a roll and doing some quick slash combos to the head. You can start getting fancier with PR once you are more comfortable. :) Thank you so much for watching!
@tubeorange94254 ай бұрын
@@Kiza_ Thank you. Ah ok. I also have a few problems with the move at 7:03. I made it a few times, but I don't know how. XD I screwed up the last times. In your comment before you mentioned a "crotch area". The smoke that you throwed at 7:03, is that not in the "crotch area"? If not, what's the "crotch area"? So, let me summarize your comment before briefly as I understand it. Don't throw one smoke bomb for 2 or more player's, right? Every player needs his own smoke bomb. Don't stay too long in a smoke bomb. How do I know, if the smoke bomb is working, when I don't stay long in it? Because sometimes he still attacks me. And e.g. I'm the ballista guy and I'm throwing a smoke bomb, as soon as I reach the ballista, what do my friends need to do in that moment? I practiced that in the training area and also on rathian and pink rathian and I can do it the most of the time. Sometimes I screwed up, but the most of the time I hit it. But as soon as fatalis is doing his cone, I screw up this move all the time. I don't know if it's the pressure, because I'm not comfy with fatalis. So, what's you're visual indication for this move? When I do the Guard>Backhop then I don't hit the last hit, because I'm to late and also with the roll>direction change>backhop. Either I die, or I don't hit the last hit. XD Ok, thank you. I will try to do that. I always watch speedruns and also want to be fancy, but I think I need to practice A LOT first. XD I need to thank you! You are the one who helped me a lot. The video is great! Keep it up! I also hope, it's ok, when I write new comments under this video, if I have new questions? Because it's one of my goals in the next days/weeks to learn fatalis a bit better, so maybe I have more questions in a few days. That would really help me. PS: I just realized how confusing my message is and how jumbled it is. I'm sorry. I hope you can understand it.
@Kiza_4 ай бұрын
@@tubeorange9425 Don't worry, I understand it completely xD By the "crotch" area, I mean the area between Fatalis' hindlegs. If you throw a smoke at that spot, the smoke will cover everyone from any direction. 7:03, you can see the smoke is closer to the front of Fatalis' chest and also off to the side, that way the smoke is not covering me when I go to do the PR. 2 people can throw smokes at the same time, but one person or both people should not stand in the smoke for more than 2 seconds, or else purple will occur and Fatalis will roar. One person can run out of the smoke so this can not happen. The smoke works the moment you see the search animation from Fatalis, once that happens, you are free to hit Fatalis or do whatever you need. If Fatalis attacks you after you've thrown a smoke, then you might not have been the target of that attack. For the smoke to work, you have to be within the smoke bomb while being the target of Fatalis' attack. For example, if Fatalis shoots a fireball at you, you step to the side and put a smoke down, search animation should occur. BUT if Fatalis fireballs your friend, and you smoke yourself, it will not do anything, your friend will have to be inside of a smoke bomb for search animation to happen. Also remember that the search animation has a cooldown, so you can't spam one smoke after another (the cooldown is vague, so people say it's 15 seconds, but I think it's after Fatalis does 4 attacks) For the smoke before ballista, every player should throw a smoke down to guarantee the search animation (the aggro at the start of p2 will be random). One person can clutch onto Fatalis while it lands from flying and tenderize, this will prevent the purple question mark from happening. I mostly do it by feeling when I press backhop on the roll mechanic. You can check out my timing at 3:30 to give yourself an image on when I press the button. The timing appears to be when the character is on their butt at the end of the roll. If you feel like you're really late to cone, you should rush the first two inputs and time the last hit for the good part dmg. Otherwise, it takes a lot of practice to get good timing. My biggest recommendation is to just not be too far away from Fatalis before it cones. You should be around the area of the head when baiting it out. It's completely fine for you to come back and put new comments :) You'll definitely improve with Fatalis the more you fight it ^^