Dreaming is never forbidden. Chances are not so bad.
@Tim.Traveler9 ай бұрын
My melodic only seems to play 3 notes max even if I have the sliders all the way up. Let's say 5 notes. It will only play 3 of them at most... Any ideas?
@vermonagear8 ай бұрын
MeloDICER can create up to three voices. That’s the maximum. The faders set the probability for the notes to appear in the sequence.
@bahgo3 ай бұрын
Can the two Melodicer/Mex units be synced without being midi-connected? Also, what is the middle module? And what is it doing here?
@vermonagear3 ай бұрын
The two meloDICERs cannot be synced directly. They can be synced to a common analog clock source. In this case Logic Pro is the MIDI master, that’s why we use the MEX3 modules for syncing. Also the meloDICERs receive START/STOP messages by MIDI.
@anonymous_friend9 ай бұрын
Interesting! Some better lighting to eliminate glare so I can see the labels of what you are adjusting would be great! mmmkay 😊
@vermonagear9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment. We are working on the light.
@McEnroe91110 ай бұрын
Melodicer desperately needs a mk2 with two tracks. I would buy that day one.
@vermonagear10 ай бұрын
Nice idea. How do you think both tracks should be controlled? One set of control elements for both?
@McEnroe91110 ай бұрын
@@vermonagear if I could wave a magic wand I would leave it exactly as is, except 4hp bigger with a reset in jack, an extra cv and gate output, and two buttons, A/B, that toggles all the controls between the two layers. When can we start production? No need to pay me, a brand new melodicer mk2 sent to my studio is all the thanks I need. 😁
@vermonagear10 ай бұрын
@@McEnroe911 You are the best. Thanks for being such a modest guy. However, we struggle a little bit with sharing one set of controls, because whenever you would switch between the tracks, the settings might be completely different from what you hear. Don’t you think that may be a problem?
@McEnroe91110 ай бұрын
@@vermonagear personally I don’t think it would be a problem (any synth with presets obviously has the same issue and people don’t seem too bothered). How about this: two buttons labeled A and B with LEDs. When A is lit the controls control channel A. When B is lit they control B. When both are lit they control both. When neither is lit you can set the knobs/sliders to a new position without affecting the sound, and then the new settings take effect when either A/B/both are pressed. You could put an option in the edit menu to select slider/knob catch up behavior just like on a synth: jump, relative, or pass through.